Why did the programs flood the nation with blacks in them?

My favorite commercial to illustrate this wokeness in advertising is a commercial for Buick about a year ago. The whole family is taking a trip to the desert to sand surfing or whatever it is called. Dad is white, Mom is mixed race black and white, son is east Asian and daughter is south Asia. Unless the kids are adopted, that's genetically impossible!

The current crops of commercials have another winner! A commercial for medication for plaque psoriasis looks like it was made with DEI in mind. The sufferer is a white male, while his date is a mixed-race female. Other characters include a young black boy with an older black woman (assuming Mom), another white boy with a with an older white woman (assuming Mom). and finally, a gay male couple with one resting his head on the other's shoulder while sleeping. The movie theater looks more like a UN meeting. Even the white guy looks like he eastern European ancestry.
Imagine aliens are watching our TV satellite communication to learn more about us. If they landed in Kansas and encounter a middle-aged white couple, what the heck would they think was wrong?

I really don't care who they cast in these commercials, but you have to admit they are crafted to be exactly the way they are.
Some posters can't be watching TV ads. They seem blown away that blacks dominate the ads.
It just makes their blood boil to see a black man with a white woman.
Most important brother, the entire BLM narrative that blacks deserve reparations is insane because we all descend from slaves whether we are white or black. I’m a white man and I’ve been poor.

There is no realistic white supremacy in the USA. Nobody in any position of power is saying racist things. The only time somebody is saying something racist is if they’re doing it anonymously on Twitter or something. Seriously when’s the last time you heard a white person in public in any position of power use the N-word.

When is the last time you saw somebody on a major network say all Black people have a virus like when Van Jones and CNN said all white people have a virus.

Black women are much more upset then whites when they see a black man with a white woman.

I even remember talking with a black lady about this. It was fascinating. I said well “What about when a white man dates a black woman” she said “oh no that’s fine. We just hate it when a black man dates a white woman.”

My sister is a white woman and she’s married to a black guy.
You're shaken up enough to whine about black folk appearing in commercials you claim you don't see. That's pretty racist.
I’m so happy to not be living in the USA right now. All the filth we have in our big cities people flying an Ukraine or BLM flag. It’s an abomination. The feminization of men. Stay at home dad‘s, happened to three of my good friends from high school who are stay at home boyfriends or stay at home dad. It is truly a disgrace to our ancestors. You just get the feeling you going to any coffee shop walk around a big city in the USA you see tons of these feminized men.

God bless our ancestors the male headed household. The man worked hard the woman took care of the children. We had no mass school shootings in those days, we had better family values. There were also cases of women in the workforce even women being political leaders in the early to middle 20th century and everything was fine.

Why can’t we just have a meritocracy in the USA

Why do lefties lie about people being a “racist” when they bring up the fact that universities, professional sports organizations and major companies are giving preferential treatment to people based on being a minority instead of having the best qualifications

Why do lefties always lie and call people racist when they bring up facts??
Truth is my drug. Are you 3 or 4 yet?

Forbes magazine blames more hiring of blacks as the cause of more black favored ads. I am not the only person asking why are there such a huge number of blacks used to make ads. Ads need to be focused on buyers.

So you’re stupid AND racist? Not surprising since racism often grows out of stupidity.

You provided a link noting that there are FEWER black actors in ads now than previously and that blacks in general heavily underrepresented
Most of the representations on the network shows are totally unrealistic. First of all most of the middle-class white or black can’t afford a new home anyways.

But yes, most of the inner cities the poorest housing areas are filled with black folks. Obviously the media networks Hollywood is giving into BLM propaganda.

I think that in part young blacks are more likely to commit a crime because they are fed propaganda by the media and Hollywood every day about how evil American history is. So if you have a black kid who thinks that the USA is racist and evil, he might feel entitled to committing a crime. That is the data from the FBI Blacks are overrepresented in violent crimes.

There are cultural issues among the white youth and black youth as well …. But radical leftist will constantly lie about people being a racist if they bring up these facts.

There’s a reason we have areas in the USA known as “the hood” … but blaming white people, suggesting American history is evil is counterproductive and self-destructive.

The USA is one of the only countries in the world world with self hatred from a portion of our politicians… it’s all insane as whether we are black or white we all descend from slaves.
Recall when the saying was "Black is beautiful?" I do not recall that working out well for blacks. Blacks need to be aware that society revolts. And if they lead it, they will be targets.
My favorite commercial to illustrate this wokeness in advertising is a commercial for Buick about a year ago. The whole family is taking a trip to the desert to sand surfing or whatever it is called. Dad is white, Mom is mixed race black and white, son is east Asian and daughter is south Asia. Unless the kids are adopted, that's genetically impossible!

The current crops of commercials have another winner! A commercial for medication for plaque psoriasis looks like it was made with DEI in mind. The sufferer is a white male, while his date is a mixed-race female. Other characters include a young black boy with an older black woman (assuming Mom), another white boy with a with an older white woman (assuming Mom). and finally, a gay male couple with one resting his head on the other's shoulder while sleeping. The movie theater looks more like a UN meeting. Even the white guy looks like he eastern European ancestry.
Imagine aliens are watching our TV satellite communication to learn more about us. If they landed in Kansas and encounter a middle-aged white couple, what the heck would they think was wrong?

I really don't care who they cast in these commercials, but you have to admit they are crafted to be exactly the way they are.
Dude… you spend that much effort trying to parse out the races of every grouping you see in ads?

First of all none of it is real jackass.

And if you really want to “figure it out “ go with adopted.

Or maybe the kids are from her husband’s first marriage

Who the fuck CARES!
I’m so happy to not be living in the USA right now. All the filth we have in our big cities people flying an Ukraine or BLM flag. It’s an abomination. The feminization of men. Stay at home dad‘s, happened to three of my good friends from high school who are stay at home boyfriends or stay at home dad. It is truly a disgrace to our ancestors. You just get the feeling you going to any coffee shop walk around a big city in the USA you see tons of these feminized men.

God bless our ancestors the male headed household. The man worked hard the woman took care of the children. We had no mass school shootings in those days, we had better family values. There were also cases of women in the workforce even women being political leaders in the early to middle 20th century and everything was fine.

Why can’t we just have a meritocracy in the USA

Why do lefties lie about people being a “racist” when they bring up the fact that universities, professional sports organizations and major companies are giving preferential treatment to people based on being a minority instead of having the best qualifications

Why do lefties always lie and call people racist when they bring up facts??
What is at the root of our problems is that Democrats are authoritarians. They do not win using persuasion, they win by passing far more laws to control our thinking.
Recall when the saying was "Black is beautiful?" I do not recall that working out well for blacks. Blacks need to be aware that society revolts. And if they lead it, they will be targets.
That may have been before my time. I don’t know what you’re referring to.

I don’t see any future in the USA, where white supremacist go on some kind of attack or something. First of all, we pretty much have no white supremacists in the USA. We also have a marijuana problem among a lot of young men who will become very feminized. So I don’t see your Typical white male in the USA doing anything violent.

I’m not trying to take away from what you’re saying, but my point is I think this country was much better in the middle of the 20th century. We didn’t have mass school shootings, we had a strong middle class for whites and blacks even amid segregation. Segregation was a mistake, but perhaps the USA was the most liberal country in the world in the 20th century just look at what other countries were doing.

I simply hope for a better future in the USA, and a return to respecting the values of our ancestors.
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Recall when the saying was "Black is beautiful?" I do not recall that working out well for blacks. Blacks need to be aware that society revolts. And if they lead it, they will be targets.
No you racist piece of shit. People like YOU “revolt”

But then you’re generally revolting so who gives a shit
What is at the root of our problems is that Democrats are authoritarians. They do not win using persuasion, they win by passing far more laws to control our thinking.
Hey racist jackass… advertising has nothing to do with Democrats or laws

It has to do with making money
Dude… you spend that much effort trying to parse out the races of every grouping you see in ads?

First of all none of it is real jackass.

And if you really want to “figure it out “ go with adopted.

Or maybe the kids are from her husband’s first marriage

Who the fuck CARES!
OK, since you are not merely stupid, but totally blind. Who is featured much more by the former Jerry Springer show and the Maury Povich show? If you have no idea, the clue is they feature Blacks. Why would you think blacks are so content?
OK, since you are not merely stupid, but totally blind. Who is featured much more by the former Jerry Springer show and the Maury Povich show? If you have no idea, the clue is they feature Blacks. Why would you think blacks are so content?
What I saw was white red necks… like you
What is at the root of our problems is that Democrats are authoritarians. They do not win using persuasion, they win by passing far more laws to control our thinking.
Yes, I agree in the sense that I see many Democrat politicians attacking American history. They are suggesting America is evil and has a racist history. They take it knee for George Floyd a hard-core violent criminal.

Democrats push for censorship of free speech on political platforms like YouTube and Facebook. So I think I agree with what you’re saying.

We are all descendants of slaves and slave owners therefore the entire argument the core premise of the BLM left-wing argument about “white privilege” doesn’t make any sense

And I think that Republicans can do a better job standing up for justice in this country. Whether it be the case of the white marine, who subdued the black criminal on the New York City subway, and is facing long time in prison. Or the case of Derek Chauvin, who should not be in prison for life. And I’m sure there’s a few other cases where seemingly juries and judges have caved into BLM mob violence.

I’ll never forget the 2020 BLM violence. 25 people died billions of dollars worth of damage, attacks constantly on government institutions and American democracy day after day in one violent brutal summer. Wow who can ever ever forget that. One of the worst times in American history. I just hope for a better future for the country.
No you racist piece of shit. People like YOU “revolt”

But then you’re generally revolting so who gives a shit
The child ^^^ shows up peeing it's pants and shitting the diaper. So pleased you still have the balls to post after all the stupid things you say.

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