Why do blacks commit so many crimes?

Why do blacks commit so many crimes?

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Culture. Mainly culture. Pre desegregation the black community was actually pretty successful when the families were intact. Sure you had crime, but nothing like the last 25 years.

There is actually a blossoming black middle class going on for awhile now. It never gets attention. They need their own state.

The blacks also suffer from very poor leadership and it is based on class warfare.

The culture is number 1 reason.
The Democrats are the #1 reason for the plight of blacks today.

W.W.B. Du Bois realized this over 100 years ago; urban political machines depend on mindless blacks to stay in power.

Where are the worst schools, the worst housing projects, the worst crime rates, the worst addiction rates, the worst of everything?

In the Democrat controlled inner cities.

You'd think somebody would wake up.

Blacks are the number 1 reason the Republicans dominate the United States. The black response to the civil rights legislation and the war on poverty was five years of black ghetto riots, and enduring increases in crime and illegitimacy. Blacks have proven themselves to be unworthy of the hopes white liberals had for them. They have proven the arguments that were presented against the civil rights legislation before it was passed.

Republicans dont dominant the US but I do agree thats why the Republicans are mostly white. Its the same story over and over again. The conservatives run a game on ignorant poor whites such as yourself. They tell you the Black guy is coming to steal your job and rape your women. Feral animals such as yourself panic by design because you see white women with Black men and you were convinced AA was soley for Black men.
You left out option D: They have a failed culture.

They have a failed culture because they are intrinsically inferior. Everywhere they go they re create a failed culture. They are incapable of creating viable societies.
We all know thats false because without Black people you wouldnt have a written language as Black people gave you your alphabet. Also the Black Moors taught white people not to fear water during the Dark Ages. This was all after you forgot the teachings the Egyptians gave you.

What nonsense. The first civilizations, the Egyptian and the Sumerian, were created by Caucasians. The first alphabet was probably invented by an Egyptian scribe. The alphabet was developed by the Phoenicians, and then modified by other nations to fit their languages.
And another racist troll thread reaches epic status.

When the Negro race is criticized, Negroes and their white apologists can only say, "That's racist." They cannot say that the criticism is untrue.
The Egyptians and Sumerians were Black people you monkey. Only an illiterate monkey such as yourself would not know this. The Phoenicians were actually the Canaanites who we all know are descended from a Black man. Your monkey version of history has been exposed for the lie it is.

How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?
The same way they got to the rest of the world thousands of years before that. You must not be up on geography. Egypt is part of the Fertile Crescent. Do you know where Iraq is in relation to Africa? That was another dumb monkey comment. Don't they teach you monkeys anything in school?


  • Fertile Crescent.jpg
    Fertile Crescent.jpg
    38 KB · Views: 85
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.
Without a source substantiating your claim the only conclusion is you're a racist and making a troll thread.

The following chart compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) demonstrates a close correlation between the racial composition of a country and the murder rate.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

According to the U.S. Department of Justice Offce of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics: "Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000)."

Please explain why 6 of the 10 FBI most wanted are white?

FBI mdash Ten Most Wanted
Racial balancing.

Six of ten Americans are white.

Get it.

Even 10 Most Wanted List has to be PC.

To make the 10 Most Wanted List one requires more intelligence than most blacks have.
In that case Einstein would have made the list. To make the list you have to be a criminal. Your reasons for whites making the list are more monkey shine.

Fewer whites are criminals, but white criminals are more intelligent. I would not expect you to understand that.

Blacks specialize in crimes that require no intelligence, like mugging, armed robbery, and rape. These are not crimes that make the 10 most wanted list.
The following chart compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) demonstrates a close correlation between the racial composition of a country and the murder rate.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

According to the U.S. Department of Justice Offce of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics: "Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000)."

Please explain why 6 of the 10 FBI most wanted are white?

FBI mdash Ten Most Wanted
Racial balancing.

Six of ten Americans are white.

Get it.

Even 10 Most Wanted List has to be PC.

To make the 10 Most Wanted List one requires more intelligence than most blacks have.
In that case Einstein would have made the list. To make the list you have to be a criminal. Your reasons for whites making the list are more monkey shine.

Fewer whites are criminals, but white criminals are more intelligent. I would not expect you to understand that.

Blacks specialize in crimes that require no intelligence, like mugging, armed robbery, and rape. These are not crimes that make the 10 most wanted list.
Sorry but again you are wrong. Go look at the FBI's page. More white people are criminals by far.
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
Seems you need a dictionary along with a world map. Racists have nothing to do with truth.
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Please explain why 6 of the 10 FBI most wanted are white?

FBI mdash Ten Most Wanted
Racial balancing.

Six of ten Americans are white.

Get it.

Even 10 Most Wanted List has to be PC.

To make the 10 Most Wanted List one requires more intelligence than most blacks have.
In that case Einstein would have made the list. To make the list you have to be a criminal. Your reasons for whites making the list are more monkey shine.

Fewer whites are criminals, but white criminals are more intelligent. I would not expect you to understand that.

Blacks specialize in crimes that require no intelligence, like mugging, armed robbery, and rape. These are not crimes that make the 10 most wanted list.
Sorry but again you are wrong. Go look at the FBI's page. More white people are criminals by far.

FBI mdash Ten Most Wanted

White guy. Doesn't take much brains to do what he did. Matter of fact all the white people on the top ten with the exception of one are merely brutish monkeys such as yourself. No intellect at all.

William Bradford Bishop, Jr. is wanted for allegedly bludgeoning to death his wife (age 37), mother (age 68), and three sons (ages 5, 10 and 14) in Bethesda, Maryland,
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
A racist is an insecure, feeble minded person who feels it necessary to try to dehumanize others in order to feel better about himself.
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
A racist is an insecure, feeble minded person who feels it necessary to try to dehumanize others in order to feel better about himself.

No, a racist is one who believes that the various races are either genetically inferior or genetically superior than their peers with respect to genetics i.e. "RACE". I'm tired of the word racism being applied as a weapon to ignore faults in human culture/behavior. While I do not believe that race is a determining factor for black deviance, culture certainly is. And culture is always fair game.

They have a failed culture because they are intrinsically inferior. Everywhere they go they re create a failed culture. They are incapable of creating viable societies.
We all know thats false because without Black people you wouldnt have a written language as Black people gave you your alphabet. Also the Black Moors taught white people not to fear water during the Dark Ages. This was all after you forgot the teachings the Egyptians gave you.

What nonsense. The first civilizations, the Egyptian and the Sumerian, were created by Caucasians. The first alphabet was probably invented by an Egyptian scribe. The alphabet was developed by the Phoenicians, and then modified by other nations to fit their languages.
And another racist troll thread reaches epic status.

When the Negro race is criticized, Negroes and their white apologists can only say, "That's racist." They cannot say that the criticism is untrue.
The Egyptians and Sumerians were Black people you monkey. Only an illiterate monkey such as yourself would not know this. The Phoenicians were actually the Canaanites who we all know are descended from a Black man. Your monkey version of history has been exposed for the lie it is.

How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?
The same way they got to the rest of the world thousands of years before that. You must not be up on geography. Egypt is part of the Fertile Crescent. Do you know where Iraq is in relation to Africa? That was another dumb monkey comment. Don't they teach you monkeys anything in school?

The descendents of Caucasians and Mongoloids left Africa about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. They evolved into Caucasians and Mongoloids later. Because they lived in cold climates they needed to become more intelligent. Moreover, agriculture requires even more intelligence.

Farming began in what is now Syria, Northern Iraq, and south eastern Turkey. An agricultural population grows faster than a paleolithic population. By the time agriculture began to develop there, the Caucasian race had already developed.

An agricultural race also has larger political units. It has tribes, rather than hunting bands. This gives it an advantage over those who live by hunting and gathering. About 9,000 years ago Caucasian tribes crossed the Sinai Peninsula, settled in the Nile Delta, and pushed out the Negro hunters. While this was happening, the Sahara Desert was expanding, providing a barrier between Caucasians who settled in north Africa, and Negroes further south.

Some Negro genes got into the Egyptian genome. Nevertheless Egyptians are genetically more similar to Europeans than to Negroes.
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
A racist is an insecure, feeble minded person who feels it necessary to try to dehumanize others in order to feel better about himself.

That is only true if what the "racist" says is not true. Hostility to Jews and Orientals is based on resentment of Jewish and Oriental intelligence, success, and prosperity. Hostility to blacks is based on the awareness that they really do have a crime rate that is over seven times the white rate.

In addition, affirmative action policies force many whites to work with blacks who cannot perform adequately, who cannot be fired, and who earn just as much as whites who are doing their jobs.
Culture. Mainly culture. Pre desegregation the black community was actually pretty successful when the families were intact. Sure you had crime, but nothing like the last 25 years.

There is actually a blossoming black middle class going on for awhile now. It never gets attention. They need their own state.

The blacks also suffer from very poor leadership and it is based on class warfare.

The culture is number 1 reason.
The Democrats are the #1 reason for the plight of blacks today.

W.W.B. Du Bois realized this over 100 years ago; urban political machines depend on mindless blacks to stay in power.

Where are the worst schools, the worst housing projects, the worst crime rates, the worst addiction rates, the worst of everything?

In the Democrat controlled inner cities.

You'd think somebody would wake up.

Blacks are the number 1 reason the Republicans dominate the United States. The black response to the civil rights legislation and the war on poverty was five years of black ghetto riots, and enduring increases in crime and illegitimacy. Blacks have proven themselves to be unworthy of the hopes white liberals had for them. They have proven the arguments that were presented against the civil rights legislation before it was passed.

Republicans dont dominant the US but I do agree thats why the Republicans are mostly white. Its the same story over and over again. The conservatives run a game on ignorant poor whites such as yourself. They tell you the Black guy is coming to steal your job and rape your women. Feral animals such as yourself panic by design because you see white women with Black men and you were convinced AA was soley for Black men.

I am a registered Democrat. I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. I even voted for Obama in the 2008 primary, although now I think Hillary would have done a better job.

Whites have reason to fear losing their jobs to Orientals. Orientals have higher average IQ's. Whites are unlikely to lose their jobs to blacks unless their employers are told by the government that they need a more diverse workforce.
Blacks have a high crime rate everywhere in the world that they live. Why do think this is so?

LOL Get this

My friend, just about 5 minutes ago, was shopping for a pie at the grocery store for his mother. He picked up the last pie available when a black woman walked up to him and demanded that she have the pie. Mind you that she had already 3 pies in her cart and had just come back because she determined she would need another. My friend refused and she threw a fit. He quickly moved away from the woman and thought that was the end of it. However, once he paid for his pie and made his way outside, the black woman quickly reappeared from behind and jerked the grocery bag from his hands running away with the pie. My friend, not willing to result to force to get back the pie, simply allowed her to run away with it. Black America at its finest. You cant make this stuff up.
Blacks have a high crime rate everywhere in the world that they live. Why do think this is so?

LOL Get this

My friend, just about 5 minutes ago, was shopping for a pie at the grocery store for his mother. He picked up the last pie available when a black woman walked up to him and demanded that she have the pie. Mind you that she had already 3 pies in her cart and had just come back because she determined she would need another. My friend refused and she threw a fit. He quickly moved away from the woman and thought that was the end of it. However, once he paid for his pie and made his way outside, the black woman quickly reappeared from behind and jerked the grocery bag from his hands running away with the pie. My friend, not willing to result to force to get back the pie, simply allowed her to run away with it. Black America at its finest. You cant make this stuff up.

I am waiting to see what ASCLEPIAS has to say about this.

ASCLEPIAS thinks blacks taught civilization to whites. How could they have taught something they still have not learned?
We all know thats false because without Black people you wouldnt have a written language as Black people gave you your alphabet. Also the Black Moors taught white people not to fear water during the Dark Ages. This was all after you forgot the teachings the Egyptians gave you.

What nonsense. The first civilizations, the Egyptian and the Sumerian, were created by Caucasians. The first alphabet was probably invented by an Egyptian scribe. The alphabet was developed by the Phoenicians, and then modified by other nations to fit their languages.
And another racist troll thread reaches epic status.

When the Negro race is criticized, Negroes and their white apologists can only say, "That's racist." They cannot say that the criticism is untrue.
The Egyptians and Sumerians were Black people you monkey. Only an illiterate monkey such as yourself would not know this. The Phoenicians were actually the Canaanites who we all know are descended from a Black man. Your monkey version of history has been exposed for the lie it is.

How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?
The same way they got to the rest of the world thousands of years before that. You must not be up on geography. Egypt is part of the Fertile Crescent. Do you know where Iraq is in relation to Africa? That was another dumb monkey comment. Don't they teach you monkeys anything in school?

The descendents of Caucasians and Mongoloids left Africa about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. They evolved into Caucasians and Mongoloids later. Because they lived in cold climates they needed to become more intelligent. Moreover, agriculture requires even more intelligence.

Farming began in what is now Syria, Northern Iraq, and south eastern Turkey. An agricultural population grows faster than a paleolithic population. By the time agriculture began to develop there, the Caucasian race had already developed.

An agricultural race also has larger political units. It has tribes, rather than hunting bands. This gives it an advantage over those who live by hunting and gathering. About 9,000 years ago Caucasian tribes crossed the Sinai Peninsula, settled in the Nile Delta, and pushed out the Negro hunters. While this was happening, the Sahara Desert was expanding, providing a barrier between Caucasians who settled in north Africa, and Negroes further south.

Some Negro genes got into the Egyptian genome. Nevertheless Egyptians are genetically more similar to Europeans than to Negroes.
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
A racist is an insecure, feeble minded person who feels it necessary to try to dehumanize others in order to feel better about himself.

That is only true if what the "racist" says is not true. Hostility to Jews and Orientals is based on resentment of Jewish and Oriental intelligence, success, and prosperity. Hostility to blacks is based on the awareness that they really do have a crime rate that is over seven times the white rate.

In addition, affirmative action policies force many whites to work with blacks who cannot perform adequately, who cannot be fired, and who earn just as much as whites who are doing their jobs.

Sorry monkey boy. By the time agricultural civilizations begin white people were still in caves trapped during the ice age. The earliest examples of agriculture were created by Black people. Thats pretty much the same time Blacks domesticated cattle. They produced diary products like yogurt, butter, etc.

Once-Green Sahara Hosted Early African Dairy Farms

White people are a relatively new animal. The gene for white skin didn't even come about until 7K years ago. Your monkey version of history holds no crediblity. There is a reason all the ancient civilization were started by Black people. Thats because Black people are the blueprint for mankind. Like I have challenged many before you. Please provide evidence any of the Egyptians that developed writing, and science were white. You cant because they were Black people.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left tropical Africa for Europe's higher latitudes. The hunter-gatherer's dark skin pushes this date forward to only 7,000 years ago, suggesting that at least some humans lived considerably longer than thought in Europe before losing the dark pigmentation that evolved under Africa's sun.
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Blacks have a high crime rate everywhere in the world that they live. Why do think this is so?

LOL Get this

My friend, just about 5 minutes ago, was shopping for a pie at the grocery store for his mother. He picked up the last pie available when a black woman walked up to him and demanded that she have the pie. Mind you that she had already 3 pies in her cart and had just come back because she determined she would need another. My friend refused and she threw a fit. He quickly moved away from the woman and thought that was the end of it. However, once he paid for his pie and made his way outside, the black woman quickly reappeared from behind and jerked the grocery bag from his hands running away with the pie. My friend, not willing to result to force to get back the pie, simply allowed her to run away with it. Black America at its finest. You cant make this stuff up.
Served him right for being your friend.
What nonsense. The first civilizations, the Egyptian and the Sumerian, were created by Caucasians. The first alphabet was probably invented by an Egyptian scribe. The alphabet was developed by the Phoenicians, and then modified by other nations to fit their languages.
When the Negro race is criticized, Negroes and their white apologists can only say, "That's racist." They cannot say that the criticism is untrue.
The Egyptians and Sumerians were Black people you monkey. Only an illiterate monkey such as yourself would not know this. The Phoenicians were actually the Canaanites who we all know are descended from a Black man. Your monkey version of history has been exposed for the lie it is.

How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?
The same way they got to the rest of the world thousands of years before that. You must not be up on geography. Egypt is part of the Fertile Crescent. Do you know where Iraq is in relation to Africa? That was another dumb monkey comment. Don't they teach you monkeys anything in school?

The descendents of Caucasians and Mongoloids left Africa about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. They evolved into Caucasians and Mongoloids later. Because they lived in cold climates they needed to become more intelligent. Moreover, agriculture requires even more intelligence.

Farming began in what is now Syria, Northern Iraq, and south eastern Turkey. An agricultural population grows faster than a paleolithic population. By the time agriculture began to develop there, the Caucasian race had already developed.

An agricultural race also has larger political units. It has tribes, rather than hunting bands. This gives it an advantage over those who live by hunting and gathering. About 9,000 years ago Caucasian tribes crossed the Sinai Peninsula, settled in the Nile Delta, and pushed out the Negro hunters. While this was happening, the Sahara Desert was expanding, providing a barrier between Caucasians who settled in north Africa, and Negroes further south.

Some Negro genes got into the Egyptian genome. Nevertheless Egyptians are genetically more similar to Europeans than to Negroes.
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
A racist is an insecure, feeble minded person who feels it necessary to try to dehumanize others in order to feel better about himself.

That is only true if what the "racist" says is not true. Hostility to Jews and Orientals is based on resentment of Jewish and Oriental intelligence, success, and prosperity. Hostility to blacks is based on the awareness that they really do have a crime rate that is over seven times the white rate.

In addition, affirmative action policies force many whites to work with blacks who cannot perform adequately, who cannot be fired, and who earn just as much as whites who are doing their jobs.

Sorry monkey boy. By the time agricultural civilizations begin white people were still in caves trapped during the ice age. The earliest examples of agriculture were created by Black people. Thats pretty much the same time Blacks domesticated cattle. They produced diary products like yogurt, butter, etc.

Once-Green Sahara Hosted Early African Dairy Farms

White people are a relatively new animal. The gene for white skin didn't even come about until 7K years ago. Your monkey version of history holds no crediblity. There is a reason all the ancient civilization were started by Black people. Thats because Black people are the blueprint for mankind. Like I have challenged many before you. Please provide evidence any of the Egyptians that developed writing, and science were white. You cant because they were Black people.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left tropical Africa for Europe's higher latitudes. The hunter-gatherer's dark skin pushes this date forward to only 7,000 years ago, suggesting that at least some humans lived considerably longer than thought in Europe before losing the dark pigmentation that evolved under Africa's sun.

Dark skin does not make one a Negro. Aborigines have dark skin. They are a completely different race.
Blacks have a high crime rate everywhere in the world that they live. Why do think this is so?

LOL Get this

My friend, just about 5 minutes ago, was shopping for a pie at the grocery store for his mother. He picked up the last pie available when a black woman walked up to him and demanded that she have the pie. Mind you that she had already 3 pies in her cart and had just come back because she determined she would need another. My friend refused and she threw a fit. He quickly moved away from the woman and thought that was the end of it. However, once he paid for his pie and made his way outside, the black woman quickly reappeared from behind and jerked the grocery bag from his hands running away with the pie. My friend, not willing to result to force to get back the pie, simply allowed her to run away with it. Black America at its finest. You cant make this stuff up.
Served him right for being your friend.

I have been nearly murdered by black criminals. Did that serve me right?
Blacks have a high crime rate everywhere in the world that they live. Why do think this is so?

LOL Get this

My friend, just about 5 minutes ago, was shopping for a pie at the grocery store for his mother. He picked up the last pie available when a black woman walked up to him and demanded that she have the pie. Mind you that she had already 3 pies in her cart and had just come back because she determined she would need another. My friend refused and she threw a fit. He quickly moved away from the woman and thought that was the end of it. However, once he paid for his pie and made his way outside, the black woman quickly reappeared from behind and jerked the grocery bag from his hands running away with the pie. My friend, not willing to result to force to get back the pie, simply allowed her to run away with it. Black America at its finest. You cant make this stuff up.
Served him right for being your friend.

I have been nearly murdered by black criminals. Did that serve me right?
It would have... if they had finished the job. The problem with my race is you and all the others of my race like you and we would all be better off without you.
Blacks have a high crime rate everywhere in the world that they live. Why do think this is so?

LOL Get this

My friend, just about 5 minutes ago, was shopping for a pie at the grocery store for his mother. He picked up the last pie available when a black woman walked up to him and demanded that she have the pie. Mind you that she had already 3 pies in her cart and had just come back because she determined she would need another. My friend refused and she threw a fit. He quickly moved away from the woman and thought that was the end of it. However, once he paid for his pie and made his way outside, the black woman quickly reappeared from behind and jerked the grocery bag from his hands running away with the pie. My friend, not willing to result to force to get back the pie, simply allowed her to run away with it. Black America at its finest. You cant make this stuff up.
Served him right for being your friend.

I have been nearly murdered by black criminals. Did that serve me right?
It would have... if they had finished the job. The problem with my race is you and all the others of my race like you and we would all be better off without you.

Do you wish I had been killed?

If so, I can be killed, but what I have been saying is still true.

By the way, I do not want you to be killed. Nevertheless, it is revealing that you have implied that you wish I was dead. That is because you cannot answer my arguments.

Hostility to Jews and Orientals angers me, but it is easy for me to demonstrate that it is based on false assumptions.

It really is true that blacks have a crime rate that is seven times the white rate, an illegitimacy rate that is three times the white rate, and that an average IQ that is 15 points lower than the white average.

People like you have made it dangerous to state those facts publicly. Nevertheless, nearly everyone has a fairly good idea that they are true. Moreover, they have legitimate public policy implications.
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