Why Did the Black Community Leave the GOP for the Democratic Party?

They like cradle to grave.
Free abortion
Food stamps
Money for every baby that gets born

They're mainly leftist that expects government to wipe their ass.
Why Did the Black Community Leave the GOP for the Democratic Party?

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A combination of some racist idiots in the GOP, and Dem Propaganda. :)

It has gotten so bad today, that many younger Liberals are floored when you point out that the Republican Party started off as an Abolitionist party, and the Election of the First Republican President sparked a Civil War when the Democrats in the South got Fed up and Left the union.

Many are equally shocked to learn that the Civil Rights Act only passed because of GOP support that helped defeat a Filibuster by you guessed it, Democrats.
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They like cradle to grave.
Free abortion
Food stamps
Money for every baby that gets born

They're mainly leftist that expects government to wipe their ass.

It is actually more strange that Blacks are so Pro Democrat when you realize how in step the GOP and most blacks are on social Issues.
The article doesn't talk much about the "white flight" from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. It's why all the racist KKK whites are now part of the Republican Party and why that party is still 90% white. Blacks obviously wouldn't have stayed with the Democratic Party if the white racists also stayed. And clearly, racists whites won't stay with a party that has so many blacks. It's all both obvious and common sense.
They've been lied to the whole time. Progressives in control of the media and schools have lied about the Dem Party and their "love" of blacks. They gave blacks public schools, public housing, fatherless head of household and the Tuskegee Experiments.
The article doesn't talk much about the "white flight" from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. It's why all the racist KKK whites are now part of the Republican Party and why that party is still 90% white. Blacks obviously wouldn't have stayed with the Democratic Party if the white racists also stayed. And clearly, racists whites won't stay with a party that has so many blacks. It's all both obvious and common sense.

Sorry Dean I can crush you on white flight. So tell me dean why did it take 30-40 years for republicans to get state level control of assemblies and how about Arkansas and West Viriginia? Do you really think the 30-40% tof democrats that voted for a fellon and a noname were better candidates than the sitting President? I wonder why they voted against him? hmmmmmm
The article doesn't talk much about the "white flight" from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. It's why all the racist KKK whites are now part of the Republican Party and why that party is still 90% white. Blacks obviously wouldn't have stayed with the Democratic Party if the white racists also stayed. And clearly, racists whites won't stay with a party that has so many blacks. It's all both obvious and common sense.

Wrong idiot.. Republicans don't accept any KKK racists the way the Democratic Party did. The KKK was a wing of the Democrat party. They have never had any connection with the Republican Party, any attempts were rejected unlike the racist libs
dean is a moron.....he thinks Lincoln was a democrat, jim crow was done by republicans and has no clue on general history, let alone party history
Blacks are never taught that LBJ held up Ike's Civil Rights bill, the one he wound up signing 7 years later, they're not taught LBJ said not to worry about Civil Rights becuase "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" and didn't know that Civil Rights "Hero" LBJ had this so say about Thurgood Marshall “Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.”
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dean is a moron.....he thinks Lincoln was a democrat, jim crow was done by republicans and has no clue on general history, let alone party history

He works off of democrat party talking points that’s all he knows
The article doesn't talk much about the "white flight" from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. It's why all the racist KKK whites are now part of the Republican Party and why that party is still 90% white. Blacks obviously wouldn't have stayed with the Democratic Party if the white racists also stayed. And clearly, racists whites won't stay with a party that has so many blacks. It's all both obvious and common sense.

Sorry, the KKK are National Socialist, which is just left of Socialism in the political spectrum. Why they are considered to be on the right is because they are the on the right in the European political system and because it's been beaten into the minds of every man, woman and child since the 60's. The biggest racists I know are all Democrats and I know no Republican racists, although I'm sure they exist.
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dean is a moron.....he thinks Lincoln was a democrat, jim crow was done by republicans and has no clue on general history, let alone party history

Dean is a bigger MORON than you think.

He thinks that "Lincoln" is just what our penny is called.

He thinks "Jim Crow" is a cheap whiskey.

He thinks that "history" is a story about a guy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYgXGM_AuO8]West Exceptional Speech: "The Republicans' Proud History of Standing Up for African-Americans"part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
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Part 2

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J8rJxQ7aRI]West Exceptional Speech: "The Republicans' Proud History of Standing Up for African-Americans"part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Answer: the Southern Strategy. Over night the GOP lost most of the support with it. That's a fact.
Why Did the Black Community Leave the GOP for the Democratic Party?

Link to story
A combination of some racist idiots in the GOP, and Dem Propaganda. :)

It has gotten so bad today, that many younger Liberals are floored when you point out that the Republican Party started off as an Abolitionist party, and the Election of the First Republican President sparked a Civil War when the Democrats in the South got Fed up and Left the union.

Many are equally shocked to learn that the Civil Rights Act only passed because of GOP support that helped defeat a Filibuster by you guessed it, Democrats.

Everything bad that has happened to blacks was because of the Democrat party. Slavery, the civil war, poll taxes, Jim Crow, segregation, the KKK..the list goes on and on. Now the democrats have blacks, and a whole lot of poor whites, in virtual chains of poverty and they say they are helping them by feeding them. Sad state of affairs. But kudos to the DNC for changing the blacks perception of reality.
Answer: the Southern Strategy. Over night the GOP lost most of the support with it. That's a fact.

That maybe fact but it is not reality. The real southern stratergy was LBJ who didn't give a hoot about blacks he only wanted their vote, that is well known.

The folks that Nixon got were those who were fed up with the Democrat plank of federal control on everything. The racists had no reason to leave the party of the KKK and slavery for the party of Lincoln and freedom.

Here, read some history from the man who lived it: The Neocons and Nixon’s southern strategy

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