Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.

Ah yes. The old reliable "welfare queen" lie. Contrary to conservative talking points, low income women are not having 6 kids by 4 different men. Poor women have, on average, fewer children than than middle class women.

And the vast majority of people receiving SNAP benefits are working - for minimum wages. Many of them work for some of the most profitable corporations in the U.S. Walmart has people in their personnel departments whose function it is to help their workers apply for SNAP and Medicaid.

But keep fighting increases in minimum wages. Those corporations need the wage subsidies.

Many elderly also receive SNAP, and military families.
Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.

Ah yes. The old reliable "welfare queen" lie. Contrary to conservative talking points, low income women are not having 6 kids by 4 different men. Poor women have, on average, fewer children than than middle class women.

And the vast majority of people receiving SNAP benefits are working - for minimum wages. Many of them work for some of the most profitable corporations in the U.S. Walmart has people in their personnel departments whose function it is to help their workers apply for SNAP and Medicaid.

But keep fighting increases in minimum wages. Those corporations need the wage subsidies.

Many elderly also receive SNAP, and military families.

1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
the real reason why African Americans vote democrat is not because they are too stupid not too (the republican party is the one that is always oversimplifying problems and lacking foresight), but because most republican policies hurt minorities. one of the most recent examples is governor John Kasich of Ohio making all areas vote the same way. that seems fair superficially, but it is not. poorer communities, which usually have a higher percentage of African Americans, need to have things like early voting and voting past business hours because people living there cannot afford to miss work. forcing them to miss work to vote will cause many not to vote at all, taking away votes from the democrats, which is why republicans try to create these unfair policies to disenfranchise minorities.
Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.

Ah yes. The old reliable "welfare queen" lie. Contrary to conservative talking points, low income women are not having 6 kids by 4 different men. Poor women have, on average, fewer children than than middle class women.

And the vast majority of people receiving SNAP benefits are working - for minimum wages. Many of them work for some of the most profitable corporations in the U.S. Walmart has people in their personnel departments whose function it is to help their workers apply for SNAP and Medicaid.

But keep fighting increases in minimum wages. Those corporations need the wage subsidies.

Many elderly also receive SNAP, and military families.

View attachment 44805
Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.

Ah yes. The old reliable "welfare queen" lie. Contrary to conservative talking points, low income women are not having 6 kids by 4 different men. Poor women have, on average, fewer children than than middle class women.

And the vast majority of people receiving SNAP benefits are working - for minimum wages. Many of them work for some of the most profitable corporations in the U.S. Walmart has people in their personnel departments whose function it is to help their workers apply for SNAP and Medicaid.

But keep fighting increases in minimum wages. Those corporations need the wage subsidies.

Many elderly also receive SNAP, and military families.

View attachment 44805
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
pardon me but you, sir, are an ignorant, racist bigot. you cannot people who were born into poverty in uneducated families and raised with the mentality that they will never go to college and end up in the same situation as their parents, working for minimum wage and earning less than enough to live on to vote for the party which attemps to disenfanchise them by continuing the vicious cycle.
Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.

Ah yes. The old reliable "welfare queen" lie. Contrary to conservative talking points, low income women are not having 6 kids by 4 different men. Poor women have, on average, fewer children than than middle class women.

And the vast majority of people receiving SNAP benefits are working - for minimum wages. Many of them work for some of the most profitable corporations in the U.S. Walmart has people in their personnel departments whose function it is to help their workers apply for SNAP and Medicaid.

But keep fighting increases in minimum wages. Those corporations need the wage subsidies.

Many elderly also receive SNAP, and military families.

View attachment 44805
studies show that workers are more than twice as productive when they aren't dead from starvation
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
the real reason why African Americans vote democrat is not because they are too stupid not too (the republican party is the one that is always oversimplifying problems and lacking foresight), but because most republican policies hurt minorities. one of the most recent examples is governor John Kasich of Ohio making all areas vote the same way. that seems fair superficially, but it is not. poorer communities, which usually have a higher percentage of African Americans, need to have things like early voting and voting past business hours because people living there cannot afford to miss work. forcing them to miss work to vote will cause many not to vote at all, taking away votes from the democrats, which is why republicans try to create these unfair policies to disenfranchise minorities
Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.

Ah yes. The old reliable "welfare queen" lie. Contrary to conservative talking points, low income women are not having 6 kids by 4 different men. Poor women have, on average, fewer children than than middle class women.

And the vast majority of people receiving SNAP benefits are working - for minimum wages. Many of them work for some of the most profitable corporations in the U.S. Walmart has people in their personnel departments whose function it is to help their workers apply for SNAP and Medicaid.

But keep fighting increases in minimum wages. Those corporations need the wage subsidies.

Many elderly also receive SNAP, and military families.

View attachment 44805
Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.

Ah yes. The old reliable "welfare queen" lie. Contrary to conservative talking points, low income women are not having 6 kids by 4 different men. Poor women have, on average, fewer children than than middle class women.

And the vast majority of people receiving SNAP benefits are working - for minimum wages. Many of them work for some of the most profitable corporations in the U.S. Walmart has people in their personnel departments whose function it is to help their workers apply for SNAP and Medicaid.

But keep fighting increases in minimum wages. Those corporations need the wage subsidies.

Many elderly also receive SNAP, and military families.

View attachment 44805
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
pardon me but you, sir, are an ignorant, racist bigot. you cannot people who were born into poverty in uneducated families and raised with the mentality that they will never go to college and end up in the same situation as their parents, working for minimum wage and earning less than enough to live on to vote for the party which attemps to disenfanchise them by continuing the vicious cycle.
A man that joined USMB under 24 hours ago and calls people who have been here for years, "ignorant" should really be able to construct a readable sentence and use proper spelling.
To answer your poorly stated point:
There are thousands of people from all races that have succeeded despite their circumstances and as many born with all the advantages one could have that are miserable failures. Accept your circumstances and work your ass off to overcome your limitations. I don't owe you jack shit. I got mine by working 2 jobs and completing my degree with night courses.
Take some responsibility for your life. Who knows, if you work hard enough, you may just get to the point where you resent freeloaders and respect the Constitution as much as I do and join the GOP
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if by "playing you for a political chump" you mean passing legislation that helps to to obtain social and economic equality, then you should want to be played a a political chump.
Your economic equality is your responsibility, not mine. You will achieve social equality when you achieve cultural equality.
Pull your fucking pants up. Speak English. Finish your education. Get a job. Stay the fuck out of jail. Get married before you start having kids. Lose the hyphenated American and join us. There's no reason you won't make it.

In short, act like equals and you will be equals.
Thank You Ernie, you've pretty well covered what I would have said.

I've always wondered why many have the idea that they have equality when their freedoms are controlled by government and all their minimum necessities of life are supplied by taxing others. It's suppose to be temporary help not a generational lifestyle.

It seems you're a race baiters "racist" if you want the Democratic Party to admit their long term failures of responsibility and place the blame exactly where it belongs these days.
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1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
the real reason why African Americans vote democrat is not because they are too stupid not too (the republican party is the one that is always oversimplifying problems and lacking foresight), but because most republican policies hurt minorities. one of the most recent examples is governor John Kasich of Ohio making all areas vote the same way. that seems fair superficially, but it is not. poorer communities, which usually have a higher percentage of African Americans, need to have things like early voting and voting past business hours because people living there cannot afford to miss work. forcing them to miss work to vote will cause many not to vote at all, taking away votes from the democrats, which is why republicans try to create these unfair policies to disenfranchise minorities.
So treating everyone with equal respect and equal responsibility is unfair. poor blacks and everyone else for that matter can't handle the responsibility, according to you that is..

Should they get a pass on all these responsibilities also, according to you that is?

I'm adding Fishing License, that one kinda pisses me of.....:evil:

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Why wouldn't I demand SS? I paid for it. Why would my 401k go into the crapper? What possible circumstance could occur to send my 401k into the crapper? Are you and your comrades planning on raiding my 401k?

So essentialy, you are all for socialism when it benefits you, then?
You don't even understand that everyone who has held a legitimate job in the US is entitled to Social security because they PAID INTO IT.
I get a check every month BECAUSE I paid 7% of my wage for 50 years. I am entitled to collect my check.

The woman with six kids by 4 different men, did not pay into SNAP. She is "entitled" to nothing. Everything she gets from Uncle Sam comes from you and me with a wink and a nod and a suggestion to vote for a Democrat who will give her yet more of yours and my wealth.

Ah yes. The old reliable "welfare queen" lie. Contrary to conservative talking points, low income women are not having 6 kids by 4 different men. Poor women have, on average, fewer children than than middle class women.

And the vast majority of people receiving SNAP benefits are working - for minimum wages. Many of them work for some of the most profitable corporations in the U.S. Walmart has people in their personnel departments whose function it is to help their workers apply for SNAP and Medicaid.

But keep fighting increases in minimum wages. Those corporations need the wage subsidies.

Many elderly also receive SNAP, and military families.

View attachment 44805
studies show that workers are more than twice as productive when they aren't dead from starvation

:laugh: Gads, McDonald's is a starting teenager job not a life's ambition. Vote for representatives and Presidents that don't stand in the way of capitalists creating high paying jobs and promising opportunities. You may be envious of businessmen making money from their hard work and long hours but if they do jobs, jobs, jobs are created. For Christ's sake wake up and smell the roses not Democratic politicians and race baiters butt holes.
We covered this material already, could you hum a new and current argument...I'm understandably bored...

We've covered the material already, because you keep ignoring the facts that show what you believe isn't so.

It's kind of like if you told me Santa was going to bring you presents, and I showed you pictures of your Mom and Dad at WalMart buying your toys, wrapping them and putting them under the tree while you were asleep.

Then you insisted again a few posts later that Santa was going to totally bring you presents, and I showed you satellite images of the North Pole and no massive workshop there.

The point is, your argument is based on facts that just aren't true. Blacks do not vote for Democrats because they want benefits.

They vote for Democrats because the Republicans for 40 years have appealed to racism. The same reason Hispanics and Asians and Jews do.

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