Why did the Democrats and Obama fail this election cycle this year?

The only reason the 90's were a success in spite of a Democratic President and a Republican legislature is that those two bodies COMPROMISED--which is the INTENT of the Constitution.

once again i agree with Maggs...dont forget in the 90's we had a decent Leader who made our two recent "Leaders" look pretty pathetic.......Comprimise is something you may never see again until a REAL leader becomes President,......and i dont see nothing out there but Party Hacks .....and if one does show up....im sure he/she will be an individual who does not belong to either party.....will out class both of the Party Candidates,but because he/she is an Independent, will of course be overlooked by the voters of this Country who just cannot seem to part with their precious little Party's....so once again America will get screwed by the pathetic Hacks of this Country.....
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The only reason the 90's were a success in spite of a Democratic President and a Republican legislature is that those two bodies COMPROMISED--which is the INTENT of the Constitution.

once again i agree with Maggs...dont forget in the 90's we had a decent Leader who made our two recent "Leaders" look pretty pathetic.......Comprimise is something you may never see again until a REAL leader becomes President,......and i dont see nothing out there but Party Hacks .....and if one does show up....im sure he/she will be an individual who does not belong to either party.....will out class both of the Party Candidates,but because he/she is an Independent, will of course be overlooked by the voters of this Country who just cannot seem to part with their precious little Party's....so once again America will get screwed by the pathetic Hacks of this Country.....

Do you really like Butcher's books? Juvenile at best.
The dimocrats and obama* lost because they spent too much time dicking around with "health care" and not enough time trying to fix the problems with the economy. They should have worried about the economy first, and they found out the hard way.

If the dimocrats don't wake up, and start realizing that they are part of the problem, obama* will be a one termer who will make Carter look good.

I'm all for obama* being a one termer anyway. Hopefully the adults will be put back in charge in 2012.

Like Bush and the Republicans. They sent millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 using subsidies and tax cuts for the rich people and given citizenship to corporations.

Once back in office, the Republican leadership will gladly finish the job. If that happens, and it very well might, American will get what it earned, for not taking a good long look at both parties. Republicans are screwy. The listen to a foreign owned news station that lies about everything. 200 million LIES a day.

11,187.... that's how many times you have lied on this board.

11,227 posts of truth. Links, data, evidence. All thrown into the faces of the right wing. Instead of looking at the evidence, they go on a rant of "lies, it must be lies".

You know what it reminds me of? The Vancome Lady with a finger in each ear going "La la la la". You know this woman must be a Republican.


They rarely have any evidence and 9 times out of ten, they say one thing and their link says something else. I guess when you are delusional, you read what you want to read.

Is California Girl the Vancome Lady? One wonders.
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LOL, poor poor Bass, just can't accept the fact the Obama AND his comrades in ARMS and their Socialist policies ARE NOT LIKED OR WANTED.
but of course it's blamed on the fact that the American people are too stupid to see how the Obama just has our best INTREST at heart.to the tune of trillions of dollars.:lol:

I'm not a Democrat, nor am I an Obama lover, I gave my two cents about why the Democrats failed and it had nothing to do with the rejection of so called "socialism" by the American people, functionally retarded people like you will continually ignore the fact that unemployment and concerns over the economy were the causes of Democratic loses, they just happened to be the party in power that bore the brunt of the losses.
I'm going to tell you why, our president tried too damn hard to be the president of everyone, reaching out and being too generous with a Republican Party that has little to no respect for him as a politician and leader of this country. Its a known fact that the "solutions" of the Republican Party don't work so it was senseless to reach out to those monkeys while simultaneously reminding the American people of how bad 8 years of Bush and the Republicans were, it sends a confusing message to the American people. You don't do compromises and deals with the devil and expect to come out on the better end of it, his willingness to compromise with the Republicans on the extension of the Bush tax cuts further underlines my point, let the damn things expire and move on.

As for some of the rest of the Democrats, especially the Bluedogs, they got voted out because they sold out the people they were supposed to represent all in the name of retaining their power. Its no surprise that only the more liberal Democrats retained their sets and the so called "conservative" Democrats lost out. Instead of distancing themselves from Obama to save their seats they should have stood up for the people that put them in office, instead when they saw the low poll numbers of Obama they thought they could hustle themselves into keeping their seats by being more "conservative."

If you believe the horse shit you just posted I can see why you obama and the rest of the democrats have no concept as to why they lost. I can tell you why but it would be like pissing on a house fire to put out the flame. All I can say is 2012 is just around the corner, sit back and watch the fun.
LOL, poor poor Bass, just can't accept the fact the Obama AND his comrades in ARMS and their Socialist policies ARE NOT LIKED OR WANTED.
but of course it's blamed on the fact that the American people are too stupid to see how the Obama just has our best INTREST at heart.to the tune of trillions of dollars.:lol:

I'm not a Democrat, nor am I an Obama lover, I gave my two cents about why the Democrats failed and it had nothing to do with the rejection of so called "socialism" by the American people, functionally retarded people like you will continually ignore the fact that unemployment and concerns over the economy were the causes of Democratic loses, they just happened to be the party in power that bore the brunt of the losses.

Posting that you are not an obama supporter in on reply does not negate all the rest of the supportive reply's for obama you have made.
I'm going to tell you why, our president tried too damn hard to be the president of everyone, reaching out and being too generous with a Republican Party that has little to no respect for him as a politician and leader of this country. Its a known fact that the "solutions" of the Republican Party don't work so it was senseless to reach out to those monkeys while simultaneously reminding the American people of how bad 8 years of Bush and the Republicans were, it sends a confusing message to the American people. You don't do compromises and deals with the devil and expect to come out on the better end of it, his willingness to compromise with the Republicans on the extension of the Bush tax cuts further underlines my point, let the damn things expire and move on.

As for some of the rest of the Democrats, especially the Bluedogs, they got voted out because they sold out the people they were supposed to represent all in the name of retaining their power. Its no surprise that only the more liberal Democrats retained their sets and the so called "conservative" Democrats lost out. Instead of distancing themselves from Obama to save their seats they should have stood up for the people that put them in office, instead when they saw the low poll numbers of Obama they thought they could hustle themselves into keeping their seats by being more "conservative."

If you believe the horse shit you just posted I can see why you obama and the rest of the democrats have no concept as to why they lost. I can tell you why but it would be like pissing on a house fire to put out the flame. All I can say is 2012 is just around the corner, sit back and watch the fun.

no racial slurs. ~elvis.
LOL, poor poor Bass, just can't accept the fact the Obama AND his comrades in ARMS and their Socialist policies ARE NOT LIKED OR WANTED.
but of course it's blamed on the fact that the American people are too stupid to see how the Obama just has our best INTREST at heart.to the tune of trillions of dollars.:lol:

I'm not a Democrat, nor am I an Obama lover, I gave my two cents about why the Democrats failed and it had nothing to do with the rejection of so called "socialism" by the American people, functionally retarded people like you will continually ignore the fact that unemployment and concerns over the economy were the causes of Democratic loses, they just happened to be the party in power that bore the brunt of the losses.

Posting that you are not an obama supporter in on reply does not negate all the rest of the supportive reply's for obama you have made.

Yeah sure I'm an Obama supporter, I must be since I'm buttkissing the Republitards and Teabaggers, :rolleyes: that about narrows it.
Too many posts to read em all so if this has been said here it is again.

Obama has succeeded. Obama knows exactly what he is doing.

Its called destroy the USA, divide the country, anarchy will follow, and the Marxist will win control.
I'm not a Democrat, nor am I an Obama lover, I gave my two cents about why the Democrats failed and it had nothing to do with the rejection of so called "socialism" by the American people, functionally retarded people like you will continually ignore the fact that unemployment and concerns over the economy were the causes of Democratic loses, they just happened to be the party in power that bore the brunt of the losses.

Posting that you are not an obama supporter in on reply does not negate all the rest of the supportive reply's for obama you have made.

Yeah sure I'm an Obama supporter, I must be since I'm buttkissing the Republitards and Teabaggers, :rolleyes: that about narrows it.

Why is since obama has fallen from the pedistal that he was placed on are so many of his past supporters saying they have never supported him?
Lol!! Is that the latest model of thinking by the elite libs? Good luck with that but I'd be planning on an extinction level event in a couple of years if I were a lib....with that line of thinking.

I heard this same thing on NPR the other day. The Dems lost not because they are tone deaf in their interpretation of the voice of the peole and not because they are failures by the standards they set for success and not because they are setting records for mismanagement of funds and not because thay are being forced to investigate their members for crimes against the people.

The Democrats have concluded that they are failures because they are not Liberal enough. Interesting conclusion.

They must be right. All of the scientists are Democrat and those guys are brilliant.

Had Obama heeded the words of the more liberal House and Senate Democrats instead listening to the incompetent monkeys around him who were more concerned with making him look good this past election wouldn't have been as bad.

Monkey see...monkey do.
Do you really like Butcher's books? Juvenile at best.

when reading about this subject matter.....i go for entertainment.....and since his books are pretty popular,i dont think i am alone in that feeling.....but out of the 2 Wizards out there selling books right now....i would think the one making a ton of money is somewhat more Juvenile,yet there he is .....dragging people of all ages into the theater.....amazing aint it....
I'm not a Democrat,

:lol:....yea right.....you do nothing but stick up for them and i mean ALL of them....i have yet to see you,the so called Conservative ever bad mouth a Democrat.....but yet you just cant seem to find anything even half-assed decent about any thing Conservative.....and i am more than sure the majority of the people posting here will agree....
I'm not a Democrat,

:lol:....yea right.....you do nothing but stick up for them and i mean ALL of them....i have yet to see you,the so called Conservative ever bad mouth a Democrat.....but yet you just cant seem to find anything even half-assed decent about any thing Conservative.....and i am more than sure the majority of the people posting here will agree....

This thread alone proves I don't stick up for Democrats and I'm not one, you don't have to be a Democrat to criticize Republitards and righwingers.
Like Bush and the Republicans. They sent millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 using subsidies and tax cuts for the rich people and given citizenship to corporations.

Once back in office, the Republican leadership will gladly finish the job. If that happens, and it very well might, American will get what it earned, for not taking a good long look at both parties. Republicans are screwy. The listen to a foreign owned news station that lies about everything. 200 million LIES a day.

11,187.... that's how many times you have lied on this board.

11,227 posts of truth. Links, data, evidence. All thrown into the faces of the right wing. Instead of looking at the evidence, they go on a rant of "lies, it must be lies".

You know what it reminds me of? The Vancome Lady with a finger in each ear going "La la la la". You know this woman must be a Republican.

They rarely have any evidence and 9 times out of ten, they say one thing and their link says something else. I guess when you are delusional, you read what you want to read.

Is California Girl the Vancome Lady? One wonders.

I hardly waste my time reading your partisan bullshit - every time I do though, you make me laugh with your gigantic leaps from fact into fiction. Between you and truthdon'tmatter, you entertain the board - if little else.
I'm not a Democrat,

:lol:....yea right.....you do nothing but stick up for them and i mean ALL of them....i have yet to see you,the so called Conservative ever bad mouth a Democrat.....but yet you just cant seem to find anything even half-assed decent about any thing Conservative.....and i am more than sure the majority of the people posting here will agree....

This thread alone proves I don't stick up for Democrats and I'm not one, you don't have to be a Democrat to criticize Republitards and righwingers.

Bass all your doing is giving your opinion as to why the elections turned out the way it did.....as a so called Conservative there should have been plenty of times when you should have been very critical of the Democratic party and what they are doing or have done in the past.....i have never seen it.....but i have seen you....the so-called Conservative, be VERY critical of the Republicans......many many times.....
I hardly waste my time reading your partisan bullshit - every time I do though, you make me laugh with your gigantic leaps from fact into fiction. Between you and truthdon'tmatter, you entertain the board - if little else.

exactly.....and he has had this pointed out too many times to count.....bring up a good point......and then here comes the Stereotyping......and then the thread becomes an argument with Dean about his tent throwing.....instead of the topic he brought up.....
Put simply: because they didn't do what they were elected to do.

They, particularly Obama and Democrats in line with him, successfully campaigned on bringing fundamental reform to the system. Limiting corporate and lobbyist influence in Washington, ending the two disastrous and counterproductive wars, enacting a public option, re-establishing the rule of law, and being far more open and transparent in how they govern.

They did exactly none of that, so the results were quite predictable.

The absolute last reason they lost was because they were "too far left" considering the policies considered "left" that they advocated maintained widespread public support before they abandoned them in favor of simply rebranding the status quo.

The economy, unemployment, and wildly unpopular bailouts in favor of the people who broke the country certainly didn't help either.
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They wasted 18 months trying to get ONE republican senator to vote for the Health care Act They could have rammed through a much better program in the first six months of their administration while they had 60 votes in the Senate.The public got sick of all the deals that finally had to be made to get a skeletal program that will help only the insurance industry and will leave 20 million people without insurance when it FINALLY takes fully effect in 2020

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