Why can't the Repubs let go of the laptop?

No it doesn't. That's the point.

You said it didn't even exist...

What appears to be happening here is after the total collapse of the voter fraud narrative, right wing media needed to find another baseless fraud to foment among the minions in order to keep stringing them along. It is unacceptable after flogging the notion Trump actually won the election to admit that he didn't. So here comes the Hunter laptop fantasy. Providing The Following with another lunatic rationale to cling to so they can hold on to their perceived aggrievement.
That’s fine. You were replying to a post claiming censorship. It sounded like you were agreeing and supporting the argument. If not then I’d think you would have stated disagreement with the censorship claim.

But if that’s not the case and you agree with me that it wasn’t government t censorship then good. You're capable of objectivity
I never said I agreed with you. I never said I agreed with anyone claiming censorship. So you seem to be making claims on me rather then actually replying to anything that I actually stated
Yea. It does. And that why you prefer that it be suppressed. That’s the point.
The reason the impeachment inquiry has now gone off on a tangent about the audio tape of Hur's interview of Biden is precisely because House Repubs know the entire attempt to tie Joe to any illegal act associated with Hunter's business with foreign countries has fallen flat.
Here's one reason.

Comer says Kushner ‘crossed the line of ethics’ with Saudi deal

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said Thursday that Jared Kushner, former President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser while in office, “crossed the line of ethics” by accepting a $2 billion investment from the Saudi government in his private investment firm six months after he left the White House.

That makes a huge distinction between Jared and Hunter since Hunter did not serve in a government position.

Analysis of Hunter Biden's hard drive shows he, his firm took in about $11 million from 2013 to 2018, spent it fast

“No government ethics rules apply to him,”

We've been through all this of course. Repubs are using Hunter as a proxy to smear Joe even though they haven't provided any credible evidence Joe benefitted from Hunter's unethical behavior making money to support his drug habit and lavish lifestyle.

Here's another reason.

Grand Jury Returns Indictment Charging FBI Confidential Human Source with Felony False Statement and Obstruction Crimes

Today, a federal court unsealed a two-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in the Central District of California charging Alexander Smirnov, 43, with making a false statement, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, and creating a false and fictitious record, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1519, for statements he made that were recorded in an official record of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) known as a Form 1023.

In lieu of actual evidence of wrongdoing by Joe, Repubs are now raising a stink about not having the audio tape of the Hur/Biden interview. Even though they've been given Hur's report and the transcript of the interview. They've weaponized congressional committees they control and are trying to get cover for it by accusing Biden of weaponizing the DoJ even as his son is being prosecuted by a Repub SC.
It isn't the Republicans pushing the laptop now as much as Biden's DOJ using it to pretend to be trying Hunter to prove that they aren't being unethical and vindictive going after Trump with weaponized judges, prosecutors, juries. It is to pretend they are being 'fair'.

Of course they are trying Hunter with an almost certainly sympathetic judge and jury for a minor gun infraction of a type that almost never goes to court. Otherwise they would have had him plea out for a reasonable fine, maybe a bit of community service. If the judge even finds him guilty, which could be a stretch, any sentence will be very mild.

This is all to divert attention from and provide cover for Joe. Pure and simple.

P.S. I can guarantee you that if that laptop had belonged to Don Jr. or Eric or Ivanka or Tiffany, the Democrats would be throwing everything in the book at them and I'm pretty sure you would have started at least a half dozen threads about it.
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Sure. 50 people just suddenly decided to claim Russian disinformation. How often do you win the lottery? With your idea anyone should win at least every other time they play
Snark offers no proof of your assertion.
The reason the impeachment inquiry has now gone off on a tangent about the audio tape of Hur's interview of Biden is precisely because House Repubs know the entire attempt to tie Joe to any illegal act associated with Hunter's business with foreign countries has fallen flat.

Impeachment remains just a monumental waste of time since no Democrap in the Senate would ever be honest enough to vote to convict Potato regardless of the strength of the impeachment case.
Here's one reason.

Comer says Kushner ‘crossed the line of ethics’ with Saudi deal

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said Thursday that Jared Kushner, former President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser while in office, “crossed the line of ethics” by accepting a $2 billion investment from the Saudi government in his private investment firm six months after he left the White House.

That makes a huge distinction between Jared and Hunter since Hunter did not serve in a government position.

Analysis of Hunter Biden's hard drive shows he, his firm took in about $11 million from 2013 to 2018, spent it fast

“No government ethics rules apply to him,”

We've been through all this of course. Repubs are using Hunter as a proxy to smear Joe even though they haven't provided any credible evidence Joe benefitted from Hunter's unethical behavior making money to support his drug habit and lavish lifestyle.

Here's another reason.

Grand Jury Returns Indictment Charging FBI Confidential Human Source with Felony False Statement and Obstruction Crimes

Today, a federal court unsealed a two-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in the Central District of California charging Alexander Smirnov, 43, with making a false statement, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, and creating a false and fictitious record, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1519, for statements he made that were recorded in an official record of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) known as a Form 1023.

In lieu of actual evidence of wrongdoing by Joe, Repubs are now raising a stink about not having the audio tape of the Hur/Biden interview. Even though they've been given Hur's report and the transcript of the interview. They've weaponized congressional committees they control and are trying to get cover for it by accusing Biden of weaponizing the DoJ even as his son is being prosecuted by a Repub SC.
Would you let it go if the exact content of the laptop were the activities and property of Don jr?

Fuck no you wouldn't, and we all know it.

So GFY, fucking hack.
It isn't the Republicans pushing the laptop now as much as Biden's DOJ using it to pretend to be trying Hunter to prove that they aren't being unethical and vindictive going after Trump. Of course they are trying Hunter with a sympathetic judge and jury for a minor gun infraction of a type that almost never goes to court.
"Biden's DoJ" is allowing a Repub SC to prosecute Hunter for rarely charged crimes. You folks are laughable.

Impeachment remains just a monumental waste of time since no Democrap in the Senate would ever be honest enough to vote to convict Potato regardless of the strength of the impeachment case.
There is no case. You know it and so do House Repubs or they'd take a vote to impeach.
"Biden's DoJ" is allowing a Repub SC to prosecute Hunter for rarely charged crimes. You folks are laughable.

Remember when you claimed the laptop was a "fantasy"?

I do...

What appears to be happening here is after the total collapse of the voter fraud narrative, right wing media needed to find another baseless fraud to foment among the minions in order to keep stringing them along. It is unacceptable after flogging the notion Trump actually won the election to admit that he didn't. So here comes the Hunter laptop fantasy. Providing The Following with another lunatic rationale to cling to so they can hold on to their perceived aggrievement.
Threads like this one by bug only serve to prove that he isn’t a serious poster and doesn’t care how badly he gets his ass kicked in any thread.
I'll never have to worry about being proven wrong by worthless cucks like you.
Snark offers no proof of your assertion.
And your playing crazy does nothing to show that the letter was not politically motivated. Still using the law of averages it shows that it was motivated
There is no case. You know it and so do House Repubs or they'd take a vote to impeach.
I don’t care.

If the case was 100% perfectly valid and entirely justified, not one Democrap would vote for the impeachment or for the senate trial conviction.
I'll never have to worry about being proven wrong by worthless cucks like you.
You’ve been proved wrong time and time again. You’re the cuck lil bug.

And you suck at your job.
"Biden's DoJ" is allowing a Repub SC to prosecute Hunter for rarely charged crimes. You folks are laughable.
I don't think you're really that dumb but nice try. Or maybe you are. In either case I hope you join the group I've recommended for remedial reading comprehension.
........that rarely if ever results in charges being filed.

WASHINGTON — The charges brought against President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden are rarely prosecuted, legal experts say.

Hunter Biden was charged Thursday with three felony gun-related counts, including possession of a firearm by a person who is an “unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance." Under a plea deal that later fell apart, Biden was also charged with two misdemeanor charges of failing to pay taxes, which he later reimbursed; those charges are not included in Thursday's indictment.

The federal gun charge, which makes it unlawful for a drug addict to possess a weapon, is a rarely used statute that is facing legal challenges and has recently been used as a catch-all charge against white supremacists.

Your source says it's been used as a tool against white supremacists.

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