Why didn’t Trump do more in his first two years with Republicans owning all of D.C.?

Playing devils advocate….why didn’t his administration accomplish more by way of executive order / executive action or bipartisan legislation?
No wall
No end to DACA
No healthcare reform
No tearing down of the education system
No real change to the welfare state
No real eradication of the swamp
No wall Democrat's fault
No end to DACA Democrat's fault
No healthcare reform They don't have an answer.
No tearing down of the education system Tearing down? Sounds like you ran out of material.
No real change to the welfare state Other then lower welfare numbers.
No real eradication of the swamp He exposed a lot. The Democrats fought that off becoming even more corrupt than before, by far.
Playing devils advocate….why didn’t his administration accomplish more by way of executive order / executive action or bipartisan legislation?
No wall
No end to DACA
No healthcare reform
No tearing down of the education system
No real change to the welfare state
No real eradication of the swamp
Did you forget that RINOs obstructed some of Trump's programs? We've got to defeat the RINOs in the 2024 primaries.
Everything? The guy got nothing. He had the presidency, Senate and Congress in the hands of Republicans. And yet, bupkis.

Compare that with Obama when he got the Obamacare done.

Nah, your orange douchebag is a real loser. No wonder you retards are always so mad. :itsok:
It is not what you think. It is when the economy contracts for any reason. Like the COVID biological agent release on purpose. And the taxpaying peasant is the ones who suffers as others who are empowered become more enriched and those who are idiots in power destroy their economies. He had them up at the White House several times easily. All of them. Thye are not going to stray from who they owe their allegiance to. Nancy ripped his America first agenda up. I do not disagree with authoritarianism as you do. We just disagree on where the line of demarcation and there are different agendas with different lines.
Playing devils advocate….why didn’t his administration accomplish more by way of executive order / executive action or bipartisan legislation?
No wall
No end to DACA
No healthcare reform
No tearing down of the education system
No real change to the welfare state
No real eradication of the swamp

He can't hold a gun to Congress's head and make them write laws, and he made the mistake of forgetting the Party didn't have his back and wanted him gone same as Democrats did. He won't make that mistake again, assuming he doesn't get executed by the banana republic's King.
Playing devils advocate….why didn’t his administration accomplish more by way of executive order / executive action or bipartisan legislation?
No wall
No end to DACA
No healthcare reform
No tearing down of the education system
No real change to the welfare state
No real eradication of the swamp
Dug in DC swamp and gutless RINO Republican leaders. I said it then, it will take multiple Trumps to clean up DC. Or stay the course and pile up another $33 trillion in debt under the so called 'professional' politicans.
Playing devils advocate….why didn’t his administration accomplish more by way of executive order / executive action or bipartisan legislation?
No wall
No end to DACA
No healthcare reform
No tearing down of the education system
No real change to the welfare state
No real eradication of the swamp

The establishment republicans hated Trump and decided to step out of the way as the democrats attacked him. They believed the democrats were going to impeach him eventually and planned on waiting it out for the next election.
Playing devils advocate….why didn’t his administration accomplish more by way of executive order / executive action or bipartisan legislation?
No wall
No end to DACA
No healthcare reform
No tearing down of the education system
No real change to the welfare state
No real eradication of the swamp
That's easy. They did not have complete control of DC. In the Senate you need to have 60 votes to have complete control.
Playing devils advocate….why didn’t his administration accomplish more by way of executive order / executive action or bipartisan legislation?
No wall
No end to DACA
No healthcare reform
No tearing down of the education system
No real change to the welfare state
No real eradication of the swamp
There's an easy answer for that. They did exactly what they wanted to do, which was tax cuts for the rich and not much else. Who woulda thunk it that the man who came down a golden escalator to announce his candidacy would only really care about that. And golf. Unforeseeable that event. Truly. 😄
You forget the Democrats blocked many of Trumps cabinet picks , trying to freeze up the new government, all because they opposed the election of Trump.
If you want to use the douce bag label , put it where it belongs with all the ankle biters in the DNC .
LOL What did your orange douchebag think? He could just walz into the office and the Dems will roll over dead? :laughing0301:

Do you think FDR had it good? He knew the Nazis were getting powerful and would invade our allies and yet the Republicans opposed him. Did FDR curl up in defeat? Of course not. He took action to stop the Nazis in spite of the Republicans.

Neither did Clinton nor Obama. They too were opposed by Republicans and yet... got a lot done.

If your orange douchebag could not take the heat, he should have stayed out of the Oval Office. Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
Everything? The guy got nothing. He had the presidency, Senate and Congress in the hands of Republicans. And yet, bupkis.

Compare that with Obama when he got the Obamacare done.

Nah, your orange douchebag is a real loser. No wonder you retards are always so mad. :itsok:
Who the hell cares what that Porch Monkey did with his first two years worth of one party Far Left rule.
It is not what you think. It is when the economy contracts for any reason. Like the COVID biological agent release on purpose. And the taxpaying peasant is the ones who suffers as others who are empowered become more enriched and those who are idiots in power destroy their economies. He had them up at the White House several times easily. All of them. Thye are not going to stray from who they owe their allegiance to. Nancy ripped his America first agenda up. I do not disagree with authoritarianism as you do. We just disagree on where the line of demarcation and there are different agendas with different lines.
Sure it is. Was there Covid when he came into the office? He promised to build a wall with Mexico footing the bill, no less. What happened?

How about repealing Obamacare? Did he not know Dems would oppose him? Was there Covid, then too?

You retards want to be in a cult and worship a failure, be my guest. Don't ask others to join you. :itsok:
I told you the DC swamp would not lay down quietly and take an outsider butting into their business.

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