Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

My 401k did not go in the crapper. Matter of fact it's gone gangbusters. Maybe you are a poor steward of your money, but as for me I don't need your fucking help. Wall street execs get big bonuses because the democrats and republicans both refuse to ensure that the owners of publicly traded corporations are allowed to have a say regarding executive pay scales.
You arent everybody Brown. Most people lost everything. I know a woman that was planning on retiring and lost about 90% of her money for retirement.
How did she manage to do that? What the hell was she investing in? The worst case scenario would have been someone moving from low yield bonds that had not gone up to realestate when that took a dump then to stock when that took a dump then back to low yield bonds after loosing all their money only to not see any gains when the market reached new highs. Or they picked one stock that took a dump? IOW a complete moron? Let's hear how you manage to loose all your money due to a short down turn in the market.

I do not believe it is even possible for someone to pick a safe investment strategy starting from 1980 to today and loose money. Every single safe investment strategy would have been an order of magnitude better than SS. But yes, if you are a complete moron that buys high and then sells low you should probably be putting your money in your mattress where a fire is less likely than your strategy of burning your money with bad investment ideas.
I dont know all the particulars. I just remember the look on her face when she got off the phone with her investment firm. She was a single woman that relied on the suits to invest her money. She was stunned.
Got off the phone with her Investment firm? That does not sound like a 401k investment, that sounds like a den of thieves.
Lots of 401K's are handled by investment firms. You must have been joking.
Yes I was. But still most 401k's you just pick your investment strat, and let it run. Actually talking to a firm means some sort of personal relationship with investors. My experience with "investors" is they like to take a cut of your profits and even if they don't make a profit they still expect to take a cut of your money. IMO you are better off with some sort of vanguard type fund that is selected based on your risk aversion.
Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
No I'd much rather have my SS deposits back. Were you the worst student in all of your classes or just most of them?

Between the KKK, Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Parties poor black inner city economic slavery zones. Democrats seem to have blacks exactly where they want them, fully dependent and predictable.
Your whole premise is that black people are too stupid to know what's in their best interests...

That's actually kind of racist.

Poor Blacks are trapped in the Democratic Party economic slave zones, Democrats specialize in race baiting (you included) and threatening their only source of survival, that is a Democratic Party sponsored racist system. It's how I see it, where am I wrong?
Your whole premise is that black people are too stupid to know what's in their best interests...

That's actually kind of racist.
He suffers from cognitive dissonance. Thats his cure.
Is it racist to consider you a race baiting fool and a tool of the Democratic Party, I don't think so, you got yours and could care less about poor blacks trapped in the inner cities as long as they vote Democratic Party, sorry, it's obvious.
Your whole premise is that black people are too stupid to know what's in their best interests...

That's actually kind of racist.
He suffers from cognitive dissonance. Thats his cure.
Is it racist to consider you a race baiting fool and a tool of the Democratic Party, I don't think so, you got yours and could care less about poor blacks trapped in the inner cities as long as they vote Democratic Party, sorry, it's obvious.
It wouldnt be racist but it would be ignorant. I'm not a democrat. I am Black and grew up in the ghetto. I guess you are too stupid to understand whats obvious and whats not. Arent you the same fool that said racism was less than 100 years old?
No I'd much rather have my SS deposits back. Were you the worst student in all of your classes or just most of them?

You'll get everything you ever paid in back if you live to be 72. But math isn't your strong point, Bubba.
Incorrect. I'm a math major.

Additionally, I'd probably have to live to 145 to get what I paid in back. SS fucks over upper middle income folks.
Poor Blacks are trapped in the Democratic Party economic slave zones, Democrats specialize in race baiting (you included) and threatening their only source of survival, that is a Democratic Party sponsored racist system. It's how I see it, where am I wrong?

How many places?

Let's start with your stupidity that Blacks are "dependent on government". Most black folks HAVE JOBS. Most welfare recipiants ARE WHITE. (And that's not even counting the really big welfare ticket items like Social Security and Medicare, which are totally White People entitlements.)

Let's also talk about who engages in "Race baiting". Donald Trump is your front-runner today because he was happy to race bait.

Willie HOrton, welfare queens, "White Hands", Playboy Mansion, "Debbie Spend it Now". you guys are happy to race bait.

The fact is, as Vernon Jarret, a noted black columnist said, "Your record is so loud I can't hear a word you are saying."
Your whole premise is that black people are too stupid to know what's in their best interests...

That's actually kind of racist.
He suffers from cognitive dissonance. Thats his cure.
Is it racist to consider you a race baiting fool and a tool of the Democratic Party, I don't think so, you got yours and could care less about poor blacks trapped in the inner cities as long as they vote Democratic Party, sorry, it's obvious.
It wouldnt be racist but it would be ignorant. I'm not a democrat. I am Black and grew up in the ghetto. I guess you are too stupid to understand whats obvious and whats not. Arent you the same fool that said racism was less than 100 years old?

Gads, you're all over the place now, a tad pissed is my guess.

So anyway, you got lucky, probably worked hard and poor blacks are still victims of poor education, long term economic slavery and family destruction, little promising opportunities and you have no problem with that, correct?

Suddenly, you don't vote Democratic Party but you're fully invested in promoting that all Republicans are racists... :laugh:

Did you get your degree from Al Sharpton?

100 yrs. old ? racism has probably been around since the beginning of time.

I did post a Peanuts cartoon to lighten the mood, even on that you missed the point, sheesh.
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Poor Blacks are trapped in the Democratic Party economic slave zones, Democrats specialize in race baiting (you included) and threatening their only source of survival, that is a Democratic Party sponsored racist system. It's how I see it, where am I wrong?

How many places?

Let's start with your stupidity that Blacks are "dependent on government". Most black folks HAVE JOBS. Most welfare recipiants ARE WHITE. (And that's not even counting the really big welfare ticket items like Social Security and Medicare, which are totally White People entitlements.)

Let's also talk about who engages in "Race baiting". Donald Trump is your front-runner today because he was happy to race bait.

Willie HOrton, welfare queens, "White Hands", Playboy Mansion, "Debbie Spend it Now". you guys are happy to race bait.

The fact is, as Vernon Jarret, a noted black columnist said, "Your record is so loud I can't hear a word you are saying."

We covered this material already, could you hum a new and current argument...I'm understandably bored....:eusa_doh:
Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.
Incorrect. I'm a math major.

Additionally, I'd probably have to live to 145 to get what I paid in back. SS fucks over upper middle income folks.

Right. Because like so many other Right Wingers here, you are "upper income". NO really.

You own a deluxe Double Wide.
Fucking moron. Only idiots are not upper middle class. Oh... sorry did not mean to put the spot light on you. What's it like being useless your whole life and no one wanting to pay you a decent salary? Must fucking suck to be you.
Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.
Ernie, don't forget about the other 7% that your company has to put in for you as well. That is payroll money that the government hides from you.

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