Why did Trumpo touch Muderer Kim Jong UN so much,

What is Hillary thinking right now?


She's thinking, "Fucking illegal aliens, too many of them voted in the same State. Aren't they smart enough to spread out or something?"
Alexandra, post: 20123150,
I remember when the first thing that Obama did when meeting the Saudi king

Are you elevating Kim Jung Un to the same status as the Saudi King?

Obama was condemned by the rightwingers for considering meeting pariah leaders “ "at my time and choosing...if he “thought it would promote the national security interests of the United States of America."

Remember this? Or do you have amnesia?

((“The McCain campaign held a conference call this afternoon criticizing Barack Obama for his comment a year ago that he would be willing to meet with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea without preconditions.

If Obama is President on January 21st, the leaders of those countries will invite Obama to visit, Michigan Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra predicted on the call. "That would be an untenable position for the President of the United States to be put in," Hoekstra said.))

McCain Camp Hammers Obama Over Meeting With Foreign Leaders Without Preconditions

It appears most USA conservatives abandon long held foreign policy principles when required to plant their lips on Trumpo’s fat ass no matter what he does.
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.

Did he bow or apologize for America? Perhaps send $400m in cash as a token at the bequest of his queen.
Alexandra, post: 20123150,
I remember when the first thing that Obama did when meeting the Saudi king

Are you elevating Kim Jung Un to the same status as the Saudi King?

Obama was condemned by the rightwingers for considering meeting pariah leaders “ "at my time and choosing...if he “thought it would promote the national security interests of the United States of America."

Remember this? Or do you have amnesia?

((“The McCain campaign held a conference call this afternoon criticizing Barack Obama for his comment a year ago that he would be willing to meet with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea without preconditions.

If Obama is President on January 21st, the leaders of those countries will invite Obama to visit, Michigan Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra predicted on the call. "That would be an untenable position for the President of the United States to be put in," Hoekstra said.))

McCain Camp Hammers Obama Over Meeting With Foreign Leaders Without Preconditions

It appears most USA conservatives abandon long held foreign policy principles when required to plant their lips on Trumpo’s fat ass no matter what he does.

True. You're a leftist Democrat, nothing more

And you're a nazi, right?

I mean, while we're all saying stupid shit....

Well, you are. Everything you advocate on the board comes directly from the Democrat party. Since they were left wing socialists, your views are also far more in line with the Nazis than mine are
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.

Because he knows how to make peace.

You on the other hand know how to spew bullshit.

That's why he is the president and you could at best be a CNN journalist.
Lol, you'll be the first to trip over yourself to say something negative about it. Evan to make something up.
Lol, funny. Did you not read the post you quoted? It applies to you as well.
I missed spelled a word. I'll be waiting for your praise of Trump tomorrow. Oh wait, no matter what happens. You will criticize it, even though Obama would've gave him a Lewinsky to have this chance. Oh well, must suck being a loser liberal.
Any of our past president's could have met with presidents of North Korea, but they knew it would elevate the NK president.

Do you have any friggin idea how stupid you sound?
Lol, insults are proof you have lost the discussion.
Did you read the guys quote? It was stupid.
Norman, post: 20124928
ecause he knows how to make peace.

The man who pulled the USA out of the Iran Nuclear Deal is a peacemaker. - Give us a break.

If Kim Jong Un seeks to destroy his nukes for the good of the world Trumpo could have gotten that direction without his presidential love fest, up being close and sweetly personal with a murderous, people starving dictator.

Trump should have told murderer Kim to let the IAEA into all his nuclear sites, do an inventory, and remove the artillery from the granite mountains overlooking Seoul, and then and only then will he photo op with you.

Are you that stupid to believe that if Trumpo didn’t do a luvvy duvvy photo op with KJU then KJU would return to the belligerent status quo?

If KJU is serious about peace and diplomacy and surrendering his nukes, then he would do it, without dumb Trumpo.
Norman, post: 20124928
ecause he knows how to make peace.

The man who pulled the USA out of the Iran Nuclear Deal is a peacemaker. - Give us a break.

If Kim Jong Un seeks to destroy his nukes for the good of the world Trumpo could have gotten that direction without his presidential love fest, up being close and sweetly personal with a murderous, people starving dictator.

Trump should have told murderer Kim to let the IAEA into all his nuclear sites, do an inventory, and remove the artillery from the granite mountains overlooking Seoul, and then and only then will he photo op with you.

Are you that stupid to believe that if Trumpo didn’t do a luvvy duvvy photo op with KJU then KJU would return to the belligerent status quo?

If KJU is serious about peace and diplomacy and surrendering his nukes, then he would do it, without dumb Trumpo.

Apparently it takes a Trump to make it happen.

You can have a temper tantrum about it, but no one is going to swallow the bullshit.
Lefties cheered when Billy and Hilly were smooching it up with terrorist leader Yasser Arafat on the White House lawn. Lefties loved good old Gorbey even though he presided over the murder of Germans and Russians while in office.
Norman, post: 20124928
ecause he knows how to make peace.

The man who pulled the USA out of the Iran Nuclear Deal is a peacemaker. - Give us a break.

If Kim Jong Un seeks to destroy his nukes for the good of the world Trumpo could have gotten that direction without his presidential love fest, up being close and sweetly personal with a murderous, people starving dictator.

Trump should have told murderer Kim to let the IAEA into all his nuclear sites, do an inventory, and remove the artillery from the granite mountains overlooking Seoul, and then and only then will he photo op with you.

Are you that stupid to believe that if Trumpo didn’t do a luvvy duvvy photo op with KJU then KJU would return to the belligerent status quo?

If KJU is serious about peace and diplomacy and surrendering his nukes, then he would do it, without dumb Trumpo.

It's hilarious how you attack Trump for getting us out of the Iran deal because you want Iran to have nuclear weapons while you attack Trump for getting us closer to a North Korea deal to get them out of having nuclear weapons.

You are consistent, you want bad guys to have nuclear weapons
Trump gets under progressives skin every day... it’s great to watch

I'm a progressive like Josef Stalin was a humanitarian.
Trump gets under progressives skin every day... it’s great to watch

I'm a progressive like Josef Stalin was a humanitarian.

It's hilarious how you say this as if it's so clear to you, yet you still can't name any way that you're not just a stereotypical Democrat. You run away every time the question is posed
Kim has killed a fraction of the people that Iran's mullahs have killed, and Obama kissed up to them in every way possible, going so far as to block criminal investigations of Iran-related drug activity in the U.S. and to pay ransom for the Americans whom Iran was holding.

What incredible hypocrites you people are.
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Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.

It’s called “keep your enemies close”.
Trump loves leaders who show what he calls strength, like murder, public executions, gulags, starving citizens, controlling the press.

That you morons cheered on Obama with Iran and attack Trump with North Korea shows what pathetic, lying, political hacks you are.

I didn't have an issue with Obama negotiating with Iran, I had an issue with making a deal with them giving them piles of cash and only getting a deal where they lay low for 10 years an then can have nukes.

If Trump makes the same deal with North Korea, I'll say the same about him. But attack him for talking to them?

You're such flaming hypocrites

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