Why did so many Dems vote for Iraq War

Jeb said on Monday that he would have supported the war in Iraq knowing what we know now.

Yesterday he said he "misheard" the question.

Today he said that he would not have supported the war in Iraq knowing what we know now.

He also stated that one of the reasons he supported the Iraq war at first, was because he didn't want to dismiss the service of the troops who had served and died over there.

Me? I think Jeb is full of crap and is just looking to pander for votes.
Jeb said on Monday that he would have supported the war in Iraq knowing what we know now.

Yesterday he said he "misheard" the question.

Today he said that he would not have supported the war in Iraq knowing what we know now.

He also stated that one of the reasons he supported the Iraq war at first, was because he didn't want to dismiss the service of the troops who had served and died over there.

Me? I think Jeb is full of crap and is just looking to pander for votes.
In bold?
No you don't.

If you "think" you would have completely understood what happened.

No. You don't think. You regurgitate.
kaz 11394927
My arguments against the Iraq invasion are:

1) It was Unconstitutional. The only authority for the military granted and the only authority for the military which should be granted is for the "defence" of the United States. Attacking Afghanistan was that, they attacked us. Invading Iraq was not. Nation building in Afghanistan was not. In Afghanistan, we should have gone in, killed as many al Qaeda and Taliban as we could and left. We should not have gone into Iraq at all. I oppose Gulf War I, Gulf War II, and having any military bases or permanent troops in the middle east.

2) It was not in our national interest. The Arab governments and Europe are under a far greater threat from radical Islamic States. Yet we push them aside and fight it for them. It's ridiculous. Look what happened when we didn't attack ISIS. Jordan and Egypt did. Why should they take care of themselves when we do it for them?

I don't know why you want to run away by throwing in the 'boring' excuse because I agree with your reasons for opposing the war in Iraq and agree with your support for toppling the Taliban.

I do not agree with leaving Afghanistan after toppling the government. That would have been a disaster to leave the Afghans to fend for themselves.

What I said was:

"I am not saying the invasion is your fault. The invasion is the fault of GWBush and no one else. But you can't seem to find a valid argument against that"

Why don't you provide a valid argument against that?
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Jeb said on Monday that he would have supported the war in Iraq knowing what we know now.

Yesterday he said he "misheard" the question.

Today he said that he would not have supported the war in Iraq knowing what we know now.

He also stated that one of the reasons he supported the Iraq war at first, was because he didn't want to dismiss the service of the troops who had served and died over there.

Me? I think Jeb is full of crap and is just looking to pander for votes.
In bold?
No you don't.

If you "think" you would have completely understood what happened.

No. You don't think. You regurgitate.

Actually..........I do think. Jeb Bush said he would have supported the Iraq war, and when people in his own party started to attack him, he flip flopped and changed his position.

Like I said................Jeb is pandering.
kaz 11394927
My arguments against the Iraq invasion are:

1) It was Unconstitutional. The only authority for the military granted and the only authority for the military which should be granted is for the "defence" of the United States. Attacking Afghanistan was that, they attacked us. Invading Iraq was not. Nation building in Afghanistan was not. In Afghanistan, we should have gone in, killed as many al Qaeda and Taliban as we could and left. We should not have gone into Iraq at all. I oppose Gulf War I, Gulf War II, and having any military bases or permanent troops in the middle east.

2) It was not in our national interest. The Arab governments and Europe are under a far greater threat from radical Islamic States. Yet we push them aside and fight it for them. It's ridiculous. Look what happened when we didn't attack ISIS. Jordan and Egypt did. Why should they take care of themselves when we do it for them?

I don't know why you want to run away by throwing in the 'boring' excuse because I agree with you reasons for opposing the war in Iraq and agree with your support for toppling the Taliban.

I do not agree with leaving Afghanistan after toppling the government. That would have been a disaster to leave
The Afghans to fend for themselves.

What I said was:

"I am not saying the invasion is your fault. The invasion is the fault of GWBush and no one else. But you can't seem to find a valid argument against that"

Why don't you provide a valid argument against that?
whereas Obama believes he does not need congress to vote for a military action...he does.

And Bush had to get such approval.

End of story.
Jeb said on Monday that he would have supported the war in Iraq knowing what we know now.

Yesterday he said he "misheard" the question.

Today he said that he would not have supported the war in Iraq knowing what we know now.

He also stated that one of the reasons he supported the Iraq war at first, was because he didn't want to dismiss the service of the troops who had served and died over there.

Me? I think Jeb is full of crap and is just looking to pander for votes.
In bold?
No you don't.

If you "think" you would have completely understood what happened.

No. You don't think. You regurgitate.

Actually..........I do think. Jeb Bush said he would have supported the Iraq war, and when people in his own party started to attack him, he flip flopped and changed his position.

Like I said................Jeb is pandering.
If you listened to his entire answer, you would have known it was obvious that he misunderstood the question.

But that information isn't important to you. So you simply regurgitate what you hear.
JH 11397748
If you listened to his entire answer, you would have known it was obvious that he misunderstood the question.

But that information isn't important to you. So you simply regurgitate what you hear.

So why is it not ok now, for those on the left and those that opposed the invasion before Bush ordered the troops to go in, to "repudiate Bush43's legacy" since his own flesh and blood brother has now reversed himself clearly and has called the invasion of Iraq a mistake knowing that Iraq did not have the WMD that his brother's administration claimed having intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from the March 2003 UN inspectors.

. While Bush was forced to grapple with an uncomfortable situation -- whether to repudiate his brother's legacy and risk offending establishment donors and activists who remain loyal to the former president -- other declared and likely GOP presidential candidates were only too happy to pile on. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) and Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) all said this week that going to war in Iraq with today's knowledge would be a mistake.

It Took A Week But Jeb Bush Finally Acknowledges That Invading Iraq Was A Mistake

Why are all those Republican wannabe presidents throwing Bush43 under the bus on Iraq and the righties here aren't getting all indignant and nasty about it?
The righties aren't getting indignant because they secretly hope that Jeb drops out of the race.

The smart Republicans know that another Bush in office is distasteful to most Americans, which is why Jeb has been trying to distance himself from his father and brother.
kaz 11394927
My arguments against the Iraq invasion are:

1) It was Unconstitutional. The only authority for the military granted and the only authority for the military which should be granted is for the "defence" of the United States. Attacking Afghanistan was that, they attacked us. Invading Iraq was not. Nation building in Afghanistan was not. In Afghanistan, we should have gone in, killed as many al Qaeda and Taliban as we could and left. We should not have gone into Iraq at all. I oppose Gulf War I, Gulf War II, and having any military bases or permanent troops in the middle east.

2) It was not in our national interest. The Arab governments and Europe are under a far greater threat from radical Islamic States. Yet we push them aside and fight it for them. It's ridiculous. Look what happened when we didn't attack ISIS. Jordan and Egypt did. Why should they take care of themselves when we do it for them?

I don't know why you want to run away by throwing in the 'boring' excuse because I agree with your reasons for opposing the war in Iraq and agree with your support for toppling the Taliban.

I do not agree with leaving Afghanistan after toppling the government. That would have been a disaster to leave the Afghans to fend for themselves.

What I said was:

"I am not saying the invasion is your fault. The invasion is the fault of GWBush and no one else. But you can't seem to find a valid argument against that"

Why don't you provide a valid argument against that?

Why can't you grow a pair and acknowledge your party did this hand in hand with GWB? Pull down your dress, your twat is showing, girlie
The righties aren't getting indignant because they secretly hope that Jeb drops out of the race.

The smart Republicans know that another Bush in office is distasteful to most Americans, which is why Jeb has been trying to distance himself from his father and brother.

The smart Republicans know that Hillary is bad too; but your vag is undoubtedly wet just thinking of her being president.
The righties aren't getting indignant because they secretly hope that Jeb drops out of the race.

The smart Republicans know that another Bush in office is distasteful to most Americans, which is why Jeb has been trying to distance himself from his father and brother.

The smart Republicans know that Hillary is bad too; but your vag is undoubtedly wet just thinking of her being president.

Actually, I kinda think that a Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren ticket would be a good one.
JH 11397743
End of story.

How is your non-response the "end of story" when your non-response to this:

NF 11392056
The invasion is the fault of GWBush and no one else..

Was this:

JH 11397743
whereas Obama believes he does not need congress to vote for a military action...he does. And Bush had to get such approval.

Your reply has nothing to do with the fact that the US invasion into Iraq in March 2003 is the fault of GWBush and is lone decision to end UN inspections and is the fault of no one else.
Jeb said on Monday that he would have supported the war in Iraq knowing what we know now.

Yesterday he said he "misheard" the question.

Today he said that he would not have supported the war in Iraq knowing what we know now.

He also stated that one of the reasons he supported the Iraq war at first, was because he didn't want to dismiss the service of the troops who had served and died over there.

Me? I think Jeb is full of crap and is just looking to pander for votes.

Bottom line: Good ol' Jeb is caught in a no-win situation when asked that sort of question.....My feeling is that he would love to say that the Iraq war was a catastrophe in lives lost, treasury squandered and hate toward us spawned.......BUT, he would have to call his brother a fool, and he knows he'd get slammed for family disloyalty....so, he's left to "flip-flop" like a flounder out of water.
The righties aren't getting indignant because they secretly hope that Jeb drops out of the race.

The smart Republicans know that another Bush in office is distasteful to most Americans, which is why Jeb has been trying to distance himself from his father and brother.

The smart Republicans know that Hillary is bad too; but your vag is undoubtedly wet just thinking of her being president.

Actually, I kinda think that a Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren ticket would be a good one.

I would have respect for BS if he dared to call out HC for being a sellout; but he didn't. He couldn't go against the grain.
Why can't you grow a pair and acknowledge your party did this hand in hand with GWB? Pull down your dress, your twat is showing, girlie

The (foul-mouthed insult post) comes out on cue from kaz following the (I'm bored with your post) as a result of kaz being presented with a straight-forward refuse for an answer that it appears to be the case that kaz cannot provide.

What I said was:

The early March 2003 decision to invade Iraq that forced an end to UN inspections is the fault of GWBush and no one else. No one on earth made that decision other than GW Bush. Apparently Bush had decided to invade Iraq whether the inspections were resumed or whether they were not which is opposite to what he said in the September through December 2002. Those being lied to on make matter of war or peace cannot be blamed for being lied to by a Man trusted to uphold the integrity of the office of the President of the United States of America.

Bush lied - he never intended to use the authority he was given to wage war against Iraq only as a last resort. He got his inspections and then look at what he alone did to them.
Why can't you grow a pair and acknowledge your party did this hand in hand with GWB? Pull down your dress, your twat is showing, girlie

The (foul-mouthed insult post) comes out on cue from kaz following the (I'm bored with your post) as a result of kaz being presented with a straight-forward refuse for an answer that it appears to be the case that kaz cannot provide.

What I said was:

The early March 2003 decision to invade Iraq that forced an end to UN inspections is the fault of GWBush and no one else. No one on earth made that decision other than GW Bush. Apparently Bush had decided to invade Iraq whether the inspections were resumed or whether they were not which is opposite to what he said in the September through December 2002. Those being lied to on make matter of war or peace cannot be blamed for being lied to by a Man trusted to uphold the integrity of the office of the President of the United States of America.

Bush lied - he never intended to use the authority he was given to wage war against Iraq only as a last resort. He got his inspections and then look at what he alone did to them.

So you expect a serious answer to your wanting me to say it was only W behind the war, it's not going to happen, it's ridiculous crap. You are just rewriting history and absolving your party of their crimes

Grow...a...pair. Your partisanship is extreme and you're ridiculous. I know, I know, I'm partisan for thinking both parties did it. You're not partisan when you hold Democrats accountable for nothing. You're a toadie
Why can't you grow a pair and acknowledge your party did this hand in hand with GWB? Pull down your dress, your twat is showing, girlie

The (foul-mouthed insult post) comes out on cue from kaz following the (I'm bored with your post) as a result of kaz being presented with a straight-forward refuse for an answer that it appears to be the case that kaz cannot provide.

What I said was:

The early March 2003 decision to invade Iraq that forced an end to UN inspections is the fault of GWBush and no one else. No one on earth made that decision other than GW Bush. Apparently Bush had decided to invade Iraq whether the inspections were resumed or whether they were not which is opposite to what he said in the September through December 2002. Those being lied to on make matter of war or peace cannot be blamed for being lied to by a Man trusted to uphold the integrity of the office of the President of the United States of America.

Bush lied - he never intended to use the authority he was given to wage war against Iraq only as a last resort. He got his inspections and then look at what he alone did to them.

So you expect a serious answer to your wanting me to say it was only W behind the war, it's not going to happen, it's ridiculous crap. You are just rewriting history and absolving your party of their crimes

Grow...a...pair. Your partisanship is extreme and you're ridiculous. I know, I know, I'm partisan for thinking both parties did it. You're not partisan when you hold Democrats accountable for nothing. You're a toadie

I hold the 110 Democrats who voted for the war accountable. The 147 who didn't? They are heroes.
How could anyone have anticipated that the POTUS and his administration could be capable of such bald-faced lies?

The POTUS and his Administration was merely quoting what a lot of leading Democrats were saying based on intel from US and allied intel agencies. Are these lies?

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

147 Democrats voted against the Iraq war. Why do you never quote them?

Why don't you quote them?
How could anyone have anticipated that the POTUS and his administration could be capable of such bald-faced lies?

The POTUS and his Administration was merely quoting what a lot of leading Democrats were saying based on intel from US and allied intel agencies. Are these lies?

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

147 Democrats voted against the Iraq war. Why do you never quote them?

Why don't you quote them?

Their vote is their quote. We were right. You were wrong. Go show God the blood on your hands.
Because they were fed cooked Information. W and DICK dooped everyone.

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