Why DJT won in 2016 and why he will win again.

Deregulation will destroy our environment and health and safety standards.

No, Dems have been destroying our environment. They are currently destroying our environment. All indications are they will continue to destroy our environment. They pave over the environment obliterating it. Dem cities produce billions of tons of garbage. Dem cities crumbling sewage systems routinely spill hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into public rivers and oceans, so fouling them beaches and swimming have to be banned. Dems have created cancers on the planet.

Conservatives like myself we live in harmony with nature. My property easily has enough trees and plant life to more than cover my carbon footprint.
It's pretty interesting how the interviewer had been sold the notion that Trump is a racist. So many lefties just believe what the msm tells them, even when they have never seen a shred of evidence that he is any such thing.

Fun video, thanks for posting.
Maybe because most rasist support him and racism, yet since they support him, he won't condemn them.
How do you know this? Can you link to the statistics and data so I can check it out?

Do your own research. I'm just expressing MY opinion. I supported with requested links of support to him and refusing to condemn by him.
It's pretty interesting how the interviewer had been sold the notion that Trump is a racist. So many lefties just believe what the msm tells them, even when they have never seen a shred of evidence that he is any such thing.

Fun video, thanks for posting.
Maybe because most rasist support him and racism, yet since they support him, he won't condemn them.

you got links?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President
Donald Trump refuses to disavow support from former KKK grand wizard David Duke, then does

Need more?
This is only 1 person, where are the rest of "most racists"?
It's pretty interesting how the interviewer had been sold the notion that Trump is a racist. So many lefties just believe what the msm tells them, even when they have never seen a shred of evidence that he is any such thing.

Fun video, thanks for posting.
Maybe because most rasist support him and racism, yet since they support him, he won't condemn them.

you got links?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President
Donald Trump refuses to disavow support from former KKK grand wizard David Duke, then does

Need more?
This is only 1 person, where are the rest of "most racists"?

Here is the person she voted for:

Endorsed a KKK grand-dragon.

All communists and enemies of America also voted for her. Therefore, she is an enemy of America.
It's pretty interesting how the interviewer had been sold the notion that Trump is a racist. So many lefties just believe what the msm tells them, even when they have never seen a shred of evidence that he is any such thing.

Fun video, thanks for posting.
Maybe because most rasist support him and racism, yet since they support him, he won't condemn them.

you got links?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President
Donald Trump refuses to disavow support from former KKK grand wizard David Duke, then does

Need more?
This is only 1 person, where are the rest of "most racists"?
Hunt them yourself or show me the links where he sided with normal Americans or racist white power people.
Great video, brief and to the point. Also explains deregulation and how that has helped the economy tremendously. Short video and very well done.

An almost 8 minute soliloquy
Great video, brief and to the point. Also explains deregulation and how that has helped the economy tremendously. Short video and very well done.

Allow me to boil this 9 minute baloney stream into a 30 second written synopsis for you. Trump got elected due to a confluence of a Russian influence into the "safe" Facebook and Twitter bubbles of the malleable and a last minute assist from James Comey, and a Democratic party candidate who..well...wasn't really likeable.

Trump won the election because he got 306 of the kind of votes that win presidential elections while his opponent only got a lousy 232.

The same mathematical issues he will have in 2020. In 2016,, barely 77,000 votes across 3 states. 46 swing electoral votes by the count. It will come down to the small independent voters in the key 5 or 6 swing states.

Trump kicked hillary's ass 306 to a lousy 232. Can you believe she couldn't even round up a lousy little 270 of the kind of votes that win presidential elections?
It's pretty interesting how the interviewer had been sold the notion that Trump is a racist. So many lefties just believe what the msm tells them, even when they have never seen a shred of evidence that he is any such thing.

Fun video, thanks for posting.
Maybe because most rasist support him and racism, yet since they support him, he won't condemn them.

you got links?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President
Donald Trump refuses to disavow support from former KKK grand wizard David Duke, then does

Need more?
This is only 1 person, where are the rest of "most racists"?

Here is the person she voted for:

Endorsed a KKK grand-dragon.

All communists and enemies of America also voted for her. Therefore, she is an enemy of America.

I think duke switched his endorsement to Tulsa gabbard, which means that gabbard is a racist, which means all democrats are racist by association.
We don't want to turn America into a shithole, and thus do not want immigrants from shitholes who want to turn this country into their old shithole country. NO IMMIGRATION FROM ANYWHERE. Period. We are full...

The only people turning the US into a Shithole are Trump and his Deplorable supporters like you. As for you capped statement...pretty sure that's what the Native Americans said when whitey turned up...

Yet you believe walls are immoral and there should be unlimited immigration from 3rd world shithole countries.

Who actually believes this crap you post? Also, reported for tampering with my quote. Certainly tells a lot that you can not even post honestly what was said.
It's pretty interesting how the interviewer had been sold the notion that Trump is a racist. So many lefties just believe what the msm tells them, even when they have never seen a shred of evidence that he is any such thing.

Fun video, thanks for posting.
Maybe because most rasist support him and racism, yet since they support him, he won't condemn them.

you got links?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President
Donald Trump refuses to disavow support from former KKK grand wizard David Duke, then does

Need more?
This is only 1 person, where are the rest of "most racists"?

Here is the person she voted for:

Endorsed a KKK grand-dragon.

Another good reason, (I was not even aware of) I did not vote for the Hill. Face it, the 2016 election played down to the lowest common denominators of American society on both sides. It is the only way Don stood a chance. The right would have spontaneous orgasms if Chancellor Clinton dropped her new college gig and bullied her way into the 2020 race. Both totally unethical by nature, now you say both, racists by nature. Not happening, guess we will have to vote weather to keep the unethical, lying, rabble rousing, racist we got. God Bless America.
It's pretty interesting how the interviewer had been sold the notion that Trump is a racist. So many lefties just believe what the msm tells them, even when they have never seen a shred of evidence that he is any such thing.

Fun video, thanks for posting.
Maybe because most rasist support him and racism, yet since they support him, he won't condemn them.

you got links?
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President
Donald Trump refuses to disavow support from former KKK grand wizard David Duke, then does

Need more?
This is only 1 person, where are the rest of "most racists"?
Hunt them yourself or show me the links where he sided with normal Americans or racist white power people.
Just like that, you went from "most racists" to only a single one? Do you even have some kind of link that shows that Trump endorsed this solo racist, or is Trump just guilty by association?
"i have made politics exciting. the NYT would be dead without me. the WaPost and cable news would be obsolete" - President Trump

Here is the person she voted for:

Endorsed a KKK grand-dragon.

Another good reason, (I was not even aware of) I did not vote for the Hill. Face it, the 2016 election played down to the lowest common denominators of American society on both sides. It is the only way Don stood a chance. The right would have spontaneous orgasms if Chancellor Clinton dropped her new college gig and bullied her way into the 2020 race. Both totally unethical by nature, now you say both, racists by nature. Not happening, guess we will have to vote weather to keep the unethical, lying, rabble rousing, racist we got. God Bless America.

There is zero evidence Trump is a racist.

And even if he was a racist, the 2020 election won't be about racism.
We don't want to turn America into a shithole, and thus do not want immigrants from shitholes who want to turn this country into their old shithole country. NO IMMIGRATION FROM ANYWHERE. Period. We are full...

The only people turning the US into a Shithole are Trump and his Deplorable supporters like you. As for you capped statement...pretty sure that's what the Native Americans said when whitey turned up...

Yet you believe walls are immoral and there should be unlimited immigration from 3rd world shithole countries.

Who actually believes this crap you post? Also, reported for tampering with my quote.
1) I don't think there should be unlimited immigration to any country. However, you must realise that a lot of great immigrants have come from those 'shithole' countries.
2) The tampering rule only applies if I have changed your quote and turned it into something different. I only got rid of the irrelevant part of your quote that I wasn't addressing.
3) Typical right-winger - crying to the mods. You are no longer Norman. You are now known as Squealer...

Here is the person she voted for:

Endorsed a KKK grand-dragon.

All communists and enemies of America also voted for her. Therefore, she is an enemy of America.

I think duke switched his endorsement to Tulsa gabbard, which means that gabbard is a racist, which means all democrats are racist by association.

She don't matter. https://nypost.com/2019/12/03/kamala-harris-dropping-out-of-2020-race/
The Democrats' goal hasn't changed in a long time: To get as many people as possible beholden to Government.

In recent news, this is why they fight to keep as many people as possible on Food Stamps, why they are fighting the initiative to periodically check on SS Disability recipients, why they fight for Green Card holders to get citizenship, even if they are on welfare (ESPECIALLY if they are on welfare), why they fight for the "rights" of illegals, with the expectation that one day - when we have a democrat President and Congress - they will be converted to voting citizens.

Never forget this reality: Demographics is destiny. Once the 30 million are legalized, we will have a one-party dictatorship.

Here is the person she voted for:

Endorsed a KKK grand-dragon.

Another good reason, (I was not even aware of) I did not vote for the Hill. Face it, the 2016 election played down to the lowest common denominators of American society on both sides. It is the only way Don stood a chance. The right would have spontaneous orgasms if Chancellor Clinton dropped her new college gig and bullied her way into the 2020 race. Both totally unethical by nature, now you say both, racists by nature. Not happening, guess we will have to vote weather to keep the unethical, lying, rabble rousing, racist we got. God Bless America.

Do you have a shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist that isn't just an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, gish gallop, secondhand quote, or propaganda?
We don't want to turn America into a shithole, and thus do not want immigrants from shitholes who want to turn this country into their old shithole country. NO IMMIGRATION FROM ANYWHERE. Period. We are full...

The only people turning the US into a Shithole are Trump and his Deplorable supporters like you. As for you capped statement...pretty sure that's what the Native Americans said when whitey turned up...

Yet you believe walls are immoral and there should be unlimited immigration from 3rd world shithole countries.

Who actually believes this crap you post? Also, reported for tampering with my quote.
1) I don't think there should be unlimited immigration to any country. However, you must realise that a lot of great immigrants have come from those 'shithole' countries.
2) The tampering rule only applies if I have changed your quote and turn it into something different. I only got rid of the irrelevant part of your quote that I wasn't addressing.
3) Typical right-winger - crying to the mods. You are no longer Norman. You are now known as Squealer...

1) America is a nation of great Americans, not of great immigrants. Is it not racist to deprive the countries of these "great immigrants"?
2) You did substantially alter the quote, mixing and matching paragraphs changing the meaning.
3) Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

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