Why do Blacks support the DNC?

I think we need more outreach to the inner-city black community.
Wow...can't believe none of your fellow conservatives gave you a thumbs up on this one...shocking I know.

Look at what they did give a thumbs up to on this thread and that tells you all you need to know about why blacks do not vote for republicans. Because you guys hate them.

Its that simple.
A better question is why are cuck whites so thirsty for black votes? 😄 Tell me you've lost your country without telling me you've lost your country by starting a bitch fest of a thread because Black people don't like you. :lmao:
Cuck whites vote Democrat. Cuck is just another word for white leftist.
Cuck whites vote Democrat. Cuck is just another word for white leftist.
In what way is a white leftist a cuck beyond your cosplay imagination?

In reality its southern conservative whites who've been cucked. It's them who have to play this game of pretend where they act like they love black people and have their best interests in mind and are trying to save black people from a Democratic plantation. The reality is that you have to be pretty racist to think all those black voters are incapable of thinking for themselves. That's why I call you cucks. Apparently there are very few proud racists left. Which I don't mind honestly if we have to have white racists I prefer they be neutered cucks.
Why do black people vote Democrat then, Shitty Goat? You tell me....?
Because we aren't Simps who've bathed in the propaganda of the aristocracy to believe that we should expect nothing from our government and get nothing in return for our taxes and votes.
In what way is a white leftist a cuck beyond your cosplay imagination?

In reality its southern conservative whites who've been cucked. It's them who have to play this game of pretend where they act like they love black people and have their best interests in mind and are trying to save black people from a Democratic plantation. The reality is that you have to be pretty racist to think all those black voters are incapable of thinking for themselves. That's why I call you cucks. Apparently there are very few proud racists left. Which I don't mind honestly if we have to have white racists I prefer they be neutered cucks.

Because we aren't Simps who've bathed in the propaganda of the aristocracy to believe that we should expect nothing from our government and get nothing in return for our taxes and votes.
Not a clear answer to my question @ all...just more Gibs Meh denial.
Not a clear answer to my question @ all...just more Gibs Meh denial.
What's not clear? The Republican domestic economic policy is tax cuts for the wealthy and austerity for government programs which leads to rising inequality. Yes we're opposed to that and you're all also deeply racist. Why would we vote for you?
What's not clear? The Republican domestic economic policy is tax cuts for the wealthy and austerity for government programs which leads to rising inequality.
See....I told you it's all about gibs meh, gibs meh, gibs meh.

Lol...you are so stupid that you proved my point for me. You racist! Bahahaha!

"You rayciss fo' sayin' us Black folk vote for gibs! No...I'm voting for taxing rich wypipo fo' mo' gibs!"~Curried Goat
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See....I told you it's all about gibs meh, gibs meh, gibs meh.

Lol...you are so stupid that you proved my point for me. You racist! Bahahaha!
No you're just a bitch you can't have an actual conversation with a black person. Your ideas don't work and white America has benefited greatly from the segregated subsidies that were provided to them all throughout the middle of the 20th century with New Deal polices that subsidized white home ownership and created the white middle class.

Why do Blacks support the DNC?​

Free stuff! That's about it. If they aren't getting it for free from the Dems and RINOs then they're simply ransacking the nearest Nordstrom or Target and taking it. It doesn't matter how they get free stuff as long as they're getting free stuff. A thousand years from now, they'll still be blaming slavery for not having as much stuff as the next person does.
They are...but it's happening way too slowly.
Of course you cosplayers are used to make things up so you never bother fact checking any of this nonsense. 😄

Nixon, Reagan and Bush all got larger shares of the black vote than Trump and black support for the Republican party has remained relatively steady fluctuating between 15% to 8% for decades now.
No you're just a bitch you can't have an actual conversation with a black person. Your ideas don't work and white America has benefited greatly from the segregated subsidies that were provided to them all throughout the middle of the 20th century with New Deal polices that subsidized white home ownership and created the white middle class.
You said blacks vote majority Democrat because of give-mes. You said it yourself, don't cry about it now. You basically said blacks vote Democrat so they will tax rich whites & provide blacks with government handouts. If you're too stupid to understand that is what you said...get off this message board & go learn something. Lol
Of course you cosplayers are used to make things up so you never bother fact checking any of this nonsense. 😄

Nixon, Reagan and Bush all got larger shares of the black vote than Trump and black support for the Republican party has remained relatively steady fluctuating between 15% to 8% for decades now.
That's because black voters want gibs meh dats & Republicans aren't offering them. Thanks for playing.
You said blacks vote majority Democrat because of give-mes. You said it yourself, don't cry about it now. You basically said blacks vote Democrat so they will tax rich whites & provide blacks with government handouts. If you're too stupid to understand that is what you said...get off this message board & go learn something. Lol
Where did I say handouts Simp? If you're too stupid to understand societies need infrastructure and investment in the future of their people then you might be a redneck.
That's because black voters want gibs meh dats & Republicans aren't offering them. Thanks for playing.
Right. Republicans only offer give ways to the wealthy and you Simps think if you open your mouth wide enough they might trickle enough of that down on you. 😄
Where did I say handouts Simp? If you're too stupid to understand societies need infrastructure and investment in the future of their people then you might be a redneck.
You don't have to say "handouts" specifically..you said blacks vote against Republicans because of "austerity" policies...moron...which translates to cutting givernment handouts...you are illiterate...yes, you can read & pronounce the words you read...you don't have a firm grasp on what those words mean...obviously. lmao
You don't have to say "handouts" specifically..you said blacks vote against Republicans because of "austerity" policies...moron...which translates to cutting givernment handouts...you are illiterate...yes, you can read & pronounce the words you read...you don't have a firm grasp on what those words mean...obviously. lmao
Things like public education aren't handouts you Simp. They're an investment.

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