Why churches are empty in one picture

The primary message of Jesus (whom you call 'Christ'), was:
'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'.
All the 'Christians' out there who preach hate and discrimination are faux-Christians.
And that means Hell is your destination, in your belief system.
Even Gandhi said they suck.Quote by Mahatma Gandhi : “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christia...”

lollerz ...

'Racist' Gandhi statue banished from Ghana university campus
Accra academics win removal of Mahatma sculpture after petition denouncing Indian leader and saying African heroes ‘come first’

'Racist' Gandhi statue banished from Ghana university campus

Hitler didn't like Da Evul Xians either; in fact, Nazi doctrine pretty much resembles modern 'progressives' in their Kulturekampf hate fests; just reverse the colors and you have the Hitler Youth program for the most part.
Those people who were marching in the streets with their tiki torches and giving the Hitler salute in Charlottesville were progressives? Using words that you don`t understand makes you appear to be unwise.

You're illiterate of history. Nazi 'rationalism' is built on the latest and greatest 'progressive' sociology of the late 19th through mid-20th centuries. Those with the 'tiki torches' were more civlized than the democrats' hired Craig's List fascist thugs sent in to assault and riot and shut down freedom of assembly and free speech rights of some group they claim to disapprove of. You of course are fine with that, being a fascist yourself.
The thread premise is a disturbing example of the ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry common to most on the right
First of all, God doesn't give a shit what color you are (and no REAL God has a "chosen people", for crying out loud). Religion is STRICTLY limited to the realm of the individual. God cares about how we treat one another: period.

God doesn't give a fuck about who the president of the United States is. He doesn't give a fuck which laws Congress passes. He is indifferent to how I get my dick wet. He has no position on which race's lives matter and which don't. He does care, a lot, however, whether I lie to you, or am faithful to my wife, or abuse my children, or treat my colleagues fairly, or don't hate someone for the color of their skin or how they get their dick wet.

This so-called church on 8th and H is showing itself wildly unconcerned with the true nature of religion. They are nothing but a CNN broadcast in a cool old building. That's why it has no religious impact, and it's why the church is dying right along with our culture.
The primary message of Jesus (whom you call 'Christ'), was:
'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'.
All the 'Christians' out there who preach hate and discrimination are faux-Christians.
And that means Hell is your destination, in your belief system.
First of all, God doesn't give a shit what color you are (and no REAL God has a "chosen people", for crying out loud). Religion is STRICTLY limited to the realm of the individual. God cares about how we treat one another: period.

God doesn't give a fuck about who the president of the United States is. He doesn't give a fuck which laws Congress passes. He is indifferent to how I get my dick wet. He has no position on which race's lives matter and which don't. He does care, a lot, however, whether I lie to you, or am faithful to my wife, or abuse my children, or treat my colleagues fairly, or don't hate someone for the color of their skin or how they get their dick wet.

This so-called church on 8th and H is showing itself wildly unconcerned with the true nature of religion. They are nothing but a CNN broadcast in a cool old building. That's why it has no religious impact, and it's why the church is dying right along with our culture.
The thread premise is a disturbing example of the ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry common to most on the right
First of all, God doesn't give a shit what color you are (and no REAL God has a "chosen people", for crying out loud). Religion is STRICTLY limited to the realm of the individual. God cares about how we treat one another: period.

God doesn't give a fuck about who the president of the United States is. He doesn't give a fuck which laws Congress passes. He is indifferent to how I get my dick wet. He has no position on which race's lives matter and which don't. He does care, a lot, however, whether I lie to you, or am faithful to my wife, or abuse my children, or treat my colleagues fairly, or don't hate someone for the color of their skin or how they get their dick wet.

This so-called church on 8th and H is showing itself wildly unconcerned with the true nature of religion. They are nothing but a CNN broadcast in a cool old building. That's why it has no religious impact, and it's why the church is dying right along with our culture.

You have a right to your own opinion, but just because you are sincere, it doesn't stop you from being sincerely wrong.

In the Bible, there are many things that God promised to specific people. There are at least eight different covenants that God made with his people, the most important one would be the Abrahamic covenant. In many instances you can see why Jesus was here on earth. His own words testify to that:

"But he answered and said, I (Jesus) am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Matthew 15 : 24

In James, the book opens with:

"To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings."

I could multiply Scripture all day long. The Jews want to pass themselves off as the Israelites of the Bible; some sect of Christians believe if you attend church, pay your tithes and get saved you are part of the chosen ones... if you're prayed up and paid up some day you'll get raptured out and go off into the high Heavens.

The reality is, there are a people who carry the message and DO the work God said Israel would do. You cannot overcome the facts with posts friendly toward multiculturalism. You cannot make a case by condemning God's reasoning to have a servant race that would lead the world in establishing Freedom, Liberty and the ability to prosper as long as God's people were doing their duty.

"And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice." Genesis 22 : 18

America's culture is dying because, just like the people prior to the Tower of Babel (see Genesis chapter 11) the world sought to be one. This whole concept of a one race, one religion, one culture nation that rejects the Word of God and replaces it with humanism, socialism and everything else in opposition to our Founding Principles is THE reason we are decaying as a nation.
The primary message of Jesus (whom you call 'Christ'), was:
'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'.
This is why you killed Jesus. You are too stupid and undeveloped to understand what he was talking about.

The message of Christ was "Love your neighbor as yourself." That is very different from "do unto others", which is a self-centered, calculating proposition, at best--a primitive, Jewish conceptualization of the world and our moral place in it. Christ, in fact, used the "do unto others" formulation to summarize the Torah's backwards philosophy.

Even though he was careful about the wording, the outraged Jews (not especially known for their ability to take criticism [see Larry David, the ADL, the Holocaust Museum, etc., etc., etc.]) killed him anyway.
How about 50+ ministers in Alabama signing a letter of unconditional support for Roy Moore?
You have a right to your own opinion, but just because you are sincere, it doesn't stop you from being sincerely wrong.
LMFAO Are you completely stupid? Who made you the arbiter of what opinion is right or wrong? Who made you all knowing? Your opinion is from your White Nationalist/Christian Identity background.
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The thread premise is a disturbing example of the ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry common to most on the right
First of all, God doesn't give a shit what color you are (and no REAL God has a "chosen people", for crying out loud). Religion is STRICTLY limited to the realm of the individual. God cares about how we treat one another: period.

God doesn't give a fuck about who the president of the United States is. He doesn't give a fuck which laws Congress passes. He is indifferent to how I get my dick wet. He has no position on which race's lives matter and which don't. He does care, a lot, however, whether I lie to you, or am faithful to my wife, or abuse my children, or treat my colleagues fairly, or don't hate someone for the color of their skin or how they get their dick wet.

This so-called church on 8th and H is showing itself wildly unconcerned with the true nature of religion. They are nothing but a CNN broadcast in a cool old building. That's why it has no religious impact, and it's why the church is dying right along with our culture.

You have a right to your own opinion, but just because you are sincere, it doesn't stop you from being sincerely wrong.

In the Bible, there are many things that God promised to specific people. There are at least eight different covenants that God made with his people, the most important one would be the Abrahamic covenant. In many instances you can see why Jesus was here on earth. His own words testify to that:

"But he answered and said, I (Jesus) am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Matthew 15 : 24

In James, the book opens with:

"To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings."

I could multiply Scripture all day long. The Jews want to pass themselves off as the Israelites of the Bible; some sect of Christians believe if you attend church, pay your tithes and get saved you are part of the chosen ones... if you're prayed up and paid up some day you'll get raptured out and go off into the high Heavens.

The reality is, there are a people who carry the message and DO the work God said Israel would do. You cannot overcome the facts with posts friendly toward multiculturalism. You cannot make a case by condemning God's reasoning to have a servant race that would lead the world in establishing Freedom, Liberty and the ability to prosper as long as God's people were doing their duty.

"And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice." Genesis 22 : 18

America's culture is dying because, just like the people prior to the Tower of Babel (see Genesis chapter 11) the world sought to be one. This whole concept of a one race, one religion, one culture nation that rejects the Word of God and replaces it with humanism, socialism and everything else in opposition to our Founding Principles is THE reason we are decaying as a nation.

"In the Bible..."

That's where I stopped reading. There is no such thing as a magic book.
How about 50+ ministers in Alabama signing a letter of unconditional support for Roy Moore?
They could find 50+ ministers in Alabama who are literate enough to sign something? Who'da thunk?

Just kidding. Couldn't resist. Country boy myself, and hopin' Moore wins.
The thread premise is a disturbing example of the ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry common to most on the right
First of all, God doesn't give a shit what color you are (and no REAL God has a "chosen people", for crying out loud). Religion is STRICTLY limited to the realm of the individual. God cares about how we treat one another: period.

God doesn't give a fuck about who the president of the United States is. He doesn't give a fuck which laws Congress passes. He is indifferent to how I get my dick wet. He has no position on which race's lives matter and which don't. He does care, a lot, however, whether I lie to you, or am faithful to my wife, or abuse my children, or treat my colleagues fairly, or don't hate someone for the color of their skin or how they get their dick wet.

This so-called church on 8th and H is showing itself wildly unconcerned with the true nature of religion. They are nothing but a CNN broadcast in a cool old building. That's why it has no religious impact, and it's why the church is dying right along with our culture.
No doubt a lot of hypocrites in churches from what I have seen. Yet there are also some good people to be found if you look far enough and many even find the help they need when it is needed if they are in the right place at the right time. Timing is everything. You could think of some of them like clinics where the broken needed a place to start to find a way to healing in the spirit. The biggest problem I see with organized religions is the same things that the lord Jesus Christ saw when he walked.

I do think you are in error with this part of your OP as God does care and definitely will put a nation into judgment when they are not standing in the right-place. "God doesn't give a fuck about who the president of the United States is. He doesn't give a fuck which laws Congress passes." If the nation as a body walks away from God's precepts that nation gets vipers and those who have evil in their hearts in as leaders. It is called judgment of the nations. It happens in the carnal and the spiritual realms both.
Calvary Baptist Church - Chinatown - Washington, DC

So this is all fake.

What is destroying Christianity are evangelicals. The ultra conservative white Christians, who are Christian in name only (CINO).

PS: what did they say about the sign, did they forget they have it up?

Here, let me fix this for you:

"What [One of the things] is destroying [preventing progress] Christianity [in religious understanding] are evangelicals. [is fundamentalism] The ultra conservative white Christians... [, which can be found in any race, religion, or creed (including atheists).]

There, now you've made a brilliantly insightful comment. UP VOTE.
Calvary Baptist Church - Chinatown - Washington, DC

So this is all fake.

What is destroying Christianity are evangelicals. The ultra conservative white Christians, who are Christian in name only (CINO).

PS: what did they say about the sign, did they forget they have it up?

Here, let me fix this for you:

"What [One of the things] is destroying [preventing progress] Christianity [in religious understanding] are evangelicals. [is fundamentalism] The ultra conservative white Christians... [, which can be found in any race, religion, or creed (including atheists).]

There, now you've made a brilliantly insightful comment. UP VOTE.

Evangelicals include fundamentals and any ultra conservative Christians or so called Christians, you know the kind who vote for the Moores of this world. They use Christianity as an excuse for everything.
The thread premise is a disturbing example of the ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry common to most on the right
First of all, God doesn't give a shit what color you are (and no REAL God has a "chosen people", for crying out loud). Religion is STRICTLY limited to the realm of the individual. God cares about how we treat one another: period.

God doesn't give a fuck about who the president of the United States is. He doesn't give a fuck which laws Congress passes. He is indifferent to how I get my dick wet. He has no position on which race's lives matter and which don't. He does care, a lot, however, whether I lie to you, or am faithful to my wife, or abuse my children, or treat my colleagues fairly, or don't hate someone for the color of their skin or how they get their dick wet.

This so-called church on 8th and H is showing itself wildly unconcerned with the true nature of religion. They are nothing but a CNN broadcast in a cool old building. That's why it has no religious impact, and it's why the church is dying right along with our culture.

You have a right to your own opinion, but just because you are sincere, it doesn't stop you from being sincerely wrong.

In the Bible, there are many things that God promised to specific people. There are at least eight different covenants that God made with his people, the most important one would be the Abrahamic covenant. In many instances you can see why Jesus was here on earth. His own words testify to that:

"But he answered and said, I (Jesus) am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Matthew 15 : 24

In James, the book opens with:

"To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings."

I could multiply Scripture all day long. The Jews want to pass themselves off as the Israelites of the Bible; some sect of Christians believe if you attend church, pay your tithes and get saved you are part of the chosen ones... if you're prayed up and paid up some day you'll get raptured out and go off into the high Heavens.

The reality is, there are a people who carry the message and DO the work God said Israel would do. You cannot overcome the facts with posts friendly toward multiculturalism. You cannot make a case by condemning God's reasoning to have a servant race that would lead the world in establishing Freedom, Liberty and the ability to prosper as long as God's people were doing their duty.

"And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice." Genesis 22 : 18

America's culture is dying because, just like the people prior to the Tower of Babel (see Genesis chapter 11) the world sought to be one. This whole concept of a one race, one religion, one culture nation that rejects the Word of God and replaces it with humanism, socialism and everything else in opposition to our Founding Principles is THE reason we are decaying as a nation.

"In the Bible..."

That's where I stopped reading. There is no such thing as a magic book.

So your posts are basically troll posts, hoping to sell some kind of magic elixir while deliberately deceiving your fellow man AND projecting. You're a sly one, aren't you?

You like taking things out of context and then challenging the authority of the very book you pretend to know something about. Didn't take long to uncover what you're about.
The primary message of Jesus (whom you call 'Christ'), was:
'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'.
This is why you killed Jesus. You are too stupid and undeveloped to understand what he was talking about.

The message of Christ was "Love your neighbor as yourself." That is very different from "do unto others", which is a self-centered, calculating proposition, at best--a primitive, Jewish conceptualization of the world and our moral place in it. Christ, in fact, used the "do unto others" formulation to summarize the Torah's backwards philosophy.

Even though he was careful about the wording, the outraged Jews (not especially known for their ability to take criticism [see Larry David, the ADL, the Holocaust Museum, etc., etc., etc.]) killed him anyway.

Well there's your whole problem. You're uneducated. The Bible is not a Jewish book.
The biggest problem I see with organized religions is the same things that the lord Jesus Christ saw when he walked.

Right, because the very idea of "organized religion" is as fraudulent as "organized science" or "organized art". There is only religion, science, and art--the three ways in which humans express their rationality in the real world (politics is part of art).
The primary message of Jesus (whom you call 'Christ'), was:
'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'.
This is why you killed Jesus. You are too stupid and undeveloped to understand what he was talking about.

The message of Christ was "Love your neighbor as yourself." That is very different from "do unto others", which is a self-centered, calculating proposition, at best--a primitive, Jewish conceptualization of the world and our moral place in it. Christ, in fact, used the "do unto others" formulation to summarize the Torah's backwards philosophy.

Even though he was careful about the wording, the outraged Jews (not especially known for their ability to take criticism [see Larry David, the ADL, the Holocaust Museum, etc., etc., etc.]) killed him anyway.

Well there's your whole problem. You're uneducated. The Bible is not a Jewish book.
Bible? The word I used was "Torah". Is your computer acting up?
Calvary Baptist Church - Chinatown - Washington, DC

So this is all fake.

What is destroying Christianity are evangelicals. The ultra conservative white Christians, who are Christian in name only (CINO).

PS: what did they say about the sign, did they forget they have it up?

Here, let me fix this for you:

"What [One of the things] is destroying [preventing progress] Christianity [in religious understanding] are evangelicals. [is fundamentalism] The ultra conservative white Christians... [, which can be found in any race, religion, or creed (including atheists).]

There, now you've made a brilliantly insightful comment. UP VOTE.

Evangelicals include fundamentals and any ultra conservative Christians or so called Christians, you know the kind who vote for the Moores of this world. They use Christianity as an excuse for everything.

So you've found fault with everyone else's religion, what's up with YOURS? You think you're infallible?

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