Why do 8 deaths a year cause mass hysteria with the "intelligentsia", but


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
670,000 deaths by people who were involved in at least one or more deaths themselves greeted with a "Oh hum...."?

I'm not making this up. Here are the substantiated facts:

A) 8 people a year have been killed in "mass shootings" since 1982...
Since 1982 there have been at least 62 mass shootings* across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and 7 of them have taken place in 2012. We've mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.

The shooter took the lives of at least four people. An FBI crime classification report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location.
A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

So why are all the "smart" people worked up ban all guns when there are an average of 8 deaths per year in the entire nation?

But these same people have no problem with the 670,000 that are murdered BEFORE they are born by women that already had one or more abortions?

44.7% abortions by women with one or more previous abortions.
These women callously get pregnant again KNOWING they could kill their babies!
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women who are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control AND SHOULD BE STERILIZED if they continue to act as animals!

REASONS for killing 1.5 million a year..

87% of reasons for having killing 1.5 million people a year:
3 reasons for ELECTING abortion:
-- say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities;
-- say they cannot afford a child; and
-- say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).

12% of women included a physical problem with their health among reasons for having an abortion (NAF).
1%(of aborting women) reported that they were the survivors of rape (NAF).
13% ONLY due to rape,incest or health... 87% by choice .

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

Just doesn't make any sense that the "smart" people have NO problem with 1,835 abortions PER DAY.
But look how excited,how emotional, how hysterical they are about: 8 deaths PER YEAR.
As much as you would like it to be so....Abortion is not murder

Never has been
670,000 deaths by people who were involved in at least one or more deaths themselves greeted with a "Oh hum...."?

I'm not making this up. Here are the substantiated facts:

A) 8 people a year have been killed in "mass shootings" since 1982...
Since 1982 there have been at least 62 mass shootings* across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and 7 of them have taken place in 2012. We've mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.

The shooter took the lives of at least four people. An FBI crime classification report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location.
A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

So why are all the "smart" people worked up ban all guns when there are an average of 8 deaths per year in the entire nation?

But these same people have no problem with the 670,000 that are murdered BEFORE they are born by women that already had one or more abortions?

44.7% abortions by women with one or more previous abortions.
These women callously get pregnant again KNOWING they could kill their babies!
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women who are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control AND SHOULD BE STERILIZED if they continue to act as animals!

REASONS for killing 1.5 million a year..

87% of reasons for having killing 1.5 million people a year:
3 reasons for ELECTING abortion:
-- say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities;
-- say they cannot afford a child; and
-- say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).

12% of women included a physical problem with their health among reasons for having an abortion (NAF).
1%(of aborting women) reported that they were the survivors of rape (NAF).
13% ONLY due to rape,incest or health... 87% by choice .

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

Just doesn't make any sense that the "smart" people have NO problem with 1,835 abortions PER DAY.
But look how excited,how emotional, how hysterical they are about: 8 deaths PER YEAR.

Very interesting. There should be absolutely no restrictions of any kind placed upon a woman's ability to get an abortion if she so chooses. Her reasons for getting an abortion are entirely her business and no one should have any say in the matter but her and her doctor.
As much as you would like it to be so....Abortion is not murder

Never has been

Of course you are right!

Doesn't alter the numbers though... why all the excitement over 8 deaths a year, yet you obviously have NO problem with women who already had one abortion have another and another and another.. 670,000 times a year.

Just seems kind of primitive to me as well as grossly disproportional.. Is it because like the mass shooter the woman who already had a previous abortion, doesn't think about the consequences of having unprotected sex??? Aren't both parties not thinking too clearly?
And so why are you "intelligentsia" so angst about 8 deaths a year caused by mentally deranged people BUT totally ignore the 670,000 deaths?
Abortion is a settled issue according to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. So, why aren't those who oppose abortion:

1. Out there supporting age appropriate Sex Ed in Public Schools, including how to use a condom (which helps prevent STD's as well as pregnancy);

2. Supporting Free Contraception for all women;

3. Supporting the legalization of Prostitution;

4. Supporting the Violence Against Women Act?????

Why? Because Abortion is a wedge issue which only becomes a problem when the Republican Party is out of power and needs to manipulate the Social Conservatives to vote for them. Of course when they controlled the White House, the Senate and the H of Rep. we never heard a peep about abortion.

Now that the Republican Party wants power but still has no idea how to govern they go back to pushing wedge issues: Guns, God, Gays, Abortion and the Red Scare.

And the dumb continue to post threads of "ain't it awful" and never never ever post solutions.
670,000 deaths by people who were involved in at least one or more deaths themselves greeted with a "Oh hum...."?

I'm not making this up. Here are the substantiated facts:

A) 8 people a year have been killed in "mass shootings" since 1982...
Since 1982 there have been at least 62 mass shootings* across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and 7 of them have taken place in 2012. We've mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.

The shooter took the lives of at least four people. An FBI crime classification report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location.
A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

So why are all the "smart" people worked up ban all guns when there are an average of 8 deaths per year in the entire nation?

But these same people have no problem with the 670,000 that are murdered BEFORE they are born by women that already had one or more abortions?

44.7% abortions by women with one or more previous abortions.
These women callously get pregnant again KNOWING they could kill their babies!
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women who are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control AND SHOULD BE STERILIZED if they continue to act as animals!

REASONS for killing 1.5 million a year..

87% of reasons for having killing 1.5 million people a year:
3 reasons for ELECTING abortion:
-- say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities;
-- say they cannot afford a child; and
-- say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).

12% of women included a physical problem with their health among reasons for having an abortion (NAF).
1%(of aborting women) reported that they were the survivors of rape (NAF).
13% ONLY due to rape,incest or health... 87% by choice .

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

Just doesn't make any sense that the "smart" people have NO problem with 1,835 abortions PER DAY.
But look how excited,how emotional, how hysterical they are about: 8 deaths PER YEAR.

Very interesting. There should be absolutely no restrictions of any kind placed upon a woman's ability to get an abortion if she so chooses. Her reasons for getting an abortion are entirely her business and no one should have any say in the matter but her and her doctor.

I don't disagree!
My point is 670,000 abortions by women who already had one or more to me is a failure to educate!

And "education" being a rosetta stone to the intelligentsia should mean a bigger effort to "educate" these women.
I mean we require driver's license so people at least have been educated about the weapon they are driving ... why not license the woman to have an abortion?
Unless.. to the intelligentsia a woman's right to kill a fetus is more important then ...? What?
The socialist/intelligentsia want federal funding for abortions. OK. I want federal regulations that will require if my tax money is paid to murder people I want
those women with one or more to be licensed showing they had been educated in sex contraception.
At least they like the teen driver is licensed to have sex even though they maybe irresponsible and ultimately my tax money will be used to perform the abortion!
I mean when a woman has her first abortion, she should pay a modest license fee renewed with testing before renewal.
Why this governmental control of birth is exactly what the founders of Planned Parenthood were after in the first place!
As much as you would like it to be so....Abortion is not murder

Never has been

Of course you are right!

Doesn't alter the numbers though... why all the excitement over 8 deaths a year, yet you obviously have NO problem with women who already had one abortion have another and another and another.. 670,000 times a year.

Just seems kind of primitive to me as well as grossly disproportional.. Is it because like the mass shooter the woman who already had a previous abortion, doesn't think about the consequences of having unprotected sex??? Aren't both parties not thinking too clearly?
And so why are you "intelligentsia" so angst about 8 deaths a year caused by mentally deranged people BUT totally ignore the 670,000 deaths?

I agree...the numbers of abortions are too high

What have you done about it? What options do you provide a woman considering abortion other than bitching about her on the internet?
670,000 deaths by people who were involved in at least one or more deaths themselves greeted with a "Oh hum...."?

I'm not making this up. Here are the substantiated facts:

A) 8 people a year have been killed in "mass shootings" since 1982...
Since 1982 there have been at least 62 mass shootings* across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and 7 of them have taken place in 2012. We've mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.

The shooter took the lives of at least four people. An FBI crime classification report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location.
A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

So why are all the "smart" people worked up ban all guns when there are an average of 8 deaths per year in the entire nation?

But these same people have no problem with the 670,000 that are murdered BEFORE they are born by women that already had one or more abortions?

44.7% abortions by women with one or more previous abortions.
These women callously get pregnant again KNOWING they could kill their babies!
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women who are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control AND SHOULD BE STERILIZED if they continue to act as animals!

REASONS for killing 1.5 million a year..

87% of reasons for having killing 1.5 million people a year:
3 reasons for ELECTING abortion:
-- say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities;
-- say they cannot afford a child; and
-- say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).

12% of women included a physical problem with their health among reasons for having an abortion (NAF).
1%(of aborting women) reported that they were the survivors of rape (NAF).
13% ONLY due to rape,incest or health... 87% by choice .

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

Just doesn't make any sense that the "smart" people have NO problem with 1,835 abortions PER DAY.
But look how excited,how emotional, how hysterical they are about: 8 deaths PER YEAR.

Very interesting. There should be absolutely no restrictions of any kind placed upon a woman's ability to get an abortion if she so chooses. Her reasons for getting an abortion are entirely her business and no one should have any say in the matter but her and her doctor.

I don't disagree!
My point is 670,000 abortions by women who already had one or more to me is a failure to educate!

And "education" being a rosetta stone to the intelligentsia should mean a bigger effort to "educate" these women.
I mean we require driver's license so people at least have been educated about the weapon they are driving ... why not license the woman to have an abortion?
Unless.. to the intelligentsia a woman's right to kill a fetus is more important then ...? What?
The socialist/intelligentsia want federal funding for abortions. OK. I want federal regulations that will require if my tax money is paid to murder people I want
those women with one or more to be licensed showing they had been educated in sex contraception.
At least they like the teen driver is licensed to have sex even though they maybe irresponsible and ultimately my tax money will be used to perform the abortion!
I mean when a woman has her first abortion, she should pay a modest license fee renewed with testing before renewal.
Why this governmental control of birth is exactly what the founders of Planned Parenthood were after in the first place!

It's easier to accept the death of something that was never born, never had a name and was going to going to cramp someone's life style.
As much as you would like it to be so....Abortion is not murder

Never has been

Of course you are right!

Doesn't alter the numbers though... why all the excitement over 8 deaths a year, yet you obviously have NO problem with women who already had one abortion have another and another and another.. 670,000 times a year.

Just seems kind of primitive to me as well as grossly disproportional.. Is it because like the mass shooter the woman who already had a previous abortion, doesn't think about the consequences of having unprotected sex??? Aren't both parties not thinking too clearly?
And so why are you "intelligentsia" so angst about 8 deaths a year caused by mentally deranged people BUT totally ignore the 670,000 deaths?

I agree...the numbers of abortions are too high

What have you done about it? What options do you provide a woman considering abortion other than bitching about her on the internet?

giving it to someone who wants it---it's called adoption. Been around for a long time. Read up on it.
Very interesting. There should be absolutely no restrictions of any kind placed upon a woman's ability to get an abortion if she so chooses. Her reasons for getting an abortion are entirely her business and no one should have any say in the matter but her and her doctor.

I don't disagree!
My point is 670,000 abortions by women who already had one or more to me is a failure to educate!

And "education" being a rosetta stone to the intelligentsia should mean a bigger effort to "educate" these women.
I mean we require driver's license so people at least have been educated about the weapon they are driving ... why not license the woman to have an abortion?
Unless.. to the intelligentsia a woman's right to kill a fetus is more important then ...? What?
The socialist/intelligentsia want federal funding for abortions. OK. I want federal regulations that will require if my tax money is paid to murder people I want
those women with one or more to be licensed showing they had been educated in sex contraception.
At least they like the teen driver is licensed to have sex even though they maybe irresponsible and ultimately my tax money will be used to perform the abortion!
I mean when a woman has her first abortion, she should pay a modest license fee renewed with testing before renewal.
Why this governmental control of birth is exactly what the founders of Planned Parenthood were after in the first place!

It's easier to accept the death of something that was never born, never had a name and was going to going to cramp someone's life style.

Oh goody, another "ain't it awful" sans solutions. Why do stupid people continue to post? Because they're stupid and want attention, of course.
Almost the same number of people killed by guns in the 6 months since the Newtown massacre as died during the illegal and necessary war against innocent Iraq.

And yet, people care more about lying about the four people murdered because the Repubs cut their security funding.

...why not license the woman to have an abortion?...

Why not enslave all women so that controlling them would be easier? Tattoo them with numbers so you can keep track and on and on -

Questions for those who would have the government control woman's reproduction: How many children have you adopted? How many of you would refuse to support a child you forced a woman to bear? How about we sterilize all men so women wouldn't get pregnant with unwanted fetuses?
I don't disagree!
My point is 670,000 abortions by women who already had one or more to me is a failure to educate!

And "education" being a rosetta stone to the intelligentsia should mean a bigger effort to "educate" these women.
I mean we require driver's license so people at least have been educated about the weapon they are driving ... why not license the woman to have an abortion?
Unless.. to the intelligentsia a woman's right to kill a fetus is more important then ...? What?
The socialist/intelligentsia want federal funding for abortions. OK. I want federal regulations that will require if my tax money is paid to murder people I want
those women with one or more to be licensed showing they had been educated in sex contraception.
At least they like the teen driver is licensed to have sex even though they maybe irresponsible and ultimately my tax money will be used to perform the abortion!
I mean when a woman has her first abortion, she should pay a modest license fee renewed with testing before renewal.
Why this governmental control of birth is exactly what the founders of Planned Parenthood were after in the first place!

It's easier to accept the death of something that was never born, never had a name and was going to going to cramp someone's life style.

Oh goody, another "ain't it awful" sans solutions. Why do stupid people continue to post? Because they're stupid and want attention, of course.

I offered a solution, dumb ass.
I don't disagree!
My point is 670,000 abortions by women who already had one or more to me is a failure to educate!

And "education" being a rosetta stone to the intelligentsia should mean a bigger effort to "educate" these women.
I mean we require driver's license so people at least have been educated about the weapon they are driving ... why not license the woman to have an abortion?
Unless.. to the intelligentsia a woman's right to kill a fetus is more important then ...? What?
The socialist/intelligentsia want federal funding for abortions. OK. I want federal regulations that will require if my tax money is paid to murder people I want
those women with one or more to be licensed showing they had been educated in sex contraception.
At least they like the teen driver is licensed to have sex even though they maybe irresponsible and ultimately my tax money will be used to perform the abortion!
I mean when a woman has her first abortion, she should pay a modest license fee renewed with testing before renewal.
Why this governmental control of birth is exactly what the founders of Planned Parenthood were after in the first place!

It's easier to accept the death of something that was never born, never had a name and was going to going to cramp someone's life style.

Oh goody, another "ain't it awful" sans solutions. Why do stupid people continue to post? Because they're stupid and want attention, of course.

What did your mirror answer when you asked that question?
Of course you are right!

Doesn't alter the numbers though... why all the excitement over 8 deaths a year, yet you obviously have NO problem with women who already had one abortion have another and another and another.. 670,000 times a year.

Just seems kind of primitive to me as well as grossly disproportional.. Is it because like the mass shooter the woman who already had a previous abortion, doesn't think about the consequences of having unprotected sex??? Aren't both parties not thinking too clearly?
And so why are you "intelligentsia" so angst about 8 deaths a year caused by mentally deranged people BUT totally ignore the 670,000 deaths?

I agree...the numbers of abortions are too high

What have you done about it? What options do you provide a woman considering abortion other than bitching about her on the internet?

giving it to someone who wants it---it's called adoption. Been around for a long time. Read up on it.

Why that is an excellent suggestion!

But you do realize we are talking about more than those cuddly white babies that everyone wants
As much as you would like it to be so....Abortion is not murder

Never has been

Of course you are right!

Doesn't alter the numbers though... why all the excitement over 8 deaths a year, yet you obviously have NO problem with women who already had one abortion have another and another and another.. 670,000 times a year.

Just seems kind of primitive to me as well as grossly disproportional.. Is it because like the mass shooter the woman who already had a previous abortion, doesn't think about the consequences of having unprotected sex??? Aren't both parties not thinking too clearly?
And so why are you "intelligentsia" so angst about 8 deaths a year caused by mentally deranged people BUT totally ignore the 670,000 deaths?

I agree...the numbers of abortions are too high

What have you done about it? What options do you provide a woman considering abortion other than bitching about her on the internet?

Did you read my solution?

The socialist/intelligentsia want federal funding for abortions. OK.
I want federal regulations that will require if my tax money is paid to murder people I want those women with one or more to be licensed showing they had been educated in sex contraception.
At least they like the teen driver is licensed to have sex even though they maybe irresponsible and ultimately my tax money will be used to perform the abortion!
I mean when a woman has her first abortion, she should pay a modest license fee renewed with testing before renewal.
Why this governmental control of birth is exactly what the founders of Planned Parenthood were after in the first place!
I don't disagree!
My point is 670,000 abortions by women who already had one or more to me is a failure to educate!

And "education" being a rosetta stone to the intelligentsia should mean a bigger effort to "educate" these women.
I mean we require driver's license so people at least have been educated about the weapon they are driving ... why not license the woman to have an abortion?
Unless.. to the intelligentsia a woman's right to kill a fetus is more important then ...? What?
The socialist/intelligentsia want federal funding for abortions. OK. I want federal regulations that will require if my tax money is paid to murder people I want
those women with one or more to be licensed showing they had been educated in sex contraception.
At least they like the teen driver is licensed to have sex even though they maybe irresponsible and ultimately my tax money will be used to perform the abortion!
I mean when a woman has her first abortion, she should pay a modest license fee renewed with testing before renewal.
Why this governmental control of birth is exactly what the founders of Planned Parenthood were after in the first place!

It's easier to accept the death of something that was never born, never had a name and was going to going to cramp someone's life style.

Oh goody, another "ain't it awful" sans solutions. Why do stupid people continue to post? Because they're stupid and want attention, of course.

again... did you read my solution???
The socialist/intelligentsia want federal funding for abortions. OK.
I want federal regulations that will require if my tax money is paid to murder people I want those women with one or more to be licensed showing they had been educated in sex contraception.
At least they like the teen driver is licensed to have sex even though they maybe irresponsible and ultimately my tax money will be used to perform the abortion!
I mean when a woman has her first abortion, she should pay a modest license fee renewed with testing before renewal.
Why this governmental control of birth is exactly what the founders of Planned Parenthood were after in the first place!
Almost the same number of people killed by guns in the 6 months since the Newtown massacre as died during the illegal and necessary war against innocent Iraq.

And yet, people care more about lying about the four people murdered because the Repubs cut their security funding.

...why not license the woman to have an abortion?...

Why not enslave all women so that controlling them would be easier? Tattoo them with numbers so you can keep track and on and on -

Questions for those who would have the government control woman's reproduction: How many children have you adopted? How many of you would refuse to support a child you forced a woman to bear? How about we sterilize all men so women wouldn't get pregnant with unwanted fetuses?

Again... did you read closely ... 670,000 by women who had already an abortion!
Their behavior obviously wasn't changed by the first abortion!
So at least yes STERILIZE her the 2nd time she comes for an abortion!

I have compassion for those "ignorant' people that get pregnant the first time.
I also have compassion for the 13% abortions due to rape,incest health of the mother!
BUT 670,000 simply as a convenience and act of passion???

THAT's the number... that is so disgusting! YES license or sterilize one or the other because these 2nd, abortions are totally out of IGNORANCE!
I agree...the numbers of abortions are too high

What have you done about it? What options do you provide a woman considering abortion other than bitching about her on the internet?

giving it to someone who wants it---it's called adoption. Been around for a long time. Read up on it.

Why that is an excellent suggestion!

But you do realize we are talking about more than those cuddly white babies that everyone wants

A childless white couple would be happy to adopt a baby of whatever color.

If, by some weird chance, authorized by a local agency, a white couple adopted a black baby, the NAACP - probably led by the "Reverend"s Sharpton and Jackson would be charging in, yelling "RACISTS!!!" and snatch the baby claiming that no white couple could ever teach a black kid about black history and no white couple could ever give love to a black child.

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