Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Fucking moron. Only idiots are not upper middle class. Oh... sorry did not mean to put the spot light on you. What's it like being useless your whole life and no one wanting to pay you a decent salary? Must fucking suck to be you.

I make a perfectly fine salary despite the fact Bush fucked up the economy. I made a better one before he fucked up the economy.

But I'm always amazed when you guys claim to be "upper middle class" or "rich" on boards like this, because on one can check that any more than your claims to have a 12 inch male member.
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

again, if you live to be 72, you get more money than you paid in. Social Security is not a retirement plan, it's an entitlement. Just like SNAP or Welfare or WIC. The problem is, you want to draw a difference between that and welfare that truly needy people get to make yourself feel better.

It's Social Security and Medicare that are bankrupting us, not SNAP and WIC.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.

Guy, the thing is, SNAP is not there because people like you are feeling generous to the poor. SNAP is there because we need to keep the price of food artificially high through increased demand to make it profitable to farm.

Once again, let's go to that map, Bob. Let's compare what the blue states and red states send to Washington compared to what they get back.


You see, der, Cleetus, all dem-der Blue States where the coloreds live send more to Washington than they get back while all dem-der Red States where Cleetus and Billy-Bob and Cooter live on their farms get big old federal subsidies to produce food and get their roads almost no one travels on paid for...

Except we enjoyed our greatest prosperity in the period between 1945 and 1976, when the Minimum Wage had real teeth, (Kept up with inflation) the rich paid 70% top marginal rates and the government heavily spent on infrastructure.

But you keep believing we are going to have a strong economy by subsidizing MItt Romney's Dressage Horse.
Thank You Ernie, you've pretty well covered what I would have said.

I've always wondered why many have the idea that they have equality when their freedoms are controlled by government and all their minimum necessities of life are supplied by taxing others. It's suppose to be temporary help not a generational lifestyle.

Except, again, the majority of people on welfare are White and most people on welfare are only on it temporarily.

So if a Unicorn has 25 hit points and a Dragon has 50 hit points, which one wins in a fight?
Gads, McDonald's is a starting teenager job not a life's ambition. Vote for representatives and Presidents that don't stand in the way of capitalists creating high paying jobs and promising opportunities. You may be envious of businessmen making money from their hard work and long hours but if they do jobs, jobs, jobs are created. For Christ's sake wake up and smell the roses not Democratic politicians and race baiters butt holes.

Guy, a few things here, because you manage to get everything wrong.

The teenagers are not getting the McDonald's jobs these days because frankly, those capitalists you love so much would RATHER hire a 20 year old who is just desperate enough to do that job. One you know will show up next week because he's got bills to pay. One who can't get a "good paying job" because the "Capitalists" have sent all those good jobs to India or China.

guy, those businessmen don't work any harder than the 20 year old at McDonalds. I kind of like the show "Undercover boss" when you have these businessmen actually finding out what hard work actually looks like. It's fucking hilarious.

The Capitalist is a parasite that's convinced you he's a vital organ.
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Gads, McDonald's is a starting teenager job not a life's ambition. Vote for representatives and Presidents that don't stand in the way of capitalists creating high paying jobs and promising opportunities. You may be envious of businessmen making money from their hard work and long hours but if they do jobs, jobs, jobs are created. For Christ's sake wake up and smell the roses not Democratic politicians and race baiters butt holes.

Guy, a few things here, because you manage to get everything wrong.

The teenagers are not getting the McDonald's jobs these days because frankly, those capitalists you love so much would RATHER hire a 20 year old who is just desperate enough to do that job. One you know will show up next week because he's got bills to pay. One who can't get a "good paying job" because the "Capitalists" have sent all those good jobs to India or China.

guy, those businessmen don't work any harder than the 20 year old at McDonalds. I kind of like the show "Undercover boss" when you have these businessmen actually finding out what hard work actually looks like. It's fucking hilarious.

The Capitalist is a parasite that's convinced you he's a vital organ.

Maybe when you leave Mom's basement and get out in the real world you'll see things differently
We covered this material already, could you hum a new and current argument...I'm understandably bored...

We've covered the material already, because you keep ignoring the facts that show what you believe isn't so.

It's kind of like if you told me Santa was going to bring you presents, and I showed you pictures of your Mom and Dad at WalMart buying your toys, wrapping them and putting them under the tree while you were asleep.

Then you insisted again a few posts later that Santa was going to totally bring you presents, and I showed you satellite images of the North Pole and no massive workshop there.

The point is, your argument is based on facts that just aren't true. Blacks do not vote for Democrats because they want benefits.

They vote for Democrats because the Republicans for 40 years have appealed to racism. The same reason Hispanics and Asians and Jews do.
The only "facts" you present are lies told to you by your plantation masters.
I guess they have improved some over the last 150 years. In return for food clothing and shelter, you no longer have to pick cotton in the hot sun. All you have to to is vote for Massa every 4 years.
Who is "Oppressing" you? Who is the evil CEO that is keeping you down? DO you have a name for us?

not one I'd share here, but I've been screwed over enough times by the 1% to stop voting their interests and start voting your own.

So which government bureaucrat is keeping you down, Fwanky?
Getting fired because you're smoking crack on the job is not being screwed over by the 1%.
Only the "facts" you present are lies told to you by your plantation masters.
I guess they have improved some over the last 150 years. In return for food clothing and shelter, you no longer have to pick cotton in the hot sun. All you have to to is vote for Massa every 4 years.

A few points.

1) I'm white.

2) Up until 2008, when your Boy Bush brought the entire economy crashing down around my head, I voted pretty consistantly Republican. Now I vote about 60% Democrat and 40%
Republican, depending on whether or not I like the candidate. ( I voted for Rauner and Mark Kirk, but I've also voted for Obama and Tammy Duckworth.)

3) Again- most black folks have jobs despite employers like yourself* who brag they will never hire people with black names.

4) Now, you might have a point, blacks are voting for the party that works for them instead of hte party that works against them. I think that does put them one up over dumb-ass inbred Cleetuses like you who vote Republican and then watch them screw you for the 1%.


* - I don't really believe Ernie employees anyone.

He wasn't killed 2 days after he said it, but he did say it.
I lose a bit of hope for this country every time I see someone such as yourself who is willing to believe anything the republican party tells them without needing to think.

You didn't know that Malcolm X called blacks "Political chumps" voting for Democrats?

no, I know what he said, but he was wrong. the democratic party does not target only potential black voters, but the poor in general, which tend to be more black due to this country's history of racism. please, tell me why you think the democrats are "playing you as a political chump"
Fucking moron. Only idiots are not upper middle class. Oh... sorry did not mean to put the spot light on you. What's it like being useless your whole life and no one wanting to pay you a decent salary? Must fucking suck to be you.

I make a perfectly fine salary despite the fact Bush fucked up the economy. I made a better one before he fucked up the economy.

But I'm always amazed when you guys claim to be "upper middle class" or "rich" on boards like this, because on one can check that any more than your claims to have a 12 inch male member.
upper middle is not rich you dumb shit... but yes upper middle does pay the highest tax rates.. and why? Cause democrats are the rich and the poor and the rich don't want to see anyone in the upper middle class encroach on their "stuff" so you dumb ass democrats tax the shit out of success while giving the rich a pass. And the lower middle class.. yeah they pay ZERO in income tax, if you vote for zero tax while others are paying your full ride... you have zero pride.

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