Why did Republicans/rightwing/conservatives claim that John Edwards was unfit to be POTUS?

This guy.

Refresh my memory, please. He was running for POTUS against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008. But then Republicans attacked him mercilessly as unfit and he dropped out of the race.
Because, as a trial lawyer suing an OBGYN doctor for malpractice, he told a jury that the spirit of an unborn baby who died in the womb was speaking through him to describe how she felt when the doctor allegedly delayed needed treatment.

Then he campaigned as a radica pro-abortionist.
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Because, as a trial lawyer suing an OBGYN doctor for malpractice, he told a jury that the spirit of an unborn baby who died in the womb was speaking through him to say describe how she felt when the doctor allegedly delayed needed treatment.

Then he campaigned as a radica pro-abortionist.
This isn't why Republicans said he was unfit to be POTUS.
Refresh my memory, please. He was running for POTUS against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008. But then Republicans attacked him mercilessly as unfit and he dropped out of the race.
John Edwards? What the heck made you think of him?
Refresh my memory, please. He was running for POTUS against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008. But then Republicans attacked him mercilessly as unfit and he dropped out of the race.
Edwards placed second in the Iowa caucus, and then had a lackluster performance in several states afterwards until he dropped out in January. He didn't drop out because of "republican attacks." He dropped out because he was no match against obama and clinton.
He had an affair and paid off $200,000 while his wife was dying of cancer and had his baby. He wasn't real popular and shouldn't have been in the race to begin with. He later beat one count on a 6 count indictment and there was a mistrial declared, as the jury could not decide on the other 5. I think he was sleaze, but you already know how I think of pols that can't keep it in their pants and pay off for silence. Nothing stays silent.., ever.
Refresh my memory, please. He was running for POTUS against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008. But then Republicans attacked him mercilessly as unfit and he dropped out of the race.

Um, no. A primary is Dems vs. Dems. Hillary's "Steele Dossier" team took out Edwards, not the GOP.

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