Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Nope, I feel sorry.

and I feel you have a very sorry life, with the attitude you've shown.

But please, continue to show your sorry attitude.

I could use the laughs.
Life is too short to feel sorry but you have my permission to feel sorry for me.

Doesn't impact my life at all, won't shorten my life by one second.

You're just one of thousands with similar attitudes I feel sorry for.

If I were more religious, I'd pray for you.

But, all I can do is feel sorry, and remember the 10th Fact of Life.

"It is impossible to change the character of another"

(Found them in a story that made a lot of sense to me)
Of course it affects your life. Sorrow leads to depression. Since you want to feel sorry I give you permission.

No more than the attitudes of thousands of other bigots and racists do.

9th Fact of Life: "A person is responsible for their own happiness"

Your attitude doesn't make me happy, sad, or depressed.

Just sorry for you.
Either you are lying or you once again dont know the definition of the word you are using.

  1. 1.
    feeling distress, especially through sympathy with someone else's misfortune.
These feelings of distress will lead you to depression..

that the only definition you can find?

Sorry Define Sorry at Dictionary.com

feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc.:
to be sorry to leave one's friends; to be sorry for a remark; to be sorry for someone in trouble.

there seem to be others.

Maybe you need a BETTER dictionary
Life is too short to feel sorry but you have my permission to feel sorry for me.

Doesn't impact my life at all, won't shorten my life by one second.

You're just one of thousands with similar attitudes I feel sorry for.

If I were more religious, I'd pray for you.

But, all I can do is feel sorry, and remember the 10th Fact of Life.

"It is impossible to change the character of another"

(Found them in a story that made a lot of sense to me)
Of course it affects your life. Sorrow leads to depression. Since you want to feel sorry I give you permission.

No more than the attitudes of thousands of other bigots and racists do.

9th Fact of Life: "A person is responsible for their own happiness"

Your attitude doesn't make me happy, sad, or depressed.

Just sorry for you.
Either you are lying or you once again dont know the definition of the word you are using.

  1. 1.
    feeling distress, especially through sympathy with someone else's misfortune.
These feelings of distress will lead you to depression..

that the only definition you can find?

Sorry Define Sorry at Dictionary.com

feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc.:
to be sorry to leave one's friends; to be sorry for a remark; to be sorry for someone in trouble.

there seem to be others.

Maybe you need a BETTER dictionary
Regret leads to depression as well. Thanks for the link.
Because Republicans prove on a daily basis that they hate black people
Mindless partisan bigotry.

Really? Which party gave the U.S. The War on Drugs? Minimum sentencing? Which party cancelled Affirmative Action?

When Republicans took over in 1980, incarceration of black and Hispanics increased at a rapid pace. There are now more black men in jail than were held as slaves. And Republicans are now putting them in for-profit prisons where they are being hired out as cheap labour.

Republicans have come full circle. From slavery back to slavery.
Not to worry. Bucky has ordered several dozen poisoners to be released, most of them probably black. You should volunteer to open up your home to them, to be a half way house because you believe them to be victims of the Republican Party who deserve liberal compassion.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303

Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.

How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303

Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.

How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.
Wake me when they put a Black man or woman in the white house that is not a Uncle Tom or Tina.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303

Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.

How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.
Wake me when they put a Black man or woman in the white house that is not a Uncle Tom or Tina.

Since you don't approve of any minority Republican, I doubt you'll be pleased with who we put in the White House. And there's no bigger Oreo Cookie than you, throwing your lot in with the Fag Militia in contravention to real black culture that despises it. Maybe you aren't authentically black?
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303

Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.

How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.
Wake me when they put a Black man or woman in the white house that is not a Uncle Tom or Tina.

Since you don't approve of any minority Republican, I doubt you'll be pleased with who we put in the White House. And there's no bigger Oreo Cookie than you, throwing your lot in with the Fag Militia in contravention to real black culture that despises it. Maybe you aren't authentically black?
I approve of several Black republicans. Problem is they will never be put into the white house by the GOP. There are a couple of people that dont think I'm Black. Feel free to join up with them.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303

Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.

How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.
Wake me when they put a Black man or woman in the white house that is not a Uncle Tom or Tina.

Dude wtf have you heard of Condoleezza Rice one of the most intelligent experienced black women on the planet. She was president Bush's secretary of state for God's sake that's no small position. We would elect her president if only she would run but she retired from politics. Meanwhile the Dem's are running an old rich white lady.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303

Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.

How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.
Wake me when they put a Black man or woman in the white house that is not a Uncle Tom or Tina.

Dude wtf have you heard of Condoleezza Rice one of the most intelligent experienced black women on the planet. She was president Bush's secretary of state for God's sake that's no small position. We would elect her president if only she would run but she retired from politics. Meanwhile the Dem's are running an old rich white lady.
I like Condi. Unfortunately she was not the POTUS.
The CRA was signed into law by Carter and existed for 20 years without creating a housing bubble.

Clinton beefed up the CRA and it existed for 10 years in that form without creating a housing bubble.

In 1999 the Republican House and Senate de-regulated the banks and brokerage houses, allowing them to sell mortgage backed securities. Then Bush lowered interest rates post 911 and the banks and brokerage houses discovered how profitable sub-prime mortgages could be. They loaned money to people without down payments, without proof of income, without good credit histories and then sold these POS loans to unsuspecting investors. The lenders weren't worried because the loans would be off their books by the time they went bad. And besides, prices were rising so fast that the increased equity would cover any shortfalls when the loans went bad. And then the bubble burst.

Republicans have been looking for a liberal scapegoat ever since, not just for the housing bubble but for the economic collapse too, but the Republicans own this.

30 years of failed Reaganomics, coupled with banking de-regulations, tax cuts, unfunded Medicare Part D entitlements, two unfunded wars, all Republican-lead decisions that put the economy in the crapper.

But keep drinking the koolaid that the cut and spend Republicans and Fox News are feeding you. The rest of the world knows better.

The rest of the world lives in fear of another Republican President. We can't afford it and neither can you but you're too stupid to know it.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303

Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.

How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.
Wake me when they put a Black man or woman in the white house that is not a Uncle Tom or Tina.

Since you don't approve of any minority Republican, I doubt you'll be pleased with who we put in the White House. And there's no bigger Oreo Cookie than you, throwing your lot in with the Fag Militia in contravention to real black culture that despises it. Maybe you aren't authentically black?
I approve of several Black republicans. Problem is they will never be put into the white house by the GOP. There are a couple of people that dont think I'm Black. Feel free to join up with them.

I think you're black on the outside, but you're not part of black culture, just like Bucky isn't. If you were part of black culture, you wouldn't be part of the Fag Militia that black culture despises.
Q. Why do blacks vote for Democrats

A. The Democratic Party has a Big Tent, the Republican Party once pretended to have a Big Tent; the D Party promised opportunity in terms affirmative action, the R's opposed it; the D's supported Head Start, the R's opposed it.

In other words blacks and bankers vote the same way, each vote for the party which benefits them.

How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.
Wake me when they put a Black man or woman in the white house that is not a Uncle Tom or Tina.

Since you don't approve of any minority Republican, I doubt you'll be pleased with who we put in the White House. And there's no bigger Oreo Cookie than you, throwing your lot in with the Fag Militia in contravention to real black culture that despises it. Maybe you aren't authentically black?
I approve of several Black republicans. Problem is they will never be put into the white house by the GOP. There are a couple of people that dont think I'm Black. Feel free to join up with them.

I think you're black on the outside, but you're not part of black culture, just like Bucky isn't. If you were part of black culture, you wouldn't be part of the Fag Militia that black culture despises.
Its apparent that thinking is a struggle for you.
How odd then, that it's the Republican party that has the most women and minorities winning elections and the Democrat party that's full of old, white racists.
Wake me when they put a Black man or woman in the white house that is not a Uncle Tom or Tina.

Since you don't approve of any minority Republican, I doubt you'll be pleased with who we put in the White House. And there's no bigger Oreo Cookie than you, throwing your lot in with the Fag Militia in contravention to real black culture that despises it. Maybe you aren't authentically black?
I approve of several Black republicans. Problem is they will never be put into the white house by the GOP. There are a couple of people that dont think I'm Black. Feel free to join up with them.

I think you're black on the outside, but you're not part of black culture, just like Bucky isn't. If you were part of black culture, you wouldn't be part of the Fag Militia that black culture despises.
Its apparent that thinking is a struggle for you.

Which isn't a refutation of what I said, so you let it stand.

It's ok, I like Oreo cookies.
Wake me when they put a Black man or woman in the white house that is not a Uncle Tom or Tina.

Since you don't approve of any minority Republican, I doubt you'll be pleased with who we put in the White House. And there's no bigger Oreo Cookie than you, throwing your lot in with the Fag Militia in contravention to real black culture that despises it. Maybe you aren't authentically black?
I approve of several Black republicans. Problem is they will never be put into the white house by the GOP. There are a couple of people that dont think I'm Black. Feel free to join up with them.

I think you're black on the outside, but you're not part of black culture, just like Bucky isn't. If you were part of black culture, you wouldn't be part of the Fag Militia that black culture despises.
Its apparent that thinking is a struggle for you.

Which isn't a refutation of what I said, so you let it stand.

It's ok, I like Oreo cookies.
There is no need to refute an idiot. Your idiocy is self refuting. I know you like Oreos. You are the NA version of one.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
If blacks want to escape from poverty and the humiliation they suffer in the Democratic party they should vote for conservatives. Not the Rep's not the Dem's but conservatives.
The CRA was signed into law by Carter and existed for 20 years without creating a housing bubble.

Clinton beefed up the CRA and it existed for 10 years in that form without creating a housing bubble.

In 1999 the Republican House and Senate de-regulated the banks and brokerage houses, allowing them to sell mortgage backed securities. Then Bush lowered interest rates post 911 and the banks and brokerage houses discovered how profitable sub-prime mortgages could be. They loaned money to people without down payments, without proof of income, without good credit histories and then sold these POS loans to unsuspecting investors. The lenders weren't worried because the loans would be off their books by the time they went bad. And besides, prices were rising so fast that the increased equity would cover any shortfalls when the loans went bad. And then the bubble burst.

Republicans have been looking for a liberal scapegoat ever since, not just for the housing bubble but for the economic collapse too, but the Republicans own this.

30 years of failed Reaganomics, coupled with banking de-regulations, tax cuts, unfunded Medicare Part D entitlements, two unfunded wars, all Republican-lead decisions that put the economy in the crapper.

But keep drinking the koolaid that the cut and spend Republicans and Fox News are feeding you. The rest of the world knows better.

The rest of the world lives in fear of another Republican President. We can't afford it and neither can you but you're too stupid to know it.

There would have been no risky mortgage back securities without the risky mortgages.
Blame it all on Conservatives if you must, but Carter and Clinton are responsible for the housing bubble. Schumer and Franks prevented legislation that could have prevented it's colapse.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
Bullshit. Wall Street greed, pure and simple. Without the banking de-regulation it would never have happened.

Conservatives never take responsibility for their messes. It's always someone else's fault.
"regardless of their prejudices"...Wow you are something else. It couldn't be that they are just not prejudice???? You see a white person and you assume he is a racist but you engage them in conversation because you are magnanimous! What a sweetheart you are...lowering yourself to talking to whites although they are something you hate.
I have serious problems...don't know if it paranoia or narcissism but you could benefit from professional help.

I am going on vacation with my family and the three boys could bring a friend. Two of them are black and one has "two moms." When they get together they are so funny and truly fun to be around. The two moms are great , too. We get together for social evenings often. How shut off I would be if I made "assumptions" about people before I got to know them.
Some prejudiced or racist whites will talk to you. I never told you I hate whites so dont be dramatic.

Since you already know the two moms why would you assume anything about them? You already know them.
All I knew was that "Jeffrey" had two moms. Although they chose to be lesbians, or were born that way, who knows...I didn't make any assumptions about their personalities. I choose them to be my friends.

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