Why do big cities vote Democrat?

They’ve brainwashed blacks very well.
Blacks and Browns know very well which party is full of racists and how they do even worse under Republicans... We need to tax the rich again and invest in America and Americans again including blacks. Education and training is so expensive now. Every other modern country has cheap education and training great infrastructure healthcare daycare paid parental leave and great vacations. Thanks GOP and silly dupes.
Blacks and Browns know very well which party is full of racists and how they do even worse under Republicans... We need to tax the rich again and invest in America and Americans again including blacks. Education and training is so expensive now. Every other modern country has cheap education and training great infrastructure healthcare daycare paid parental leave and great vacations. Thanks GOP and silly dupes.
like i said franco.....talk about being brainwashed....
Aren’t they all dirty, disgusting, dangerous shitholes?
Why would the populous continue to vote themselves down the shitter?

1. Municipal Unions-The larger the cities the larger the government, at a certain tipping point the city worker unions become large enough to exhort a considerable impact on the local elections, and for decades the Democrats have been placating the unions for their votes

2. Urban lifestyle demographics- People who tend to like large cities also tend to be left of center politically, as cities tend to attract lefties who have grown up in and grown sick of their rural conservative lifestyle.

3. Minority voters- These have been solid democrat blocs since the 60's, but with the lurching hard left of the Dems, and the negative impact on poor people of green policies, it may be something that is up for some change.
Yep. Years ago we had a new housing area built right next to a dairy farmer. I had to laugh when some of them began complaining about the "smelly cows". Idiots.
The average cow farm has gotten smellier and bigger and more corporate these days.... Thanks to the GOP, big food, and the dupes. I prefer the French socialist way which supports family farms- take a look at France or Germany or any modern country but here. Thanks for the crap processed food. Family dairy farms make so little money, the smell is the least of their problems.
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The average cow farm has gotten smellier and bigger and more corporate these days.... Thanks to the GOP, big food, and the dupes. I prefer the French socialist way which supports family farms- take a look at France or Germany or any modern country but here. Thanks for the crap processed food. Family dairy farms make so little money, the smell is the least of their problems.
Whatever. This was a small family operation. My point is that people from the city are idiots.
And? BIG cities are the problem. The few lefties the vote Democrat in my area luckily don't have enough influence to negatively affect the city or surrounding areas. If they ever do, I'm out of here.
Which has not a thing to do with the thread.
1. Municipal Unions-The larger the cities the larger the government, at a certain tipping point the city worker unions become large enough to exhort a considerable impact on the local elections, and for decades the Democrats have been placating the unions for their votes

2. Urban lifestyle demographics- People who tend to like large cities also tend to be left of center politically, as cities tend to attract lefties who have grown up in and grown sick of their rural conservative lifestyle.

3. Minority voters- These have been solid democrat blocs since the 60's, but with the lurching hard left of the Dems, and the negative impact on poor people of green policies, it may be something that is up for some change.
#3 can be bought. Then all is forgiven. Ghetto folks don't care about green policies, the Ukraine, or anything outside their neighborhood.
Aren’t they all dirty, disgusting, dangerous shitholes?
Why would the populous continue to vote themselves down the shitter?
Every time I've had to spend several days in a large city, I couldn't wait to get home. For one thing, there is no place to get real food. No supermarkets. No Walmart. You're either stuck with restaurants (bleh) or high-priced convenience stores. I feel like a prisoner. No place to take uninterrupted walks, no way to get away from traffic, always panhandlers. Always some group of angry leftwing protesters.
We went to Denver a couple of years ago. Spent three days. Bored to death. All these homeless mini-cities on the streets. Feces in the middle of the sidewalks. Unemployed aimless hipsters skateboarding, many of them hig, drunks soliciting donations, and pot shops. I hate every part of a big city vibe. The best part of Denver was the beautiful Catholic cathedral, which the very next year was desecrated by a BLM anti-Christian bigot. Fortunately, she was charged with a hate crime.
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Take 'em out to the wilderness with only a hunting knife and they'll die of exposure or starvation.
Um... ok. Interesting opinion but not relevant. Throw them out of an airplane with only a hunting knife and they will die too.*

*They don't tell you how loud its going to be when you jump out of an airplane. You can't hear yourself shouting "F! F! F!"
Take 'em out to the wilderness with only a hunting knife and they'll die of exposure or starvation.
Um... ok. Interesting opinion but not relevant. Throw them out of an airplane with only a hunting knife and they will die too.*

*They don't tell you how loud its going to be when you jump out of an airplane. You can't hear yourself shouting "F! F! F!"
Live music and theater are for self-styled hipsters. Usually leftwingers. Most people don't care about that stuff.
Culture and enjoying life is not a thing for you. Got it. How will you realize violins are just speakers for hearing angels singing? Live music, comedy, healthcare, grocery stores, competitions, good restaurants.

You like living in the middle of nowhere. Thats cool. Not sure how you're making a living, but thats cool. The rest of us live in cities or the suburbs of cities.
Um... ok. Interesting opinion but not relevant. Throw them out of an airplane with only a hunting knife and they will die too.*

*They don't tell you how loud its going to be when you jump out of an airplane. You can't hear yourself shouting "F! F! F!"

Culture and enjoying life is not a thing for you. Got it. How will you realize violins are just speakers for hearing angels singing? Live music, comedy, healthcare, grocery stores, competitions, good restaurants.

You like living in the middle of nowhere. Thats cool. Not sure how you're making a living, but thats cool. The rest of us live in cities or the suburbs of cities.
More and more people are able to work from home. As long as they have internet they can live wherever they want. Some even live and work in an RV.

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