Why did God create evil?

If it wasn’t as the Jews say, then yes, God created Satan as good and Satan chose to separate himself from God.

There is only one Creator.

I don't care what the Jews say

YOU said all that god created was good therefore god created Satan but since Satan is evil it's obvious that not everything god created is good

and if there is only one creator then god also created cancer and cancer sure as hell ain't good
That is correct. That is exactly what I said. Evil is not extant. It's like cold or darkness. It doesn't exist except as the absence of something else. Evil does not exist, cold does not exist and darkness does not exist. Not in and of themselves.

So evil exists in the absence of what?

I'll take the stand that there is no such things as cold and darkness as they are just varying levels of heat and light just because we can't see some light because our eyes are incapable of perceiving it in no way means light of some sort is not there.
Good. Evil is the absence of good.

Have you ever seen anyone do "evil" for "evil's" sake?

Or do they do "evil" for the sake of their own good?

Yes people do evil things all the time for no other reason than they like to.

Serial killers kill because they feel good when they kill
No. They do those things for their own good. Making themselves feel good is for their own good. They don’t do those things for the sake of evil.

God created good and bad (evil= bad, unpleasant[ness], disagreeable, malignant, giving pain, unhappiness, misery, unkind things, distress, misery, allowing calamity [as in the absence of goodness). The human does not necessarily know the difference between good or bad while it is sleeping in the garden of their own pleasure (eden) until the spirit of the lord awakens the human (adam) and the human along with its' chava (eve= breath. life [which is the spirit of life, the consciousness, the mother of all living opposite of the dead who sleep in the dust of the earth] given as a spiritual companion to teach the human how to breath life). The human therefore must be taught to differentiate between what is good or evil (bad) until it is fully awakened and that is a process of trial and error for most until the holy spirit is with them is fully awakened and they are walking that daily walk moment by moment; even then the flesh is still subjected to the woes(evil) of the carnal world and that also serves a purpose.

A rose has thorns does it not?

As far as animals having a consciousness that is aware of good or evil will have to be discussed in another note. I can tell you they know love (which comes from the spirit) also and many animals can see the unseen (that which is of the spirit) that a carnal human cannot see.
Darkness is the absence of light. The light didn't create the darkness. You're playing mind games.
Darkness can be made on purpose, like turning out the lights, just like evil was made on purpose by someone, and if not god then who made something in this universe like evil other than god?.
Nope, darkness cannot be created. Light can be created. You play word games. Bye.
Close your eyes and put your hands over them. You've just created darkness. Anyway, god made it so that the absence of light makes it dark as well. So He in fact created the conditions for darkness on purpose.
It gets dark at night because of the absence of sunlight. The darkness is always there. You playing word games.
So I agree, the darkness is always there. So somebody had to make that darkness if it's always there.

So life is light and death is dark . So why do people who have said they died and been resurrected say they saw light. So if death is dark and you saw light then you couldn't have been dead, or it's not dark and they just lied...…..…….Blah, blah, blah . We all get to find out for ourselves don't we

God created good and bad (evil= bad, unpleasant[ness], disagreeable, malignant, giving pain, unhappiness, misery, unkind things, distress, misery, allowing calamity [as in the absence of goodness). The human does not necessarily know the difference between good or bad while it is sleeping in the garden of their own pleasure (eden) until the spirit of the lord awakens the human (adam) and the human along with its' chava (eve= breath. life [which is the spirit of life, the consciousness, the mother of all living opposite of the dead who sleep in the dust of the earth] given as a spiritual companion to teach the human how to breath life). The human therefore must be taught to differentiate between what is good or evil (bad) until it is fully awakened and that is a process of trial and error for most until the holy spirit is with them is fully awakened and they are walking that daily walk moment by moment; even then the flesh is still subjected to the woes(evil) of the carnal world and that also serves a purpose.

A rose has thorns does it not?

As far as animals having a consciousness that is aware of good or evil will have to be discussed in another note. I can tell you they know love (which comes from the spirit) also and many animals can see the unseen (that which is of the spirit) that a carnal human cannot see.

That was really weird!!!! Do you believe in Ghosts too? You sound like a brainwashed sheep!
I don't see any magic. But that's not why I don't believe in your creator.
Sure it is. It’s the only proof you will accept.
Magic isn't scientific. So no, I don't accept it.
That’s exactly why you would accept it. You are looking for evidence of something magical because you believe God is a magical being.

What kind of scientific evidence are you looking for for a magical being’s existence?
Something that real scientists will confirm.

And a god would be a natural being, not a magical one.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
Sure it is. It’s the only proof you will accept.
Magic isn't scientific. So no, I don't accept it.
That’s exactly why you would accept it. You are looking for evidence of something magical because you believe God is a magical being.

What kind of scientific evidence are you looking for for a magical being’s existence?
Something that real scientists will confirm.

And a god would be a natural being, not a magical one.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You mean like creating space and time from nothing and inorganic matter assembling itself into life? Done.
Sure it is. It’s the only proof you will accept.
Magic isn't scientific. So no, I don't accept it.
That’s exactly why you would accept it. You are looking for evidence of something magical because you believe God is a magical being.

What kind of scientific evidence are you looking for for a magical being’s existence?
Something that real scientists will confirm.

And a god would be a natural being, not a magical one.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You're greatly mistaken if you think science rules out the existence of a Creator. You ever hear of Intelligent Design and Albert Einstein? He's not the only scientist that believed in a Creator. I'm sure you're aware of this, but like most people that don't understand God OR science, you are unteachable.
Magic isn't scientific. So no, I don't accept it.
That’s exactly why you would accept it. You are looking for evidence of something magical because you believe God is a magical being.

What kind of scientific evidence are you looking for for a magical being’s existence?
Something that real scientists will confirm.

And a god would be a natural being, not a magical one.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You mean like creating space and time from nothing and inorganic matter assembling itself into life? Done.
Scientists haven’t confirmed that that stuff was made by an invisible sky daddy.
That’s exactly why you would accept it. You are looking for evidence of something magical because you believe God is a magical being.

What kind of scientific evidence are you looking for for a magical being’s existence?
Something that real scientists will confirm.

And a god would be a natural being, not a magical one.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You mean like creating space and time from nothing and inorganic matter assembling itself into life? Done.
Scientists haven’t confirmed that that stuff was made by an invisible sky daddy.
Scientists haven't confirmed many things. Science is an ongoing learning process. What we know about the universe is not very much compared to what there is to still learn. Do you believe you evolved from a monkey?
Magic isn't scientific. So no, I don't accept it.
That’s exactly why you would accept it. You are looking for evidence of something magical because you believe God is a magical being.

What kind of scientific evidence are you looking for for a magical being’s existence?
Something that real scientists will confirm.

And a god would be a natural being, not a magical one.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You're greatly mistaken if you think science rules out the existence of a Creator. You ever hear of Intelligent Design and Albert Einstein? He's not the only scientist that believed in a Creator. I'm sure you're aware of this, but like most people that don't understand God OR science, you are unteachable.
Science doesn’t rule anything out, it only confirms the science behind what’s out there. But so far, no science confirms your invisible sky daddy.
That’s exactly why you would accept it. You are looking for evidence of something magical because you believe God is a magical being.

What kind of scientific evidence are you looking for for a magical being’s existence?
Something that real scientists will confirm.

And a god would be a natural being, not a magical one.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You're greatly mistaken if you think science rules out the existence of a Creator. You ever hear of Intelligent Design and Albert Einstein? He's not the only scientist that believed in a Creator. I'm sure you're aware of this, but like most people that don't understand God OR science, you are unteachable.
Science doesn’t rule anything out, it only confirms the science behind what’s out there. But so far, no science confirms your invisible sky daddy.
Einstein said there is a Spirit and Intelligence to the universe that dwarfs anything of man's intelligence. Look it up.
Something that real scientists will confirm.

And a god would be a natural being, not a magical one.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You're greatly mistaken if you think science rules out the existence of a Creator. You ever hear of Intelligent Design and Albert Einstein? He's not the only scientist that believed in a Creator. I'm sure you're aware of this, but like most people that don't understand God OR science, you are unteachable.
Science doesn’t rule anything out, it only confirms the science behind what’s out there. But so far, no science confirms your invisible sky daddy.
Einstein said there is a Spirit and Intelligence to the universe that dwarfs anything of man's intelligence. Look it up.
His opinion isn’t science. And he certainly never proved that.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You're greatly mistaken if you think science rules out the existence of a Creator. You ever hear of Intelligent Design and Albert Einstein? He's not the only scientist that believed in a Creator. I'm sure you're aware of this, but like most people that don't understand God OR science, you are unteachable.
Science doesn’t rule anything out, it only confirms the science behind what’s out there. But so far, no science confirms your invisible sky daddy.
Einstein said there is a Spirit and Intelligence to the universe that dwarfs anything of man's intelligence. Look it up.
His opinion isn’t science. And he certainly never proved that.
Now, that post right there is very ignorant. Probably the greatest scientific mind of the 20th century or in all of the world's history, and you dismiss his opinion. Many things claimed by science haven't been proven. Do you believe in evolution?
That’s exactly why you would accept it. You are looking for evidence of something magical because you believe God is a magical being.

What kind of scientific evidence are you looking for for a magical being’s existence?
Something that real scientists will confirm.

And a god would be a natural being, not a magical one.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You mean like creating space and time from nothing and inorganic matter assembling itself into life? Done.
Scientists haven’t confirmed that that stuff was made by an invisible sky daddy.
Only logic and reason can do that. Done.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You're greatly mistaken if you think science rules out the existence of a Creator. You ever hear of Intelligent Design and Albert Einstein? He's not the only scientist that believed in a Creator. I'm sure you're aware of this, but like most people that don't understand God OR science, you are unteachable.
Science doesn’t rule anything out, it only confirms the science behind what’s out there. But so far, no science confirms your invisible sky daddy.
Einstein said there is a Spirit and Intelligence to the universe that dwarfs anything of man's intelligence. Look it up.
His opinion isn’t science. And he certainly never proved that.
100% science. 100% proven. :smile:
Something scientists can confirm.
You're greatly mistaken if you think science rules out the existence of a Creator. You ever hear of Intelligent Design and Albert Einstein? He's not the only scientist that believed in a Creator. I'm sure you're aware of this, but like most people that don't understand God OR science, you are unteachable.
Science doesn’t rule anything out, it only confirms the science behind what’s out there. But so far, no science confirms your invisible sky daddy.
Einstein said there is a Spirit and Intelligence to the universe that dwarfs anything of man's intelligence. Look it up.
His opinion isn’t science. And he certainly never proved that.
Now, that post right there is very ignorant. Probably the greatest scientific mind of the 20th century or in all of the world's history, and you dismiss his opinion. Many things claimed by science haven't been proven. Do you believe in evolution?
I think evolution is very likely because if you look at a house from 1750, and the clothes people were wearing back then, it's proof that we humans were shorter back then, meaning we are evolving into taller beings as time goes on. So there's proof for evolution.
Einstein never claimed to have proven god, otherwise you must have a link to that.
Something that real scientists will confirm.

And a god would be a natural being, not a magical one.
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You mean like creating space and time from nothing and inorganic matter assembling itself into life? Done.
Scientists haven’t confirmed that that stuff was made by an invisible sky daddy.
Only logic and reason can do that. Done.
Logic and reason are not scientific proof. And here you are pretending to be an engineer. Of what? Toy trains? :biggrin:
Something scientists can confirm.
You're greatly mistaken if you think science rules out the existence of a Creator. You ever hear of Intelligent Design and Albert Einstein? He's not the only scientist that believed in a Creator. I'm sure you're aware of this, but like most people that don't understand God OR science, you are unteachable.
Science doesn’t rule anything out, it only confirms the science behind what’s out there. But so far, no science confirms your invisible sky daddy.
Einstein said there is a Spirit and Intelligence to the universe that dwarfs anything of man's intelligence. Look it up.
His opinion isn’t science. And he certainly never proved that.
100% science. 100% proven. :smile:
Then there should be a link to the scientific paper(s) that confirm this. I'll wait while you search for them. :popcorn:
You're greatly mistaken if you think science rules out the existence of a Creator. You ever hear of Intelligent Design and Albert Einstein? He's not the only scientist that believed in a Creator. I'm sure you're aware of this, but like most people that don't understand God OR science, you are unteachable.
Science doesn’t rule anything out, it only confirms the science behind what’s out there. But so far, no science confirms your invisible sky daddy.
Einstein said there is a Spirit and Intelligence to the universe that dwarfs anything of man's intelligence. Look it up.
His opinion isn’t science. And he certainly never proved that.
Now, that post right there is very ignorant. Probably the greatest scientific mind of the 20th century or in all of the world's history, and you dismiss his opinion. Many things claimed by science haven't been proven. Do you believe in evolution?
I think evolution is very likely because if you look at a house from 1750, and the clothes people were wearing back then, it's proof that we humans were shorter back then, meaning we are evolving into taller beings as time goes on. So there's proof for evolution.
Einstein never claimed to have proven god, otherwise you must have a link to that.
You said evolution is "likely". That's not proof. Einstein gave his intelligent opinion based on his knowledge of science and the universe. He was far more intelligent that you or me. I haven't discovered any scientific theories lately. Have you?
Like what?
Something scientists can confirm.
You mean like creating space and time from nothing and inorganic matter assembling itself into life? Done.
Scientists haven’t confirmed that that stuff was made by an invisible sky daddy.
Only logic and reason can do that. Done.
Logic and reason are not scientific proof. And here you are pretending to be an engineer. Of what? Toy trains? :biggrin:
That’s anyone has before the creation of space and time. Are you stupid or something?

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