Why do blacks commit so many crimes?

Why do blacks commit so many crimes?

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I believe the problem may be genetic to some degree (hard to say for certain). There haven't been a lot of scientific studies concerning racial differences but the "Bell Curve" by Richard Herrnstein is a scientific study on intelligence and class structure and may add some insight into this phenomenon. From what I've been able to gather by personal observation is that some cultures plant crops and raise livestock as a means to prepare for future needs while other cultures think only of the here and now and take what they want as needed (or simply sit on the ground and starve to death). If they don't have something to feed their needs right this second then they will take it from their neighbor in whatever manner seems most convenient at the time. If they've got to kill -- they kill. If they've got to steal -- then they steal. Working hard and planning for the future isn't in their DNA.
The Bell Curve has been debunked as more monkey shine by cave monkeys trying to do what they have done since crawling out of the caves. White people (racists) have been trying to proclaim their superiority since they became sentient. The Bell Curve is just another attempt to mask their inferiority complex. Everyone knows this already.
Facts cant be debunked.
The Egyptians and Sumerians were Black people you monkey. Only an illiterate monkey such as yourself would not know this. The Phoenicians were actually the Canaanites who we all know are descended from a Black man. Your monkey version of history has been exposed for the lie it is.

How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?
The same way they got to the rest of the world thousands of years before that. You must not be up on geography. Egypt is part of the Fertile Crescent. Do you know where Iraq is in relation to Africa? That was another dumb monkey comment. Don't they teach you monkeys anything in school?

The descendents of Caucasians and Mongoloids left Africa about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. They evolved into Caucasians and Mongoloids later. Because they lived in cold climates they needed to become more intelligent. Moreover, agriculture requires even more intelligence.

Farming began in what is now Syria, Northern Iraq, and south eastern Turkey. An agricultural population grows faster than a paleolithic population. By the time agriculture began to develop there, the Caucasian race had already developed.

An agricultural race also has larger political units. It has tribes, rather than hunting bands. This gives it an advantage over those who live by hunting and gathering. About 9,000 years ago Caucasian tribes crossed the Sinai Peninsula, settled in the Nile Delta, and pushed out the Negro hunters. While this was happening, the Sahara Desert was expanding, providing a barrier between Caucasians who settled in north Africa, and Negroes further south.

Some Negro genes got into the Egyptian genome. Nevertheless Egyptians are genetically more similar to Europeans than to Negroes.
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
A racist is an insecure, feeble minded person who feels it necessary to try to dehumanize others in order to feel better about himself.

That is only true if what the "racist" says is not true. Hostility to Jews and Orientals is based on resentment of Jewish and Oriental intelligence, success, and prosperity. Hostility to blacks is based on the awareness that they really do have a crime rate that is over seven times the white rate.

In addition, affirmative action policies force many whites to work with blacks who cannot perform adequately, who cannot be fired, and who earn just as much as whites who are doing their jobs.

Sorry monkey boy. By the time agricultural civilizations begin white people were still in caves trapped during the ice age. The earliest examples of agriculture were created by Black people. Thats pretty much the same time Blacks domesticated cattle. They produced diary products like yogurt, butter, etc.

Once-Green Sahara Hosted Early African Dairy Farms

White people are a relatively new animal. The gene for white skin didn't even come about until 7K years ago. Your monkey version of history holds no crediblity. There is a reason all the ancient civilization were started by Black people. Thats because Black people are the blueprint for mankind. Like I have challenged many before you. Please provide evidence any of the Egyptians that developed writing, and science were white. You cant because they were Black people.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left tropical Africa for Europe's higher latitudes. The hunter-gatherer's dark skin pushes this date forward to only 7,000 years ago, suggesting that at least some humans lived considerably longer than thought in Europe before losing the dark pigmentation that evolved under Africa's sun.

Dark skin does not make one a Negro. Aborigines have dark skin. They are a completely different race.
No actually they are not. You dont determine what makes a race. The Aborigines were the first Black people to leave Africa. They mixed with the Densovians you moron. This man look anything other than Black to you? He is an Aborigine.

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Blacks have a high crime rate everywhere in the world that they live. Why do think this is so?

LOL Get this

My friend, just about 5 minutes ago, was shopping for a pie at the grocery store for his mother. He picked up the last pie available when a black woman walked up to him and demanded that she have the pie. Mind you that she had already 3 pies in her cart and had just come back because she determined she would need another. My friend refused and she threw a fit. He quickly moved away from the woman and thought that was the end of it. However, once he paid for his pie and made his way outside, the black woman quickly reappeared from behind and jerked the grocery bag from his hands running away with the pie. My friend, not willing to result to force to get back the pie, simply allowed her to run away with it. Black America at its finest. You cant make this stuff up.
Served him right for being your friend.

I have been nearly murdered by black criminals. Did that serve me right?
Yes. Someone should have skinned you alive to be honest. Your animalistic thought pattern should not be allowed to stay in the gene pool.
I believe the problem may be genetic to some degree (hard to say for certain). There haven't been a lot of scientific studies concerning racial differences but the "Bell Curve" by Richard Herrnstein is a scientific study on intelligence and class structure and may add some insight into this phenomenon. From what I've been able to gather by personal observation is that some cultures plant crops and raise livestock as a means to prepare for future needs while other cultures think only of the here and now and take what they want as needed (or simply sit on the ground and starve to death). If they don't have something to feed their needs right this second then they will take it from their neighbor in whatever manner seems most convenient at the time. If they've got to kill -- they kill. If they've got to steal -- then they steal. Working hard and planning for the future isn't in their DNA.
The Bell Curve has been debunked as more monkey shine by cave monkeys trying to do what they have done since crawling out of the caves. White people (racists) have been trying to proclaim their superiority since they became sentient. The Bell Curve is just another attempt to mask their inferiority complex. Everyone knows this already.
Facts cant be debunked.
The Bell Curve isnt a fact. Its monkeyshine created by monkeys....like you.
I think y'all missed the real answer.

In post #9, "BTW, one is not a criminal until one is convicted of something!!!"

It is this lack of personal responsibility, and disregard for others, that have created the crime culture in the US today. If you rob someone, you're a criminal, whether or not you get caught. You have inflicted harm on another person. Just because you didn't get caught doesn't change the fact that you are responsible for your actions. It is this collapse of personal accountability, and disdain for your fellow man that has caused the crime wave.

The collapse of paternal responsibility in the black community has unquestionably accelerated the demise of social responsibility, but it is not unique to the back community. They aren't the only ones, they're just first.
Blacks commit so many crimes because the ones who do, are subhuman. UNCIVILIZED, BARBARIC, SAVAGES. Simple as that. :biggrin:
What nonsense. The first civilizations, the Egyptian and the Sumerian, were created by Caucasians. The first alphabet was probably invented by an Egyptian scribe. The alphabet was developed by the Phoenicians, and then modified by other nations to fit their languages.
When the Negro race is criticized, Negroes and their white apologists can only say, "That's racist." They cannot say that the criticism is untrue.
The Egyptians and Sumerians were Black people you monkey. Only an illiterate monkey such as yourself would not know this. The Phoenicians were actually the Canaanites who we all know are descended from a Black man. Your monkey version of history has been exposed for the lie it is.

How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?
The same way they got to the rest of the world thousands of years before that. You must not be up on geography. Egypt is part of the Fertile Crescent. Do you know where Iraq is in relation to Africa? That was another dumb monkey comment. Don't they teach you monkeys anything in school?

The descendents of Caucasians and Mongoloids left Africa about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. They evolved into Caucasians and Mongoloids later. Because they lived in cold climates they needed to become more intelligent. Moreover, agriculture requires even more intelligence.

Farming began in what is now Syria, Northern Iraq, and south eastern Turkey. An agricultural population grows faster than a paleolithic population. By the time agriculture began to develop there, the Caucasian race had already developed.

An agricultural race also has larger political units. It has tribes, rather than hunting bands. This gives it an advantage over those who live by hunting and gathering. About 9,000 years ago Caucasian tribes crossed the Sinai Peninsula, settled in the Nile Delta, and pushed out the Negro hunters. While this was happening, the Sahara Desert was expanding, providing a barrier between Caucasians who settled in north Africa, and Negroes further south.

Some Negro genes got into the Egyptian genome. Nevertheless Egyptians are genetically more similar to Europeans than to Negroes.
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
A racist is an insecure, feeble minded person who feels it necessary to try to dehumanize others in order to feel better about himself.

That is only true if what the "racist" says is not true. Hostility to Jews and Orientals is based on resentment of Jewish and Oriental intelligence, success, and prosperity. Hostility to blacks is based on the awareness that they really do have a crime rate that is over seven times the white rate.

In addition, affirmative action policies force many whites to work with blacks who cannot perform adequately, who cannot be fired, and who earn just as much as whites who are doing their jobs.

Sorry monkey boy. By the time agricultural civilizations begin white people were still in caves trapped during the ice age. The earliest examples of agriculture were created by Black people. Thats pretty much the same time Blacks domesticated cattle. They produced diary products like yogurt, butter, etc.

Once-Green Sahara Hosted Early African Dairy Farms

White people are a relatively new animal. The gene for white skin didn't even come about until 7K years ago. Your monkey version of history holds no crediblity. There is a reason all the ancient civilization were started by Black people. Thats because Black people are the blueprint for mankind. Like I have challenged many before you. Please provide evidence any of the Egyptians that developed writing, and science were white. You cant because they were Black people.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left tropical Africa for Europe's higher latitudes. The hunter-gatherer's dark skin pushes this date forward to only 7,000 years ago, suggesting that at least some humans lived considerably longer than thought in Europe before losing the dark pigmentation that evolved under Africa's sun.
HA HA HA.. What a hoot. Were it not for White Europeans, you would be hunting wart hogs with a spear, and living in a mud hut. Every single item of science and technology you enjoy today is from the brains and work of White people. (including those shoes you're wearing)
The Egyptians and Sumerians were Black people you monkey. Only an illiterate monkey such as yourself would not know this. The Phoenicians were actually the Canaanites who we all know are descended from a Black man. Your monkey version of history has been exposed for the lie it is.

How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?
The same way they got to the rest of the world thousands of years before that. You must not be up on geography. Egypt is part of the Fertile Crescent. Do you know where Iraq is in relation to Africa? That was another dumb monkey comment. Don't they teach you monkeys anything in school?

The descendents of Caucasians and Mongoloids left Africa about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. They evolved into Caucasians and Mongoloids later. Because they lived in cold climates they needed to become more intelligent. Moreover, agriculture requires even more intelligence.

Farming began in what is now Syria, Northern Iraq, and south eastern Turkey. An agricultural population grows faster than a paleolithic population. By the time agriculture began to develop there, the Caucasian race had already developed.

An agricultural race also has larger political units. It has tribes, rather than hunting bands. This gives it an advantage over those who live by hunting and gathering. About 9,000 years ago Caucasian tribes crossed the Sinai Peninsula, settled in the Nile Delta, and pushed out the Negro hunters. While this was happening, the Sahara Desert was expanding, providing a barrier between Caucasians who settled in north Africa, and Negroes further south.

Some Negro genes got into the Egyptian genome. Nevertheless Egyptians are genetically more similar to Europeans than to Negroes.
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
A racist is an insecure, feeble minded person who feels it necessary to try to dehumanize others in order to feel better about himself.

That is only true if what the "racist" says is not true. Hostility to Jews and Orientals is based on resentment of Jewish and Oriental intelligence, success, and prosperity. Hostility to blacks is based on the awareness that they really do have a crime rate that is over seven times the white rate.

In addition, affirmative action policies force many whites to work with blacks who cannot perform adequately, who cannot be fired, and who earn just as much as whites who are doing their jobs.

Sorry monkey boy. By the time agricultural civilizations begin white people were still in caves trapped during the ice age. The earliest examples of agriculture were created by Black people. Thats pretty much the same time Blacks domesticated cattle. They produced diary products like yogurt, butter, etc.

Once-Green Sahara Hosted Early African Dairy Farms

White people are a relatively new animal. The gene for white skin didn't even come about until 7K years ago. Your monkey version of history holds no crediblity. There is a reason all the ancient civilization were started by Black people. Thats because Black people are the blueprint for mankind. Like I have challenged many before you. Please provide evidence any of the Egyptians that developed writing, and science were white. You cant because they were Black people.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left tropical Africa for Europe's higher latitudes. The hunter-gatherer's dark skin pushes this date forward to only 7,000 years ago, suggesting that at least some humans lived considerably longer than thought in Europe before losing the dark pigmentation that evolved under Africa's sun.
HA HA HA.. What a hoot. Were it not for White Europeans, you would be hunting wart hogs with a spear, and living in a mud hut. Every single item of science and technology you enjoy today is from the brains and work of White people. (including those shoes you're wearing)

If that were true I would have no problem with that. Your problem is that everything invented wouldn't exist. Black people have been key in inventing and improving most of the inventions you could possibly think of. Without Black people no white person would have gotten to the moon. The very principles that laid the foundation of knowledge that was used to invent things was supplied by Black people. There is a reason Europe went into the dark ages where they were afraid to take baths due to fear of water. They forgot what Blacks taught them. Fortunately, (for you) more Black people came to Europe and woke white Europeans up again. We should have left you alone to devolve back into your cave dwelling monkey selves.
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I wouldn't bother responding to this toad, he has severe mental issues and is quite sick. He has either gotten his ass severely kicked by a black man, his wife left him for a black man or maybe both.

Or maybe he was jilted by a black man while strolling the streets in drag?
If a white teenager commits a crime, judges and juries are likely to see him as a boy who made a mistake. He had too much to drink. He fell in with the wrong crowd. Something like that.

When a black teenager commits a crime people are likely to see him as having engaged in an essentially Negroid activity. We don't seen any potential in him. We do not think he will benefit from another chance. We know that we will be safer if he disappears into the prison system, never to be seen again.
Actually only stupid like you think that. When you let that white boy go he may be scared and never do it again. The same with a Black kid. However, I am glad you have admitted the difference. When you lock that Black kid up you just essentially sent him to criminial training academy and guaranteed when he comes out he is going to be one of those enormous Black guys you are so afraid of. Monkeys like you are your own worst enemy.

Blacks should not be let out of prison until they are too old for crime. Their minds and bodies should be horribly scared and crippled by the abuse they have suffered. They should wake up at night, screaming with horror as they remember when the whip cut deeper and deeper into their flesh.

You are fucking sick.
Nah...he's just a troll...if you watch his posts...he's upping the ante the more people he gets to respond. He's just a trolling troll.

A troll who trolls the troll road with trolling trollability. I understand he drives a Troll's Royce.
Because of the price of gasoline, he traded it in for a "Trollyota".
How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?
The same way they got to the rest of the world thousands of years before that. You must not be up on geography. Egypt is part of the Fertile Crescent. Do you know where Iraq is in relation to Africa? That was another dumb monkey comment. Don't they teach you monkeys anything in school?

The descendents of Caucasians and Mongoloids left Africa about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. They evolved into Caucasians and Mongoloids later. Because they lived in cold climates they needed to become more intelligent. Moreover, agriculture requires even more intelligence.

Farming began in what is now Syria, Northern Iraq, and south eastern Turkey. An agricultural population grows faster than a paleolithic population. By the time agriculture began to develop there, the Caucasian race had already developed.

An agricultural race also has larger political units. It has tribes, rather than hunting bands. This gives it an advantage over those who live by hunting and gathering. About 9,000 years ago Caucasian tribes crossed the Sinai Peninsula, settled in the Nile Delta, and pushed out the Negro hunters. While this was happening, the Sahara Desert was expanding, providing a barrier between Caucasians who settled in north Africa, and Negroes further south.

Some Negro genes got into the Egyptian genome. Nevertheless Egyptians are genetically more similar to Europeans than to Negroes.
A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
A racist is an insecure, feeble minded person who feels it necessary to try to dehumanize others in order to feel better about himself.

That is only true if what the "racist" says is not true. Hostility to Jews and Orientals is based on resentment of Jewish and Oriental intelligence, success, and prosperity. Hostility to blacks is based on the awareness that they really do have a crime rate that is over seven times the white rate.

In addition, affirmative action policies force many whites to work with blacks who cannot perform adequately, who cannot be fired, and who earn just as much as whites who are doing their jobs.

Sorry monkey boy. By the time agricultural civilizations begin white people were still in caves trapped during the ice age. The earliest examples of agriculture were created by Black people. Thats pretty much the same time Blacks domesticated cattle. They produced diary products like yogurt, butter, etc.

Once-Green Sahara Hosted Early African Dairy Farms

White people are a relatively new animal. The gene for white skin didn't even come about until 7K years ago. Your monkey version of history holds no crediblity. There is a reason all the ancient civilization were started by Black people. Thats because Black people are the blueprint for mankind. Like I have challenged many before you. Please provide evidence any of the Egyptians that developed writing, and science were white. You cant because they were Black people.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left tropical Africa for Europe's higher latitudes. The hunter-gatherer's dark skin pushes this date forward to only 7,000 years ago, suggesting that at least some humans lived considerably longer than thought in Europe before losing the dark pigmentation that evolved under Africa's sun.
HA HA HA.. What a hoot. Were it not for White Europeans, you would be hunting wart hogs with a spear, and living in a mud hut. Every single item of science and technology you enjoy today is from the brains and work of White people. (including those shoes you're wearing)

If that were true I would have no problem with that. Your problem is that everything invented wouldn't exist. Black people have been key in inventing and improving most of the inventions you could possibly think of. Without Black people no white person would have gotten to the moon. The very principles that laid the foundation of knowledge that was used to invent things was supplied by Black people. There is a reason Europe went into the dark ages where they were afraid to take baths due to fear of water. They forgot what Blacks taught them. Fortunately, (for you) more Black people came to Europe and woke white Europeans up again. We should have left you alone to devolve back into your cave dwelling monkey selves.
The most amusing part of your posts is not even YOU believe that bullshit.
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.

Wrong. A racist is more typically an insecure, demoralized individual with a history of personal failure who consequently has no self confidence in their own ability to succeed, therefore, they hide behind the accomplishments of the decent segment of a racial collective, falsely believing that by an accident of birth and belonging to that same racial group, that they somehow are superior to another racial group.

These are the types of individuals who are often picked on in school, or are awkward and unpopular, and end up joining cults or supremacist groups seeking acceptance and protection from their own fear and cowardice.

Or much worse, they can become so mentally unhinged over their personal defects and repeated rejection by normal people, that they become the next mass public shooter or serial killer.
I believe the problem may be genetic to some degree (hard to say for certain). There haven't been a lot of scientific studies concerning racial differences but the "Bell Curve" by Richard Herrnstein is a scientific study on intelligence and class structure and may add some insight into this phenomenon. From what I've been able to gather by personal observation is that some cultures plant crops and raise livestock as a means to prepare for future needs while other cultures think only of the here and now and take what they want as needed (or simply sit on the ground and starve to death). If they don't have something to feed their needs right this second then they will take it from their neighbor in whatever manner seems most convenient at the time. If they've got to kill -- they kill. If they've got to steal -- then they steal. Working hard and planning for the future isn't in their DNA.
The Bell Curve has been debunked as more monkey shine by cave monkeys trying to do what they have done since crawling out of the caves. White people (racists) have been trying to proclaim their superiority since they became sentient. The Bell Curve is just another attempt to mask their inferiority complex. Everyone knows this already.
Facts cant be debunked.
The Bell Curve isnt a fact. Its monkeyshine created by monkeys....like you.

The truth of The Bell Curve is obvious to anyone who has taught in a multiracial public school that practices social promotion. It will be obvious to that person almost immediately that some students can learn faster than other students with less effort, that those in the first group can learn what those in the second group cannot, and that some races are more prominent in the first group than the second group.

While there is an obvious correlation between the income of the parents and learning ability, it is not exact. Occasionally the child of a banker will struggle. Occasionally the child of a baker will float with little effort to the top.

I have talked to mathematics teachers who have told me that many blacks have difficulty understanding concepts as simple as negative numbers and fractions. It does not matter how the concepts are taught. They are too complex for many blacks to grasp.
How did Negroes get all the way to what is now Iraq five thousand years ago?
The same way they got to the rest of the world thousands of years before that. You must not be up on geography. Egypt is part of the Fertile Crescent. Do you know where Iraq is in relation to Africa? That was another dumb monkey comment. Don't they teach you monkeys anything in school?

The descendents of Caucasians and Mongoloids left Africa about 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. They evolved into Caucasians and Mongoloids later. Because they lived in cold climates they needed to become more intelligent. Moreover, agriculture requires even more intelligence.

Farming began in what is now Syria, Northern Iraq, and south eastern Turkey. An agricultural population grows faster than a paleolithic population. By the time agriculture began to develop there, the Caucasian race had already developed.

An agricultural race also has larger political units. It has tribes, rather than hunting bands. This gives it an advantage over those who live by hunting and gathering. About 9,000 years ago Caucasian tribes crossed the Sinai Peninsula, settled in the Nile Delta, and pushed out the Negro hunters. While this was happening, the Sahara Desert was expanding, providing a barrier between Caucasians who settled in north Africa, and Negroes further south.

Some Negro genes got into the Egyptian genome. Nevertheless Egyptians are genetically more similar to Europeans than to Negroes.
A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.
A racist is an insecure, feeble minded person who feels it necessary to try to dehumanize others in order to feel better about himself.

That is only true if what the "racist" says is not true. Hostility to Jews and Orientals is based on resentment of Jewish and Oriental intelligence, success, and prosperity. Hostility to blacks is based on the awareness that they really do have a crime rate that is over seven times the white rate.

In addition, affirmative action policies force many whites to work with blacks who cannot perform adequately, who cannot be fired, and who earn just as much as whites who are doing their jobs.

Sorry monkey boy. By the time agricultural civilizations begin white people were still in caves trapped during the ice age. The earliest examples of agriculture were created by Black people. Thats pretty much the same time Blacks domesticated cattle. They produced diary products like yogurt, butter, etc.

Once-Green Sahara Hosted Early African Dairy Farms

White people are a relatively new animal. The gene for white skin didn't even come about until 7K years ago. Your monkey version of history holds no crediblity. There is a reason all the ancient civilization were started by Black people. Thats because Black people are the blueprint for mankind. Like I have challenged many before you. Please provide evidence any of the Egyptians that developed writing, and science were white. You cant because they were Black people.

European Gene for Light Skin Evolved Much Later Than Thought

Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left tropical Africa for Europe's higher latitudes. The hunter-gatherer's dark skin pushes this date forward to only 7,000 years ago, suggesting that at least some humans lived considerably longer than thought in Europe before losing the dark pigmentation that evolved under Africa's sun.
HA HA HA.. What a hoot. Were it not for White Europeans, you would be hunting wart hogs with a spear, and living in a mud hut. Every single item of science and technology you enjoy today is from the brains and work of White people. (including those shoes you're wearing)

If that were true I would have no problem with that. Your problem is that everything invented wouldn't exist. Black people have been key in inventing and improving most of the inventions you could possibly think of. Without Black people no white person would have gotten to the moon. The very principles that laid the foundation of knowledge that was used to invent things was supplied by Black people. There is a reason Europe went into the dark ages where they were afraid to take baths due to fear of water. They forgot what Blacks taught them. Fortunately, (for you) more Black people came to Europe and woke white Europeans up again. We should have left you alone to devolve back into your cave dwelling monkey selves.

Do you really believe that nonsense, or are you just saying that because it makes you feel good?
I think it's a vicious circle - bad parenting and poor role models; poor nutrition & healthcare; poor education; bad jobs.

Add to that poverty and a perceived lack of ways out and you get frustration, crime and drug abuse.

Which lead to poor parenting.

This is as true of poor white neighbourhoods as it is in black.

Hence, a solution is not racial, but socio-economic. Reduce disparities in income, invest in education and ensure healthcare is available, limit welfare in some cases, and allow poor people to feel they have hope.
Why not just start a new thread proudly proclaiming yourself to be a racist and be done with it.

A racist is one who tells the truth about blacks. An anti racist is one who tries to make it dangerous to tell the truth about blacks.

Wrong. A racist is more typically an insecure, demoralized individual with a history of personal failure who consequently has no self confidence in their own ability to succeed, therefore, they hide behind the accomplishments of the decent segment of a racial collective, falsely believing that by an accident of birth and belonging to that same racial group, that they somehow are superior to another racial group.

These are the types of individuals who are often picked on in school, or are awkward and unpopular, and end up joining cults or supremacist groups seeking acceptance and protection from their own fear and cowardice.

Or much worse, they can become so mentally unhinged over their personal defects and repeated rejection by normal people, that they become the next mass public shooter or serial killer.

What you say is usually true for those who hate Jews and Orientals. Jews and Orientals are obviously superior by every criteria that is important to a well functioning society. They are dominating our best universities and corporations. I am glad to see it.

What you say is not true for those who share my contempt for the Negro race. I like individual Negroes. I can see how someone can feel sorry for the Negro race. I cannot see why anyone would admire the Negro race. There is nothing to admire but a small number of distinctions in athletics and entertainment.
I think it's a vicious circle - bad parenting and poor role models; poor nutrition & healthcare; poor education; bad jobs.

Add to that poverty and a perceived lack of ways out and you get frustration, crime and drug abuse.

Which lead to poor parenting.

This is as true of poor white neighbourhoods as it is in black.

Hence, a solution is not racial, but socio-economic. Reduce disparities in income, invest in education and ensure healthcare is available, limit welfare in some cases, and allow poor people to feel they have hope.
If you compared the top 20 worst white neighborhoods to the top 20 worst black neighborhoods, do you think you will have similar statistics? Of course not. You cannot find a comparison between poor white neighborhoods and poor black neighborhoods where there is the same level of crime, therefore it isn't an economic problem. Crime is a huge problem exclusively to the black community, therefore you have two choices... either black people are an inferior race, or they have an inferior culture. I don't believe in racial inferiority, so its clear to me that it is a cultural problem.

For further proof that it isn't an economic problem, of the top 25 most dangerous neighborhoods in the US, how many of them do you think are black neighborhoods? If crime is an economic problem, and white people are the majority in the nation, if your theory is correct, shouldn't most of them be white neighborhoods? Guess what, they are all black neighborhoods.... Top 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in America - 2014 - Neighborhood Scout

Its a cultural problem
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Godboy -

Perhaps not in the US - I don't feel I can really comment on that - but certainly some parts of Europe (Kosovo, Montenegro, Belarus, parts of Russia) are slums in every sense. There is the violence, crime, alcohol abuse, poor diet and unemployment, the racism and gangs....I don't know how much worse many black suburbs in the US could be.
I have talked to mathematics teachers who have told me that many blacks have difficulty understanding concepts as simple as negative numbers and fractions. It does not matter how the concepts are taught. They are too complex for many blacks to grasp.

And you don't think bad parenting, poor nutrition and unemployment could feed that?

I was good at school in large part because my parents taught me stuff before I reached school age. I had good role models, strong values and good diet & exercise. Without those things....I doubt if I'd have done as well.
Godboy -

Perhaps not in the US - I don't feel I can really comment on that - but certainly some parts of Europe (Kosovo, Montenegro, Belarus, parts of Russia) are slums in every sense. There is the violence, crime, alcohol abuse, poor diet and unemployment, the racism and gangs....I don't know how much worse many black suburbs in the US could be.
I cant even name one white neighborhood that is notoriously dangerous. Literally not one in the entire nation. Im sure someone can google search the white neighborhood with the worst criminal activity, but it will be some obscure place that none of us have ever heard of, and it wont be anything near the level of violence seen in black neighborhoods all across the US. The problem is that they have developed their own culture, thereby segregating themselves from the rest of the nation. They would be just like everyone else in the US if they shared our culture, but they don't. Why the hell are poor black kids wasting their money on $200 dollar shoes? because that's what you do in their culture. Why do they look down on one their own if they speak properly? because that's what you do in their culture. Why are mobs of racist black teens stomping the shit out of unsuspecting white people? because thats what you do in their culture. Its one ridiculous thing after the next.
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