Why DJT won in 2016 and why he will win again.

We don't want to turn America into a shithole, and thus do not want immigrants from shitholes who want to turn this country into their old shithole country. NO IMMIGRATION FROM ANYWHERE. Period. We are full...

The only people turning the US into a Shithole are Trump and his Deplorable supporters like you. As for you capped statement...pretty sure that's what the Native Americans said when whitey turned up...

Yet you believe walls are immoral and there should be unlimited immigration from 3rd world shithole countries.

Who actually believes this crap you post? Also, reported for tampering with my quote.
1) I don't think there should be unlimited immigration to any country. However, you must realise that a lot of great immigrants have come from those 'shithole' countries.
2) The tampering rule only applies if I have changed your quote and turn it into something different. I only got rid of the irrelevant part of your quote that I wasn't addressing.
3) Typical right-winger - crying to the mods. You are no longer Norman. You are now known as Squealer...

1) America is a nation of great Americans, not of great immigrants. Is it not racist to deprive the countries of these "great immigrants"?
2) You did substantially alter the quote, mixing and matching paragraphs changing the meaning.
3) Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
You are a nation of immigrants, Squealer...
No I didn't.

How was the meaning changed?
We don't want to turn America into a shithole, and thus do not want immigrants from shitholes who want to turn this country into their old shithole country. NO IMMIGRATION FROM ANYWHERE. Period. We are full...

The only people turning the US into a Shithole are Trump and his Deplorable supporters like you. As for you capped statement...pretty sure that's what the Native Americans said when whitey turned up...

Yet you believe walls are immoral and there should be unlimited immigration from 3rd world shithole countries.

Who actually believes this crap you post? Also, reported for tampering with my quote.
1) I don't think there should be unlimited immigration to any country. However, you must realise that a lot of great immigrants have come from those 'shithole' countries.
2) The tampering rule only applies if I have changed your quote and turn it into something different. I only got rid of the irrelevant part of your quote that I wasn't addressing.
3) Typical right-winger - crying to the mods. You are no longer Norman. You are now known as Squealer...

1) America is a nation of great Americans, not of great immigrants. Is it not racist to deprive the countries of these "great immigrants"?
2) You did substantially alter the quote, mixing and matching paragraphs changing the meaning.
3) Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
You are a nation of immigrants, Squealer...
No I didn't.

How was the meaning changed?

Israel is the only nation of immigrants that should have open borders that I know of.

Can someone else point out to a other nation? Certainly not America, the nation of Americans.

You? So you are not even American lecturing Americans how to live. Classic leftist...

Another good reason, (I was not even aware of) I did not vote for the Hill. Face it, the 2016 election played down to the lowest common denominators of American society on both sides. It is the only way Don stood a chance. The right would have spontaneous orgasms if Chancellor Clinton dropped her new college gig and bullied her way into the 2020 race. Both totally unethical by nature, now you say both, racists by nature. Not happening, guess we will have to vote weather to keep the unethical, lying, rabble rousing, racist we got. God Bless America.

There is zero evidence Trump is a racist.

And even if he was a racist, the 2020 election won't be about racism.

Stupid is as stupid does, racist is as racist does. Your support for cause by refusing to comdemn speaks to which side of the divide you are on. You are known by the company you keep or protect. The race will no be about racism, but it will be a factor that is brought up, along with character, lying, the economy, impeachment, warlike actions (which I supported) crazed tweets and a host of other things. Ought to be interesting.
Israel is the only nation of immigrants that should have open borders that I know of.

Can someone else point out to a other nation? Certainly not America, the nation of Americans.

A couple of things.
1) I have never been in favour of wholesale immigration
2) In order for your utopian capitalist system to work you have to have more and more people. If your population starts dropping and starts aging, then you are in the shit. Ask the Japanese....

Another good reason, (I was not even aware of) I did not vote for the Hill. Face it, the 2016 election played down to the lowest common denominators of American society on both sides. It is the only way Don stood a chance. The right would have spontaneous orgasms if Chancellor Clinton dropped her new college gig and bullied her way into the 2020 race. Both totally unethical by nature, now you say both, racists by nature. Not happening, guess we will have to vote weather to keep the unethical, lying, rabble rousing, racist we got. God Bless America.

Do you have a shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist that isn't just an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, gish gallop, secondhand quote, or propaganda?

Read the thread, form you own opinion, get a better job than trolling message boards. Jeez.
Israel is the only nation of immigrants that should have open borders that I know of.

Can someone else point out to a other nation? Certainly not America, the nation of Americans.

A couple of things.
1) I have never been in favour of wholesale immigration
2) In order for your utopian capitalist system to work you have to have more and more people. If your population starts dropping and starts aging, then you are in the shit. Ask the Japanese....

2) Wrong. In order to have the socialist Ponzi schemes work you need infinite growth in order to have the promises kept. This is why you never turn to socialism and lies.

Notice how it is always the socialist social security system, and socialist health care system that are in trouble when population starts declining. Fundamentally there is nothing in capitalism that requires rising GDP and prices, given bankers who are competent.
Fundamentally there is nothing in capitalism that requires rising GDP and prices, given bankers who are competent.

And yet that is how it has always worked. Wages increase because prices increase, or vice versa. If your warped version worked milk would still be $0.04 a litre and I'd be on $1.50 an hour
Great video, brief and to the point. Also explains deregulation and how that has helped the economy tremendously. Short video and very well done.

An almost 8 minute soliloquy
Great video, brief and to the point. Also explains deregulation and how that has helped the economy tremendously. Short video and very well done.

Allow me to boil this 9 minute baloney stream into a 30 second written synopsis for you. Trump got elected due to a confluence of a Russian influence into the "safe" Facebook and Twitter bubbles of the malleable and a last minute assist from James Comey, and a Democratic party candidate who..well...wasn't really likeable.

Your listening skills are terrible.
Great video, brief and to the point. Also explains deregulation and how that has helped the economy tremendously. Short video and very well done.

An almost 8 minute soliloquy
Great video, brief and to the point. Also explains deregulation and how that has helped the economy tremendously. Short video and very well done.

Allow me to boil this 9 minute baloney stream into a 30 second written synopsis for you. Trump got elected due to a confluence of a Russian influence into the "safe" Facebook and Twitter bubbles of the malleable and a last minute assist from James Comey, and a Democratic party candidate who..well...wasn't really likeable.

Your listening skills are terrible.

But his points are just as valid as O'Leary's. In saying that, he is probably right. Yanks don't delve too deeply into how things are actually going. "Economy Good - Trump Good"...
Fundamentally there is nothing in capitalism that requires rising GDP and prices, given bankers who are competent.

And yet that is how it has always worked. Wages increase because prices increase, or vice versa. If your warped version worked milk would still be $0.04 a litre and I'd be on $1.50 an hour

America was still the best country when that was the case. I am so concerned.

Obviously smaller population can not produce as much as a larger one given same technology. Sounds like you are expecting magic... Hate to break it to you but socialism is not magic, it's lies.

This is not like the Obama and Trump case where Trump pulled the "magic wand", cut the regulations and grew the economy.

In any case, it's the socialist who are crashing the birthrate with their feminist bullshit.
Once upon a time these countries were "shit holes" and their immigrants not welcomed in America.

East European Countries
Germany (post WW1 immigration)

There are more.

Curiously...many of those screeching about "shithole" countries can proudly claim ancestry from a "shithole" country.
Why did you bring shithole countries into the thread?

Who has even claimed that any of those are shithole countries? Just because a country is not a shithole does not mean you are welcomed in USA.

She is utterly confused... classic moocher diversion.

The rhetoric of the anti-immigrationists of that era.

Kinda different now.

Thank you for hijacking the thread...I appreciate it.

I post a simple less than 8 minute video that you're too lazy to watch and you take the thread sideways. Incredible.
America was still the best country when that was the case. I am so concerned.

Obviously smaller population can not produce as much as a larger one given same technology. Sounds like you are expecting magic... Hate to break it to you but socialism is not magic, it's lies.

This is not like the Obama and Trump case where Trump pulled the "magic wand", cut the regulations and grew the economy.

A mixture of both is good. You want to live in a completely capitalist country with no restraints? Go live in any one of a number of central or south American shitholes. See how well capitalism works out for you then. The reason you can drink water from a faucet is down to regulations. Same with the quality of roads you drive on. Some with the rules around aircraft. I could go on....
Great video, brief and to the point. Also explains deregulation and how that has helped the economy tremendously. Short video and very well done.

An almost 8 minute soliloquy
Great video, brief and to the point. Also explains deregulation and how that has helped the economy tremendously. Short video and very well done.

Allow me to boil this 9 minute baloney stream into a 30 second written synopsis for you. Trump got elected due to a confluence of a Russian influence into the "safe" Facebook and Twitter bubbles of the malleable and a last minute assist from James Comey, and a Democratic party candidate who..well...wasn't really likeable.

Your listening skills are terrible.

But his points are just as valid as O'Leary's. In saying that, he is probably right. Yanks don't delve too deeply into how things are actually going. "Economy Good - Trump Good"...

The video shows how deregulation helped the man, how some in his family are anti Trump and some are pro Trump, how he was a socialist too when he was younger. He has equity in companies in almost every state and all are thriving. He is giving concrete data while the other dude is giving us the same old song and dance about Russia and hijacking the thread. If you didn't like the video then say as such or create your own Russian collusion thread.
Once upon a time these countries were "shit holes" and their immigrants not welcomed in America.

East European Countries
Germany (post WW1 immigration)

There are more.

Curiously...many of those screeching about "shithole" countries can proudly claim ancestry from a "shithole" country.
Why did you bring shithole countries into the thread?

Who has even claimed that any of those are shithole countries? Just because a country is not a shithole does not mean you are welcomed in USA.

She is utterly confused... classic moocher diversion.

The rhetoric of the anti-immigrationists of that era.

Kinda different now.

Thank you for hijacking the thread...I appreciate it.

I post a simple less than 8 minute video that you're too lazy to watch and you take the thread sideways. Incredible.
America was still the best country when that was the case. I am so concerned.

Obviously smaller population can not produce as much as a larger one given same technology. Sounds like you are expecting magic... Hate to break it to you but socialism is not magic, it's lies.

This is not like the Obama and Trump case where Trump pulled the "magic wand", cut the regulations and grew the economy.

A mixture of both is good. You want to live in a completely capitalist country with no restraints? Go live in any one of a number of central or south American shitholes. See how well capitalism works out for you then. The reason you can drink water from a faucet is down to regulations. Same with the quality of roads you drive on. Some with the rules around aircraft. I could go on....

I want to live in America, the bastion of freedom. You... 3rd world shithole.

Have fun stepping on shit while Americans are busy with the Mars landing. Trump deregulation... making America great again.
Once upon a time these countries were "shit holes" and their immigrants not welcomed in America.

East European Countries
Germany (post WW1 immigration)

There are more.

Curiously...many of those screeching about "shithole" countries can proudly claim ancestry from a "shithole" country.
Why did you bring shithole countries into the thread?

Who has even claimed that any of those are shithole countries? Just because a country is not a shithole does not mean you are welcomed in USA.

She is utterly confused... classic moocher diversion.

The rhetoric of the anti-immigrationists of that era.

Kinda different now.

Thank you for hijacking the thread...I appreciate it.

I post a simple less than 8 minute video that you're too lazy to watch and you take the thread sideways. Incredible.
America was still the best country when that was the case. I am so concerned.

Obviously smaller population can not produce as much as a larger one given same technology. Sounds like you are expecting magic... Hate to break it to you but socialism is not magic, it's lies.

This is not like the Obama and Trump case where Trump pulled the "magic wand", cut the regulations and grew the economy.

A mixture of both is good. You want to live in a completely capitalist country with no restraints? Go live in any one of a number of central or south American shitholes. See how well capitalism works out for you then. The reason you can drink water from a faucet is down to regulations. Same with the quality of roads you drive on. Some with the rules around aircraft. I could go on....

I want to live in America, the bastion of freedom. You... 3rd world shithole.

Have fun stepping on shit while Americans are busy with the Mars landing. Trump deregulation... making America great again.

I don't mind immigration. I do not like illegals cutting the line.
Why did you bring shithole countries into the thread?

Who has even claimed that any of those are shithole countries? Just because a country is not a shithole does not mean you are welcomed in USA.

She is utterly confused... classic moocher diversion.

The rhetoric of the anti-immigrationists of that era.

Kinda different now.

Thank you for hijacking the thread...I appreciate it.

I post a simple less than 8 minute video that you're too lazy to watch and you take the thread sideways. Incredible.
America was still the best country when that was the case. I am so concerned.

Obviously smaller population can not produce as much as a larger one given same technology. Sounds like you are expecting magic... Hate to break it to you but socialism is not magic, it's lies.

This is not like the Obama and Trump case where Trump pulled the "magic wand", cut the regulations and grew the economy.

A mixture of both is good. You want to live in a completely capitalist country with no restraints? Go live in any one of a number of central or south American shitholes. See how well capitalism works out for you then. The reason you can drink water from a faucet is down to regulations. Same with the quality of roads you drive on. Some with the rules around aircraft. I could go on....

I want to live in America, the bastion of freedom. You... 3rd world shithole.

Have fun stepping on shit while Americans are busy with the Mars landing. Trump deregulation... making America great again.

I don't mind immigration. I do not like illegals cutting the line.

You don't mind millions of foreign people coming into the country and voting against your interest, hijacking your wallet?
You don't mind millions of foreign people coming into the country and voting against your interest, hijacking your wallet?

Migrants pay taxes. They build companies. They do a lot of good things. How come it's mainly (not all) losers who have a shit life that have a go at migrants. Don't get me wrong - I'll say it again - I'm not for open borders, but they add a lot to a country.
You don't mind millions of foreign people coming into the country and voting against your interest, hijacking your wallet?

Migrants pay taxes. They build companies. They do a lot of good things. How come it's mainly (not all) losers who have a shit life that have a go at migrants. Don't get me wrong - I'll say it again - I'm not for open borders, but they add a lot to a country.

They receive much more tax dollars than they pay taxes for. They vote against American interest, for free services paid for by Americans. They take American jobs and lower American wages, which is why in decades only under Trump have real wages increased.

They do add a lot to their country - where a lot of their earnings end up. Not to America...

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