Why did Trumpo touch Muderer Kim Jong UN so much,

Lol, funny. Did you not read the post you quoted? It applies to you as well.
I missed spelled a word. I'll be waiting for your praise of Trump tomorrow. Oh wait, no matter what happens. You will criticize it, even though Obama would've gave him a Lewinsky to have this chance. Oh well, must suck being a loser liberal.
Any of our past president's could have met with presidents of North Korea, but they knew it would elevate the NK president.
Bullshit, if Obama did the same. You would've tripped over yourself to brag about it. I don't know how it will go, but he actually is trying. If you wasn't such a liberal, you wouldn't bitch about it.
Why did cons bitch about Obama mentioning the possibility of his meeting with NK president?
Don't remember he did, after the Iran deal. I'm glad he didn't.
The hilarious part of this statement?

There was a deal, involving inspections and verification and everything.

What did Hair Hitler get in Singapore?

Nothing. He gave up shit for no return.
Bullshit, if Obama did the same. You would've tripped over yourself to brag about it. I don't know how it will go, but he actually is trying. If you wasn't such a liberal, you wouldn't bitch about it.

“If Obama” is your only defense of Trumpo? We get that you cannot defend Trumpo straight up.

When you bring up IF Obama it must mean you would have cursed the hell out of him for doing what Trumpo is doing.
No just showing how much a hypocrite you are.
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.
I watched that "live" and what it seemed like to me was that Trump was being patronizing--saying "It's going to be okay, don't be scared, I got this." Like Trump was the adult in the room, patting the little boy's head.
OldLady, post: 20118033
I watched that "live" and what it seemed like to me was that Trump was being patronizing--saying "It's going to be okay, don't be scared, I got this." Like Trump was the adult in the room, patting the little boy's head.

I just think that if Trumpo wanted to be the adult in the room, he would have recognized that the ‘little boy’ is highly suspected of ordering the murder of his half brother quite recently.

The added affectionate touching was not called for at all.
It's surprising that democrats haven't done something to derail these talks.
Unwarranted accusation are crude and make you look stupid to boot.
Lol, you'll be the first to trip over yourself to say something negative about it. Evan to make something up.
Lol, funny. Did you not read the post you quoted? It applies to you as well.
I missed spelled a word. I'll be waiting for your praise of Trump tomorrow. Oh wait, no matter what happens. You will criticize it, even though Obama would've gave him a Lewinsky to have this chance. Oh well, must suck being a loser liberal.
Any of our past president's could have met with presidents of North Korea, but they knew it would elevate the NK president.

Do you have any friggin idea how stupid you sound?
Unwarranted accusation are crude and make you look stupid to boot.
Lol, you'll be the first to trip over yourself to say something negative about it. Evan to make something up.
Lol, funny. Did you not read the post you quoted? It applies to you as well.
I missed spelled a word. I'll be waiting for your praise of Trump tomorrow. Oh wait, no matter what happens. You will criticize it, even though Obama would've gave him a Lewinsky to have this chance. Oh well, must suck being a loser liberal.
Any of our past president's could have met with presidents of North Korea, but they knew it would elevate the NK president.

Do you have any friggin idea how stupid you sound?
Lol, insults are proof you have lost the discussion.
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.
My God you Liberals nitpick the most meaningless things. Get a life.
The entire left has the same talking points. CNN has been going over the same points as the left here.
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.
He wants to be "bunk buddies," it's part of the "Art of the Deal."
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.
My God you Liberals nitpick the most meaningless things. Get a life.
The entire left has the same talking points. CNN has been going over the same points as the left here.

Exactly. And the left here is just picking up on the not-so-subtle cues and subconsciously (or not) following press-release guidelines. What they don't realize is that WE KNOW that angle of criticism is just a desperate convolution to make this seem like a bad thing. Never mind the hostages we got back, never mind the long-standing freeze in missile launches, never mind how well-played the negotiations were, etc.

But let's enter make-believe-land for just a moment, and say that Trump did something wrong by being cordial to Kim.

I remember when the first thing that Obama did when meeting the Saudi king was bow, quite low, as he clasped his hand with the most ingratiating grin imaginable.

The absence of criticism was deafening.
MarathonMike, post: 20115433
My God you Liberals nitpick the most meaningless things. Get a life.

Anything similar to what Trumpo did with Kim Jung Un used to evoke criticism by conservatives against even the suggestion of a US President shaking hands with a murderous dictators in a photo-op over a nothing deal.

And you call it liberal nitpicking.
MarathonMike, post: 20115433
My God you Liberals nitpick the most meaningless things. Get a life.

Anything similar to what Trumpo did with Kim Jung Un used to evoke criticism by conservatives against even the suggestion of a US President shaking hands with a murderous dictators in a photo-op over a nothing deal.

And you call it liberal nitpicking.

In light of history and common sense, it's not just nitpicking, it's blatantly hypocritical propaganda.
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.

You're fighting a serious battle with your inner woman, aren't you?

You look at potential peace on the North Korean peninsula and all you do is count the number of times the President touches him? You're seriously fucked up
Hey Dip Shit....

I love the Man that is Stomping the living Shit out of your liberal asses...…

Later Dip Shit....

He's doing no such thing. People are laughing their arses off at the thick as pigshit loser.

Haven't you got a beach to (snicker) go and metal detect somewhere (RATFLMAO!!!). I mean, who really does that shit....a nimrod. That's who...

Well, as Trump would tell you ... I'm President, you're not

Trump to 'Fake Media': I'm President, You're Not

Life's not so bad for him

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