Why did the programs flood the nation with blacks in them?

You seem to think there is something nefarious about black people appearing in commercials. It's a fact that only racists share that racist conspiracy theory with you.
Turn it around and how would you take it if no blacks were in the commercials? Would it upset you?
Where is the home of the globalists? When I read this term, I need a party to explain who they mean?
Good question. The entire democrat party is co-opted and the road to the head runs through Obama.
What exactly runs it all is vague. It needs to be discovered and beheaded.
Nope. I no longer watch broadcast television for the last 7 or 8 years and don't miss it one bit. If I stream, no ads or no sale. I gave up watching 99.9% of movies released these days.
You're shaken up enough to whine about black folk appearing in commercials you claim you don't see. That's pretty racist.
You're shaken up enough to whine about black folk appearing in commercials you claim you don't see. That's pretty racist.
At the least, congratulations for talking about a serious problem.
Turn it around and how would you take it if no blacks were in the commercials? Would it upset you?
Sorry. I just can't seem to get worked up over your latest conspiracy theory. Only a childish crazy could get so worked up over a non-issue.
This question puzzled me so i tried to find out why so many ads feature black men with white women and blacks heavily populating the TV ad programs?
What do you think broadcasters are up to? Blacks amount to about 12 percent of the population not about 80 percent of it.

Profile photo for Ana Decompreso
Ana Decompreso
It’s amazing to see how inaccurately those ads depict the “average Black Family” living in a beautiful immaculate home located in a suburban safe neighborhood. It’s an insult to Black Americans. Do most Black people live like that? Also, many of the families depicted are multiracial too. Is that real? In the the US, the population of Black Americans is 12%, yet that percentage is much higher in commercials, and now in the media too. It’s great to see the opportunities are opening up, but is the marketing realistic? Something about that exposure and having it forced upon an audience seems unreal. Do most people buy the propaganda. Is it unifying us?
Much of my life was spent selling others property for them as their agent. I learned early in life that when one spends an inordinate time focused on a particular issue, what happens is you lose much of the audience. Either the media gave up on selling to whites or they are engaged in social engineering. I believe blacks need a share of the market. But not 80 percent or more of it.

What kinda drugs are you on old man
I suspect it is unifying most of us. It's a hair on fire tragedy for you racists.
It's not that simple. Propaganda gets tiresome, even if you agree with the intent. It's insulting and presumes that purveyors of the propaganda have some kind of moral authority.
This question puzzled me so i tried to find out why so many ads feature black men with white women and blacks heavily populating the TV ad programs?
What do you think broadcasters are up to? Blacks amount to about 12 percent of the population not about 80 percent of it.

Profile photo for Ana Decompreso
Ana Decompreso
It’s amazing to see how inaccurately those ads depict the “average Black Family” living in a beautiful immaculate home located in a suburban safe neighborhood. It’s an insult to Black Americans. Do most Black people live like that? Also, many of the families depicted are multiracial too. Is that real? In the the US, the population of Black Americans is 12%, yet that percentage is much higher in commercials, and now in the media too. It’s great to see the opportunities are opening up, but is the marketing realistic? Something about that exposure and having it forced upon an audience seems unreal. Do most people buy the propaganda. Is it unifying us?
Most of the representations on the network shows are totally unrealistic. First of all most of the middle-class white or black can’t afford a new home anyways.

But yes, most of the inner cities the poorest housing areas are filled with black folks. Obviously the media networks Hollywood is giving into BLM propaganda.

I think that in part young blacks are more likely to commit a crime because they are fed propaganda by the media and Hollywood every day about how evil American history is. So if you have a black kid who thinks that the USA is racist and evil, he might feel entitled to committing a crime. That is the data from the FBI Blacks are overrepresented in violent crimes.

There are cultural issues among the white youth and black youth as well …. But radical leftist will constantly lie about people being a racist if they bring up these facts.

There’s a reason we have areas in the USA known as “the hood” … but blaming white people, suggesting American history is evil is counterproductive and self-destructive.

The USA is one of the only countries in the world world with self hatred from a portion of our politicians… it’s all insane as whether we are black or white we all descend from slaves.
My favorite commercial to illustrate this wokeness in advertising is a commercial for Buick about a year ago. The whole family is taking a trip to the desert to sand surfing or whatever it is called. Dad is white, Mom is mixed race black and white, son is east Asian and daughter is south Asia. Unless the kids are adopted, that's genetically impossible!

The current crops of commercials have another winner! A commercial for medication for plaque psoriasis looks like it was made with DEI in mind. The sufferer is a white male, while his date is a mixed-race female. Other characters include a young black boy with an older black woman (assuming Mom), another white boy with a with an older white woman (assuming Mom). and finally, a gay male couple with one resting his head on the other's shoulder while sleeping. The movie theater looks more like a UN meeting. Even the white guy looks like he eastern European ancestry.
Imagine aliens are watching our TV satellite communication to learn more about us. If they landed in Kansas and encounter a middle-aged white couple, what the heck would they think was wrong?

I really don't care who they cast in these commercials, but you have to admit they are crafted to be exactly the way they are.

What kinda drugs are you on old man
Truth is my drug. Are you 3 or 4 yet?

Forbes magazine blames more hiring of blacks as the cause of more black favored ads. I am not the only person asking why are there such a huge number of blacks used to make ads. Ads need to be focused on buyers.


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