Why Did You Leave Christianity Behind?

I didn't say that. Militant atheism leads to communism. My point here is that Vastator believes that Christianity has not been a force for good. I don't believe he has the proper perspective or is objective. You are the one who interjected yourself into this conversation. I have no desire to push this point, but I will not sugar coat it. History and reason tell us that militant atheism leads to communism. It seems to me that the outcome of Christianity (i.e. Western Civilization) is a sight better than militant atheism, wouldn't you agree?
Wrong... Wow! You're pretty arrogant. Vanity is a Christian sin is it not? I simply did choose to "agree with your statement that "Christianity is the greatest force of good ever". But rather pointed out that "good", is like beauty. It's in the eye of the beholder. But you instead; because I didn't "agree" with you; You assumed I held an opposing position. You were wrong. Not everyone who chooses not to take up your cause is your opponent. Unless... Your one of those "if you're not with me, you're against me" types. Which frankly matched the demeanor you've displayed in this thread heretofore.
Oh, I'm sure I am as vain as the next guy. Vanity is the devil's favorite sin after all. The fact that you don't accept that Western Civilization has been an unparalleled force for good and cannot name any other civilization that has been better tells me that you are not objective on Christianity and have an ax to grind. If you want to see that as arrogant, so be it. The fact of the matter is that you do not have truth on your side and it shows in your arguments. I have shown you cause and effect. I have shown you outcomes. I have shown you comparisons. I am not attacking your beliefs. I am defending mine and for that you label me as arrogant.
But you are defending that which hasn't been attacked... A sign of insecurity? Or paranoia?
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism

Just curious... You randomly dropped an atheism link as a response to my post. Hmmmm. Why?
Because I thought you should know why you are discussing religion.
I can't tell you how the computer in my phone works; or why. That doesn't mean God created it.
Can you tell me if you can use it as evidence to learn things about how it was created or why it was created?
Of course I could tell you that. But the real question is; what do your "contributions" to this thread, up to this point; have to do with the OP?
Just because something is beautiful or wondrous doesn't mean a "god" had to create it. ;)

I don't know why they have this as a go to proof for the existence of god. I have 10 toes and that's proof god exists? Wow.
I can't tell you how the computer in my phone works; or why. That doesn't mean God created it.
Can you tell me if you can use it as evidence to learn things about how it was created or why it was created?
Of course I could tell you that. But the real question is; what do your "contributions" to this thread, up to this point; have to do with the OP?
I see. Don't you think you are a little late in bringing up being off topic? After all... you are the one who has been having this discussion with me, right? You are the OP, right? I guess it was all fun and games when we were discussing Christianity.
That's like saying that religious people should be equated with the KKK.
I didn't say that. Militant atheism leads to communism. My point here is that Vastator believes that Christianity has not been a force for good. I don't believe he has the proper perspective or is objective. You are the one who interjected yourself into this conversation. I have no desire to push this point, but I will not sugar coat it. History and reason tell us that militant atheism leads to communism. It seems to me that the outcome of Christianity (i.e. Western Civilization) is a sight better than militant atheism, wouldn't you agree?
Wrong... Wow! You're pretty arrogant. Vanity is a Christian sin is it not? I simply did choose to "agree with your statement that "Christianity is the greatest force of good ever". But rather pointed out that "good", is like beauty. It's in the eye of the beholder. But you instead; because I didn't "agree" with you; You assumed I held an opposing position. You were wrong. Not everyone who chooses not to take up your cause is your opponent. Unless... Your one of those "if you're not with me, you're against me" types. Which frankly matched the demeanor you've displayed in this thread heretofore.
Oh, I'm sure I am as vain as the next guy. Vanity is the devil's favorite sin after all. The fact that you don't accept that Western Civilization has been an unparalleled force for good and cannot name any other civilization that has been better tells me that you are not objective on Christianity and have an ax to grind. If you want to see that as arrogant, so be it. The fact of the matter is that you do not have truth on your side and it shows in your arguments. I have shown you cause and effect. I have shown you outcomes. I have shown you comparisons. I am not attacking your beliefs. I am defending mine and for that you label me as arrogant.
But you are defending that which hasn't been attacked... A sign of insecurity? Or paranoia?
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism


Most people who don't believe are not "militant atheists." They live their lives quietly like anyone else. There are extremists in every group.
Wrong... Wow! You're pretty arrogant. Vanity is a Christian sin is it not? I simply did choose to "agree with your statement that "Christianity is the greatest force of good ever". But rather pointed out that "good", is like beauty. It's in the eye of the beholder. But you instead; because I didn't "agree" with you; You assumed I held an opposing position. You were wrong. Not everyone who chooses not to take up your cause is your opponent. Unless... Your one of those "if you're not with me, you're against me" types. Which frankly matched the demeanor you've displayed in this thread heretofore.
Oh, I'm sure I am as vain as the next guy. Vanity is the devil's favorite sin after all. The fact that you don't accept that Western Civilization has been an unparalleled force for good and cannot name any other civilization that has been better tells me that you are not objective on Christianity and have an ax to grind. If you want to see that as arrogant, so be it. The fact of the matter is that you do not have truth on your side and it shows in your arguments. I have shown you cause and effect. I have shown you outcomes. I have shown you comparisons. I am not attacking your beliefs. I am defending mine and for that you label me as arrogant.
But you are defending that which hasn't been attacked... A sign of insecurity? Or paranoia?
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism

Just curious... You randomly dropped an atheism link as a response to my post. Hmmmm. Why?
Because I thought you should know why you are discussing religion.
Again with your pompous arrogance... No poster require you to tell them why they do anything. Especially one so self absorbed and pretentious as yourself. I know you don't see it; but you literally display most of the worst stereotypes that plague people's percetions of both Christian, and Christianity.
When you're done trying to win the internet. You should go back and re-read your posts, without the distraction of "trying to win"; you might see what I mean.
I didn't say that. Militant atheism leads to communism. My point here is that Vastator believes that Christianity has not been a force for good. I don't believe he has the proper perspective or is objective. You are the one who interjected yourself into this conversation. I have no desire to push this point, but I will not sugar coat it. History and reason tell us that militant atheism leads to communism. It seems to me that the outcome of Christianity (i.e. Western Civilization) is a sight better than militant atheism, wouldn't you agree?
Wrong... Wow! You're pretty arrogant. Vanity is a Christian sin is it not? I simply did choose to "agree with your statement that "Christianity is the greatest force of good ever". But rather pointed out that "good", is like beauty. It's in the eye of the beholder. But you instead; because I didn't "agree" with you; You assumed I held an opposing position. You were wrong. Not everyone who chooses not to take up your cause is your opponent. Unless... Your one of those "if you're not with me, you're against me" types. Which frankly matched the demeanor you've displayed in this thread heretofore.
Oh, I'm sure I am as vain as the next guy. Vanity is the devil's favorite sin after all. The fact that you don't accept that Western Civilization has been an unparalleled force for good and cannot name any other civilization that has been better tells me that you are not objective on Christianity and have an ax to grind. If you want to see that as arrogant, so be it. The fact of the matter is that you do not have truth on your side and it shows in your arguments. I have shown you cause and effect. I have shown you outcomes. I have shown you comparisons. I am not attacking your beliefs. I am defending mine and for that you label me as arrogant.
But you are defending that which hasn't been attacked... A sign of insecurity? Or paranoia?
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism


Most people who don't believe are not "militant atheists." They live their lives quietly like anyone else. There are extremists in every group.
I haven't seen too many of that type commenting in this religious forum. That type doesn't care enough to be here. But I have been warned by the OP to stay on topic, so we will have to have that discussion somewhere else.
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Oh, I'm sure I am as vain as the next guy. Vanity is the devil's favorite sin after all. The fact that you don't accept that Western Civilization has been an unparalleled force for good and cannot name any other civilization that has been better tells me that you are not objective on Christianity and have an ax to grind. If you want to see that as arrogant, so be it. The fact of the matter is that you do not have truth on your side and it shows in your arguments. I have shown you cause and effect. I have shown you outcomes. I have shown you comparisons. I am not attacking your beliefs. I am defending mine and for that you label me as arrogant.
But you are defending that which hasn't been attacked... A sign of insecurity? Or paranoia?
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism

Just curious... You randomly dropped an atheism link as a response to my post. Hmmmm. Why?
Because I thought you should know why you are discussing religion.
Again with your pompous arrogance... No poster require you to tell them why they do anything. Especially one so self absorbed and pretentious as yourself. I know you don't see it; but you literally display most of the worst stereotypes that plague people's percetions of both Christian, and Christianity.
When you're done trying to win the internet. You should go back and re-read your posts, without the distraction of "trying to win"; you might see what I mean.
Do you mean like implying that I am insecure and paranoid? Like that? Hey, aren't we off topic? We better get back on topic or the OP might get upset. But that is good advice, we should both probably go back and re-read our posts. Unless of course, you are certain you are right.
I can't tell you how the computer in my phone works; or why. That doesn't mean God created it.
Create air, a tree, a star, blood
Also the creator god idea never made sense. The idea that because there's an order in the universe there must be an orderer. Makes no sense

"The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'"
Psalm 14:1

This doesn't help your religion. Calling us fools because we reject the god concept. Come on... seriously?
I didn't call you a fool, I quoted Scripture

I don't belong to a religion

I believe in God yet, do not follow God's Word
I'm a fool
But you are defending that which hasn't been attacked... A sign of insecurity? Or paranoia?
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism

Just curious... You randomly dropped an atheism link as a response to my post. Hmmmm. Why?
Because I thought you should know why you are discussing religion.
Again with your pompous arrogance... No poster require you to tell them why they do anything. Especially one so self absorbed and pretentious as yourself. I know you don't see it; but you literally display most of the worst stereotypes that plague people's percetions of both Christian, and Christianity.
When you're done trying to win the internet. You should go back and re-read your posts, without the distraction of "trying to win"; you might see what I mean.
Do you mean like implying that I am insecure and paranoid? Like that? Hey, aren't we off topic? We better get back on topic or the OP might get upset.
Now indignant petulance? Really dude? You realize there is no prize or trophy... Right?
Wrong... Wow! You're pretty arrogant. Vanity is a Christian sin is it not? I simply did choose to "agree with your statement that "Christianity is the greatest force of good ever". But rather pointed out that "good", is like beauty. It's in the eye of the beholder. But you instead; because I didn't "agree" with you; You assumed I held an opposing position. You were wrong. Not everyone who chooses not to take up your cause is your opponent. Unless... Your one of those "if you're not with me, you're against me" types. Which frankly matched the demeanor you've displayed in this thread heretofore.
Oh, I'm sure I am as vain as the next guy. Vanity is the devil's favorite sin after all. The fact that you don't accept that Western Civilization has been an unparalleled force for good and cannot name any other civilization that has been better tells me that you are not objective on Christianity and have an ax to grind. If you want to see that as arrogant, so be it. The fact of the matter is that you do not have truth on your side and it shows in your arguments. I have shown you cause and effect. I have shown you outcomes. I have shown you comparisons. I am not attacking your beliefs. I am defending mine and for that you label me as arrogant.
But you are defending that which hasn't been attacked... A sign of insecurity? Or paranoia?
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism


Most people who don't believe are not "militant atheists." They live their lives quietly like anyone else. There are extremists in every group.
I haven't seen too many of that type commenting in this religious forum. That type doesn't care enough to be here. But I have been warned by the OP to stay on topic, s we will have to have that discussion somewhere else.

I'm here to discuss politics and to express my opinions, and yes obviously I will post on religious forums here too. They are not just for YOUR opinions you know? Just because I express an opinion on a message board doesn't mean I'm a "militant" so get over yourself. Besides that, there are way more religious extremists such as yourself who feels persecuted and as if you must "defend" yourself over others' conversations about their beliefs when nobody had said anything about your beliefs but just our own.
Every person is a sinner. What you consider yourself is moot. The fact is we all have selfish, cruel, un Christian and yes, evil, impulses. That's what it means to be human.

I get so tired of the self-centered whining about "I'm a good person so I'm not going to be Christian, how dare they say we're all sinful!"

It's so juvenile and completely clueless about the nature of Christianity..and humanity.

The above is another reason why I left the Christian faith. Christians always telling me what I am and how I should think.

You misrepresent Christians, then whine when they set you straight and say "That's why I hate Christianity!"


I was raised Christian. I went to Sunday school every Sunday. I went to summer Christian camps. I know what they taught.

And I'm not whining. I doubt you even know the meaning of the word.

The things above can teach, but Its not something any human can force on you .

People making a kid feel guilty is manipulation and 'forcing'.

people turning it into then using it as a guilt trip is warped and would be manipulation I agree.
Manipulation and control tactics are used by many different types of people regardless of beliefs/ non beliefs. Those are just toxic people.
Oh, I'm sure I am as vain as the next guy. Vanity is the devil's favorite sin after all. The fact that you don't accept that Western Civilization has been an unparalleled force for good and cannot name any other civilization that has been better tells me that you are not objective on Christianity and have an ax to grind. If you want to see that as arrogant, so be it. The fact of the matter is that you do not have truth on your side and it shows in your arguments. I have shown you cause and effect. I have shown you outcomes. I have shown you comparisons. I am not attacking your beliefs. I am defending mine and for that you label me as arrogant.
But you are defending that which hasn't been attacked... A sign of insecurity? Or paranoia?
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism


Most people who don't believe are not "militant atheists." They live their lives quietly like anyone else. There are extremists in every group.
I haven't seen too many of that type commenting in this religious forum. That type doesn't care enough to be here. But I have been warned by the OP to stay on topic, s we will have to have that discussion somewhere else.

I'm here to discuss politics and to express my opinions, and yes obviously I will post on religious forums here too. They are not just for YOUR opinions you know? Just because I express an opinion on a message board doesn't mean I'm a "militant" so get over yourself. Besides that, there are way more religious extremists such as yourself who feels persecuted and as if you must "defend" yourself over others' conversations about their beliefs when nobody had said anything about your beliefs but just our own.
Did I say you were a militant atheist? Did I say you shouldn't be posting here? It isn't that hard to figure out if you are a militant atheist or not. There is this marvelous invention called the internet where all kinds of information is at your fingertips. You can figure that out for yourself.

'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism

Just curious... You randomly dropped an atheism link as a response to my post. Hmmmm. Why?
Because I thought you should know why you are discussing religion.
Again with your pompous arrogance... No poster require you to tell them why they do anything. Especially one so self absorbed and pretentious as yourself. I know you don't see it; but you literally display most of the worst stereotypes that plague people's percetions of both Christian, and Christianity.
When you're done trying to win the internet. You should go back and re-read your posts, without the distraction of "trying to win"; you might see what I mean.
Do you mean like implying that I am insecure and paranoid? Like that? Hey, aren't we off topic? We better get back on topic or the OP might get upset.
Now indignant petulance? Really dude? You realize there is no prize or trophy... Right?
Just curious... You randomly dropped an atheism link as a response to my post. Hmmmm. Why?
Because I thought you should know why you are discussing religion.
Again with your pompous arrogance... No poster require you to tell them why they do anything. Especially one so self absorbed and pretentious as yourself. I know you don't see it; but you literally display most of the worst stereotypes that plague people's percetions of both Christian, and Christianity.
When you're done trying to win the internet. You should go back and re-read your posts, without the distraction of "trying to win"; you might see what I mean.
Do you mean like implying that I am insecure and paranoid? Like that? Hey, aren't we off topic? We better get back on topic or the OP might get upset.
Now indignant petulance? Really dude? You realize there is no prize or trophy... Right?
View attachment 112994

Sorry but pointing out how others not of your "group" are "bad" does not prove that yours is all good. Like I said earlier, there have been plenty of atrocities committed by all kinds of people throughout history. No one gets the prize for "best group" in this game.
Because I thought you should know why you are discussing religion.
Again with your pompous arrogance... No poster require you to tell them why they do anything. Especially one so self absorbed and pretentious as yourself. I know you don't see it; but you literally display most of the worst stereotypes that plague people's percetions of both Christian, and Christianity.
When you're done trying to win the internet. You should go back and re-read your posts, without the distraction of "trying to win"; you might see what I mean.
Do you mean like implying that I am insecure and paranoid? Like that? Hey, aren't we off topic? We better get back on topic or the OP might get upset.
Now indignant petulance? Really dude? You realize there is no prize or trophy... Right?
View attachment 112994

Sorry but pointing out how others not of your "group" are "bad" does not prove that yours is all good. Like I said earlier, there have been plenty of atrocities committed by all kinds of people throughout history. No one gets the prize for "best group" in this game.
Yep, we have been through this before.
But you are defending that which hasn't been attacked... A sign of insecurity? Or paranoia?
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism


Most people who don't believe are not "militant atheists." They live their lives quietly like anyone else. There are extremists in every group.
I haven't seen too many of that type commenting in this religious forum. That type doesn't care enough to be here. But I have been warned by the OP to stay on topic, s we will have to have that discussion somewhere else.

I'm here to discuss politics and to express my opinions, and yes obviously I will post on religious forums here too. They are not just for YOUR opinions you know? Just because I express an opinion on a message board doesn't mean I'm a "militant" so get over yourself. Besides that, there are way more religious extremists such as yourself who feels persecuted and as if you must "defend" yourself over others' conversations about their beliefs when nobody had said anything about your beliefs but just our own.
Did I say you were a militant atheist? Did I say you shouldn't be posting here? It isn't that hard to figure out if you are a militant atheist or not. There is this marvelous invention called the internet where all kinds of information is at your fingertips. You can figure that out for yourself.


I'm using myself as an example of a person who doesn't believe and who does post sometimes on religious threads and who is not a "militant atheist." You said you don't see too many of those around here. Well, here is at least one.
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism


Most people who don't believe are not "militant atheists." They live their lives quietly like anyone else. There are extremists in every group.
I haven't seen too many of that type commenting in this religious forum. That type doesn't care enough to be here. But I have been warned by the OP to stay on topic, s we will have to have that discussion somewhere else.

I'm here to discuss politics and to express my opinions, and yes obviously I will post on religious forums here too. They are not just for YOUR opinions you know? Just because I express an opinion on a message board doesn't mean I'm a "militant" so get over yourself. Besides that, there are way more religious extremists such as yourself who feels persecuted and as if you must "defend" yourself over others' conversations about their beliefs when nobody had said anything about your beliefs but just our own.
Did I say you were a militant atheist? Did I say you shouldn't be posting here? It isn't that hard to figure out if you are a militant atheist or not. There is this marvelous invention called the internet where all kinds of information is at your fingertips. You can figure that out for yourself.


I'm using myself as an example of a person who doesn't believe and who does post sometimes on religious threads and who is not a "militant atheist." You said you don't see too many of those around here. Well, here is at least one.
It's ironic that one who would like to portray a deep devotion to ones faith; would rather disrupt, and derail, as opposed to sitting back quietly, and listening to people's true stories and experiences as to why they left said faith. It shows at best, a lack of wisdom. At worst. It shows something... Decidedly worse...

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