Why Do Balcks in the North Riot- and Southern Blacks Don't?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I hit on this in the Chareston thread and the libbies took issue and others cried deflection.

So why is it? Why have southern blacks embraced a civil society yet those in Northern and western states have not?

I thought the south was racist and the north was utopia?


I hit on this in the Chatelaton thread and the libbies took issue and others cried deflection.

So why is it? Why have southern blacks embraced a civil society yet those in Northern and western states have not?

I thought the south was racist and the north was utopia?


Probably because republicans didn't immediately and vocally come out in support of the killer this time. Though they have offered up many excuses for him.
We've lived in the north and the south and there is a difference. It's hard to put your finger on but there is a definite difference
Easy. A few things.

1- In the South...we have dealt with many racial issues long ago...and moved on. Despite the stereotype. ..we probably have the best race relations in the country overall. In other liberal parts of America. ..the new generation WANTS racial strife. Why? They "missed out" on the civil rights era. They want that badge of honor of being oppressed or fighting for civil rights. Down here....we've already been there done that. Young Northern liberals are jealous that they didnt get to be part of Selma or MLK. So...they try to recreate it. We know better. Just stop it. Isolated extremists will occur. But dont feed the fire.

2- Church. We're the Bible belt. Blacks...and whites and other races....have stronger morals and family structure down here.

3- Sports. This sounds crazy...but if you lived here you'd "get it". The rest of America mocks us for taking things like high school football and college football so rabidly serious. But guess what? It unites people at an early age. Whites and blacks in Alabama probably hate each other more for being Bama/Auburn fans than skin color (and in turn...celebrate w each other for same teams).

4- Shared struggles. The South has been and in many places remains poor. Many Southern blacks and whites shared the same poor rural experience. We all plowed the farm or worked at the textile mill.

So yeah...its different. And its better. All the self righteous libs in California and NYC could learn some things from the folks down here.
We've lived in the metro Atlanta area and the Miami /Coral Gables area and there is even a difference between those two
The Yankees I served with in the Army seemed to be more aggressive towards blacks compared to the rebels.

White baby boomers down here saw the flaws of racist thought in the civil rights era and for most of them raised their kids to be different. Up North? They never felt the need to. Self righteousness. So now....they are dealing with what the South grew through in the 60s.
The Yankees I served with in the Army seemed to be more aggressive towards blacks compared to the rebels.

White baby boomers down here saw the flaws of racist thought in the civil rights era and for most of them raised their kids to be different. Up North? They never felt the need to. Self righteousness. So now....they are dealing with what the South grew through in the 60s.
I am surprised the home town of OKC is not more violent by blacks, but the Hispanics are more ruthless there now..
One difference I see. Is they have religion and God in their lives. Which those in the Blue states and liberals/dems make fun of. But It's a fact and that's why they went after the flag. the families of those killed FORGAVE the shooter. so they had to find something else to advance their hate agenda

people need to WAKE UP to what's going on
One difference I see. Is they have religion and God in their lives. Which those of you in the North and liberal make fun of. But It's a fact and that's why they went after the flag. the families of those killed FORGAVE the shooter. so they had to find something else to advance their hate agenda

people need to WAKE UP to what's going on
So religion invigorates the hate agenda...okay...
I hit on this in the Chatelaton thread and the libbies took issue and others cried deflection.

So why is it? Why have southern blacks embraced a civil society yet those in Northern and western states have not?

I thought the south was racist and the north was utopia?


Probably because republicans didn't immediately and vocally come out in support of the killer this time. Though they have offered up many excuses for him.
Black republicans?
If not.....point?
I am so taken by this man and take what he said to heart,

as I was by Martin Luther King about judging a person by their character not by the color of their skin. I have NO respect for Al Sharpton and his band of agitators like, Blacklivesonlymatterswhen theycanUSEthemfortheirAGENDA
and the rest of us in this country need to open our eyes.
I hit on this in the Chatelaton thread and the libbies took issue and others cried deflection.

So why is it? Why have southern blacks embraced a civil society yet those in Northern and western states have not?

I thought the south was racist and the north was utopia?


Probably because republicans didn't immediately and vocally come out in support of the killer this time. Though they have offered up many excuses for him.

^^^^ Posts like this one really make me miss neg rep. ^^^

What a vile comment from a loathsome moron.

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