Why do 8 deaths a year cause mass hysteria with the "intelligentsia", but

Again... here is the sadness.. the grieving... the exaggeration and NO one seems concerned though about the 1,835 abortions EACH DAY!!!

33 deaths by guns per day VS 862 deaths by choice by women almost have who have chosen this aborted before!

Doesn't this seem so grossly out of proportion???

"On average, 33 Americans are killed by a gun every single day. That's 33 new families a day who mourn like I do.
Obama Campaign Reignites Gun Fight | The Weekly Standard

Many of us are never going to register our guns, we are also not going to insure our guns when those laws pass, and in the bonus round we believe meddling in other people's personal reproductive business is the work of the devil's disciples.

Are we still real Americans?
As much as you would like it to be so....Abortion is not murder

Never has been

What is it?
The willful killing of a infant human. What should we call that? Why do so many people want to lie to themselves?
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I oppose guns, but I realize how many folks are hurt by people that operate motorcars recklessly. The jerks that can't follow the speed limit, that do hit and runs, can’t follow the speed limit that tailgate. They are much more of a menace. l myself would like to see a concentration on reckless drivers than on gun control. I support gun control…but that is just a abstraction. How about,” CAR “control? Cute, I know. Be real here.
670,000 deaths by people who were involved in at least one or more deaths themselves greeted with a "Oh hum...."?

I'm not making this up. Here are the substantiated facts:

A) 8 people a year have been killed in "mass shootings" since 1982...
Since 1982 there have been at least 62 mass shootings* across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and 7 of them have taken place in 2012. We've mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.

The shooter took the lives of at least four people. An FBI crime classification report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location.
A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

So why are all the "smart" people worked up ban all guns when there are an average of 8 deaths per year in the entire nation?

But these same people have no problem with the 670,000 that are murdered BEFORE they are born by women that already had one or more abortions?

44.7% abortions by women with one or more previous abortions.
These women callously get pregnant again KNOWING they could kill their babies!
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women who are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control AND SHOULD BE STERILIZED if they continue to act as animals!

REASONS for killing 1.5 million a year..

87% of reasons for having killing 1.5 million people a year:
3 reasons for ELECTING abortion:
-- say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities;
-- say they cannot afford a child; and
-- say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).

12% of women included a physical problem with their health among reasons for having an abortion (NAF).
1%(of aborting women) reported that they were the survivors of rape (NAF).
13% ONLY due to rape,incest or health... 87% by choice .

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

Just doesn't make any sense that the "smart" people have NO problem with 1,835 abortions PER DAY.
But look how excited,how emotional, how hysterical they are about: 8 deaths PER YEAR.

Very interesting. There should be absolutely no restrictions of any kind placed upon a woman's ability to get an abortion if she so chooses. Her reasons for getting an abortion are entirely her business and no one should have any say in the matter but her and her doctor.

I don't disagree!
My point is 670,000 abortions by women who already had one or more to me is a failure to educate!

And "education" being a rosetta stone to the intelligentsia should mean a bigger effort to "educate" these women.
I mean we require driver's license so people at least have been educated about the weapon they are driving ... why not license the woman to have an abortion?
Unless.. to the intelligentsia a woman's right to kill a fetus is more important then ...? What?
The socialist/intelligentsia want federal funding for abortions. OK. I want federal regulations that will require if my tax money is paid to murder people I want
those women with one or more to be licensed showing they had been educated in sex contraception.

At least they like the teen driver is licensed to have sex even though they maybe irresponsible and ultimately my tax money will be used to perform the abortion!
I mean when a woman has her first abortion, she should pay a modest license fee renewed with testing before renewal.
Why this governmental control of birth is exactly what the founders of Planned Parenthood were after in the first place!

So your ‘solution’ is to license procreation, and disallow citizens from having children if they’re not ‘properly educated.’

In addition to being ignorant and idiotic, what you advocate is un-Constitutional: there is no right to drive, there is a right to privacy. You scream like a stuck pig about NSA surveillance yet support the moronic notion of the state keeping ‘abortion records.’

You are indeed the typical authoritarian social conservative.
Very interesting. There should be absolutely no restrictions of any kind placed upon a woman's ability to get an abortion if she so chooses. Her reasons for getting an abortion are entirely her business and no one should have any say in the matter but her and her doctor.

I don't disagree!
My point is 670,000 abortions by women who already had one or more to me is a failure to educate!

And "education" being a rosetta stone to the intelligentsia should mean a bigger effort to "educate" these women.
I mean we require driver's license so people at least have been educated about the weapon they are driving ... why not license the woman to have an abortion?
Unless.. to the intelligentsia a woman's right to kill a fetus is more important then ...? What?
The socialist/intelligentsia want federal funding for abortions. OK. I want federal regulations that will require if my tax money is paid to murder people I want
those women with one or more to be licensed showing they had been educated in sex contraception.
At least they like the teen driver is licensed to have sex even though they maybe irresponsible and ultimately my tax money will be used to perform the abortion!
I mean when a woman has her first abortion, she should pay a modest license fee renewed with testing before renewal.
Why this governmental control of birth is exactly what the founders of Planned Parenthood were after in the first place!

I have no problem with education, so long as it is not an obligation prior to a woman making a decision. From my point of view, we are talking about the right of a person to decide how their body is to be used. One person does not have the right to the use of another person's body without their permission regardless of their need. If a woman decides she does not want the fetus to use her body and that means the fetus dies, then the fetus dies. The woman's right is absolute and there are no other priorities.

As to people killed by guns, I think that is unfortunate but I see no reason in restricting someone's rights to own one as a result. I do not desire to live in a perfectly safe society, just a free one. So long as a woman does not have absolute decision making capability over her own body, this is not a free society.

I may not want a hitchhiker in my car, but if I leave a door unlocked and one enters my car and is sitting there hoping to be driven somewhere, but makes no move to harm me or my car, do I have an ethical right to kill him? Have him killed? Why not?

I may not want an uninvited guest in my home, but if he enters through an unlocked door and I find him eating my M&Ms and watching my TV and inquiring about what's for dinner, and makes no move to harm me or my home, can I ethically kill him? Have him killed? Why not?

I may not want a vagrant seeking shelter from the heat in my waiting room in my place of business. But he walked in like everybody else does and is doing nothing that all other visitors to the waiting room don't do. Can I ethically kill him? Have him killed? Why not?

99% of the time, the woman had full choice to use a contraceptive, to have herself sterilized temporarily or permanently, and had full choice to agree to have sex or not have sex. But once the unwanted visitor is in her womb via an opening she made possible, it is a developing human being. And when there is no indication that it will harm her, can we not at least understand that it is a human being that she will kill or will have somebody else kill if she chooses to do that?
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