Why do blacks commit so many crimes?

Why do blacks commit so many crimes?

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Whites are much less likely to be prosecuted and convicted.

If a white teenager commits a crime, judges and juries are likely to see him as a boy who made a mistake. He had too much to drink. He fell in with the wrong crowd. Something like that.

When a black teenager commits a crime people are likely to see him as having engaged in an essentially Negroid activity. We don't seen any potential in him. We do not think he will benefit from another chance. We know that we will be safer if he disappears into the prison system, never to be seen again.
Actually only stupid like you think that. When you let that white boy go he may be scared and never do it again. The same with a Black kid. However, I am glad you have admitted the difference. When you lock that Black kid up you just essentially sent him to criminial training academy and guaranteed when he comes out he is going to be one of those enormous Black guys you are so afraid of. Monkeys like you are your own worst enemy.

Blacks should not be let out of prison until they are too old for crime. Their minds and bodies should be horribly scared and crippled by the abuse they have suffered. They should wake up at night, screaming with horror as they remember when the whip cut deeper and deeper into their flesh.

You are fucking sick.
Nah...he's just a troll...if you watch his posts...he's upping the ante the more people he gets to respond. He's just a trolling troll.
Please explain why 6 of the 10 FBI most wanted are white?

FBI mdash Ten Most Wanted
No. YOU explain why black people disproportionally commit crime in this country. That is what this thread is about, and that is what the post you replied to was talking about. Get your weak ass amateur deflection game out of here.
I already explained monkey. Go search the thread if you missed it. Now why is the most wanted populated by whites?
Your deflections bore me. Got anything else?

Yes. I have a banana I was saving for one of the other cave monkeys. Do you want it instead?
Since you pulled that banana out of your boyfriend's ass you eat it. You know you wsnt to. The smell makes you salivate.
Sounds like you are describing a personal experience. Are you a cave monkey as well?
The following chart compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) demonstrates a close correlation between the racial composition of a country and the murder rate.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

According to the U.S. Department of Justice Offce of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics: "Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000)."

Please explain why 6 of the 10 FBI most wanted are white?

FBI mdash Ten Most Wanted
No. YOU explain why black people disproportionally commit crime in this country. That is what this thread is about, and that is what the post you replied to was talking about. Get your weak ass amateur deflection game out of here.
I already explained monkey. Go search the thread if you missed it. Now why is the most wanted populated by whites?
Your deflections bore me. Got anything else?

Yes. I have a banana I was saving for one of the other cave monkeys. Do you want it instead?
No im good, give it to one of them just like you planned. Im glad you share with your room mates. I didn't realize between all the monkey shit fights, you guys occasionally acted civil.
Please explain why 6 of the 10 FBI most wanted are white?

FBI mdash Ten Most Wanted
No. YOU explain why black people disproportionally commit crime in this country. That is what this thread is about, and that is what the post you replied to was talking about. Get your weak ass amateur deflection game out of here.
I already explained monkey. Go search the thread if you missed it. Now why is the most wanted populated by whites?
Your deflections bore me. Got anything else?

Yes. I have a banana I was saving for one of the other cave monkeys. Do you want it instead?
No im good, give it to one of them just like you planned. Im glad you share with your room mates. I didn't realize between all the monkey shit fights, you guys occasionally acted civil.

Aww come on now. Dont be mad. I heard it was good for your fur coat.
Whites are much less likely to be prosecuted and convicted.

If a white teenager commits a crime, judges and juries are likely to see him as a boy who made a mistake. He had too much to drink. He fell in with the wrong crowd. Something like that.

When a black teenager commits a crime people are likely to see him as having engaged in an essentially Negroid activity. We don't seen any potential in him. We do not think he will benefit from another chance. We know that we will be safer if he disappears into the prison system, never to be seen again.
Actually only stupid like you think that. When you let that white boy go he may be scared and never do it again. The same with a Black kid. However, I am glad you have admitted the difference. When you lock that Black kid up you just essentially sent him to criminial training academy and guaranteed when he comes out he is going to be one of those enormous Black guys you are so afraid of. Monkeys like you are your own worst enemy.

Blacks should not be let out of prison until they are too old for crime. Their minds and bodies should be horribly scared and crippled by the abuse they have suffered. They should wake up at night, screaming with horror as they remember when the whip cut deeper and deeper into their flesh.

You are fucking sick.
Nah...he's just a troll...if you watch his posts...he's upping the ante the more people he gets to respond. He's just a trolling troll.

A troll who trolls the troll road with trolling trollability. I understand he drives a Troll's Royce.
I wouldn't bother responding to this toad, he has severe mental issues and is quite sick. He has either gotten his ass severely kicked by a black man, his wife left him for a black man or maybe both.

The Negro race is intrinsically inferior, and inherently violent and criminal. The facts for those assertions are easy to document.
I wouldn't bother responding to this toad, he has severe mental issues and is quite sick. He has either gotten his ass severely kicked by a black man, his wife left him for a black man or maybe both.

The Negro race is intrinsically inferior, and inherently violent and criminal. The facts for those assertions are easy to document.

I disagree. Culturally inferior, perhaps. But not racially.
I wouldn't bother responding to this toad, he has severe mental issues and is quite sick. He has either gotten his ass severely kicked by a black man, his wife left him for a black man or maybe both.

The Negro race is intrinsically inferior, and inherently violent and criminal. The facts for those assertions are easy to document.
They're already documented for the Caucasoid race. They are responsible for most of the violent, sub-human, criminal acts in history.
I wouldn't bother responding to this toad, he has severe mental issues and is quite sick. He has either gotten his ass severely kicked by a black man, his wife left him for a black man or maybe both.

The Negro race is intrinsically inferior, and inherently violent and criminal. The facts for those assertions are easy to document.
They're already documented for the Caucasoid race. They are responsible for most of the violent, sub-human, criminal acts in history.

Civilizations that are able to feed and reproduce themselves via technological advancement have that prerogative. Those who can't well, we know what happens to them. The Melian Dialogue
I wouldn't bother responding to this toad, he has severe mental issues and is quite sick. He has either gotten his ass severely kicked by a black man, his wife left him for a black man or maybe both.

The Negro race is intrinsically inferior, and inherently violent and criminal. The facts for those assertions are easy to document.
They're already documented for the Caucasoid race. They are responsible for most of the violent, sub-human, criminal acts in history.

Civilizations that are able to feed and reproduce themselves via technological advancement have that prerogative. Those who can't well, we know what happens to them. The Melian Dialogue

That doesnt make them any less subhuman, criminals and inherently violent.
I wouldn't bother responding to this toad, he has severe mental issues and is quite sick. He has either gotten his ass severely kicked by a black man, his wife left him for a black man or maybe both.

The Negro race is intrinsically inferior, and inherently violent and criminal. The facts for those assertions are easy to document.
They're already documented for the Caucasoid race. They are responsible for most of the violent, sub-human, criminal acts in history.

Civilizations that are able to feed and reproduce themselves via technological advancement have that prerogative. Those who can't well, we know what happens to them. The Melian Dialogue

That doesnt make them any less subhuman, criminals and inherently violent.

True enough. But violence has typically been the natural state of man.
I wouldn't bother responding to this toad, he has severe mental issues and is quite sick. He has either gotten his ass severely kicked by a black man, his wife left him for a black man or maybe both.

The Negro race is intrinsically inferior, and inherently violent and criminal. The facts for those assertions are easy to document.
They're already documented for the Caucasoid race. They are responsible for most of the violent, sub-human, criminal acts in history.

Civilizations that are able to feed and reproduce themselves via technological advancement have that prerogative. Those who can't well, we know what happens to them. The Melian Dialogue

That doesnt make them any less subhuman, criminals and inherently violent.

True enough. But violence has typically been the natural state of man.
White man.
I disagree. Culturally inferior, perhaps. But not racially.
Yep, this. Fortunately cultures can be changed, so black people can absolutely bounce back, but they need to recognize the inherent problems with their culture before any progress can be made. Blaming it on white people will never solve their issue with faherless households, which is the reason for all the other problems they have. If kids arent raised properly, they will grow up to be assholes.
You left out option D: They have a failed culture.

They have a failed culture because they are intrinsically inferior. Everywhere they go they re create a failed culture. They are incapable of creating viable societies.
We all know thats false because without Black people you wouldnt have a written language as Black people gave you your alphabet. Also the Black Moors taught white people not to fear water during the Dark Ages. This was all after you forgot the teachings the Egyptians gave you.

What nonsense. The first civilizations, the Egyptian and the Sumerian, were created by Caucasians. The first alphabet was probably invented by an Egyptian scribe. The alphabet was developed by the Phoenicians, and then modified by other nations to fit their languages.
And another racist troll thread reaches epic status.

When the Negro race is criticized, Negroes and their white apologists can only say, "That's racist." They cannot say that the criticism is untrue.
The Egyptians and Sumerians were Black people you monkey. Only an illiterate monkey such as yourself would not know this. The Phoenicians were actually the Canaanites who we all know are descended from a Black man. Your monkey version of history has been exposed for the lie it is.

How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?
I believe the problem may be genetic to some degree (hard to say for certain). There haven't been a lot of scientific studies concerning racial differences but the "Bell Curve" by Richard Herrnstein is a scientific study on intelligence and class structure and may add some insight into this phenomenon. From what I've been able to gather by personal observation is that some cultures plant crops and raise livestock as a means to prepare for future needs while other cultures think only of the here and now and take what they want as needed (or simply sit on the ground and starve to death). If they don't have something to feed their needs right this second then they will take it from their neighbor in whatever manner seems most convenient at the time. If they've got to kill -- they kill. If they've got to steal -- then they steal. Working hard and planning for the future isn't in their DNA.
The Bell Curve has been debunked as more monkey shine by cave monkeys trying to do what they have done since crawling out of the caves. White people (racists) have been trying to proclaim their superiority since they became sentient. The Bell Curve is just another attempt to mask their inferiority complex. Everyone knows this already.

Twenty years after The Bell Curve was published its assertions are more obvious than ever. The Failure of No Child Left Behind proves The Bell Curve.
I disagree. Culturally inferior, perhaps. But not racially.
Yep, this. Fortunately cultures can be changed, so black people can absolutely bounce back, but they need to recognize the inherent problems with their culture before any progress can be made. Blaming it on white people will never solve their issue with faherless households, which is the reason for all the other problems they have. If kids arent raised properly, they will grow up to be assholes.

Racially too.
I don't think anyone could argue that Blacks aren't inordinately predisposed to the notion of entitlement, the attitude of "take" over "give", and a superlatively aggressive nature especially towards whites.
You left out option D: They have a failed culture.

They have a failed culture because they are intrinsically inferior. Everywhere they go they re create a failed culture. They are incapable of creating viable societies.
We all know thats false because without Black people you wouldnt have a written language as Black people gave you your alphabet. Also the Black Moors taught white people not to fear water during the Dark Ages. This was all after you forgot the teachings the Egyptians gave you.

What nonsense. The first civilizations, the Egyptian and the Sumerian, were created by Caucasians. The first alphabet was probably invented by an Egyptian scribe. The alphabet was developed by the Phoenicians, and then modified by other nations to fit their languages.
And another racist troll thread reaches epic status.

When the Negro race is criticized, Negroes and their white apologists can only say, "That's racist." They cannot say that the criticism is untrue.
The Egyptians and Sumerians were Black people you monkey. Only an illiterate monkey such as yourself would not know this. The Phoenicians were actually the Canaanites who we all know are descended from a Black man. Your monkey version of history has been exposed for the lie it is.

How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?

They didn't. In fact, the opposite is true. Arabs conquered African blacks and forced them to convert to Islam. Now black nationalists in the U.S. demand that we recognize the achievements of the people who conquered them as their own. If life started in Africa then any culture who was able to advance to a respectable degree left. If Africa has held humans longer than any other continent it has little to show for it in the realm of contribution to the world.
I believe the problem may be genetic to some degree (hard to say for certain). There haven't been a lot of scientific studies concerning racial differences but the "Bell Curve" by Richard Herrnstein is a scientific study on intelligence and class structure and may add some insight into this phenomenon. From what I've been able to gather by personal observation is that some cultures plant crops and raise livestock as a means to prepare for future needs while other cultures think only of the here and now and take what they want as needed (or simply sit on the ground and starve to death). If they don't have something to feed their needs right this second then they will take it from their neighbor in whatever manner seems most convenient at the time. If they've got to kill -- they kill. If they've got to steal -- then they steal. Working hard and planning for the future isn't in their DNA.
The Bell Curve has been debunked as more monkey shine by cave monkeys trying to do what they have done since crawling out of the caves. White people (racists) have been trying to proclaim their superiority since they became sentient. The Bell Curve is just another attempt to mask their inferiority complex. Everyone knows this already.

Twenty years after The Bell Curve was published its assertions are more obvious than ever. The Failure of No Child Left Behind proves The Bell Curve.

A culture that refuses to speak properly, promotes deviance, names their kids ridiculous names, thinks bling bling and $200 shoes are status symbols, and thinks rap music is art, will no doubt have children that are dumbed down in the classroom.
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