Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

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Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.

How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.

LOL, your statement is a lie. Let's look to the Congressional Black Caucus as an example of your mendacity:

Senate members[edit]
As of 2014, there have been only seven black senators since the caucus's founding. Edward Brooke, a Republican senator from Massachusetts in the 60s and 70s, was not a member of the CBC. In 2013, Tim Scott, Republican of South Carolina, also chose not to join the CBC after being appointed to fill the senate seat of Jim DeMint. The remaining five black senators, all Democrats, have served as members of the Congressional Black Caucus. They are Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, elected in 2013 and currently serving; Carol Moseley Braun(1993–1999) of Illinois, then-Senator Barack Obama (2005–2008) of Illinois, Mo Cowan (2013) of Massachusetts, and Roland Burris (2008–2010). Burris was appointed by Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich in December 2008 to fill Obama's seat for the remaining two years of his senate term. Cowan was appointed to temporarily serve until a special election after the seat was vacated by John Kerry following his appointment as Secretary of State.

Black Republicans in the CBC[edit]
The caucus is officially non-partisan; but, in practice, the vast majority of African Americans elected to Congress have been members of theDemocratic Party. Eight black Republicans have been elected to Congress since the caucus was founded in 1971: Senator Edward W. Brookeof Massachusetts (1967-1979), Delegate Melvin H. Evans of the Virgin Islands (1979-1981), Representative Gary Franks of Connecticut (1991-1997), Representative J. C. Watts of Oklahoma (1995-2003), Representative Allen West of Florida (2011-2013), Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina (2013–present), Representative Will Hurd of Texas (2015–present), and Representative Mia Love of Utah (2015–present). Of these eight, only half have joined the CBC: Evans, Franks, West, and Love.

Edward W. Brooke was the only serving black U.S. Senator when the CBC was founded in 1971, but he never joined the group and often clashed with its leaders.[4] In 1979 Melvin H. Evans, a non-voting delegate from the Virgin Islands, became the first Republican member in the group's history. Gary Franks was the first Republican voting congressman to join in 1991, though he was at times excluded from CBC strategy sessions, skipped meetings, and threatened to quit the caucus.[5] J. C. Watts did not join the CBC when he entered Congress in 1995, and after Franks left Congress in 1997, no Republicans joined the CBC for fourteen years until Allen West joined the caucus in 2011, though fellow freshman congressman Tim Scott declined to join.[6] After West was defeated for re-election, the CBC became a Democrat-only caucus once again in 2013.[7] After Democrat Mo Cowan stepped down in July 2013, the political situation bore a striking resemblance to four decades earlier: the only serving black Republican congressman (Edward Brooke in the 1971, Tim Scott in 2013) was a U.S. Senator who refused to join the CBC.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
Okay, maybe hate is too strong of a word, maybe not. But they certainly have points taken away in your mind because of the color of their skin rather than their personalities. They have to get over your speedbump of racist feelings where blacks don't.
Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.

How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.
Wake me when they put a Black man or woman in the white house that is not a Uncle Tom or Tina.

Since you don't approve of any minority Republican, I doubt you'll be pleased with who we put in the White House. And there's no bigger Oreo Cookie than you, throwing your lot in with the Fag Militia in contravention to real black culture that despises it. Maybe you aren't authentically black?
I approve of several Black republicans. Problem is they will never be put into the white house by the GOP. There are a couple of people that dont think I'm Black. Feel free to join up with them.

I think you're black on the outside, but you're not part of black culture, just like Bucky isn't. If you were part of black culture, you wouldn't be part of the Fag Militia that black culture despises.

Ahhh the No True Scotsman Fallacy. Gotta love that one.

"You're not black because if you were you would do blank just like REAL black people do!"
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
All I knew was that "Jeffrey" had two moms. Although they chose to be lesbians, or were born that way, who knows...I didn't make any assumptions about their personalities. I choose them to be my friends.
I dont make assumptions about peoples personalities. I only make the assumption that they are racists or prejudiced. You can have a great personality and still be a racist.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
Okay, maybe hate is too strong of a word, maybe not. But they certainly have points taken away in your mind because of the color of their skin rather than their personalities. They have to get over your speedbump of racist feelings where blacks don't.
Thats true. Being Black I cannot afford to skip through life pretending people are not racist. I have to assume the worst and hope for the best.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
All I knew was that "Jeffrey" had two moms. Although they chose to be lesbians, or were born that way, who knows...I didn't make any assumptions about their personalities. I choose them to be my friends.
I dont make assumptions about peoples personalities. I only make the assumption that they are racists or prejudiced. You can have a great personality and still be a racist.
Name someone who has a great personality but is racist.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
All I knew was that "Jeffrey" had two moms. Although they chose to be lesbians, or were born that way, who knows...I didn't make any assumptions about their personalities. I choose them to be my friends.
I dont make assumptions about peoples personalities. I only make the assumption that they are racists or prejudiced. You can have a great personality and still be a racist.
Name someone who has a great personality but is racist.
The first one that jumps to mind was Gandhi. Paula Deen also had a great personality.
Blacks vote Democrat because they don't want to vote for the people who keep ridiculing them for voting Democrat,
as if voting Democrat is a symptom of racial inferiority.
Blacks vote Democratic because the policies and tactics implemented after the JFK Execution ny the LBJ administration have succeeded.

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years"
- Lyndon Johnson

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again" - Lyndon Johnson

Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. - Democratic Senator Robert Byrd

...Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can not keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and youre dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you are not only a chump, but you are a traitor to your race.... Malcolm X

The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do, what Jim Crow couldn't do, what the harshest racism couldn't do,.... And that is to destroy the black family. Walter Williams The State Against Blacks Walter E. Williams 9780070703780 Amazon.com Books
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
All I knew was that "Jeffrey" had two moms. Although they chose to be lesbians, or were born that way, who knows...I didn't make any assumptions about their personalities. I choose them to be my friends.
I dont make assumptions about peoples personalities. I only make the assumption that they are racists or prejudiced. You can have a great personality and still be a racist.
Name someone who has a great personality but is racist.
The first one that jumps to mind was Gandhi. Paula Deen also had a great personality.
Paula Deen proved she was an as not only once, but again when she started up against blacks after she was "forgiven," No, it just takes some time before their true personality comes out.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
All I knew was that "Jeffrey" had two moms. Although they chose to be lesbians, or were born that way, who knows...I didn't make any assumptions about their personalities. I choose them to be my friends.
I dont make assumptions about peoples personalities. I only make the assumption that they are racists or prejudiced. You can have a great personality and still be a racist.
Name someone who has a great personality but is racist.
The first one that jumps to mind was Gandhi. Paula Deen also had a great personality.
Paula Deen proved she was an as not only once, but again when she started up against blacks after she was "forgiven," No, it just takes some time before their true personality comes out.
Lots of them give it away via body language. I find white males to be more racist than anyone.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
You don't have to tell us you hate whites, it's abundantly clear. Funny though, how you march with the Fag Militia, which is decidedly White culture.

Maybe you hate yourself a little?
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
You don't have to tell us you hate whites, it's abundantly clear. Funny though, how you march with the Fag Militia, which is decidedly White culture.

Maybe you hate yourself a little?
What makes you think there are no black gays?
All I knew was that "Jeffrey" had two moms. Although they chose to be lesbians, or were born that way, who knows...I didn't make any assumptions about their personalities. I choose them to be my friends.
I dont make assumptions about peoples personalities. I only make the assumption that they are racists or prejudiced. You can have a great personality and still be a racist.
Name someone who has a great personality but is racist.
The first one that jumps to mind was Gandhi. Paula Deen also had a great personality.
Paula Deen proved she was an as not only once, but again when she started up against blacks after she was "forgiven," No, it just takes some time before their true personality comes out.
Lots of them give it away via body language. I find white males to be more racist than anyone.
You assuming that because of the color of their skin makes you a racist. Funny little dilemma you got there.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
You don't have to tell us you hate whites, it's abundantly clear. Funny though, how you march with the Fag Militia, which is decidedly White culture.

Maybe you hate yourself a little?
What makes you think there are no black gays?
There are. But supporting homos is not a black culture thing.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
You don't have to tell us you hate whites, it's abundantly clear. Funny though, how you march with the Fag Militia, which is decidedly White culture.

Maybe you hate yourself a little?
I know you have been trained by white boys to protect them but you are over zealous. I dont waste time hating things that cant affect me. What is it with you and "fags"?
I dont make assumptions about peoples personalities. I only make the assumption that they are racists or prejudiced. You can have a great personality and still be a racist.
Name someone who has a great personality but is racist.
The first one that jumps to mind was Gandhi. Paula Deen also had a great personality.
Paula Deen proved she was an as not only once, but again when she started up against blacks after she was "forgiven," No, it just takes some time before their true personality comes out.
Lots of them give it away via body language. I find white males to be more racist than anyone.
You assuming that because of the color of their skin makes you a racist. Funny little dilemma you got there.
Evidently you arent too bright or were never taught the definition of racist.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
You don't have to tell us you hate whites, it's abundantly clear. Funny though, how you march with the Fag Militia, which is decidedly White culture.

Maybe you hate yourself a little?
What makes you think there are no black gays?
There are. But supporting homos is not a black culture thing.
Youre not Black so what makes you think you know anything about Black culture?
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
You don't have to tell us you hate whites, it's abundantly clear. Funny though, how you march with the Fag Militia, which is decidedly White culture.

Maybe you hate yourself a little?
What makes you think there are no black gays?
There are. But supporting homos is not a black culture thing.
Youre not Black so what makes you think you know anything about Black culture?
That's an idiotic argument. Do you know anything about the culture of other races because you just claimed white males are mostly racist.
Name someone who has a great personality but is racist.
The first one that jumps to mind was Gandhi. Paula Deen also had a great personality.
Paula Deen proved she was an as not only once, but again when she started up against blacks after she was "forgiven," No, it just takes some time before their true personality comes out.
Lots of them give it away via body language. I find white males to be more racist than anyone.
You assuming that because of the color of their skin makes you a racist. Funny little dilemma you got there.
Evidently you arent too bright or were never taught the definition of racist.
I'm talking to one right now.

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