Why can't we sell Mohammad's clock?

You are going through TSA baggage check and you see Ahmed and his clock being inspected. TSA allows him to board. Are you comfortable with TSA and with getting on the plane with Ahmed and his "clock"?
Yes. I'd have no problem getting on a plane with Ahmed and his clock. I'm not a hysterical racist.

No one thought this kid's clock was a bomb.

Not the teachers. Not the police.

This was ENTIRELY about teachers, school administrators, and law enforcement exercising irrational hysteria, rather than sound reasoning and valid logic, for the sole purpose of harassing a brown-skinned boy named Ahmed.

I would have a real problem getting on a plane with any of the hysterical teachers, school administrators, or law enforcement involved in this... those asshats are OBVIOUS threats to everyone's safety.
teachers and school systems are to a great degree liberals and run by liberals

yes these idiots are all over the country suspending children for even the mildest things seen as violent. one kid, a white kid, even got suspended for nibbling on his sandwhich until what was left resembled a gun.

has nothing to do with racism; unless racism by liberals

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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