Why did the programs flood the nation with blacks in them?

this is obviously a democrrat commie plotto thin the blood of the white race.

ok lets try this one.

most white people do not spend a lot of time watching the tube. blacks and interacial people are poorer, work multiple jobs, have more kids, and are too exhausted to do much else.

madison ave will happily sell to anyone who is listening. do you see the objectionable ads on the stations you prefer?
Much of my life was spent selling others property for them as their agent. I learned early in life that when one spends an inordinate time focused on a particular issue, what happens is you lose much of the audience. Either the media gave up on selling to whites or they are engaged in social engineering. I believe blacks need a share of the market. But not 80 percent or more of it.
There's a growing black middle class..so that's another market. It's not a plot against you.
They have lost me, much of my family when we discuss this and we resent them misrepresenting this entire country.
Oh my god!

Blacks and white together! Possibly marrying!

Now we understand why you left the Democratic Party

They weren’t racist enough for you
This marriage excuse is not new. What is new is the ads direct us as a nation to do this or that. Selling aspirins is no excuse for the ad makers to go racist on us.

I have laid out in fairly expressed words why I left the Democrats. It was over Jimmy Carter and when he screwed the nation, I decided to take note of the other democrats in details to see if they also screwed us. I found Democrats enjoy screwing America. That is why I left that party.
There's a growing black middle class..so that's another market. It's not a plot against you.
I understand advertising very well. I engaged in it for decades. I wanted to sell what my sellers hired me to sell so I am pretty well acquainted with marketing things. I see them today as very divisive is my message.
I suspect it is unifying most of us. It's a hair on fire tragedy for you racists.
You made sure to brand your comments as racist. Why did you damage your post?
Let any conservative post on the board long enough and she/he will eventually get around to telling us how much they hate black people. Its a sickness among them.
I am a Republican. Write it down. I would not understand your term. No Republican has defined it like you did. We get told words by the Media yet they do not ask us for what we are. The media simply thinks they know. But since they are Democrats, they do not know at all. The woman whose post I pasted has not said things you claim she said.
This marriage excuse is not new. What is new is the ads direct us as a nation to do this or that. Selling aspirins is no excuse for the ad makers to go racist on us.

I have laid out in fairly expressed words why I left the Democrats. It was over Jimmy Carter and when he screwed the nation, I decided to take note of the other democrats in details to see if they also screwed us. I found Democrats enjoy screwing America. That is why I left that party.
It's about promoting "Diversity, Wokeness and everyone being supposedly equal".
Due to many Negros being latent racists - just as many Europeans, they might be "persuaded" to purchase products being advertised for by their own "kind".

BTW - this topic was already posted on - several month ago.
Many topics were discussed in the past.

If we talked like blacks talk, we would demand reparations. Because of the 630,000 dead in the civil war, racists teach is is why the civil war happened. In effect they call Abraham Lincoln a liar over why he invaded VA.
It’s about destroying American culture. All things foundational are being propagated as being a result of white supremacy. The purpose is to undermine American culture so it can be replaced with Marxism/globalist bs.
The fear of being destroyed on social media forces advertisers to play down numbers of whites in ads.
Democrats have been co-opted by globalists. Many are clueless.
Pretty creepy days.
You came up with what I label the closest to truth by any of us here. I believe the lads at the ad agencies are doing as you say they are. They won't admit it is to cause the USA to convulse as a nation pretending I can solve problems our own fathers did not solve by featuring as gods, only blacks.
The most ironic commercial I saw was a black filled Camping World commercial.

I've been around a long time and blacks don't camp. They are skeered of ghosts.

I grew up around two black brothers that loved to hunt and fish just like I did but neither would night fish nor be in the woods when it got dark or before daylight.

Another example was this time of year when the yellow suckers run and we would dip net (called dipping) and the old black men would dip from about a hour after full daylight till the sun was almost down.....Then they would leave and we would take over their poles and dip all night, they would take back over in the morning.
I have camped out a zillion times and now that you mention it, I think you are accurate. Even here in Idaho, I so seldom see a black person of either male or female I tend to forget they exist. So seeing them constantly on TV sure puzzles me.
If I lived in say Baltimore or Chicago or Oakland, CA I could understand them focusing on blacks.
I do not recall ever at any campground seeing blacks living in the wild as we campers do.
I understand advertising very well. I engaged in it for decades. I wanted to sell what my sellers hired me to sell so I am pretty well acquainted with marketing things. I see them today as very divisive is my message.
Since you have that knowledge, you should at least suspect that having POC in the commercials increases their sales numbers. If the numbers dropped, we'd be back to a snow white world in one hell of a hurry. Money talks.
No, most Americans do not.

But most Americans are very kind, so they watch such commercials and smile to themselves or quietly chuckle.

The companies that present such commercials hope to achieve at least two goals: (1) To show what a nice and happy multicultural country this can be in the future and (2) to let people of color know that they are welcome at that company.

For example, the cutest commercial currently being shown here in my area is one presented by a certain chain restaurant. We see a young African American gentleman seated at a table with a young Caucasian lady on one side and a young Asian lady on the other side. They then engage in playful banter about what kind of food they have ordered. It is very sweet.
Here is more opinion from an old racist.
I really don't care if they want to use whoever in their ads and entertainment options, but I think they would be better served if they made an attempt to reflect the actual demographics of the US in doing so.
Stop whining about commercials.
Yes......social engineering via propaganda....people do not speak up for fear of being labeled racist.
The nation we have now was socially engineered to give whites the majority.
Who else is watching that much TV? Daytime TV is focused on black women and elderly white women. It's about targeting the easiest marks.
I spend a lot more time here than watching TV. So when I flip over to TV it is on this same monitor. I am stunned to try to understand what the ad media is trying to accomplish. Ads do try to accomplish things. Generally selling a product.

Rather than purchase a TV to watch TV, I decided some years back to use the same monitor for both TV and for the internet. I went big screen and am very happy to see my TV on a 65 inch monitor.
Stop whining about commercials.
When I call Democrats authoritarians, that is only one incident from Democrats I comment about. They are not satisfied just running their own lives, they intend to manage every other person's life for them. Sorry no dice.
The nation we have now was socially engineered to give whites the majority.
I do not agree. We have blacks mainly due to them working fine on farms of the old South for many years and being tamable. Where they originated, one is tamed or is the leader.

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