Why did they stop counting votes?

Trump had his opportunity to present evidence.

Any argument that Trump never had an opportunity to present evidence is meaningless horseshit.

What else have you got?
No you can't say he did.... there are denied cases in every state... you keep bringing up one case I never heard about... it could be as simple as the lawyer had to drop from the case.... you don't know and your story is very unclear... and probably bullshit too.... memo... fake news lies about Trump and the 2020, election all the time....
No you can't say he did.... there are denied cases in every state... you keep bringing up one case I never heard about... it could be as simple as the lawyer had to drop from the case.... you don't know and your story is very unclear... and probably bullshit too.... memo... fake news lies about Trump and the 2020, election all the time....
I'm not the one saying it. The State of Georgia is.

"On the eve of getting the day in court they supposedly were begging for, President Trump and Chairman David Shafer’s legal team folded Thursday and voluntarily dismissed their election contests against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger rather than submit their evidence to a court and to cross-examination."

I can show you the court documents confirming Trump voluntarily dismissed his own case.

So why would I ignore the State of Georgia AND the courts.....and instead believe you? Why would anyone? Why would you?
I heard that was one of the first election night lies told by the Trumpyberra media because they knew his lead was not going to hold. The Dirty Don even said they should stop counting because he was ahead.
Well they shouldn't have counted the fraudulent Biden votes that came in during the middle of the night.
Stopped counting
Absolutely certain beyond all doubt
Even liberal beloved TV networks announced the stoppage live for all to see.
But, liberals dont see; they wish and feel.
Let me drive home this point,


Remember Congress knew that when they refused to investigate.
Stopped counting
Absolutely certain beyond all doubt
Even liberal beloved TV networks announced the stoppage live for all to see.
But, liberals dont see; they wish and feel.

And your evidence of this is......you saying 'beyond all doubt'?

This is the part where this turns in a run of the mill circle jerk rather than an evidence based discussions. Where your evidence is you citing other people that 'said' it must be so.
And your evidence of this is......you saying 'beyond all doubt'?

This is the part where this turns in a run of the mill circle jerk rather than an evidence based discussions. Where your evidence is you citing other people that 'said' it must be so.
OMG! It was televised, you moron!
There is obviously a lot of Americans who have heartfelt conviction that the election was stolen from Trump.

They're providing a leg up for fascism, no matter which way you spell it.

Whether they're right or wrong is of no consequence. The only question that matters is on whether they will stay their course with Trump as the FBI/DOJ continue to win the case against Trump.

Their momentum against Trump is winning at the moment but that could change overnight.

It won't change unless Trump finds a way to reach a greater majority.
Fuck the fbi and doj they are nothing but democrat run agencies. That need to be eliminated.
The halt to the counting in five swing states, simultaneously, when Trump was comfortably ahead in each of them, was obviously their Plan B for that very circumstance.

We never had a halt in even one state, and yet this past election we have them in five? And they’re all swing states? And they’re all going for Trump? And it’s all done at the same time? And hours later, the count restarts, with entire batches of ballots going 99% for Biden? And there’s nothing suspicious about that?

Give me a break.
I heard someone ask the question, why did certain states stop counting votes during the controversial 2020 election?

This was the first time counting had ever stopped, and they all stopped in key battleground states that won the election for Biden

Moreover, before they stopped counting, Trump was winning, but they then stopped, and when everyone woke up in the morning Biden was President.

It is a fair question that I don't even see the GOP asking

Does everyone think that the GOP was in on this since they don't seem to be asking this question?

Why did they stop?

Elementary dear Watson!

To steal the election from Donald Trump.

But.....they are paying for that.... and they will pay even more!

The truth always comes to light! :thup:
Why did they stop?

Elementary dear Watson!

To steal the election from Donald Trump.

But.....they are paying for that.... and they will pay even more!

The truth always comes to light! :thup:
Sadly, those of us with brains are paying for it as well. Inflation is at a 40-year high, the stock market has lost 20% or more, we left the Taliban with advanced military equipment, we have illegals swarming in by the millions, and the current president is a senile old man who can’t find his way off a stage.
They didn't stop counting Biden ballots... thousands of illegitimate ballots printed from forged masters are being found in key ballot centers in swing states.... and all of them are Biden votes....


... your ignorance on election law, counting votes, and checks and balances in the vote counting process, is on display!
From what I remember, those who were legally and ethically counting ballots were told to go home.

Then the corrupt shills and goons came in with their special suitcases full of fake Biden ballots.

It's not so much of the counting stopped, as it is the legitimate counters were all sent home and replaced by the criminal ones.
Just another lie that the Giuliani team made up......that Giuliani lost his Law Licence over.

No vote counters were sent home, the absentee ballot Envelope opener crew was sent home after they finished checking and opening and removing the absentee ballots from their envelopes awaiting the machine counting process.

The suitcases, were the cases the absentee ballots were legally stored in, awaiting the counting process. In all locations, the secure ballot cases were stored until counting, under a folding table....that is part of the normal process.

The video that Giuliani bitch showed that Fulton hearing crowd was manipulated....she claimed the ballots under the table JUST SHOWED UP mysteriously....


The full video SHOWS the election workers who were responsible for the absentee ballot and envelope separation process, put the ballots in those ballot suitcases and put them under the table clothed folding table.

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