Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

No, I can honestly say I resent a) blacks looting and rioting without learning the facts of a possible crime. b) blacks like you who assume someone is a racist because they;re white, it's an excuse c0 clack churches like Wrights where they talk about whitey and getting him back after slavery from generations back.

Why can' people judge others by what they do rather than what they assume from their color? Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice... Look at what they have accomplished. And all of my wonderful students in the inner city that happened to be black, Hispanic, Asian...I loved them all. I loved working with the parents together we would develop plans to help the children. Don't tell me about racism. I can talk about the beauty of one's soul and that has nothing to do with his skin color.
I assume whites are racist until they prove otherwise. I see racist whites all over the place complaining about Ebonics, people calling themselves African American, and various other silly shit that makes no sense.

That is a good question you asked but you are asking the wrong person. You should ask your white brethren that caused this to occur. Now we know that Black people have a much harder road to travel in this society to get to the same place a white person goes. If that was not a reality then we wouldnt have this issue. Again that is the fault of the white race. Sorry if the truth upsets you but there is no reason to lie about it.

"I assume whites are racist until they prove otherwise"

assume---- ass-u-me

You go into a meeting ASSUMING a white person is racist.

and you 'find' what you're looking for, not because they are racist, but because you WANT to find racism.

poor way to live a life.
I guess that would be true if I thought all whites were racist. I've met whites that were not racist and I assumed they were at first. How do you explain that flaw in your logic?

"I assumed they were at first." This tells me that racism is always uppermost in your mind. That is a huge flaw. Why can't you meet someone new and consider it a blank slate. Let the persons' actions and words tell you where his heart is.

I just met a black couple in the car dealership where I was waiting for my car to be fixed. All I did was ask the time and soon we were laughing together about our waits. They were already there when I came in and they came in for oil change and tire rotation. I needed a part changed in my car, fluid levels checked and tire inflation checked. When the dealership called me first for my car was done, I thought it was ironic. They had less to do on their car. Made me wonder about that dealership.

When I first started jooking around with the couple, racism was the furthest thing from my mind. Could you start up a conversation with a white couple not allowing yourself to think about racism first?
I dont know why it tells you that. I assume it so its not even something I think about anymore. Its like i assume dogs bark and cats meow. Do I walk around expecting the dog to bark? No but it doesnt surprise me when they do. I do let the person actions tell me where their heart is. Their words are not much help unless they say something that betrays their racist beliefs which happens from time to time even when they are trying to sound nice.

I talk to pretty much everyone within 6 feet because people really intrigue me. Its very simple to get people to open up and talk. Its amazing how much people will reveal to a total stranger regardless of their prejudices.

You ASSUME all whites are racists.

What else do you ASSUME?

Do you ASSUME all women are whores?

Do you ASSUME all illegals are law biding?

Do you ASSUME all Orientals are martial arts experts?

Do you ASSUME all dogs will bite you?

Do you ASSUME Democrats are honest?

Do you ASSUME all Republicans are dishonest?

Do you ASSUME people think you are sane?
Every person is a friend unmet.

If you start by focusing YOUR bigotry and racism on them, you lose a lot of possible friends.

Sounds like you have a very narrow circle of acquaintances.

My sympathies
Thats not true. People are not even close to being your friend until they assess you, determine that you could possible help them, and believe that you care about them. Only a fool believes everyone unmet is a friend. If if was drink everyone would be drunk now. Again you are guessing and flailing around trying to figure out what I do.

I have a very large circle of acquaintances and sphere of influence. I have very few friends. Those friends are tried and true.

and the FIRST thing you assess about a white person is there racism, according to your own posts.

You keep proving my point.
Assess and assume are two different words for a reason. You keep pointing out your failed logic in your own posts.

and earlier in the thread, YOU stated you 'assume' white people are racism, until they prove otherwise.

Once again, you're hosted on your own petard
Exactly. Now explain to me how you confused assess and assume? While you are at it please explain the flaw in your logic when you assumed I was focused on anything.

No flaw in my logic.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303

Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.
I assume whites are racist until they prove otherwise. I see racist whites all over the place complaining about Ebonics, people calling themselves African American, and various other silly shit that makes no sense.

That is a good question you asked but you are asking the wrong person. You should ask your white brethren that caused this to occur. Now we know that Black people have a much harder road to travel in this society to get to the same place a white person goes. If that was not a reality then we wouldnt have this issue. Again that is the fault of the white race. Sorry if the truth upsets you but there is no reason to lie about it.

"I assume whites are racist until they prove otherwise"

assume---- ass-u-me

You go into a meeting ASSUMING a white person is racist.

and you 'find' what you're looking for, not because they are racist, but because you WANT to find racism.

poor way to live a life.
I guess that would be true if I thought all whites were racist. I've met whites that were not racist and I assumed they were at first. How do you explain that flaw in your logic?

"I assumed they were at first." This tells me that racism is always uppermost in your mind. That is a huge flaw. Why can't you meet someone new and consider it a blank slate. Let the persons' actions and words tell you where his heart is.

I just met a black couple in the car dealership where I was waiting for my car to be fixed. All I did was ask the time and soon we were laughing together about our waits. They were already there when I came in and they came in for oil change and tire rotation. I needed a part changed in my car, fluid levels checked and tire inflation checked. When the dealership called me first for my car was done, I thought it was ironic. They had less to do on their car. Made me wonder about that dealership.

When I first started jooking around with the couple, racism was the furthest thing from my mind. Could you start up a conversation with a white couple not allowing yourself to think about racism first?
I dont know why it tells you that. I assume it so its not even something I think about anymore. Its like i assume dogs bark and cats meow. Do I walk around expecting the dog to bark? No but it doesnt surprise me when they do. I do let the person actions tell me where their heart is. Their words are not much help unless they say something that betrays their racist beliefs which happens from time to time even when they are trying to sound nice.

I talk to pretty much everyone within 6 feet because people really intrigue me. Its very simple to get people to open up and talk. Its amazing how much people will reveal to a total stranger regardless of their prejudices.

You ASSUME all whites are racists.

What else do you ASSUME?

Do you ASSUME all women are whores?

Do you ASSUME all illegals are law biding?

Do you ASSUME all Orientals are martial arts experts?

Do you ASSUME all dogs will bite you?

Do you ASSUME Democrats are honest?

Do you ASSUME all Republicans are dishonest?

Do you ASSUME people think you are sane?
Out of all those things the closest one to what I assume is the first one. I assume any new white person I meet is a racist. Does that bother you or something?
Thats not true. People are not even close to being your friend until they assess you, determine that you could possible help them, and believe that you care about them. Only a fool believes everyone unmet is a friend. If if was drink everyone would be drunk now. Again you are guessing and flailing around trying to figure out what I do.

I have a very large circle of acquaintances and sphere of influence. I have very few friends. Those friends are tried and true.

and the FIRST thing you assess about a white person is there racism, according to your own posts.

You keep proving my point.
Assess and assume are two different words for a reason. You keep pointing out your failed logic in your own posts.

and earlier in the thread, YOU stated you 'assume' white people are racism, until they prove otherwise.

Once again, you're hosted on your own petard
Exactly. Now explain to me how you confused assess and assume? While you are at it please explain the flaw in your logic when you assumed I was focused on anything.

No flaw in my logic.
Of course there is a flaw in your logic. You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasnt racist. The flaw comes in when I proved you wrong because I have met whites that were not racist. Do you see your flaw now?
"I assume whites are racist until they prove otherwise"

assume---- ass-u-me

You go into a meeting ASSUMING a white person is racist.

and you 'find' what you're looking for, not because they are racist, but because you WANT to find racism.

poor way to live a life.
I guess that would be true if I thought all whites were racist. I've met whites that were not racist and I assumed they were at first. How do you explain that flaw in your logic?

"I assumed they were at first." This tells me that racism is always uppermost in your mind. That is a huge flaw. Why can't you meet someone new and consider it a blank slate. Let the persons' actions and words tell you where his heart is.

I just met a black couple in the car dealership where I was waiting for my car to be fixed. All I did was ask the time and soon we were laughing together about our waits. They were already there when I came in and they came in for oil change and tire rotation. I needed a part changed in my car, fluid levels checked and tire inflation checked. When the dealership called me first for my car was done, I thought it was ironic. They had less to do on their car. Made me wonder about that dealership.

When I first started jooking around with the couple, racism was the furthest thing from my mind. Could you start up a conversation with a white couple not allowing yourself to think about racism first?
I dont know why it tells you that. I assume it so its not even something I think about anymore. Its like i assume dogs bark and cats meow. Do I walk around expecting the dog to bark? No but it doesnt surprise me when they do. I do let the person actions tell me where their heart is. Their words are not much help unless they say something that betrays their racist beliefs which happens from time to time even when they are trying to sound nice.

I talk to pretty much everyone within 6 feet because people really intrigue me. Its very simple to get people to open up and talk. Its amazing how much people will reveal to a total stranger regardless of their prejudices.

You ASSUME all whites are racists.

What else do you ASSUME?

Do you ASSUME all women are whores?

Do you ASSUME all illegals are law biding?

Do you ASSUME all Orientals are martial arts experts?

Do you ASSUME all dogs will bite you?

Do you ASSUME Democrats are honest?

Do you ASSUME all Republicans are dishonest?

Do you ASSUME people think you are sane?
Out of all those things the closest one to what I assume is the first one. I assume any new white person I meet is a racist. Does that bother you or something?

Makes me feel VERY sorry for you.

It's a very sad way to go thru life.
You have to be both deaf and blind, and willfully stupid, not to see the Republican party is overrun with bigots. And the Republican party is not cleaning them out. Nay, they are actually pandering to them.

Not all Republicans are bigots, but most of those who are not bigots tolerate the bigots. They sure as hell are not energetic about ejecting the bigots from their midst.

That is why blacks don't vote Republican. They are not going to vote for a party which so clearly hates them more than they hate bigots.
and the FIRST thing you assess about a white person is there racism, according to your own posts.

You keep proving my point.
Assess and assume are two different words for a reason. You keep pointing out your failed logic in your own posts.

and earlier in the thread, YOU stated you 'assume' white people are racism, until they prove otherwise.

Once again, you're hosted on your own petard
Exactly. Now explain to me how you confused assess and assume? While you are at it please explain the flaw in your logic when you assumed I was focused on anything.

No flaw in my logic.
Of course there is a flaw in your logic. You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasnt racist. The flaw comes in when I proved you wrong because I have met whites that were not racist. Do you see your flaw now?

" You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasn't racist."

I said that? Really?

I don't remember saying that.
I guess that would be true if I thought all whites were racist. I've met whites that were not racist and I assumed they were at first. How do you explain that flaw in your logic?

"I assumed they were at first." This tells me that racism is always uppermost in your mind. That is a huge flaw. Why can't you meet someone new and consider it a blank slate. Let the persons' actions and words tell you where his heart is.

I just met a black couple in the car dealership where I was waiting for my car to be fixed. All I did was ask the time and soon we were laughing together about our waits. They were already there when I came in and they came in for oil change and tire rotation. I needed a part changed in my car, fluid levels checked and tire inflation checked. When the dealership called me first for my car was done, I thought it was ironic. They had less to do on their car. Made me wonder about that dealership.

When I first started jooking around with the couple, racism was the furthest thing from my mind. Could you start up a conversation with a white couple not allowing yourself to think about racism first?
I dont know why it tells you that. I assume it so its not even something I think about anymore. Its like i assume dogs bark and cats meow. Do I walk around expecting the dog to bark? No but it doesnt surprise me when they do. I do let the person actions tell me where their heart is. Their words are not much help unless they say something that betrays their racist beliefs which happens from time to time even when they are trying to sound nice.

I talk to pretty much everyone within 6 feet because people really intrigue me. Its very simple to get people to open up and talk. Its amazing how much people will reveal to a total stranger regardless of their prejudices.

You ASSUME all whites are racists.

What else do you ASSUME?

Do you ASSUME all women are whores?

Do you ASSUME all illegals are law biding?

Do you ASSUME all Orientals are martial arts experts?

Do you ASSUME all dogs will bite you?

Do you ASSUME Democrats are honest?

Do you ASSUME all Republicans are dishonest?

Do you ASSUME people think you are sane?
Out of all those things the closest one to what I assume is the first one. I assume any new white person I meet is a racist. Does that bother you or something?

Makes me feel VERY sorry for you.

It's a very sad way to go thru life.
Dont feel sorry. I love my life and I am very happy. Thats all a person can ask from life.
"I assumed they were at first." This tells me that racism is always uppermost in your mind. That is a huge flaw. Why can't you meet someone new and consider it a blank slate. Let the persons' actions and words tell you where his heart is.

I just met a black couple in the car dealership where I was waiting for my car to be fixed. All I did was ask the time and soon we were laughing together about our waits. They were already there when I came in and they came in for oil change and tire rotation. I needed a part changed in my car, fluid levels checked and tire inflation checked. When the dealership called me first for my car was done, I thought it was ironic. They had less to do on their car. Made me wonder about that dealership.

When I first started jooking around with the couple, racism was the furthest thing from my mind. Could you start up a conversation with a white couple not allowing yourself to think about racism first?
I dont know why it tells you that. I assume it so its not even something I think about anymore. Its like i assume dogs bark and cats meow. Do I walk around expecting the dog to bark? No but it doesnt surprise me when they do. I do let the person actions tell me where their heart is. Their words are not much help unless they say something that betrays their racist beliefs which happens from time to time even when they are trying to sound nice.

I talk to pretty much everyone within 6 feet because people really intrigue me. Its very simple to get people to open up and talk. Its amazing how much people will reveal to a total stranger regardless of their prejudices.

You ASSUME all whites are racists.

What else do you ASSUME?

Do you ASSUME all women are whores?

Do you ASSUME all illegals are law biding?

Do you ASSUME all Orientals are martial arts experts?

Do you ASSUME all dogs will bite you?

Do you ASSUME Democrats are honest?

Do you ASSUME all Republicans are dishonest?

Do you ASSUME people think you are sane?
Out of all those things the closest one to what I assume is the first one. I assume any new white person I meet is a racist. Does that bother you or something?

Makes me feel VERY sorry for you.

It's a very sad way to go thru life.
Dont feel sorry. I love my life and I am very happy. Thats all a person can ask from life.

Nope, I feel sorry.

and I feel you have a very sorry life, with the attitude you've shown.

But please, continue to show your sorry attitude.

I could use the laughs.
Assess and assume are two different words for a reason. You keep pointing out your failed logic in your own posts.

and earlier in the thread, YOU stated you 'assume' white people are racism, until they prove otherwise.

Once again, you're hosted on your own petard
Exactly. Now explain to me how you confused assess and assume? While you are at it please explain the flaw in your logic when you assumed I was focused on anything.

No flaw in my logic.
Of course there is a flaw in your logic. You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasnt racist. The flaw comes in when I proved you wrong because I have met whites that were not racist. Do you see your flaw now?

" You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasn't racist."

I said that? Really?

I don't remember saying that.
Yes you said that in post# 523

Your words....

You go into a meeting ASSUMING a white person is racist.

and you 'find' what you're looking for, not because they are racist, but because you WANT to find racism.

Did you forget you said that?
I dont know why it tells you that. I assume it so its not even something I think about anymore. Its like i assume dogs bark and cats meow. Do I walk around expecting the dog to bark? No but it doesnt surprise me when they do. I do let the person actions tell me where their heart is. Their words are not much help unless they say something that betrays their racist beliefs which happens from time to time even when they are trying to sound nice.

I talk to pretty much everyone within 6 feet because people really intrigue me. Its very simple to get people to open up and talk. Its amazing how much people will reveal to a total stranger regardless of their prejudices.

You ASSUME all whites are racists.

What else do you ASSUME?

Do you ASSUME all women are whores?

Do you ASSUME all illegals are law biding?

Do you ASSUME all Orientals are martial arts experts?

Do you ASSUME all dogs will bite you?

Do you ASSUME Democrats are honest?

Do you ASSUME all Republicans are dishonest?

Do you ASSUME people think you are sane?
Out of all those things the closest one to what I assume is the first one. I assume any new white person I meet is a racist. Does that bother you or something?

Makes me feel VERY sorry for you.

It's a very sad way to go thru life.
Dont feel sorry. I love my life and I am very happy. Thats all a person can ask from life.

Nope, I feel sorry.

and I feel you have a very sorry life, with the attitude you've shown.

But please, continue to show your sorry attitude.

I could use the laughs.
Life is too short to feel sorry but you have my permission to feel sorry for me.
and earlier in the thread, YOU stated you 'assume' white people are racism, until they prove otherwise.

Once again, you're hosted on your own petard
Exactly. Now explain to me how you confused assess and assume? While you are at it please explain the flaw in your logic when you assumed I was focused on anything.

No flaw in my logic.
Of course there is a flaw in your logic. You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasnt racist. The flaw comes in when I proved you wrong because I have met whites that were not racist. Do you see your flaw now?

" You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasn't racist."

I said that? Really?

I don't remember saying that.
Yes you said that in post# 523

Your words....

You go into a meeting ASSUMING a white person is racist.

and you 'find' what you're looking for, not because they are racist, but because you WANT to find racism.

Did you forget you said that?

No, I didn't forget it.

But, I didn't say this, did I?

" You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasn't racist."

and, by your own admission, most of the whites you meet, you consider racist.

Exactly. Now explain to me how you confused assess and assume? While you are at it please explain the flaw in your logic when you assumed I was focused on anything.

No flaw in my logic.
Of course there is a flaw in your logic. You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasnt racist. The flaw comes in when I proved you wrong because I have met whites that were not racist. Do you see your flaw now?

" You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasn't racist."

I said that? Really?

I don't remember saying that.
Yes you said that in post# 523

Your words....

You go into a meeting ASSUMING a white person is racist.

and you 'find' what you're looking for, not because they are racist, but because you WANT to find racism.

Did you forget you said that?

No, I didn't forget it.

But, I didn't say this, did I?

" You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasn't racist."

and, by your own admission, most of the whites you meet, you consider racist.

Wrong. No I never said I consider them racist. I said I assume they are racist. A dictionary would be helpful to you at this point.
You ASSUME all whites are racists.

What else do you ASSUME?

Do you ASSUME all women are whores?

Do you ASSUME all illegals are law biding?

Do you ASSUME all Orientals are martial arts experts?

Do you ASSUME all dogs will bite you?

Do you ASSUME Democrats are honest?

Do you ASSUME all Republicans are dishonest?

Do you ASSUME people think you are sane?
Out of all those things the closest one to what I assume is the first one. I assume any new white person I meet is a racist. Does that bother you or something?

Makes me feel VERY sorry for you.

It's a very sad way to go thru life.
Dont feel sorry. I love my life and I am very happy. Thats all a person can ask from life.

Nope, I feel sorry.

and I feel you have a very sorry life, with the attitude you've shown.

But please, continue to show your sorry attitude.

I could use the laughs.
Life is too short to feel sorry but you have my permission to feel sorry for me.

Doesn't impact my life at all, won't shorten my life by one second.

You're just one of thousands with similar attitudes I feel sorry for.

If I were more religious, I'd pray for you.

But, all I can do is feel sorry, and remember the 10th Fact of Life.

"It is impossible to change the character of another"

(Found them in a story that made a lot of sense to me)
No flaw in my logic.
Of course there is a flaw in your logic. You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasnt racist. The flaw comes in when I proved you wrong because I have met whites that were not racist. Do you see your flaw now?

" You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasn't racist."

I said that? Really?

I don't remember saying that.
Yes you said that in post# 523

Your words....

You go into a meeting ASSUMING a white person is racist.

and you 'find' what you're looking for, not because they are racist, but because you WANT to find racism.

Did you forget you said that?

No, I didn't forget it.

But, I didn't say this, did I?

" You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasn't racist."

and, by your own admission, most of the whites you meet, you consider racist.

Wrong. No I never said I consider them racist. I said I assume they are racist. A dictionary would be helpful to you at this point.


You CONSIDER them racist til you assess them, and update your viewpoint.

Have any other nits you want to pic?
Out of all those things the closest one to what I assume is the first one. I assume any new white person I meet is a racist. Does that bother you or something?

Makes me feel VERY sorry for you.

It's a very sad way to go thru life.
Dont feel sorry. I love my life and I am very happy. Thats all a person can ask from life.

Nope, I feel sorry.

and I feel you have a very sorry life, with the attitude you've shown.

But please, continue to show your sorry attitude.

I could use the laughs.
Life is too short to feel sorry but you have my permission to feel sorry for me.

Doesn't impact my life at all, won't shorten my life by one second.

You're just one of thousands with similar attitudes I feel sorry for.

If I were more religious, I'd pray for you.

But, all I can do is feel sorry, and remember the 10th Fact of Life.

"It is impossible to change the character of another"

(Found them in a story that made a lot of sense to me)
Of course it affects your life. Sorrow leads to depression. Since you want to feel sorry I give you permission.
Of course there is a flaw in your logic. You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasnt racist. The flaw comes in when I proved you wrong because I have met whites that were not racist. Do you see your flaw now?

" You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasn't racist."

I said that? Really?

I don't remember saying that.
Yes you said that in post# 523

Your words....

You go into a meeting ASSUMING a white person is racist.

and you 'find' what you're looking for, not because they are racist, but because you WANT to find racism.

Did you forget you said that?

No, I didn't forget it.

But, I didn't say this, did I?

" You said since I assume whites are racist I would never meet one that wasn't racist."

and, by your own admission, most of the whites you meet, you consider racist.

Wrong. No I never said I consider them racist. I said I assume they are racist. A dictionary would be helpful to you at this point.


You CONSIDER them racist til you assess them, and update your viewpoint.

Have any other nits you want to pic?
Again a dictionary would be helpful here. I assume they are racist. I dont consider them racist until they say something or do something to prove it. Assume and consider are not synonyms. You dont seem to be very educated. I already told you this.
Makes me feel VERY sorry for you.

It's a very sad way to go thru life.
Dont feel sorry. I love my life and I am very happy. Thats all a person can ask from life.

Nope, I feel sorry.

and I feel you have a very sorry life, with the attitude you've shown.

But please, continue to show your sorry attitude.

I could use the laughs.
Life is too short to feel sorry but you have my permission to feel sorry for me.

Doesn't impact my life at all, won't shorten my life by one second.

You're just one of thousands with similar attitudes I feel sorry for.

If I were more religious, I'd pray for you.

But, all I can do is feel sorry, and remember the 10th Fact of Life.

"It is impossible to change the character of another"

(Found them in a story that made a lot of sense to me)
Of course it affects your life. Sorrow leads to depression. Since you want to feel sorry I give you permission.

No more than the attitudes of thousands of other bigots and racists do.

9th Fact of Life: "A person is responsible for their own happiness"

Your attitude doesn't make me happy, sad, or depressed.

Just sorry for you.
Dont feel sorry. I love my life and I am very happy. Thats all a person can ask from life.

Nope, I feel sorry.

and I feel you have a very sorry life, with the attitude you've shown.

But please, continue to show your sorry attitude.

I could use the laughs.
Life is too short to feel sorry but you have my permission to feel sorry for me.

Doesn't impact my life at all, won't shorten my life by one second.

You're just one of thousands with similar attitudes I feel sorry for.

If I were more religious, I'd pray for you.

But, all I can do is feel sorry, and remember the 10th Fact of Life.

"It is impossible to change the character of another"

(Found them in a story that made a lot of sense to me)
Of course it affects your life. Sorrow leads to depression. Since you want to feel sorry I give you permission.

No more than the attitudes of thousands of other bigots and racists do.

9th Fact of Life: "A person is responsible for their own happiness"

Your attitude doesn't make me happy, sad, or depressed.

Just sorry for you.
Either you are lying or you once again dont know the definition of the word you are using.

  1. 1.
    feeling distress, especially through sympathy with someone else's misfortune.
These feelings of distress will lead you to depression..

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