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Why did Trump lose?

1. Trump got 10,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and supposedly lost?
2. Biden got about 20,000,000 more votes in 2020 than Hillary got in 2016? from where?
3. The absentee ballot system was way too loose, with many irregularities such as;
not checking signatures consistently,
not checking voter rolls,
not sending absentee ballots only as requested,
having way too many "over-votes" (more votes than voters), having states violate state law,
ballot stuffing as seen on video
not allowing poll watchers
allowing obviously invalid ballots, wrong paper, no watermark, copied, etc.
4. So Trump "lost because democrats cheated more than usual. The GOP needs to tighten up voting systems like FL did.
Your orange ass lost.

Move on.
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.

I think it's more better to describe the reasons why in chronological order:

1. Beginning in the 90s we pushed for Chinese goods, and sold through the internet. With that & 24/7 "news" we've been fucked over good. But people got rich, such as Gates, Bezos and that. More than that they realized what a great tool misinformation sold through the web would be. Soon after the left took control of the State of California, which was a giant step toward their manipulation of the country.

2. Under Obama Americans were split into two, racists by suggestion (aka the "deplorables") Vs those who play racism (PROGS). The left had always promoted victimhood, but they upped their game with that, "Me Too" etc. Me too is code for PROGS being the culprits and accusers, BTW. If PROGS say it they're lying and/or doing worse, in this manner they're informative.

3. Trump comes in and he's a complete threat to the establishment, China and one world order. Boy did that fuck up their shit, so.......

4. The left made up a story how Trump was a traitor honoring Russia, how he stole the election, blah blah blah "oh our democracy", they sounded pathetic & ignorant, but snowflakes will be snowflakes. It didn't matter this was a fabrication and in fact it was the Democrats who were guilty. Long before, especially under Obama it was established that PROG news would dictate how the parties would be defined. They became the oversite committee and redefined the nature for corruption based on misinformation, no information and who their bosses happened to support politically Once upon a time reporting was ethical, they kept things in check. Today they've sold their souls for PROG-favor and everyone with half a brain knows it too.

5. Then the left made up a story how Trump is racist. By this time most PROGS are approaching braindead due to 24/7 misinformation. Americans were prime targets, primarily because we had becomes such pussies with little to complain about. Our country had become high on indoctrination, mis-education etc. Course it didn't matter it's actually Biden who has that racist history. We're not talking a rational people here, and it took. Trump would become the most racist man in history, I suppose because he's orange.

6. With Trump a high risk to the establishment, and he'd already fucked up Clinton and Obama's shit as well as many one-world order, China BS, the left went onto exploit COVID and were possible involved in it's development of it, with China of course. Ironically this struck almost immediate after China's I mean Democrat's attempt to remove Trump for what was it again? Oh that's right, less than what Biden had done past, go figure. The left would use COVID toward quite a number of interests, including Trump's removal.

7. Well shit wasn't going as planned, so the left fabricated stories built on racism ensuring that under the light of COVID and a dumbed down American public cities would riot and continue their dismantling of the USA. This went on for months, the left understood their doing would be blamed on Trump no matter what the circumstances.

8. Under the wing of COVID the left cried mail-in ballots knowing full well the laziest among us both physically and mentally tend to support Democrats. That's no assumption, it's as sure as the sun rises tomorrow. They also knew this allowed for ballot harvesting, and for the mishandling of ballots.

In summary, Trump was beat by:
Global one-world order under a few
24/7 misinformation & dumbed-down country
Establishment, corruption and a corrupted society
Riots & racism
Mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting & devious election ploys.

End of the day we replaced the most accomplished POTUS our history with a guy who's no more than a puppet POTUS, though really they replaced him with deep-state appointed commie Kamala, who is a puppet as well. I don't know if the left is just that dumb or just that corrupt, I suspect the laterr. Misery loves company they say, and some people aren't happy unless there's chaos. All I know is we fucked up royally and Idiocracy has arrived by some level. "1984" sure has become evident and the left has managed to institute all or most of the communist declared goals for destroying our country.

A wonderful fairy tale. Let me tell you the end of your "once in a time, when wishes had helped ..." story. Donald Trump will stay to be unelected president of the USA. Suddenly some alien terrorists from the organisation "free western world" will land with a flying saucer in Washington and arrest Donald Trump because of high treason on the values of the western world. They will bring him to the witch, who lives in the gingerbread house. There he will get every day a golden golf ball. And if he will not die, then he will live forever there and betray whomever he likes to betray.

I'd rather stay in context, how about pick a number that's wrong and explain why?
No wonder Biden didn't campaign. He knew he had the fraudulent election in the bag. Those machines took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. One has to wonder how many they didn't catch??

Col. Waldron said if he was allowed to analyze those machines, he could detect the fraud, how it was done, and what the results were. To my knowledge, they never allowed him to examine those voting machines.

They won't allow him?? That speaks volumes right there. If they have nothing to hide they should trot those machines out and let the Colonel look at them.

Fraud? You bet.
No wonder Biden didn't campaign. He knew he had the fraudulent election in the bag. Those machines took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. One has to wonder how many they didn't catch??

Col. Waldron said if he was allowed to analyze those machines, he could detect the fraud, how it was done, and what the results were. To my knowledge, they never allowed him to examine those voting machines.

They won't allow him?? That speaks volumes right there. If they have nothing to hide they should trot those machines out and let the Colonel look at them.

Fraud? You bet.

That's what he testified to. Of course the left doesn't trust people from our military. If you have a half-hour to kill, I think you'll find the video of his testimony very interesting.

He didn't clean house like he should have of all the Obama/Bush hold overs....he surrounded himself by his enemy to try and make amends....and that was a big mistake....and he didn't do anything about election security before it was too late....
And he didn't lose he won in a landslide...
Dude, he got his orange ass kicked.
The election was stolen....duuuuuuude!!!
... With all the evidence out there ...
Your pretense that Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county commissioners are all complicit in a vast, covert conspiracy to yield election results that reasonable folks would expect based upon the consistent public disapproval of the Cry Baby over the past four years is quite remarkable, without even noting the dozens of fake legal challenges dismissed by judges throughout the land, Republican and Trump appointees among them.

I'm still concerned about an hysterical Trump wee wee'ing up his mindless cult with his egomaniacal lies that could again incite them into again threatening public servants with integrity and their families.

Meanwhile, it is a relief to see that any desperate attempt the pathetic Loser may make to thwart democracy by perverting the U.S. military is being warned against by patriots:

... His erratic behavior has so alarmed the military that he might try to use force to stay in the White House that every living former defense secretary — including two he appointed himself — issued a warning against the armed forces becoming involved.​
“Trump’s attempt to overturn the election, and his pressure tactics to that end with Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, are an example of how authoritarianism works in the 21st century,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author of “Strongmen: From Mussolini to the Present.” “Today’s leaders come in through elections and then manipulate elections to stay in office — until they get enough power to force the hand of legislative bodies to keep them there indefinitely, as Putin and Orban have done.”​
... With all the evidence out there ...
Your pretense that Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county commissioners are all complicit in a vast, covert conspiracy to yield election results that reasonable folks would expect based upon the consistent public disapproval of the Cry Baby over the past four years is quite remarkable, without even noting the dozens of fake legal challenges dismissed by judges throughout the land, Republican and Trump appointees among them.

I'm still concerned about an hysterical Trump wee wee'ing up his mindless cult with his egomaniacal lies that could again incite them into again threatening public servants with integrity and their families.

Meanwhile, it is a relief to see that any desperate attempt the pathetic Loser may make to thwart democracy by perverting the U.S. military is being warned against by patriots:

... His erratic behavior has so alarmed the military that he might try to use force to stay in the White House that every living former defense secretary — including two he appointed himself — issued a warning against the armed forces becoming involved.​
“Trump’s attempt to overturn the election, and his pressure tactics to that end with Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, are an example of how authoritarianism works in the 21st century,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author of “Strongmen: From Mussolini to the Present.” “Today’s leaders come in through elections and then manipulate elections to stay in office — until they get enough power to force the hand of legislative bodies to keep them there indefinitely, as Putin and Orban have done.”​

The evidence is still out there no matter how hard you try to deny it. If Trump had done this you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud and you know it.

There's another thread on the board on Colonel Walton. He made a Dominion machine do whatever he wanted it to. Dominion won't let him show officials just what he had those machines doing. Speaks volumes does it not.
The election was stolen....duuuuuuude!!!
Ooo! In order persuade so many Republican office holders and Republican judges to go along with an election that accurately reflected the public's consistent loathing the the Cry Baby for four years, maybe "Fixer" Cohen set them all up for sordid hijinx with bimbos!

Trump's explanation for his disgusting phone call to Secretary of State Raffensperger:

Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 1.22.19 PM.png

Duh! I was confused! I thought I was
threatenin' that
Ukrainian guy to get my way!"

Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 1.32.23 PM.png

Trump's AG in not nicknamed
"Insatiable" for nothing!
... With all the evidence out there ...
Your pretense that Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county commissioners are all complicit in a vast, covert conspiracy to yield election results that reasonable folks would expect based upon the consistent public disapproval of the Cry Baby over the past four years is quite remarkable, without even noting the dozens of fake legal challenges dismissed by judges throughout the land, Republican and Trump appointees among them.

I'm still concerned about an hysterical Trump wee wee'ing up his mindless cult with his egomaniacal lies that could again incite them into again threatening public servants with integrity and their families.

Meanwhile, it is a relief to see that any desperate attempt the pathetic Loser may make to thwart democracy by perverting the U.S. military is being warned against by patriots:

... His erratic behavior has so alarmed the military that he might try to use force to stay in the White House that every living former defense secretary — including two he appointed himself — issued a warning against the armed forces becoming involved.​
“Trump’s attempt to overturn the election, and his pressure tactics to that end with Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, are an example of how authoritarianism works in the 21st century,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author of “Strongmen: From Mussolini to the Present.” “Today’s leaders come in through elections and then manipulate elections to stay in office — until they get enough power to force the hand of legislative bodies to keep them there indefinitely, as Putin and Orban have done.”​

The problem with you people on the left with Trump is all personal, and nothing of substance. Waaa, I don't like what Trump tweets. Waaa, I don't like what Trump said.

You don't talk about Slow Joe's agenda because you know how destructive it is. You won't talk about the Trump accomplishments because there are so many to list. You people vote on representatives the same way you voted for your favorite American Idol contestant: How they look, how they smile, how they dress that you don't even give a damn you're putting this country on a path to destruction. It simply doesn't matter to you people. Hate trumps all, no pun intended.
No, Trump can't fake it. He is what he is, completely self-absorbed, totally lacking in humanity. Last April, he had to make a decision as to his priorities, devoting himself to the campaign or leading the fight against the virus and campaign on the side. He chose campaigning and except for occasional pauses to ridicule mask wearers and criticizing his medical advisors, he pretty well kept his distance. Long before the campaign ended America was divided into Trump supporters who scoffed at virus preventive measures and those that were fighting the spread of the virus. This is the major factor in his loss.

The only factor in this election was mail-in ballots and as I suspect, a lot of fraud.

There was nothing he could do about the virus so campaigning didn't take his time away from anything. Trump only downplayed masks when everybody else was, like Piglosi who told people to come to Chinatown, or when DeBlasio encouraged shopping and riding the subway. Even Dr. Fauci stated on Fox that Trump never hid anything from anybody. He stated all discussions between he and Trump were properly and timely relayed. The President allowed Dr. Fauci and Birx to address the public with their recommendations many times during his press conferences. Furthermore I can show you video of Trump encouraging people to wear masks once it was realized this would be a real problem.

Republicans are not like the Communists who march in lockstep to everything their Democrats leaders tell them. People who decided not to take precautions had nothing to do with anything the President said or didn't say. Trying to put the blame on Trump for the Covid deaths (many of them phony) is as stupid as trying to blame DumBama for the over 200,000 Americans that died from the common flu during his two terms.
Nothing the president could do? Get serious. The one thing that any national leader can do in any epidemic is support preventive measure and show empathy for victims. Trump never, never should have opposed the his CDC guidelines. Mask wearing, social distancing, and preventing large gathering was the only known means of reducing the of the spread of virus. Trump questioned whether masks worked, objected to the shutdowns, suggested phony treatments, mocked the wearing masks, and even cast doubts on the epidemic. Trump even went so far as holding numerous large rallies with no attempt to enforce mask wearing or socials distancing.

One would have to be blind not see what Trump was doing. He saw the virus and the resulting economic chaos as an impediment to his re-election so he downplayed the seriousness of the virus and encourages his followers to fight against the very guidelines he initially supported. And the end result, 81 million voters rejected Trump and over 300,000 deaths stand as testament to Trump's failure.
... Compulsive liars lie about everything, even when telling the truth would serve their interests more. They can't help but lie. Hence the name. It's a compulsion. There first reaction is to lie, and they never stop to even think about it where is a pathological liar is very focused on which lies they're going to tell, and they don't lie about everything.
Trump's lies are always intended to be self-serving when truth fails in that capacity. A compulsive liar is not so calculating.

His habitual lying attests to his narcissistic disorder.
Biden, Hillary and most of the Democrat party told lies about Trump, his associates and family for 4 years as they tried to illegally remove him from office. Taking offhand comments made by Trump and blowing them up into some sort of "Orange Man Bad" fest is laughable.
... With all the evidence out there ...
Your pretense that Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county commissioners are all complicit in a vast, covert conspiracy to yield election results that reasonable folks would expect based upon the consistent public disapproval of the Cry Baby over the past four years is quite remarkable, without even noting the dozens of fake legal challenges dismissed by judges throughout the land, Republican and Trump appointees among them.

I'm still concerned about an hysterical Trump wee wee'ing up his mindless cult with his egomaniacal lies that could again incite them into again threatening public servants with integrity and their families.

Meanwhile, it is a relief to see that any desperate attempt the pathetic Loser may make to thwart democracy by perverting the U.S. military is being warned against by patriots:

... His erratic behavior has so alarmed the military that he might try to use force to stay in the White House that every living former defense secretary — including two he appointed himself — issued a warning against the armed forces becoming involved.​
“Trump’s attempt to overturn the election, and his pressure tactics to that end with Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, are an example of how authoritarianism works in the 21st century,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author of “Strongmen: From Mussolini to the Present.” “Today’s leaders come in through elections and then manipulate elections to stay in office — until they get enough power to force the hand of legislative bodies to keep them there indefinitely, as Putin and Orban have done.”​

The problem with you people on the left with Trump is all personal, and nothing of substance. Waaa, I don't like what Trump tweets. Waaa, I don't like what Trump said.

You don't talk about Slow Joe's agenda because you know how destructive it is. You won't talk about the Trump accomplishments because there are so many to list. You people vote on representatives the same way you voted for your favorite American Idol contestant: How they look, how they smile, how they dress that you don't even give a damn you're putting this country on a path to destruction. It simply doesn't matter to you people. Hate trumps all, no pun intended.
It's the "Orange Man Bad" agenda, they are afflicted with it. Their only hope of a cure is to stop listening to what the Democrats say that Trump said or did instead of actually listening/seeing him first hand..... but I fear they are too far gone at this point.
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Nothing the president could do? Get serious. The one thing that any national leader can do in any epidemic is support preventive measure and show empathy for victims. Trump never, never should have opposed the his CDC guidelines. Mask wearing, social distancing, and preventing large gathering was the only known means of reducing the of the spread of virus. Trump questioned whether masks worked, objected to the shutdowns, suggested phony treatments, mocked the wearing masks, and even cast doubts on the epidemic. Trump even went so far as holding numerous large rallies with no attempt to enforce mask wearing or socials distancing.

One would have to be blind not see what Trump was doing. He saw the virus and the resulting economic chaos as an impediment to his re-election so he downplayed the seriousness of the virus and encourages his followers to fight against the very guidelines he initially supported. And the end result, 81 million voters rejected Trump and over 300,000 deaths stand as testament to Trump's failure.

How did Trump not support preventive measures?

The CDC guidelines were not 'his' and, in any case, the CDC gave out much confusing and conflicting information. Now they are actually telling US that mask wearing will slow the virus yet, we can see and hear with our own eyes/ears and read that the virus is spiking worse now in places where stricter mask mandates are in place.

Trump was/is correct in questioning masks. That being said, Trump did say wearing a mask is patriotic. Trump has no constitutional power to mandate the wearing of masks he left it up to the governors which was the correct thing to do and supported what they dictated to their own constituencies. BTW Democrat governors and politicians called him racist for cutting off travel from China early on. They said he did not provide PPE (which he did) and whined about ventilators which Trump had manufactured by the thousands. Trump has a special COVID task force and, early on, gave almost daily briefings to the American People.

My conclusion is, for you to make such fundamentally inaccurate statements about Trump's handling of COVID, you have to be either blinded by hatred or just fucking stupid....or both. Hatred and ignorance do go hand in hand.
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No wonder Biden didn't campaign. He knew he had the fraudulent election in the bag. Those machines took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. One has to wonder how many they didn't catch??

Col. Waldron said if he was allowed to analyze those machines, he could detect the fraud, how it was done, and what the results were. To my knowledge, they never allowed him to examine those voting machines.

They won't allow him?? That speaks volumes right there. If they have nothing to hide they should trot those machines out and let the Colonel look at them.

Fraud? You bet.

That's what he testified to. Of course the left doesn't trust people from our military. If you have a half-hour to kill, I think you'll find the video of his testimony very interesting.

From what I have seen from the so called "hearings" which were sponsored by the Trump campaign and various republican legislators, Waldon said what could have happened not what did happen. He presented suspicious activity but could not link it to any election fraud. If Waldron had proof of election fraud why has it not been been presented at any of Trump's 50 lawsuits or to the state election commissions or to the federal election commission. The Trump campaign simply has no creditable evidence of wide spread election fraud.
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From what I have seen from the so called "hearing" which were sponsored by the Trump campaign and various republican legislators. Waldon said what could have happened not what did happen. He presented suspicious activity but could not link to any election fraud. If Waldron had proof of election fraud why has it not been been presented it at any of Trump's 50 lawsuits or to the state election commissions or to the federal election commission. The Trump campaign simply has no creditable evidence of wide spread election fraud.

Election commissions across the country are faced with a real problem. The relentless attack by the Trump campaign on the security of our elections is pressuring election officials to reveal details of election security. It would be like a bank or secure federal agency publishing details of their security system to prove it is secure. Doing so might restore some confidence in the system but it would make the system less secure. If there is any creditability to the Trump claims, they need be officially submitted to the state election commission. The president asking state election officials to finds some votes and change the results is not the way to do it.

Judging by your reply, you didn't watch the entire video. What the Colonel said is if he were allowed to evaluate the machines used, he could find if there was any manipulation of the machine or Smartmatic software. His statement is that it's relatively easy to do and if something was found, could easily be documented. Yes, he is paid by the Trump campaign. The challenger of an election is always financially responsible for the costs associated with the challenge. What he did find was a very suspicious and highly unlikely voting pattern that without too many questions were likely generated by machine manipulation, but again, without being able to look into to it thoroughly, of course they are unable to present any empirical evidence. He linked the voting pattern to the Hugo Chavez election where votes magically took a huge turn making him the winner.

What would assure voter confidence is if all of the people for Trump could look at whatever they wanted. If nothing was found by the experts, then we could all be assured this, and future elections are on the level. Right now Biden winning makes zero sense at all. I can understand Democrats voting Democrat. I can understand the TDS hatred, but what totally doesn't make sense to me is how a man, who couldn't draw flies to his rallies, many believe has dementia, a son under an FBI international investigation that he is associated with, did very little campaigning, not only won, but won with a record amount of votes. Unless this is investigated, there will always be a question mark next to Biden's name as President.
The problem with you people on the left with Trump is all personal, and nothing of substance. Waaa, I don't like what Trump tweets. Waaa, I don't like what Trump said. You don't talk about Slow Joe's...
Nearly 7 million Americans assigned Biden 306 electoral votes and Trump 232.

Trump being the Loser followed logically from their having assigned him crappy numbers in survey after survey for four years.
Judging by your reply, you didn't watch the entire video. What the Colonel said is if he were allowed to evaluate the machines used, he could find if there was any manipulation of the machine or Smartmatic software. His statement is that it's relatively easy to do and if something was found, could easily be documented. Yes, he is paid by the Trump campaign. The challenger of an election is always financially responsible for the costs associated with the challenge. What he did find was a very suspicious and highly unlikely voting pattern that without too many questions were likely generated by machine manipulation, but again, without being able to look into to it thoroughly, of course they are unable to present any empirical evidence. He linked the voting pattern to the Hugo Chavez election where votes magically took a huge turn making him the winner.

What would assure voter confidence is if all of the people for Trump could look at whatever they wanted. If nothing was found by the experts, then we could all be assured this, and future elections are on the level. Right now Biden winning makes zero sense at all. I can understand Democrats voting Democrat. I can understand the TDS hatred, but what totally doesn't make sense to me is how a man, who couldn't draw flies to his rallies, many believe has dementia, a son under an FBI international investigation that he is associated with, did very little campaigning, not only won, but won with a record amount of votes. Unless this is investigated, there will always be a question mark next to Biden's name as President.
None of the crackpot conspiracy theories have been taken seriously by serious people - including all the Republican office holders and judges who certified and upheld the election results.

Trump lost because most Americans had confirmed that they thought he stunk in poll after poll for four years, and were entirely consistent when finally given the opportunity to officially register their relentless sentiment.

Throwing a tantrum and trashing American democracy is a very naughty thing for the Loser and his bum kissers to do.
Someone once asked me about a person we had discovered had lied about something. I was asked the following question: Why did he lie? My answer was simple and to the point. I said that it was because he was a liar.

Why did Trump lose? He lost because he's a loser. He's been losing for years, but he's always had somebody there to bail him out. If it wasn't his father, it was some bank. And if it wasn't a bank, it was the bankruptcy laws.
And this time, Trump thinks that he can explain away his electoral defeat by claiming the election was stolen. Trump has never learned how to stand on his own two feet and take responsibility for the messes he causes. He just blames others while claiming a loss is a victory. Sadly, his sycophantic followers are performing the task he requires of enabling him by supporting his baseless allegations. It's little more than a pathetic symbiotic relationship.
One would expect that such a seasoned liar would have become more skillful at it.

One characteristic of adept liars is their penchant for festooning their lies with specifics. Trump just brays "Fake!" whenever the reality does not serve him, and never ventures into embellishing his lies with details and mechanisms of the alleged fakery.

Trump is NOT very bright.. His IQ is only between 85 nd 90.

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