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Why did President Reagan wait 4 days before responding to Korean Airlines Flight 007?

So, rightwingers have been worshiping an insane "Alzheimer's-addled" Reagan? Now it makes sense.

Fuck Reagan! That prick was a disaster!

And Obama has been worshiped by insane left wingers who don't even have the excuse of Alzheimer's.

Reagan was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

He blew up the deficit, spent like a drunken sailor, cut taxes on the rich and then raised taxes on the poor and middle class. He cut regulations and starved regulators, reintroducing the boom/bust economies of yore.

Not only that? He supported folks like Osama Bin Laden and the Contras.

Which has led to some pretty catastrophic outcomes.
Come up with some new talking points please.
Joe Scarborough adamantly insisted he was right during an exchange with co-host Mika Brzezinski on Monday's "Morning Joe," only to admit later that he was "wrong."

The two were discussing President Obama's response to the Malaysian plane crash in Ukraine. Brzezinski pointed out that President Reagan was on vacation when Korean Airlines Flight 007 was shot down by Soviet forces in 1983, and he did not make a speech for four days after the crash. Scarborough, despite Brzezinski's protests, argued that Reagan "immediately" responded.

"He immediately canceled [his vacation], immediately went back to the White House. He immediately canceled fundraising events and campaign events," the MSNBC host said.

MORE: Joe Scarborough Admits Making 'Boneheaded Error'

Scarborough was proven wrong and later apologized to Mika Brzezinski. He also thanked Twitter posters for pointing out his mistake.

He was too busy NOT fundamentally changing America, undoing all that Carter had done to the US Economy (compounding government spending when interest rates, unemployment, and inflation were rising). and. not driving down the labor participation pool.
Once Reagan was given the damning evidence against the USSR aka Russia he didn't call it "possibly a tragedy" like dipshit did.

And what did he did after the US downed an Iranian Airliner chock full of civilians.

During a war, which by the way, was pretty much caused by him.
Joe Scarborough adamantly insisted he was right during an exchange with co-host Mika Brzezinski on Monday's "Morning Joe," only to admit later that he was "wrong."

The two were discussing President Obama's response to the Malaysian plane crash in Ukraine. Brzezinski pointed out that President Reagan was on vacation when Korean Airlines Flight 007 was shot down by Soviet forces in 1983, and he did not make a speech for four days after the crash. Scarborough, despite Brzezinski's protests, argued that Reagan "immediately" responded.

"He immediately canceled [his vacation], immediately went back to the White House. He immediately canceled fundraising events and campaign events," the MSNBC host said.

MORE: Joe Scarborough Admits Making 'Boneheaded Error'

Scarborough was proven wrong and later apologized to Mika Brzezinski. He also thanked Twitter posters for pointing out his mistake.

He was too busy NOT fundamentally changing America, undoing all that Carter had done to the US Economy (compounding government spending when interest rates, unemployment, and inflation were rising). and. not driving down the labor participation pool.

Wait what?

That fuck busted up Unions, cut regulations, and started spending kabillions of dollars building "Orbital Nuclear Launchpads".

Additionally? Who do you think paid for the "breakup of the Soviet Union"?

That was US tax payers that floated Russia's economy while it was sorting out who gets what.

You folks have a really rosy picture of the Reagan administration that has nothing to do with reality.

Oh..and what Paul Volcker did SAVED the US economy and was LARGELY responsible for getting the US out of the "stagflation" hole.
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XXXXXXX the Iranian plane was not responding to radio calls and the USNS was in international waters.

But of course you equate the US to Russia because you're a XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Once Reagan was given the damning evidence against the USSR aka Russia he didn't call it "possibly a tragedy" like dipshit did.

And what did he did after the US downed an Iranian Airliner chock full of civilians.

During a war, which by the way, was pretty much caused by him.
And Obama has been worshiped by insane left wingers who don't even have the excuse of Alzheimer's.

Reagan was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

He blew up the deficit, spent like a drunken sailor, cut taxes on the rich and then raised taxes on the poor and middle class. He cut regulations and starved regulators, reintroducing the boom/bust economies of yore.

Not only that? He supported folks like Osama Bin Laden and the Contras.

Which has led to some pretty catastrophic outcomes.
Come up with some new talking points please.

They are not "talking points".

They are history.
Joe Scarborough adamantly insisted he was right during an exchange with co-host Mika Brzezinski on Monday's "Morning Joe," only to admit later that he was "wrong."

The two were discussing President Obama's response to the Malaysian plane crash in Ukraine. Brzezinski pointed out that President Reagan was on vacation when Korean Airlines Flight 007 was shot down by Soviet forces in 1983, and he did not make a speech for four days after the crash. Scarborough, despite Brzezinski's protests, argued that Reagan "immediately" responded.

"He immediately canceled [his vacation], immediately went back to the White House. He immediately canceled fundraising events and campaign events," the MSNBC host said.

MORE: Joe Scarborough Admits Making 'Boneheaded Error'

Scarborough was proven wrong and later apologized to Mika Brzezinski. He also thanked Twitter posters for pointing out his mistake.

What difference, at this point, does it make?
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the Iranian plane was not responding to radio calls and the USNS was in international waters.

<vulgarity removed>

The plane was shot down by a ship..

They didn't make any "radio calls".

They weren't in "international waters" either. They were playing aggression games with Iranian boats.

Iran Air Flight 655

Iran Air Flight 655 was an Iran Air civilian passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai that was shot down by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes on 3 July 1988. The incident took place in Iranian airspace, over Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, and on the flight's usual flight path. The aircraft, an Airbus A300 B2-203, was destroyed by SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles fired from the Vincennes.
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One short search on google would have helped you here with the facts.

Which you got completely wrong.
Once Reagan was given the damning evidence against the USSR aka Russia he didn't call it "possibly a tragedy" like dipshit did.

At the time Obama said that, there was no confirmation the plane was shot down. Time to move on to your next whine. :eusa_whistle:
This desperation is hilarious. The loons are falling all over themselves to deflect away from the disastrous Boy Blunder. The race card is worn out. Blaming Bush has become ridiculous even for lefties. So now, they're going back to the 80's and trying to run down Reagan in order to deflect away form their disaster-in-chief.

This is almost as damning for Oblunder than his actual record of screwing up everything he touches.

When children make mistakes, they blame others. Adults own up to their short comings. We are witnessing childish temper tantrums of child-minded loons trying to defend the indefensible. What a legacy for Oblunder. Carter can sleep well at night knowing he won't go down in history as the most incompetent president in U.S. history.

Can't brag? Then blame. It's what a three-year-old would do. That fits Obamabots.

That's pretty funny coming from the right given they were blaming Carter and Clinton for an economic disaster after 8 years of Bush in office. :lol:
Joe Scarborough adamantly insisted he was right during an exchange with co-host Mika Brzezinski on Monday's "Morning Joe," only to admit later that he was "wrong."

The two were discussing President Obama's response to the Malaysian plane crash in Ukraine. Brzezinski pointed out that President Reagan was on vacation when Korean Airlines Flight 007 was shot down by Soviet forces in 1983, and he did not make a speech for four days after the crash. Scarborough, despite Brzezinski's protests, argued that Reagan "immediately" responded.

"He immediately canceled [his vacation], immediately went back to the White House. He immediately canceled fundraising events and campaign events," the MSNBC host said.

MORE: Joe Scarborough Admits Making 'Boneheaded Error'

Scarborough was proven wrong and later apologized to Mika Brzezinski. He also thanked Twitter posters for pointing out his mistake.

He was too busy NOT fundamentally changing America, undoing all that Carter had done to the US Economy (compounding government spending when interest rates, unemployment, and inflation were rising). and. not driving down the labor participation pool.

Nope, those 21% interest rates were REAGAN's, along with the highest unemployment, Reagan just spent the US into the 21st century in DEBT; oddly much money went to DONORS to his grinnin' campaign.
This desperation is hilarious. The loons are falling all over themselves to deflect away from the disastrous Boy Blunder. The race card is worn out. Blaming Bush has become ridiculous even for lefties. So now, they're going back to the 80's and trying to run down Reagan in order to deflect away form their disaster-in-chief.

This is almost as damning for Oblunder than his actual record of screwing up everything he touches.

When children make mistakes, they blame others. Adults own up to their short comings. We are witnessing childish temper tantrums of child-minded loons trying to defend the indefensible. What a legacy for Oblunder. Carter can sleep well at night knowing he won't go down in history as the most incompetent president in U.S. history.

Can't brag? Then blame. It's what a three-year-old would do. That fits Obamabots.

Umm, the desperation is at the feet of Fox News. They were the ones to summon Reagan's rotted memory over this in order to draw a comparison between the two presidents, even though it was inapplicable. You should expect that the left is going to respond by pointing out how weak Reagan responded when it occurred on his watch.
For all his faults Reagan did one thing for me, he made me proud of America. He made me feel good about America. Very unlike what we have today, a guy who says he is on the side of illegal immigrants. The following are just some of the accomplishement of the greatest modern day president. Compare them to the shear disaster that Obama has brought onto America. Obama might be OK if you are into sodomy (gay men style) but other then that nothing.

1. Ending the Cold War:
2. Reaganomics:
3. Revitalizing the GOP and the conservative movement:
4. Peace through Strength:
5. Morning in America:
6. Star Wars:
7. Nuclear weapons cuts:
8. Voiced values:
9. Tax reform:
10. Taking on PATCO

Top 10 Reagan Achievements | Human Events

The good that Reagan did for black America

On balance, then, the majority of black Americans made considerable progress in the 1980s.

More of us stayed in high school, graduated and went on to college. More of us were working than ever before, in better jobs and for higher wages.

The black middle class burgeoned to unprecedented size, emerging as the dominant income group in black America. And black business flourished, creating wealth in the black community.

Reps. Owens, Wynn and Watson may think that all of those wondrous developments were simply happenstance.

But the credit goes to Ronald Reagan, who initiated the policies that fostered the economic growth and job creation of the 1980s, which produced the prosperity that most black Americans enjoyed.

The good that Reagan did for black America | The San Diego Union-Tribune

Ronald Reagan Signs Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday into Law: Nov. 2, 1983

http://cache.trustedpartner.com/doc...Ronald Reagan Signs Martin Luther King Jr.pdf
Once Reagan was given the damning evidence against the USSR aka Russia he didn't call it "possibly a tragedy" like dipshit did.

He didn't do JACK, though. Nap time for Ronnie.
Ronald Reagan's 30-Year Time Bombs

The time element of “30 years” keeps slipping into American official reports and news stories about the origins of crises – the latest in “The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report” – but rarely is the relevance of the three-decade span explained, and there is a reason.

The failure to close the circle in saying who started the nation off on the path toward these disasters is because nearly everyone shies away from blaming Ronald Reagan for almost anything.

The overpowering consensus in Washington is that it’s political suicide to criticize the 40th president of the United States, whose centennial birthday on Feb. 6 will be celebrated elaborately.

It’s much safer to behave like MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews and simply accept that Reagan was “one of the all-time greats.”

But the truth is that Reagan’s current historical reputation rests more on the effectiveness of the Republican propaganda machine – and the timidity of many Democrats and media personalities – than on his actual record of accomplishments.

Indeed, many of today’s worst national and international problems can be traced to misjudgments and malfeasance from the Reagan years – from the swelling national debt to out-of-control banks, from the decline of the U.S. middle class to the inaction on energy independence, from the rise of Islamic fundamentalism to Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.

All of these disasters are part of the Reagan Legacy. Yet, possibly the most insidious residue from the Reagan Years was the concept of manipulating information – what some Reagan officials liked to call “perception management” – as a means of societal control.

MUCH MORE: Ronald Reagan's 30-Year Time Bombs

Reagan was a disaster for America - especially the poor and middle class. Because of him, I switched from Republican to Democrat - and I've never regretted that decision.

Historians do not rate the napper in Chief highly, massive debt, slow economy, heavy services cuts (federal highways crumbled) but he did inspire some, those raised by TV sets, instead of parents.
Once Reagan was given the damning evidence against the USSR aka Russia he didn't call it "possibly a tragedy" like dipshit did.

He didn't do JACK, though. Nap time for Ronnie.

I guess what you would expect is that he makes jokes, goes to fund raisers then goes on vacation. Well that is doing something.
Umm, the desperation is at the feet of Fox News. They were the ones to summon Reagan's rotted memory over this in order to draw a comparison between the two presidents, even though it was inapplicable. You should expect that the left is going to respond by pointing out how weak Reagan responded when it occurred on his watch.

Chief Shitting Bull, a.k.a. Lakhota, who started this thread is now an employee of Fox New?:cuckoo: I'm sure you'll supply us with a link.

Implying Reagan was weak in comparison to your idiot boy king? You're cracking us up.

Quick! Deflect. The Reagan thing isn't working. Fox News! That's it. It's Fox News.

Just to be safe, let's yell Racism! Bush! Reagan! Everyone look away from the fuckup-in-chief.


Keep it coming. You loons are hilarious.
So, rightwingers have been worshiping an insane "Alzheimer's-addled" Reagan? Now it makes sense.

Fuck Reagan! That prick was a disaster!

And Obama has been worshiped by insane left wingers who don't even have the excuse of Alzheimer's.

Reagan was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

He blew up the deficit, spent like a drunken sailor, cut taxes on the rich and then raised taxes on the poor and middle class. He cut regulations and starved regulators, reintroducing the boom/bust economies of yore.

Not only that? He supported folks like Osama Bin Laden and the Contras.

Which has led to some pretty catastrophic outcomes.

Actually, bin Laden didn't attract a cult until the early 90s, Reagan gave us the Taliban so bin Laden had a start when he wanted to.

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