Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Unload books and offer free community community college to all the negroes. Maybe that can help!

Well, first they have to receive a good and safe elementary and high school education, with the teachers unions and their Democratic Party backup that has become near impossible, it's obvious to anyone that actually cares.

Trade schools and community colleges would certainly help to make them employable and living, "their" American dream a great possibility. They've been captured by liberal policies of destine failure for far to long, it's a national embarrassment and wasted unfulfilled lives is a travesty.
Who would be in charge of making sure racists gave them jobs after all that education?
Are all white people racists to you?
I have met a handful that I can say are not racists.
Nggr please!
Calm down white mans dog.
Not really getting what that had to do with my post but it was a good story.

I don't know what came over me, sorry about that...:dunno:

I tend to gravitate to people with positive attitudes, I suspect it's not your color blessing but your piss poor attitude.
You dont have to be sorry. I was just wondering why you told that story in relation to my post. just wondering. Why would I have a positive attitude about racism?
It might interest you, Ascepias, that I do think black people have a harder time with many cops. I think the Eric Garner and Freddy Gray were just two of the instances the cops were wrong. Seriously wrong and they cops should be in jail. Changes have to be made with their mindset...and soon.
It's tough all round, I wouldn't want to be a cop or a poor black person stuck in an area with poor education, no jobs and no promising opportunities. I recall as a teenager driving a delivery truck in Watts, CA, the gloom always enveloped me and hopelessness had a home.
Just imagine living there all of your life. Great head start on life eh? Now figure out the history of why they live there.

I'd fold like a dried up plum. Hate to clue you in but Republican governance was non-existent there and I assume unwelcomed there still.
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I wonder sometimes if Blacks simply prefer members of their race being, "Uncle Tom's" of the Democratic Party. Look at the past 7 years, where are the economic and educational successes for the Black Race? If you didn't get them over the past 7 years, the odds of improvement seem pretty damn slim in the future.Why be consistently and predictably doing the Democratic Parties bidding with such dismal results?
I wonder sometimes if Blacks simply prefer members of their race being, "Uncle Tom's" of the Democratic Party. Look at the past 7 years, where are the economic and educational successes for the Black Race? If you didn't get them over the past 7 years, the odds of improvement seem pretty damn slim in the future.Why be consistently and predictably doing the Democratic Parties bidding with such dismal results?
You dont sound like you know what "Uncle Tom" means. If you did then you would understand that was a puerile statement. My last 7 years saw my income go up as well as a lot of my friends. Of course things could always be better but they would only get worse with the Reps.
I wonder sometimes if Blacks simply prefer members of their race being, "Uncle Tom's" of the Democratic Party. Look at the past 7 years, where are the economic and educational successes for the Black Race? If you didn't get them over the past 7 years, the odds of improvement seem pretty damn slim in the future.Why be consistently and predictably doing the Democratic Parties bidding with such dismal results?
You dont sound like you know what "Uncle Tom" means. If you did then you would understand that was a puerile statement. My last 7 years saw my income go up as well as a lot of my friends. Of course things could always be better but they would only get worse with the Reps.

The statistics on black employment, education and opportunity say otherwise as you well know but congratulations to you and your friends. You can't say things would be worse under Republican local government since blacks have been under the thumb of the Democratic Party since the 60's when they were suddenly even magically absolved of all black oppression and slavery that lasted over 200+ years. In walks, "Uncle Tom" Democrats and their race baiters doing their bidding.
You need to learn to read.

The Examiner did not do the study but quoted the study by National Bureau of Economic Research. It has been around since 1920 and is well respected.

You don't want to believe because you are a Moon Bat and it points the finger at the damage done by the Democrats.

No, i don't believe it because I have two eyes and see what happened.

I live in a town where they threw up a shitload of McMansions during the boom. A lot of them are vacant, a lot more are underwater.

They had nothing to do with the CRA. They had to do with people thinking they could make a quick buck flipping houses they didn't need. They'd buy a McMansion for 200K, flip it for 500K, and then move to something more modest and pocket the difference.

Nothing to do with the CRA at all, which only prevented banks from rejecting applicants in poor neighborhoods who otherwise qualified for loans.
Because Republicans prove on a daily basis that they hate black people
Mindless partisan bigotry.

Really? Which party gave the U.S. The War on Drugs? Minimum sentencing? Which party cancelled Affirmative Action?

When Republicans took over in 1980, incarceration of black and Hispanics increased at a rapid pace. There are now more black men in jail than were held as slaves. And Republicans are now putting them in for-profit prisons where they are being hired out as cheap labour.

Republicans have come full circle. From slavery back to slavery.
Because Republicans prove on a daily basis that they hate black people. Same reason most Hispanics, Jews, women, etc. vote for dems. You have pedos and the kkk on your side so don't worry about it.

Conservatives don't hate Black people or anybody else.

However, they have no respect for shithead Moon Bats that elect dumbass Left Wingers that screw up the country. You know, like the 97% of voting Blacks that voted for that idiot Obama.

You've got a lot of gall to crap on Obama voters since you jerks elected W twice.

Obama has spent most of his time in office cleaning up W's mess.

W will go down in history as the worst President ever, there is no doubt about it. Given a balanced budget and a stable economy, he destroyed jobs, nearly bankrupted the economy, and took the world's economy down with it, and uselessly attacked Iraq and destabilized the entire Middle East.

And now Republicans are lining up offering to cut taxes and take on ISIS, if elected.

Stupid to the nth degree.

You have the gall to bitch about George Bush.

He was a Liberal just like you. He increased the size of the Federal government, increased debt, increased entitlements, continued with the welfare state, increased regulations, backed DC in Heller, participated in interventionism, had the the lowest workforce participation since the 1970s, caused the US to lose its position as the worlds strongest economy and would not even seal the borders. You know. all the things that Liberals do.

However, when he assumed office there was a declining quarterly economy inherited from that scumbag Clinton and despite the trillion dollar hit because of 911 he maintained a fairly stable economy up until that despicable Democrat controlled Congress took over in 2007. You know the one that I am talking about don't you? The one controlled by Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski, Harry Reid and had that new shithead Senator Obama. The Congress that presided over the banking failure and added over two trillion dollars of debt.

The only thing that Bush really did good was that minor income tax decrease that saved the economy after 911. He even made a poor choice in Roberts on the Supreme Court because that idiot upheld Obmacare.

The Liberalism of Bush and the cowardice of the Republican Congress for six years to do away the filthy ass welfare state this country has become is what ran me out of the Republican Party a long time ago so your hatefest on them is wasted on me.

However, putting your partisan pig shit against Bush aside it is apparent that Hussein Obama will beat out Jimmy Carter as the worse President this country ever had by a long shot. The sonofabitch has added $9 trillion dollars to the debt ($11 trillion if you included what he voted for as Senator), decreased family income, increased poverty, increased the welfare rolls, fostered racial hatred, let illegals flood into this country, increased the spread between the rich and the poor and had keep us in war everyday of his administration to include escalation of wars and the bombing of a country that had nothing to do with the security of the US. He even called the Iraq War a success.

His foreign policy has been a disaster and he has been involved in more scandals than any President in history including trying to use the force of the IRS to disenfranchise a grass roots opposition political movement. He has accused our veterans of being potential terrorists and has advocated taking away Constitutional rights. In addition to all that he has raided the US Treasury to give money to his filthy ass special interest groups.

Obama is pretty much the worse President this country has ever seen and absolutely the biggest failure.

The Blacks that vote for him are not looking after the best interest of the country. They are voting Democrat because of a welfare check and other entitlements that the Democrats pony up like it was free candy.
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Why do blacks vote democrat, simple there is no other alternative.

This is why the Unions push democrats because there is no alternative. No matter what a democrat might do to the unions the unions always come back home when offered a few trinkets by their democrat overlords. Such as when their blustering during the NAFTA vote. They said that anyone who voted for the treaty would be opposed by the Unions, they did nothing, to democrats. Instead of starting a third party, a Labor party, they put their tail between their legs and went back home. Hoping that they blustered enough to make it look like they did enough to their members.

So be it with blacks. To me no matter how the democrat party might have changed belonging to it for a black person would be like a Jew belonging to the Nazi party. (not saying the two are the same) So yeah, blacks are going to stay where they are comfortable, where they THINK their best interest lies. I don't blame them, the Republican party sucks at propaganda, they need to take a lesson from the democrat party. I got my "non-affiliated" voter registration yesterday but I think I am going to contact my House Rep and tell him I might come back to the fold if the Republicans have Alfonzo Rachel as a key note speaker at the convention.
Why do blacks vote democrat, simple there is no other alternative.

This is why the Unions push democrats because there is no alternative. No matter what a democrat might do to the unions the unions always come back home when offered a few trinkets by their democrat overlords. Such as when their blustering during the NAFTA vote. They said that anyone who voted for the treaty would be opposed by the Unions, they did nothing, to democrats. Instead of starting a third party, a Labor party, they put their tail between their legs and went back home. Hoping that they blustered enough to make it look like they did enough to their members.

So be it with blacks. To me no matter how the democrat party might have changed belonging to it for a black person would be like a Jew belonging to the Nazi party. (not saying the two are the same) So yeah, blacks are going to stay where they are comfortable, where they THINK their best interest lies. I don't blame them, the Republican party sucks at propaganda, they need to take a lesson from the democrat party. I got my "non-affiliated" voter registration yesterday but I think I am going to contact my House Rep and tell him I might come back to the fold if the Republicans have Alfonzo Rachel as a key note speaker at the convention.

More Democrats voted against NAFTA than did Republicans. Ross Perot got a great deal of support from labor by opposing NAFTA.

No, i don't believe it because I have two eyes and see what happened.

If you don't want to believe a major study done by a very respected non partisan economics think tank with Nobel Economics laureates then that is your choice.

Nobody has ever said that you Moon Bats were capable of ever pulling your heads out of your asses. It is not surprising that you are wrong on this.

Your Democrats are the ones that caused the failure through Liberal policies that simply did not work. Just admit it and move on with life if you have the courage to be morally and intellectually honest.

Liberalism has always failed. That is just one of many examples.
The GOP brought this on themselves when the party decided 30 or 40 some years ago that they didn't need the black vote to win elections,

and to a great extent they proved that true.
Because Republicans prove on a daily basis that they hate black people. Same reason most Hispanics, Jews, women, etc. vote for dems. You have pedos and the kkk on your side so don't worry about it.

Conservatives don't hate Black people or anybody else.

However, they have no respect for shithead Moon Bats that elect dumbass Left Wingers that screw up the country. You know, like the 97% of voting Blacks that voted for that idiot Obama.

You've got a lot of gall to crap on Obama voters since you jerks elected W twice.

Obama has spent most of his time in office cleaning up W's mess.

W will go down in history as the worst President ever, there is no doubt about it. Given a balanced budget and a stable economy, he destroyed jobs, nearly bankrupted the economy, and took the world's economy down with it, and uselessly attacked Iraq and destabilized the entire Middle East.

And now Republicans are lining up offering to cut taxes and take on ISIS, if elected.

Stupid to the nth degree.

You have the gall to bitch about George Bush.

He was a Liberal just like you. He increased the size of the Federal government, increased debt, increased entitlements, continued with the welfare state, increased regulations, backed DC in Heller, participated in interventionism, had the the lowest workforce participation since the 1970s, caused the US to lose its position as the worlds strongest economy and would not even seal the borders. You know. all the things that Liberals do.

However, when he assumed office there was a declining quarterly economy inherited from that scumbag Clinton and despite the trillion dollar hit because of 911 he maintained a fairly stable economy up until that despicable Democrat controlled Congress took over in 2007. You know the one that I am talking about don't you? The one controlled by Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski, Harry Reid and had that new shithead Senator Obama. The Congress that presided over the banking failure and added over two trillion dollars of debt.

The only thing that Bush really did good was that minor income tax decrease that saved the economy after 911. He even made a poor choice in Roberts on the Supreme Court because that idiot upheld Obmacare.

The Liberalism of Bush and the cowardice of the Republican Congress for six years to do away the filthy ass welfare state this country has become is what ran me out of the Republican Party a long time ago so your hatefest on them is wasted on me.

However, putting you partisan pig shit against Bush aside it is apparent that Hussein Obama will beat out Jimmy Carter as the worse President this country ever had by a long shot. The sonofabitch has added $9 trillion dollars to the debt ($11 trillion if you included what he voted for as Senator), decreased family income, increased poverty, increased the welfare rolls, fostered racial hatred, let illegal flood into this country, increased the spread between the rich and the poor and had keep us in war everyday of his administration to include escalation of wars and the bombing of a country that had nothing to do with the security of the US. He even called the Iraq War a success.

His foreign policy has been a disaster and he has been involved in more scandals than any President in history including trying to use the force of the IRS to disenfranchise a grass roots opposition political movement. He has accused our veterans of being potential terrorists and has advocated taking away Constitutional rights. In addition to all that he has raided the US Treasury to give money to his filthy ass special interest groups.

Obama is pretty much the worse President this country has ever seen and absolutely the biggest failure.

The Blacks that vote for him are not looking after the best interest of the country. They are voting Democrat because of a welfare check and other entitlements that the Democrats pony up like it was free candy.

Just get your Rightwing Nut Starter Kit?
Why do blacks vote democrat, simple there is no other alternative.

This is why the Unions push democrats because there is no alternative. No matter what a democrat might do to the unions the unions always come back home when offered a few trinkets by their democrat overlords. Such as when their blustering during the NAFTA vote. They said that anyone who voted for the treaty would be opposed by the Unions, they did nothing, to democrats. Instead of starting a third party, a Labor party, they put their tail between their legs and went back home. Hoping that they blustered enough to make it look like they did enough to their members.

So be it with blacks. To me no matter how the democrat party might have changed belonging to it for a black person would be like a Jew belonging to the Nazi party. (not saying the two are the same) So yeah, blacks are going to stay where they are comfortable, where they THINK their best interest lies. I don't blame them, the Republican party sucks at propaganda, they need to take a lesson from the democrat party. I got my "non-affiliated" voter registration yesterday but I think I am going to contact my House Rep and tell him I might come back to the fold if the Republicans have Alfonzo Rachel as a key note speaker at the convention.

Are you kidding?

At the end of the day there is not that much difference between the Democrats and Republicans.

The Republicans give Blacks (and Unions) almost everything that the Democrats give them including a continuation of the welfare state and the big government to go with it.

The stupid Republicans are even the ones leading this despicable hatefest against the Confederate flag nowadays.
Why do blacks vote democrat, simple there is no other alternative.

This is why the Unions push democrats because there is no alternative. No matter what a democrat might do to the unions the unions always come back home when offered a few trinkets by their democrat overlords. Such as when their blustering during the NAFTA vote. They said that anyone who voted for the treaty would be opposed by the Unions, they did nothing, to democrats. Instead of starting a third party, a Labor party, they put their tail between their legs and went back home. Hoping that they blustered enough to make it look like they did enough to their members.

So be it with blacks. To me no matter how the democrat party might have changed belonging to it for a black person would be like a Jew belonging to the Nazi party. (not saying the two are the same) So yeah, blacks are going to stay where they are comfortable, where they THINK their best interest lies. I don't blame them, the Republican party sucks at propaganda, they need to take a lesson from the democrat party. I got my "non-affiliated" voter registration yesterday but I think I am going to contact my House Rep and tell him I might come back to the fold if the Republicans have Alfonzo Rachel as a key note speaker at the convention.

Are you kidding?

At the end of the day there is not that much difference between the Democrats and Republicans.

The Republicans give Blacks (and Unions) almost everything that the Democrats give them including a continuation of the welfare state and the big government to go with it.

The stupid Republicans are even the ones leading this despicable hatefest against the Confederate flag nowadays.

Correct, that is why there is not alternative and why blacks and Unions stay democrat.
All the signs point to you being retarded, an apologist for liberal failures and a race baiter.

But yet here you are saying, "boy those blacks sure are stupid not voting for the party that brought us Willie Horton Ads."
All the signs point to you being retarded, an apologist for liberal failures and a race baiter.

But yet here you are saying, "boy those blacks sure are stupid not voting for the party that brought us Willie Horton Ads."
When did I say anything about Willie Horton, again, you are mistaken...

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