Why do Blacks support the DNC?

I think we need more outreach to the inner-city black community.

Trump gave $500 BILLION to black communities, just because they were BLACK communities. "The Platinum Plan"

So if the blacks come over to the GOP, they're just going to get more socialism. With an orange tint.
Lotta Black Wimmins have sperm donor kids for which the Democrat gobmint gives them tax dollars and a free room in the projects. Democrats gotta have their slave voting plantation.
Trump gave $500 BILLION to black communities, just because they were BLACK communities. "The Platinum Plan"

So if the blacks come over to the GOP, they're just going to get more socialism. With an orange tint.
I have no problem paying for infrastructure and to bring industry and jobs and good education to black communities. Opportunity...not hand outs.

But that's not the kind of outreach I'm talking about.

I'm talking about more individual interactions between working class Republicans and inner-city black communities.

I honestly believe they have more in common with us that they do urban white Democrats.
Black people know that the GOP is racist
Here is the deal, you only get to call someone a racist if they say or do something racist, like Joe Biden did calling black children "roaches"

But when Joe does it, the media and Black community turn a blind eye.


Trump has never said anything remotely as racist.

After Joe Biden, a white man, insults a black man to his face and tells the black man what he must to do remain black, which is to vote for him or he cannot be considered black, can blacks even think for themselves anymore? Do they have any self respect left? Are they really all just chumps of the DNC, the white man's party?

The alternative is even worse.

Pretty easy calculus.
Black voters tend to be MUCH more conservative than the average white voter.

Which means your question should be reformulated:

What are republicans doing that is chasing black voters away?

Because that is the reality, you are obviously doing something wrong. You could start with the rhetoric, telling people they are still on the 'plantation' certainly does not attract positive attention.
I know plenty of decent black folks, I don't give a shit about your skin color...are you a decent human being is all I care about. For the ones who politicize their race though...I will always aim to press their buttons.
I like how you overlooked the "we just don't pretend we aren't racist" part of his comment.....

This is just part of the reason why most black folks don't vote for the GOP

The main reason however is because most black folks identify with the ideology that didn't oppose them when they wanted to exercise their voting rights, didn't oppose them when they wanted to exercise their property rights, labor rights, civil rights, -- basically every political gain made by black folks have been OPPOSED by conservatives...

Which is why you dic suckers reduce policies that black folks support like Medicare/Social Security/Civil/Voting Rights to "getting free stuff" -- even tho those policies are the same ones white folks LIKE YOU benefit from....but due to your own false sense of superiority, you think you deserve those benefits while black folks don't

Keep making posts like these and wondering why you folks keep losing elections because it damn sure aint election fraud....even tho you morons also equate black votes to voter fraud
Here is the deal, you only get to call someone a racist if they say or do something racist, like Joe Biden did calling black children "roaches"

But when Joe does it, the media and Black community turn a blind eye.


Trump has never said anything remotely as racist.

Nobody likes the racist Grifty Trump
Trump gave $500 BILLION to black communities, just because they were BLACK communities. "The Platinum Plan"

So if the blacks come over to the GOP, they're just going to get more socialism. With an orange tint.

So fucking what!! Throwing money at the problem doesn't solve the underlying issues.

What did Trump do about the over policing in minority communities??? He told the cops not to be so "gentle". And then he cancelled all of the police reform programs in communities with high "excessive use of force claims".

How many minorities voices did he listen to? How many black people in his cabinet? One. He put a black DOCTOR in charge of public housing because he grew up in public housing. What does a physician know about apartment building maintenance and problems???

You can't solve the problems of a community without including members of that community in the solution. Trump didn't even ask black people what they needed, he just gave business a bunch of money and pretended he'd done something.
A better question is why are cuck whites so thirsty for black votes? 😄 Tell me you've lost your country without telling me you've lost your country by starting a bitch fest of a thread because Black people don't like you. :lmao:

After Joe Biden, a white man, insults a black man to his face and tells the black man what he must to do remain black, which is to vote for him or he cannot be considered black, can blacks even think for themselves anymore? Do they have any self respect left? Are they really all just chumps of the DNC, the white man's party?

Blacks have been waking up more and more over the years. It doesn't happen overnight though.
Because democrats are the party that........

Tells blacks they aren't responsible for anything they do. It's all white racist peoples fault their lives suck.

They tell them they deserve reparations, special treatment, special attention and that they deserve admission into colleges and to get good jobs, loans, houses and so on just for being black.

They ignore criminals like BLM, often in a lot of cities let black criminals run free, give them no real punishment for committing crimes and so on.

So why wouldn't they vote for democrats? Democrats are the ones that tell them they deserve everything just for showing up and they tell them they are the victims of everything. Democrats tell them they don't need to be responsible, work hard, be ambitious, have morals and standards, that they need to conform to society and so on.

They basically encourage them to do what they do best. Be lazy savages.
Mmm .. do you to drink a 6 pack of beer before posting in this thread ..? sure seems like it .. 😜
Blacks have been waking up more and more over the years. It doesn't happen overnight though.

Yes. Blacks woke up after they stayed home in 2016 and let Trump take the White House. They won't make that mistake again. Trump asked "What do you have to lose by voting for me?", and while black voters didn't vote for Trump, they didn't vote for Hillary.

What they lost was voting rights. Republicans have been passing voter suppression laws by the hundreds making it more difficult for minorities to vote. They allowed provisions of the Voting Rights Act to expire, and then started gutting equal voting rights in minority neighbourhoods, and refused to pay new Voting Rights legislation.

Republicans keep whining that black people don't vote for them, and then close all of the polling stations in poor neighbourhoods. Poor white people keep voting Republican, because Repulicans keeping ginning up the racism. Calling black people "thugs" and flat out saying minorities are morally, intellectually, and culturally inferior and are destroying black run cities.

Red states have so thoroughly gerrymandered that Republicans have supermajorities in state houses, in even majority black states. As soon as black residents elect black mayors and city councils, white state houses cut funding for infrastructure projects, schools, and community services, and focus their spending on the white suburbs. They declare the city government "corrupt" and take power and money from the cities, and then point to the results as infrastructure and services deteriorate, and say the black run cities are "shitholes".

The entire Flint water crisis came about after the Republican state house stripped all power from the city council due to "corruption", and then refused to fund a water treatment plant for the city.

I like how you overlooked the "we just don't pretend we aren't racist" part of his comment.....

This is just part of the reason why most black folks don't vote for the GOP

The main reason however is because most black folks identify with the ideology that didn't oppose them when they wanted to exercise their voting rights, didn't oppose them when they wanted to exercise their property rights, labor rights, civil rights, -- basically every political gain made by black folks have been OPPOSED by conservatives...

Which is why you dic suckers reduce policies that black folks support like Medicare/Social Security/Civil/Voting Rights to "getting free stuff" -- even tho those policies are the same ones white folks LIKE YOU benefit from....but due to your own false sense of superiority, you think you deserve those benefits while black folks don't

Keep making posts like these and wondering why you folks keep losing elections because it damn sure aint election fraud....even tho you morons also equate black votes to voter fraud
When did I equate black votes to voter fraud? Don't remember doing that...I have said the majority of black voters vote for hand-outs a.k.a "Gibs Meh"...it is true. Might be a mean way of saying it...but that is mainly what black voters vote for.
Yes. Blacks woke up after they stayed home in 2016 and let Trump take the White House. They won't make that mistake again. Trump asked "What do you have to lose by voting for me?", and while black voters didn't vote for Trump, they didn't vote for Hillary.

What they lost was voting rights. Republicans have been passing voter suppression laws by the hundreds making it more difficult for minorities to vote. They allowed provisions of the Voting Rights Act to expire, and then started gutting equal voting rights in minority neighbourhoods, and refused to pay new Voting Rights legislation.

Republicans keep whining that black people don't vote for them, and then close all of the polling stations in poor neighbourhoods. Poor white people keep voting Republican, because Repulicans keeping ginning up the racism. Calling black people "thugs" and flat out saying minorities are morally, intellectually, and culturally inferior and are destroying black run cities.

Red states have so thoroughly gerrymandered that Republicans have supermajorities in state houses, in even majority black states. As soon as black residents elect black mayors and city councils, white state houses cut funding for infrastructure projects, schools, and community services, and focus their spending on the white suburbs. They declare the city government "corrupt" and take power and money from the cities, and then point to the results as infrastructure and services deteriorate, and say the black run cities are "shitholes".

The entire Flint water crisis came about after the Republican state house stripped all power from the city council due to "corruption", and then refused to fund a water treatment plant for the city.

Your opinion doesn't jive with the facts. Nothing new for you.

When did I equate black votes to voter fraud? Don't remember doing that...I have said the majority of black voters vote for hand-outs a.k.a "Gibs Meh"...it is true. Might be a mean way of saying it...but that is mainly what black voters vote for.
It's not a mean way of saying it, it's a racist way of saying it, moron. I don't find it mean. I find your racism amusing in its cowardice. 😄

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