Why Did You Leave Christianity Behind?

No one who sins and teaches other to do the same has the spirit of God within them.

1849 Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods. It wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity. It has been defined as "an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law."121

1874 To choose deliberately - that is, both knowing it and willing it - something gravely contrary to the divine law and to the ultimate end of man is to commit a mortal sin. This destroys in us the charity without which eternal beatitude is impossible. Unrepented, it brings eternal death.


Damn! This is terrible news for you.
Probably so.

You know the general teaching of the law is to not be gullible and learn to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false,good and evil, life and death, to stand guard over the purity of your mind, and by doing so become holy as God is Holy..

This is something that God thought bronze age people could master without any knowledge of science, history, or math..Shouldn't it be even easier now?

Much of the law is simply about not doing something stupid.

How hard is that?

How hard is it to not worship false gods? How hard is it to not perjure yourself in Gods name? How hard is it to not mislead others? How hard is it to not imitate the vile and degrading practices of people who do not think very deeply?

If you know you are a sinner flirting with eternal condemnation, and continue to deliberately sin, lie in the name of God, mislead others, etc, , the first thing you should do is shut your mouth.

That is, if you give a shit.
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No one who sins and teaches other to do the same has the spirit of God within them.

1849 Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods. It wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity. It has been defined as "an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law."121

1874 To choose deliberately - that is, both knowing it and willing it - something gravely contrary to the divine law and to the ultimate end of man is to commit a mortal sin. This destroys in us the charity without which eternal beatitude is impossible. Unrepented, it brings eternal death.


Damn! This is terrible news for you.
Probably so.

You know the general teaching of the law is to distinguish between clean and unclean, stand guard over the purity of your mind, and not be gullible.

Much of the law is simply about not doing something stupid.

How hard is that?

How hard is it to not worship false gods? How hard is it to not perjure yourself in Gods name? How hard is it to not mislead others?

If you know you are a sinner flirting with eternal condemnation, and continue to deliberately sin, lie in the name of God, mislead others, etc, , the first thing you should do is shut your mouth.

That is, if you give a shit.
It's ironic that one who would like to portray a deep devotion to ones faith; would rather disrupt, and derail, as opposed to sitting back quietly, and listening to people's true stories and experiences as to why they left said faith. It shows at best, a lack of wisdom. At worst. It shows something... Decidedly worse...

A lot of them think that if a person doesn't believe that they are a "bad person." It's automatic with some of them. If you don't have a religion then you can't possibly be a good or decent person. If you've developed morals based upon your own life experiences, etc., then you are a hypocrite. You can't have morals unless they were "given" to you by a god.
There are also the lot that think, that if a person isn't christian, (or some other abrahmic faith) they must be an atheist. These same people often think that their religion founded morality, and virtue itself. It borders on the insane.
that's what makes you ppl so useless. Nobody believes that and nobody said that. That is you lying and changing the narrative so you can justify your lies about Christianity, and ignore reality.
It's ironic that one who would like to portray a deep devotion to ones faith; would rather disrupt, and derail, as opposed to sitting back quietly, and listening to people's true stories and experiences as to why they left said faith. It shows at best, a lack of wisdom. At worst. It shows something... Decidedly worse...

A lot of them think that if a person doesn't believe that they are a "bad person." It's automatic with some of them. If you don't have a religion then you can't possibly be a good or decent person. If you've developed morals based upon your own life experiences, etc., then you are a hypocrite. You can't have morals unless they were "given" to you by a god.
There are also the lot that think, that if a person isn't christian, (or some other abrahmic faith) they must be an atheist. These same people often think that their religion founded morality, and virtue itself. It borders on the insane.
that's what makes you ppl so useless. Nobody believes that and nobody said that. That is you lying and changing the narrative so you can justify your lies about Christianity, and ignore reality.
Firstly, you are wrong. There are people who believe that. I have spoken to them face to face. Fact. There are also people who say that; I know that because as I have already said; I've had these conversations with some people.
Secondly the few of us posting to this thread, relaying our experiences with individual people is by no means broad brushing all christians, or Christianity.
And thirdly I am not changing the narrative. I'm discussing with other posters the reasons,; from our actual personal experiences, why we left Christianity behind. It's not a voting issue. Our feelings, and experiences aren't subject to your interpretations, or objections.
And finally... dis agreeing with you, or anyone else for that matter; in regards to ones "faith", and "beliefs"; in no way constitutes the spreading of lies. Factual proveable truth, is an entirely different animal from, ardent, steadfast, belief.
Many would do well to learn the difference...
It's ironic that one who would like to portray a deep devotion to ones faith; would rather disrupt, and derail, as opposed to sitting back quietly, and listening to people's true stories and experiences as to why they left said faith. It shows at best, a lack of wisdom. At worst. It shows something... Decidedly worse...

A lot of them think that if a person doesn't believe that they are a "bad person." It's automatic with some of them. If you don't have a religion then you can't possibly be a good or decent person. If you've developed morals based upon your own life experiences, etc., then you are a hypocrite. You can't have morals unless they were "given" to you by a god.
There are also the lot that think, that if a person isn't christian, (or some other abrahmic faith) they must be an atheist. These same people often think that their religion founded morality, and virtue itself. It borders on the insane.
that's what makes you ppl so useless. Nobody believes that and nobody said that. That is you lying and changing the narrative so you can justify your lies about Christianity, and ignore reality.
Firstly, you are wrong. There are people who believe that. I have spoken to them face to face. Fact. There are also people who say that; I know that because as I have already said; I've had these conversations with some people.
Secondly the few of us posting to this thread, relaying our experiences with individual people is by no means broad brushing all christians, or Christianity.
And thirdly I am not changing the narrative. I'm discussing with other posters the reasons,; from our actual personal experiences, why we left Christianity behind. It's not a voting issue. Our feelings, and experiences aren't subject to your interpretations, or objections.
And finally... dis agreeing with you, or anyone else for that matter; in regards to ones "faith", and "beliefs"; in no way constitutes the spreading of lies. Factual proveable truth, is an entirely different animal from, ardent, steadfast, belief.
Many would do well to learn the difference...
yes, you are changing the narrative. When you assert a falsehood and speak to the falsehood and demand other ppl accept it, you are changing the narrative.
God is of course the source of all good things. The fact that you reject that is not an indication of their foolishness, but your own. You assume a superior understanding that you do not possess. Because you aren't saved you think everybody who is must be less intelligent or not as well read as you. It's laughable and shows you don't have a grasp of the issue.

That kind of stupid, smug arrogance and dismissal of people you think are somehow "less" than you is exactly what turned the worm in this country at the election. It turns the worm in matters of religion as well. Don't misrepresent the opponent and don't underestimate him. And consider the fact that you are the one establishing yourself as an opponent of God.

Never a goid place to be. Just saying.
It's ironic that one who would like to portray a deep devotion to ones faith; would rather disrupt, and derail, as opposed to sitting back quietly, and listening to people's true stories and experiences as to why they left said faith. It shows at best, a lack of wisdom. At worst. It shows something... Decidedly worse...

A lot of them think that if a person doesn't believe that they are a "bad person." It's automatic with some of them. If you don't have a religion then you can't possibly be a good or decent person. If you've developed morals based upon your own life experiences, etc., then you are a hypocrite. You can't have morals unless they were "given" to you by a god.
There are also the lot that think, that if a person isn't christian, (or some other abrahmic faith) they must be an atheist. These same people often think that their religion founded morality, and virtue itself. It borders on the insane.
that's what makes you ppl so useless. Nobody believes that and nobody said that. That is you lying and changing the narrative so you can justify your lies about Christianity, and ignore reality.
Firstly, you are wrong. There are people who believe that. I have spoken to them face to face. Fact. There are also people who say that; I know that because as I have already said; I've had these conversations with some people.
Secondly the few of us posting to this thread, relaying our experiences with individual people is by no means broad brushing all christians, or Christianity.
And thirdly I am not changing the narrative. I'm discussing with other posters the reasons,; from our actual personal experiences, why we left Christianity behind. It's not a voting issue. Our feelings, and experiences aren't subject to your interpretations, or objections.
And finally... dis agreeing with you, or anyone else for that matter; in regards to ones "faith", and "beliefs"; in no way constitutes the spreading of lies. Factual proveable truth, is an entirely different animal from, ardent, steadfast, belief.
Many would do well to learn the difference...
yes, you are changing the narrative. When you assert a falsehood and speak to the falsehood and demand other ppl accept it, you are changing the narrative.
God is of course the source of all good things. The fact that you reject that is not an indication of their foolishness, but your own. You assume a superior understanding that you do not possess. Because you aren't saved you think everybody who is must be less intelligent or not as well read as you. It's laughable and shows you don't have a grasp of the issue.

That kind of stupid, smug arrogance and dismissal of people you think are somehow "less" than you is exactly what turned the worm in this country at the election. It turns the worm in matters of religion as well. Don't misrepresent the opponent and don't underestimate him. And consider the fact that you are the one establishing yourself as an opponent of God.

Never a goid place to be. Just saying.
I demand nothing of anyone in this thread...
If you perceive a falsehood; bring factual evidence to the contrary, and set it straight. That's the beauty of facts; neither faith, nor belief are required for them to be proven true...
I never claimed any other posters belief that goodness comes from god indicates foolishness on their part. Find me stating as much. Don't worry; I'll wait...
More assumptions. Asked by nothing more than offended emotion. I never claimed that a person by virtue of being "saved" was less intelligent, or less well read than myself. Again. Show me a post to the contrary. Don't worry; I'll wait...

All the false assumptions predicated on your offended beliefs; in your first paragraph; are the catalyst for the content of your second.
Throughout both you let emotion and faith blind your mind to truth, and reason. You just like anyone else are entitled to your own feelings and beliefs. However none of us are entitled to our own facts or truth.
It's ironic that one who would like to portray a deep devotion to ones faith; would rather disrupt, and derail, as opposed to sitting back quietly, and listening to people's true stories and experiences as to why they left said faith. It shows at best, a lack of wisdom. At worst. It shows something... Decidedly worse...

A lot of them think that if a person doesn't believe that they are a "bad person." It's automatic with some of them. If you don't have a religion then you can't possibly be a good or decent person. If you've developed morals based upon your own life experiences, etc., then you are a hypocrite. You can't have morals unless they were "given" to you by a god.
There are also the lot that think, that if a person isn't christian, (or some other abrahmic faith) they must be an atheist. These same people often think that their religion founded morality, and virtue itself. It borders on the insane.
There is you dismissing ppl who think differently.

and also a false narrative...christians do not believe RELIGION founded virtue. That is where your wires are crossed. You conflate RELIGION with GOD.
It's ironic that one who would like to portray a deep devotion to ones faith; would rather disrupt, and derail, as opposed to sitting back quietly, and listening to people's true stories and experiences as to why they left said faith. It shows at best, a lack of wisdom. At worst. It shows something... Decidedly worse...

A lot of them think that if a person doesn't believe that they are a "bad person." It's automatic with some of them. If you don't have a religion then you can't possibly be a good or decent person. If you've developed morals based upon your own life experiences, etc., then you are a hypocrite. You can't have morals unless they were "given" to you by a god.
There are also the lot that think, that if a person isn't christian, (or some other abrahmic faith) they must be an atheist. These same people often think that their religion founded morality, and virtue itself. It borders on the insane.
There is you dismissing ppl who think differently.

and also a false narrative...christians do not believe RELIGION founded virtue. That is where your wires are crossed. You conflate RELIGION with GOD.
There was no dismissal of "people" as a whole. You seem to find insult where there is none.
What's more I never claimed that all Christians profess as much. Find where I stated as much. Don't worry; I'll wait...
Additionally you are now strictly speaking, "talking out your ass". I don't conflate religion with God. Quite the contrary...
One can't help but notice that you never returned to assert the erroneous assumption you relayed in the previous post, nor do we expect you to substantiate the most recent.
But I do have to ask... Why would you not simply find another thread that actually applies to you. This isn't a thread for religious or scriptural debate. But rather a thread for those who left Christianity behind, and a place to discuss why. Clearly this doesn't apply to you. Your current trend smacks of the exact same trolling that many Christians bemoan atheists of when they inject themselves into a pro Christian thread and start douche bagging the participants. The hypocrisy simply cannot be ignored. This wasn't a challenge thread to your beliefs. But one thing is clearly evident... That the mere discussion by others as to why they don't believe what you do is perceived as a challenge to your faith. And as such, is not the mark if one who is secure in it. If you are then great! You ought to have no trouble moving into a thread were you can actually contribute, rather than derail. Up to this point you've brough nothing of substance as it pertains to the OP.
It's ironic that one who would like to portray a deep devotion to ones faith; would rather disrupt, and derail, as opposed to sitting back quietly, and listening to people's true stories and experiences as to why they left said faith. It shows at best, a lack of wisdom. At worst. It shows something... Decidedly worse...

A lot of them think that if a person doesn't believe that they are a "bad person." It's automatic with some of them. If you don't have a religion then you can't possibly be a good or decent person. If you've developed morals based upon your own life experiences, etc., then you are a hypocrite. You can't have morals unless they were "given" to you by a god.
There are also the lot that think, that if a person isn't christian, (or some other abrahmic faith) they must be an atheist. These same people often think that their religion founded morality, and virtue itself. It borders on the insane.
There is you dismissing ppl who think differently.

and also a false narrative...christians do not believe RELIGION founded virtue. That is where your wires are crossed. You conflate RELIGION with GOD.
There was no dismissal of "people" as a whole. You seem to find insult where there is none.
What's more I never claimed that all Christians profess as much. Find where I stated as much. Don't worry; I'll wait...
Additionally you are now strictly speaking, "talking out your ass". I don't conflate religion with God. Quite the contrary...
One can't help but notice that you never returned to assert the erroneous assumption you relayed in the previous post, nor do we expect you to substantiate the most recent.
But I do have to ask... Why would you not simply find another thread that actually applies to you. This isn't a thread for religious or scriptural debate. But rather a thread for those who left Christianity behind, and a place to discuss why. Clearly this doesn't apply to you. Your current trend smacks of the exact same trolling that many Christians bemoan atheists of when they inject themselves into a pro Christian thread and start douche bagging the participants. The hypocrisy simply cannot be ignored. This wasn't a challenge thread to your beliefs. But one thing is clearly evident... That the mere discussion by others as to why they don't believe what you do is perceived as a challenge to your faith. And as such, is not the mark if one who is secure in it. If you are then great! You ought to have no trouble moving into a thread were you can actually contribute, rather than derail. Up to this point you've brough nothing of substance as it pertains to the OP.
you know I confused you with another poster. I did go through the thread. I have a problem with the misrepresentation of Christianity and Christians being projected as valid reasons to reject God and attempt to marginalize people if God and of faith. I don't see you doing too overtly here.

As our president said yesterday...it's the combination of lies and tone.

I was speaking to whomever it was who posted that their superior understanding of the natural world led him to reject God.
Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.

People who reject Christianity aren't necessarily anti Christian. I'm not anti Christian but I am opposed to Christians telling me what I should believe - that God and sin exist for me as well as for Christians.
Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.

People who reject Christianity aren't necessarily anti Christian. I'm not anti Christian but I am opposed to Christians telling me what I should believe - that God and sin exist for me as well as for Christians.
That does seem to be a common point of contention. That a person can go through thier day, to day without a concern, or fear of angering a god who will torture you for eternity, because you broke some rule another person told you about...
Myself? I find it quite liberating. And seldom do I find myself violating any of the nine virtues I hold most dear. I'm not in any danger of bringing dishonor to my family name, or fouling any legacy I may leave behind after death. Which is about the only thing besides my blood that will carry on after I die. To take full command, and responsibility for ones mortal life is the most exhilarating feeling I've ever had.
Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.

People who reject Christianity aren't necessarily anti Christian. I'm not anti Christian but I am opposed to Christians telling me what I should believe - that God and sin exist for me as well as for Christians.
That does seem to be a common point of contention. That a person can go through thier day, to day without a concern, or fear of angering a god who will torture you for eternity, because you broke some rule another person told you about...
Myself? I find it quite liberating. And seldom do I find myself violating any of the nine virtues I hold most dear. I'm not in any danger of bringing dishonor to my family name, or fouling any legacy I may leave behind after death. Which is about the only thing besides my blood that will carry on after I die. To take full command, and responsibility for ones mortal life is the most exhilarating feeling I've ever had.
"If, as claimed by humanism, man were born only to be happy, he would not be born to die. Since his body is doomed to death, his task on earth evidently must be more spiritual: not a total engrossment in everyday life, not the search for the best ways to obtain material goods and then their carefree consumption. It has to be the fulfillment of a permanent, earnest duty so that one's life journey may become above all an experience of moral growth: to leave life a better human being than one started it." Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Harvard Address

Putting that aside, you both, misstate Christianity. God is not going to torture you for eternity. He will withdraw His spirit from you because you don't want it. Then and only then will you realize what you lost and yes, it will be tortuous, but it will be your decision.
Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.

People who reject Christianity aren't necessarily anti Christian. I'm not anti Christian but I am opposed to Christians telling me what I should believe - that God and sin exist for me as well as for Christians.
That does seem to be a common point of contention. That a person can go through thier day, to day without a concern, or fear of angering a god who will torture you for eternity, because you broke some rule another person told you about...
Myself? I find it quite liberating. And seldom do I find myself violating any of the nine virtues I hold most dear. I'm not in any danger of bringing dishonor to my family name, or fouling any legacy I may leave behind after death. Which is about the only thing besides my blood that will carry on after I die. To take full command, and responsibility for ones mortal life is the most exhilarating feeling I've ever had.

I don't like it because it's an in your face editing of one's deeply held convictions and if they're doing it to me, they're doing it to others.
Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.

People who reject Christianity aren't necessarily anti Christian. I'm not anti Christian but I am opposed to Christians telling me what I should believe - that God and sin exist for me as well as for Christians.
yeah see that I have a problem with. It is what they believe and they have a right and obligation to say it.
see I don't hate Muslims for believing what they believe.. I dont care if they holler prayers. I do care if they try to blow me up....see the difference? You don't get to control the thoughts and words of others.
Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.

People who reject Christianity aren't necessarily anti Christian. I'm not anti Christian but I am opposed to Christians telling me what I should believe - that God and sin exist for me as well as for Christians.
That does seem to be a common point of contention. That a person can go through thier day, to day without a concern, or fear of angering a god who will torture you for eternity, because you broke some rule another person told you about...
Myself? I find it quite liberating. And seldom do I find myself violating any of the nine virtues I hold most dear. I'm not in any danger of bringing dishonor to my family name, or fouling any legacy I may leave behind after death. Which is about the only thing besides my blood that will carry on after I die. To take full command, and responsibility for ones mortal life is the most exhilarating feeling I've ever had.

I don't like it because it's an in your face editing of one's deeply held convictions and if they're doing it to me, they're doing it to others.

where is this happening? When? Give me an example.
You realize
Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.

People who reject Christianity aren't necessarily anti Christian. I'm not anti Christian but I am opposed to Christians telling me what I should believe - that God and sin exist for me as well as for Christians.
That does seem to be a common point of contention. That a person can go through thier day, to day without a concern, or fear of angering a god who will torture you for eternity, because you broke some rule another person told you about...
Myself? I find it quite liberating. And seldom do I find myself violating any of the nine virtues I hold most dear. I'm not in any danger of bringing dishonor to my family name, or fouling any legacy I may leave behind after death. Which is about the only thing besides my blood that will carry on after I die. To take full command, and responsibility for ones mortal life is the most exhilarating feeling I've ever had.
You know of course that the self.serving attitude you just described is.the.same mantra the satanists.prescribe, right?
Putting that aside, you both, misstate Christianity. God is not going to torture you for eternity. they will withdraw their spirit from you because you don't want it. Then and only then will you realize what you lost and yes, it will be tortuous, but it will be your decision.

misstate Christianity ...

nothing could be further from the truth, a Spirit is inviolable the Almighty can only decide to allow its presence or destroy it.

admission to the Everlasting is not an invitation to live forever with its ruler but rather in their presence, by having triumphed against evil which is not the religion of 4th century christianity.

it is 4th century christianity that has turned its back to the Almighty and it is they that will be left with their corps when it expires.
You realize
Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.

People who reject Christianity aren't necessarily anti Christian. I'm not anti Christian but I am opposed to Christians telling me what I should believe - that God and sin exist for me as well as for Christians.
That does seem to be a common point of contention. That a person can go through thier day, to day without a concern, or fear of angering a god who will torture you for eternity, because you broke some rule another person told you about...
Myself? I find it quite liberating. And seldom do I find myself violating any of the nine virtues I hold most dear. I'm not in any danger of bringing dishonor to my family name, or fouling any legacy I may leave behind after death. Which is about the only thing besides my blood that will carry on after I die. To take full command, and responsibility for ones mortal life is the most exhilarating feeling I've ever had.
You know of course that the self.serving attitude you just described is.the.same mantra the satanists.prescribe, right?
I wouldn't know. However I find it unlikely that they follow a similar path as myself, especially if they pretend some Hebrew boogeyman exists.
You realize
Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.

People who reject Christianity aren't necessarily anti Christian. I'm not anti Christian but I am opposed to Christians telling me what I should believe - that God and sin exist for me as well as for Christians.
That does seem to be a common point of contention. That a person can go through thier day, to day without a concern, or fear of angering a god who will torture you for eternity, because you broke some rule another person told you about...
Myself? I find it quite liberating. And seldom do I find myself violating any of the nine virtues I hold most dear. I'm not in any danger of bringing dishonor to my family name, or fouling any legacy I may leave behind after death. Which is about the only thing besides my blood that will carry on after I die. To take full command, and responsibility for ones mortal life is the most exhilarating feeling I've ever had.
You know of course that the self.serving attitude you just described is.the.same mantra the satanists.prescribe, right?
And just hazarding a blind wild guess... I'd be willing to bet that it is not the same "mantra" especially because the one I live my life by, is not self serving. At least no more than most people you probably know.
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