Why Democrats could be in Serious Trouble!

Is it time for a wall and/or Justice?

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That's only one of multiple reasons the Democrats are in trouble; they've burned their bridges and pissed off too much of the American public with their violent, bloodthirsty, rioting-baby-tantrum, blatant, self-admitted hatred of the United States and Americans in general.

Before the Obama cocksucker, I used to be a fairly moderate, slightly liberal Democrat. After a decade of this shit, I'm now a Republican who wouldn't vote for that party of white-male-hating invertebrate pond life ever, ever again. Even if I lived enough BILLIONS of years to see the sun's "red giant" stage, I will never, ever, ever vote for that Democrat-Disease again.

And he did what to piss you off so badly?

Have you got several hours??? I could start with his race-baiting, his constant race-riot-inciting, constant false accusations of whites being racist, his hatred of whites (which he admits in his book Dreams of My Father), always convincing blacks that they're "victims" like he is, publicly glorifying black career criminals. Then his jihad-enabling, praising Islam every time it slaughters people, appointing radical muslims to so many high-government positions, not lifting a finger to keep Americans safe from muslim violence, his constant, nonstop scolding, insulting and badmouthing of America in every speech, and LYING about Islam's horrors. Always selling out this country for Islam's whims (like the Bergdahl exchange-treason, because Bergdahl was a fellow muslim). And that's just a brief summary, if you want I can get into Obamaggot's REAL problems.
Ohhh I get it. You REALLY have a thing against brown people.Newsflash...Obama didn't race bait. His critics went friggin apeshit over every utterance he made finding "race bating" that just wasn't there

Biiitch! Obama had more riots in 4 years than the previous 40 combined, but he he didn't race bait? :auiqs.jpg:

Al Sharpton up in the White House every week but Obama didn't race bait? :wtf:

That's Obama's legacy nobody can erase or top: More riots in 4 years than the previous 40 combined. What a douche!
So Maid Marion...how do you suggest getting rid of 20 million people (assuming that Big Business would even let you do that)?

Oven and showers?

Build wall and deport to home country. Most illegals that come here from the south are here either to work, or game the system. That's undeserving of a death sentence. Still, they need to go.

Yes, the naturalization process needs streamlined, but first, the government needs to do their job, k?

Especially since that Democrat Congress promised secure border by 1988 in 1986 and did nothing.

Ronald Reagan opposed a wall. He was for tearing down walls and never wavered from that.

"Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and then, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open the borders both ways."

That's when he was campaigning in 1980 before he was president for 6 years and saw how bad the illegal situation really was.

"In an email exchange with The Arizona Republic, Michael Reagan, the former president's son, said that his father never regretted the amnesty part of the 1986 compromise, but did regret that there was no follow-through on the enforcement measures or border security.

"He would hold the Dems' (Democrats') feet to the fire this time because he would have learned," Michael Reagan wrote in one message."

Did Ronald Reagan regret 1986 immigrant 'amnesty' law?

IOW Reagan did his part, the Dems did not. They promised border security in exchange for Reagan amnesty for 3 million. It appears they lied their corrupt asses off. That border is still unsecure. Since 1986.
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There will be serious payback to the Dims in the 2020 election. Their party is already fractured, that election could see the end of them.
There will be serious payback to the Dims in the 2020 election. Their party is already fractured, that election could see the end of them.

I hate to say it, but I hope so. The Democrat party party of today is not the American one that used to be, not by a longshot. No, today's Democrat party is wholly anti-American.

But legally, these people are liable and able to be fined or imprisoned (for a little while) for violating their Oath of office.
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Not just Democrats, Republicans that don't vote to stop invaders as well!

You see, it's part of their job as they took an oath to uphold the Constitution.

What does the Constitution say about invaders?

Article IV, Section IV

Section 4

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."

If they're not protecting the states against invasion, they're not upholding the Constitution.

There are penalties for this, unfortunately not as severe as I would like them to be, but it is what it is. The penalty is removal from office and/or a fine/and or up to 366 days in Federal prison.

Whoever violates the provision of section 7311 of title 5 that an individual may not accept or hold a position in the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia if he--

(1)  advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government;

(2)  is a member of an organization that he knows advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government;

(3)  participates in a strike, or asserts the right to strike, against the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia;  or

(4)  is a member of an organization of employees of the Government of the United States or of individuals employed by the government of the District of Columbia that he knows asserts the right to strike against the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia;

shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year and a day, or both."

18 U.S.C. § 1918 - U.S. Code Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1918 | FindLaw

This also applies to Muslims and leftists in Congress. They are affiliated with an organization that advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government.

Just know that there are legal recourses for this bullshit that's been going on for decades. I bet if we fine them all, no additional tax money is necessary!

You should send your research to Congress so those dipshits know what the constitution tells them their responsibilities are. Seems some of them are unaware.

Oh and I think the Dems are in big trouble. The Dem House is one giant shit show and some of those running for POTUS are backing AOC's green crap which if implemented would bankrupt the country. Some pretty stupid people in the Democratic party right now.
Republican fear mongering about brown carivans invading our country and murdering and raping our people did not work in 2018

Americans are not afraid of the people who cut their lawns and make their beds
The wall is not publically popular. However, neither is AOC or Tlaib's version of social welfare justice. And Warren is simply a disaster waiting for the dems. Bernie is looking like their best bet for elder statesman
Yes because our peaches in chief didnt get voted in for wanting a wall.

and yet the wall was not even worth fighting for when the "peaches in chief" controlled both sides of congress for 2 full years.
The wall is not publically popular. However, neither is AOC or Tlaib's version of social welfare justice. And Warren is simply a disaster waiting for the dems. Bernie is looking like their best bet for elder statesman
Yes because our peaches in chief didnt get voted in for wanting a wall.

and yet the wall was not even worth fighting for when the "peaches in chief" controlled both sides of congress for 2 full years.

Even with a "majority", there still weren't enough votes and everybody knew it. You probably know that too, Spin Docta! Really they were just a few shy of passing anything they wanted, less than 10 in both houses..(I think)

All that's needed to demonstrate that is to look at the confirmation hearings.
The wall is not publically popular. However, neither is AOC or Tlaib's version of social welfare justice. And Warren is simply a disaster waiting for the dems. Bernie is looking like their best bet for elder statesman
Yes because our peaches in chief didnt get voted in for wanting a wall.

and yet the wall was not even worth fighting for when the "peaches in chief" controlled both sides of congress for 2 full years.

Even with a "majority", there still weren't enough votes and everybody knew. You probably know that too, spin docta!

That did not change after the election though, so why wait? He still does not have 60 votes in the Senate and now does not have the House. Why wait those two years while the emergency was taking place? it is almost as if the avoiding the politics of declaring a national emergency while controlling all of congress was more important than the wall itself.
Republican fear mongering about brown carivans invading our country and murdering and raping our people did not work in 2018

Americans are not afraid of the people who cut their lawns and make their beds

Maybe not but I'm sure they don't like spending billions each year to support the illegals.

I'm also sure they don't like the fact that American citizens are murdered, robbed and raped each year by illegals.

If the lawn mowers and bed makers are legal then of course no one minds them.

If not. They need to be booted out of our country. The wall won't let anymore in and those that are here can be booted out.

Maybe you don't like saving billions and keeping Americans safe but I sure do.
Maid Marion thinks we're in trouble?

Ohhhh nooooooes
Well nobody's wrong all the time ... but the wall bwahhh

Failing to uphold the Constitution and breaking the oath of office is a Federal crime.
Where does the Constitution mention walls?

It doesn't dummy. But it does say we have the right to secure our borders and that wall you hate would do just that.
The wall is not publically popular. However, neither is AOC or Tlaib's version of social welfare justice. And Warren is simply a disaster waiting for the dems. Bernie is looking like their best bet for elder statesman
Yes because our peaches in chief didnt get voted in for wanting a wall.

and yet the wall was not even worth fighting for when the "peaches in chief" controlled both sides of congress for 2 full years.

Even with a "majority", there still weren't enough votes and everybody knew. You probably know that too, spin docta!

That did not change after the election though, so why wait? He still does not have 60 votes in the Senate and now does not have the House. Why wait those two years while the emergency was taking place? it is almost as if the avoiding the politics of declaring a national emergency while controlling all of congress was more important than the wall itself.

Pretty sure the emergency thing will end up a dud. It is what it is. That isn't working, time try to try something else. Maybe fines for people that violate their oath office by not protecting states from invasion.
The wall is not publically popular. However, neither is AOC or Tlaib's version of social welfare justice. And Warren is simply a disaster waiting for the dems. Bernie is looking like their best bet for elder statesman
Yes because our peaches in chief didnt get voted in for wanting a wall.

and yet the wall was not even worth fighting for when the "peaches in chief" controlled both sides of congress for 2 full years.

Even with a "majority", there still weren't enough votes and everybody knew. You probably know that too, spin docta!

That did not change after the election though, so why wait? He still does not have 60 votes in the Senate and now does not have the House. Why wait those two years while the emergency was taking place? it is almost as if the avoiding the politics of declaring a national emergency while controlling all of congress was more important than the wall itself.

Pretty sure the emergency thing will end up a dud. It is what it is. That isn't working, time try to try something else. Maybe fines for people that violate their oath office by not protecting states from invasion.

let me know how that works out for you
The wall only matters to Trump's worshippers. Nobody else wants it.

What matters to the rest of America is whether or not the Dems are getting too leftist and squirrely.
I know a few people that dont support that dumbfuck and they still want the wall
Where are you getting this from? Polls? Lol
Well....a few. There you go!
Republican fear mongering about brown carivans invading our country and murdering and raping our people did not work in 2018

Americans are not afraid of the people who cut their lawns and make their beds

Maybe not but I'm sure they don't like spending billions each year to support the illegals.

I'm also sure they don't like the fact that American citizens are murdered, robbed and raped each year by illegals.

If the lawn mowers and bed makers are legal then of course no one minds them.

If not. They need to be booted out of our country. The wall won't let anymore in and those that are here can be booted out.

Maybe you don't like saving billions and keeping Americans safe but I sure do.

Illegal labor contributes more than they consume .....they try to stay under the radar

Interesting how conservatives are outraged by murders by illegal immigrants but ignore the ten thousand gun murders each year and mass slaughters at Sandy Hook, Vegas and Parkland
Maid Marion thinks we're in trouble?

Ohhhh nooooooes
Well nobody's wrong all the time ... but the wall bwahhh

Failing to uphold the Constitution and breaking the oath of office is a Federal crime.
Where does the Constitution mention walls?

It doesn't dummy. But it does say we have the right to secure our borders and that wall you hate would do just that.
Where does the Constitution say we have a right to secure our borders?
Republican fear mongering about brown carivans invading our country and murdering and raping our people did not work in 2018

Americans are not afraid of the people who cut their lawns and make their beds

Maybe not but I'm sure they don't like spending billions each year to support the illegals.

I'm also sure they don't like the fact that American citizens are murdered, robbed and raped each year by illegals.

If the lawn mowers and bed makers are legal then of course no one minds them.

If not. They need to be booted out of our country. The wall won't let anymore in and those that are here can be booted out.

Maybe you don't like saving billions and keeping Americans safe but I sure do.

Illegal labor contributes more than they consume .....they try to stay under the radar

Interesting how conservatives are outraged by murders by illegal immigrants but ignore the ten thousand gun murders each year and mass slaughters at Sandy Hook, Vegas and Parkland

Bullshit! Making minimum wage with 5 kids in school and daycare for free without paying property taxes is a net loss for Americans.
Maid Marion thinks we're in trouble?

Ohhhh nooooooes
Well nobody's wrong all the time ... but the wall bwahhh

Failing to uphold the Constitution and breaking the oath of office is a Federal crime.
Where does the Constitution mention walls?

It doesn't dummy. But it does say we have the right to secure our borders and that wall you hate would do just that.
Where does the Constitution say we have a right to secure our borders?

Who didn't read the OP? rightwinger , that's who!
Republican fear mongering about brown carivans invading our country and murdering and raping our people did not work in 2018

Americans are not afraid of the people who cut their lawns and make their beds

Maybe not but I'm sure they don't like spending billions each year to support the illegals.

I'm also sure they don't like the fact that American citizens are murdered, robbed and raped each year by illegals.

If the lawn mowers and bed makers are legal then of course no one minds them.

If not. They need to be booted out of our country. The wall won't let anymore in and those that are here can be booted out.

Maybe you don't like saving billions and keeping Americans safe but I sure do.

Illegal labor contributes more than they consume .....they try to stay under the radar

Interesting how conservatives are outraged by murders by illegal immigrants but ignore the ten thousand gun murders each year and mass slaughters at Sandy Hook, Vegas and Parkland

Nice to know you don't mind spending billions of other people hard earned money on illegals nor do you care about the people killed, robbed and raped by illegals each year.

No one ignores murders and the gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon. When you come up with a way to control evil people let us all know.

Carry on you good little lefty soldier you.

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