Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Bernie Sanders is a socialist democrat

of course that's a filthy filthy treasonous liberal lie. Socialism was invented by Marx as a stop over on way to communism. (USSR- ever heard of it??)Bush introduced first $2trillion and $3 trillion budgets, Obama is now at $4 trillion plus he took over 20% of economy with Obamacommiecare, and now Sanders wants still way bigger govt. To a liberal swine the govt is never big enough if it is short of communism!!

Now do you understand?

Socialism predates Marx. It is a response to capitalism; it has always been the critical response to capitalism. Socialism has always been capitalism's shadow. The longer we have capitalism, the longer we have socialism, because it is capitalism's self-criticism. It has been generated by capitalism. As capitalism has spread around the world, socialism has spread as well-- a few minutes behind.

This critique of capitalism was called socialism because capitalism was identified with individuals; individuals struggling to make a business, to make a business grow, and gather wealth into their hands. And it created then a gap between individuals who did that, and all the other people who didn't. The employers vs. the employees; Those that gathered the wealth and power into their hands, versus those who didn't.

And as the capitalist system developed, it developed criticism. First, from the victims of the process-- the people who had nothing; the people who had things stolen from them. Second, were the critics who looked at this system and the way it works and said this isn't moral, this isn't ethical, this isn't beautiful, this is something that we as human beings can, and should, do better than.

So these two groups tried to develop an alternative. The alternative they fumbled and bumbled their way too was called socialism.

Why? Because the idea was we shouldn't have a society where the small group of people control the wealth and power, run the industries, and the rest of us depend on them.

Socialist would rather think of society this way: production is a social activity we all participate in. The wealth that is created in a society is based on what we all as human beings do, plus what the earth-- which no human being put their, ables us to have.

It's a social, it's a community activity. And so socialism then meant we should socially organize production, socially decide who gets what, and socially distribute the power amongst ourselves, in a way that we can all seem moral and decent, and fair.

And so the idea was that capitalism is for the few; for the few individuals who inherit the wealth, or steal the wealth, or make the wealth by hard labor-- that too. But who distinguished themselves not by the work they did, or the quality of work they did, but by the wealth they have amassed, the power accumulated-- and that comes at the expense of everyone else.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
self criticism my ass its the lazy ass
good for nothings that come along to mooch on the riches of the hard working people..

You have accepted the mythology of the establishment that tells us that most people are lazy and do not work, and--like you said-- are moochers off the hard working people. This is a horrendous lie.

This lie is told in order to keep the vast majority of the people fighting amongst themselves, instead of those at the top of the pyramid.

What's reality? Hard work--for the vast majority of people-- does not equate to riches. The system ensures this. People are laboring, and working 40+ hours a week, multiple jobs, and barely scraping buy.

And we have been taught to believe that the richest people in society are the hardest working. I've been around these people--quite often the opposite is true. Often, they were born into privilege, are they stole the money on Wall Street by fraud and and credit default swaps, derivatives, and insider trading.

Lastly, over the past 35 years-- since the adoption of neoliberal policies by Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, there has been a dramatic and undeniable, and purposeful transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class, to the top 10% (largest percentage increases in wealth has been as been at top 1%).

The wealthiest and powerful have been waging this class war against 90+% of the population for decades, and they feed us with distractions and diversions to keep us from uniting.

Let's come together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bernie Sanders is a socialist democrat

of course that's a filthy filthy treasonous liberal lie. Socialism was invented by Marx as a stop over on way to communism. (USSR- ever heard of it??)Bush introduced first $2trillion and $3 trillion budgets, Obama is now at $4 trillion plus he took over 20% of economy with Obamacommiecare, and now Sanders wants still way bigger govt. To a liberal swine the govt is never big enough if it is short of communism!!

Now do you understand?

Socialism predates Marx. It is a response to capitalism; it has always been the critical response to capitalism. Socialism has always been capitalism's shadow. The longer we have capitalism, the longer we have socialism, because it is capitalism's self-criticism. It has been generated by capitalism. As capitalism has spread around the world, socialism has spread as well-- a few minutes behind.

This critique of capitalism was called socialism because capitalism was identified with individuals; individuals struggling to make a business, to make a business grow, and gather wealth into their hands. And it created then a gap between individuals who did that, and all the other people who didn't. The employers vs. the employees; Those that gathered the wealth and power into their hands, versus those who didn't.

And as the capitalist system developed, it developed criticism. First, from the victims of the process-- the people who had nothing; the people who had things stolen from them. Second, were the critics who looked at this system and the way it works and said this isn't moral, this isn't ethical, this isn't beautiful, this is something that we as human beings can, and should, do better than.

So these two groups tried to develop an alternative. The alternative they fumbled and bumbled their way too was called socialism.

Why? Because the idea was we shouldn't have a society where the small group of people control the wealth and power, run the industries, and the rest of us depend on them.

Socialist would rather think of society this way: production is a social activity we all participate in. The wealth that is created in a society is based on what we all as human beings do, plus what the earth-- which no human being put their, ables us to have.

It's a social, it's a community activity. And so socialism then meant we should socially organize production, socially decide who gets what, and socially distribute the power amongst ourselves, in a way that we can all seem moral and decent, and fair.

And so the idea was that capitalism is for the few; for the few individuals who inherit the wealth, or steal the wealth, or make the wealth by hard labor-- that too. But who distinguished themselves not by the work they did, or the quality of work they did, but by the wealth they have amassed, the power accumulated-- and that comes at the expense of everyone else.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
self criticism my ass its the lazy ass
good for nothings that come along to mooch on the riches of the hard working people..

You have accepted the mythology of the establishment that tells us that most people are lazy and do not work, and--like you said-- are moochers off the hard working people. This is a horrendous lie.

This lie is told in order to keep the vast majority of the people fighting amongst themselves, instead of those at the top of the pyramid.

What's reality? Hard work--for the vast majority of people-- does not equate to riches. The system ensures this. People are laboring, and working 40+ hours a week, multiple jobs, and barely scraping buy.

And we have been taught to believe that the richest people in society are the hardest working. I've been around these people--quite often the opposite is true. Often, they were born into privilege, are they stole the money on Wall Street by fraud and and credit default swaps, derivatives, and insider trading.

Lastly, over the past 35 years-- since the adoption of neoliberal policies by Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, there has been a dramatic and undeniable, and purposeful transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class, to the top 10% (largest percentage increases in wealth has been as been at top 1%).

The wealthiest and powerful have been waging this class war against 90+% of the population for decades, and they feed us with distractions and diversions to keep us from uniting.

Let's come together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are dismissing the theft that is redistribution of my income for the benefit of the poor and wealth because of your jealousy for the riches that some rich parents shower on their rich children. And you want me to come together with your attack on my income? How about we start by not redistributing my income by force to people that did not earn my income... then we can come together.
You are dismissing the theft that is redistribution of my income for the benefit of the poor and wealth because of your jealousy for the riches that some rich parents shower on their rich children. And you want me to come together with your attack on my income? How about we start by not redistributing my income by force to people that did not earn my income... then we can come together.

Are you one of the people tdc was talking about? Is your inome really from hard work or do you fit tdc's narrative?:

I've been around these people--quite often the opposite is true. Often, they were born into privilege, are they stole the money on Wall Street by fraud and and credit default swaps, derivatives, and insider trading.
You are dismissing the theft that is redistribution of my income for the benefit of the poor and wealth because of your jealousy for the riches that some rich parents shower on their rich children. And you want me to come together with your attack on my income? How about we start by not redistributing my income by force to people that did not earn my income... then we can come together.

Are you one of the people tdc was talking about? Is your inome really from hard work or do you fit tdc's narrative?:

I've been around these people--quite often the opposite is true. Often, they were born into privilege, are they stole the money on Wall Street by fraud and and credit default swaps, derivatives, and insider trading.
I'm an Engineer. My income comes from hard labor. I get paid well enough to be severely punished for it. Apparently working hard enough to be upper middle class in this country comes with receiving punishing taxes from all sides. I'm in the "sweet" spot which means the bulk of my income is from labor not capital gains. The bulk of my income is taxes 10 different ways from sunday including Alternative Minimum Taxes and reduced/eliminated tax breaks that lower income folks receive. In short I'm one of the folks stuck in the middle of your class war and I have no representatives in DC that give a shit about me. What do I get? A DC that brings in millions of H1B visa engineers to try to lower my salary.

Lawyers and doctors they have their lobbies to protect their jobs... what do STEM workers get? Folks like Bill Gates telling everyone we need to take the cap off H1B visas so we can bring in an unlimited number of STEM workers willing to work for minimum wage rates.
You are dismissing the theft that is redistribution of my income for the benefit of the poor and wealth because of your jealousy for the riches that some rich parents shower on their rich children. And you want me to come together with your attack on my income? How about we start by not redistributing my income by force to people that did not earn my income... then we can come together.

Are you one of the people tdc was talking about? Is your inome really from hard work or do you fit tdc's narrative?:

I've been around these people--quite often the opposite is true. Often, they were born into privilege, are they stole the money on Wall Street by fraud and and credit default swaps, derivatives, and insider trading.
I'm an Engineer. My income comes from hard labor. I get paid well enough to be severely punished for it. Apparently working hard enough to be upper middle class in this country comes with receiving punishing taxes from all sides. I'm in the "sweet" spot which means the bulk of my income is from labor not capital gains. The bulk of my income is taxes 10 different ways from sunday including Alternative Minimum Taxes and reduced/eliminated tax breaks that lower income folks receive. In short I'm one of the folks stuck in the middle of your class war and I have no representatives in DC that give a shit about me. What do I get? A DC that brings in millions of H1B visa engineers to try to lower my salary.
Sounds like you need to become a democrat and join a union. There must be thousands like you who could pool their resources to make a difference in DC. You might even run for office and make even more money by doing very little!
You are dismissing the theft that is redistribution of my income for the benefit of the poor and wealth because of your jealousy for the riches that some rich parents shower on their rich children. And you want me to come together with your attack on my income? How about we start by not redistributing my income by force to people that did not earn my income... then we can come together.

Are you one of the people tdc was talking about? Is your inome really from hard work or do you fit tdc's narrative?:

I've been around these people--quite often the opposite is true. Often, they were born into privilege, are they stole the money on Wall Street by fraud and and credit default swaps, derivatives, and insider trading.
I'm an Engineer. My income comes from hard labor. I get paid well enough to be severely punished for it. Apparently working hard enough to be upper middle class in this country comes with receiving punishing taxes from all sides. I'm in the "sweet" spot which means the bulk of my income is from labor not capital gains. The bulk of my income is taxes 10 different ways from sunday including Alternative Minimum Taxes and reduced/eliminated tax breaks that lower income folks receive. In short I'm one of the folks stuck in the middle of your class war and I have no representatives in DC that give a shit about me. What do I get? A DC that brings in millions of H1B visa engineers to try to lower my salary.
Sounds like you need to become a democrat and join a union. There must be thousands like you who could pool their resources to make a difference in DC. You might even run for office and make even more money by doing very little!
You are dismissing the theft that is redistribution of my income for the benefit of the poor and wealth because of your jealousy for the riches that some rich parents shower on their rich children. And you want me to come together with your attack on my income? How about we start by not redistributing my income by force to people that did not earn my income... then we can come together.

Are you one of the people tdc was talking about? Is your inome really from hard work or do you fit tdc's narrative?:

I've been around these people--quite often the opposite is true. Often, they were born into privilege, are they stole the money on Wall Street by fraud and and credit default swaps, derivatives, and insider trading.
I'm an Engineer. My income comes from hard labor. I get paid well enough to be severely punished for it. Apparently working hard enough to be upper middle class in this country comes with receiving punishing taxes from all sides. I'm in the "sweet" spot which means the bulk of my income is from labor not capital gains. The bulk of my income is taxes 10 different ways from sunday including Alternative Minimum Taxes and reduced/eliminated tax breaks that lower income folks receive. In short I'm one of the folks stuck in the middle of your class war and I have no representatives in DC that give a shit about me. What do I get? A DC that brings in millions of H1B visa engineers to try to lower my salary.
Sounds like you need to become a democrat and join a union. There must be thousands like you who could pool their resources to make a difference in DC. You might even run for office and make even more money by doing very little!
Is that your final answer?
You are dismissing the theft that is redistribution of my income for the benefit of the poor and wealth because of your jealousy for the riches that some rich parents shower on their rich children. And you want me to come together with your attack on my income? How about we start by not redistributing my income by force to people that did not earn my income... then we can come together.

Are you one of the people tdc was talking about? Is your inome really from hard work or do you fit tdc's narrative?:

I've been around these people--quite often the opposite is true. Often, they were born into privilege, are they stole the money on Wall Street by fraud and and credit default swaps, derivatives, and insider trading.
I'm an Engineer. My income comes from hard labor. I get paid well enough to be severely punished for it. Apparently working hard enough to be upper middle class in this country comes with receiving punishing taxes from all sides. I'm in the "sweet" spot which means the bulk of my income is from labor not capital gains. The bulk of my income is taxes 10 different ways from sunday including Alternative Minimum Taxes and reduced/eliminated tax breaks that lower income folks receive. In short I'm one of the folks stuck in the middle of your class war and I have no representatives in DC that give a shit about me. What do I get? A DC that brings in millions of H1B visa engineers to try to lower my salary.
Sounds like you need to become a democrat and join a union. There must be thousands like you who could pool their resources to make a difference in DC. You might even run for office and make even more money by doing very little!
Is that your final answer?
We don't need a union... but we could benefit from forming various professional organizations to speak for American STEM workers.
Bernie Sanders is a socialist democrat

of course that's a filthy filthy treasonous liberal lie. Socialism was invented by Marx as a stop over on way to communism. (USSR- ever heard of it??)Bush introduced first $2trillion and $3 trillion budgets, Obama is now at $4 trillion plus he took over 20% of economy with Obamacommiecare, and now Sanders wants still way bigger govt. To a liberal swine the govt is never big enough if it is short of communism!!

Now do you understand?

Socialism predates Marx. It is a response to capitalism; it has always been the critical response to capitalism. Socialism has always been capitalism's shadow. The longer we have capitalism, the longer we have socialism, because it is capitalism's self-criticism. It has been generated by capitalism. As capitalism has spread around the world, socialism has spread as well-- a few minutes behind.

This critique of capitalism was called socialism because capitalism was identified with individuals; individuals struggling to make a business, to make a business grow, and gather wealth into their hands. And it created then a gap between individuals who did that, and all the other people who didn't. The employers vs. the employees; Those that gathered the wealth and power into their hands, versus those who didn't.

And as the capitalist system developed, it developed criticism. First, from the victims of the process-- the people who had nothing; the people who had things stolen from them. Second, were the critics who looked at this system and the way it works and said this isn't moral, this isn't ethical, this isn't beautiful, this is something that we as human beings can, and should, do better than.

So these two groups tried to develop an alternative. The alternative they fumbled and bumbled their way too was called socialism.

Why? Because the idea was we shouldn't have a society where the small group of people control the wealth and power, run the industries, and the rest of us depend on them.

Socialist would rather think of society this way: production is a social activity we all participate in. The wealth that is created in a society is based on what we all as human beings do, plus what the earth-- which no human being put their, ables us to have.

It's a social, it's a community activity. And so socialism then meant we should socially organize production, socially decide who gets what, and socially distribute the power amongst ourselves, in a way that we can all seem moral and decent, and fair.

And so the idea was that capitalism is for the few; for the few individuals who inherit the wealth, or steal the wealth, or make the wealth by hard labor-- that too. But who distinguished themselves not by the work they did, or the quality of work they did, but by the wealth they have amassed, the power accumulated-- and that comes at the expense of everyone else.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
self criticism my ass its the lazy ass
good for nothings that come along to mooch on the riches of the hard working people..

You have accepted the mythology of the establishment that tells us that most people are lazy and do not work, and--like you said-- are moochers off the hard working people. This is a horrendous lie.

This lie is told in order to keep the vast majority of the people fighting amongst themselves, instead of those at the top of the pyramid.

What's reality? Hard work--for the vast majority of people-- does not equate to riches. The system ensures this. People are laboring, and working 40+ hours a week, multiple jobs, and barely scraping buy.

And we have been taught to believe that the richest people in society are the hardest working. I've been around these people--quite often the opposite is true. Often, they were born into privilege, are they stole the money on Wall Street by fraud and and credit default swaps, derivatives, and insider trading.

Lastly, over the past 35 years-- since the adoption of neoliberal policies by Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, there has been a dramatic and undeniable, and purposeful transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class, to the top 10% (largest percentage increases in wealth has been as been at top 1%).

The wealthiest and powerful have been waging this class war against 90+% of the population for decades, and they feed us with distractions and diversions to keep us from uniting.

Let's come together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are dismissing the theft that is redistribution of my income for the benefit of the poor and wealth because of your jealousy for the riches that some rich parents shower on their rich children. And you want me to come together with your attack on my income? How about we start by not redistributing my income by force to people that did not earn my income... then we can come together.

And giant corporations are the biggest beneficiaries of your hard earned tax dollars. You guys complain about helping POOR people to live a decent life but gladly give billions of dollars away to other countries and huge multi-billion dollar corporations.
Are you one of the people tdc was talking about? Is your inome really from hard work or do you fit tdc's narrative?:
I'm an Engineer. My income comes from hard labor. I get paid well enough to be severely punished for it. Apparently working hard enough to be upper middle class in this country comes with receiving punishing taxes from all sides. I'm in the "sweet" spot which means the bulk of my income is from labor not capital gains. The bulk of my income is taxes 10 different ways from sunday including Alternative Minimum Taxes and reduced/eliminated tax breaks that lower income folks receive. In short I'm one of the folks stuck in the middle of your class war and I have no representatives in DC that give a shit about me. What do I get? A DC that brings in millions of H1B visa engineers to try to lower my salary.
Sounds like you need to become a democrat and join a union. There must be thousands like you who could pool their resources to make a difference in DC. You might even run for office and make even more money by doing very little!
Is that your final answer?
We don't need a union... but we could benefit from forming various professional organizations to speak for American STEM workers.
Are yo admitting that American STEM workers are being overwhelmed by the brainpower of more competent foreign workers? You aren't asking for Affirmative Action are you? <A bit of sarcasm there>

Frankly, though, as an American, I want you to succeed. But employers are looking for the best... Can you keep up?
of course that's a filthy filthy treasonous liberal lie. Socialism was invented by Marx as a stop over on way to communism. (USSR- ever heard of it??)Bush introduced first $2trillion and $3 trillion budgets, Obama is now at $4 trillion plus he took over 20% of economy with Obamacommiecare, and now Sanders wants still way bigger govt. To a liberal swine the govt is never big enough if it is short of communism!!

Now do you understand?

Socialism predates Marx. It is a response to capitalism; it has always been the critical response to capitalism. Socialism has always been capitalism's shadow. The longer we have capitalism, the longer we have socialism, because it is capitalism's self-criticism. It has been generated by capitalism. As capitalism has spread around the world, socialism has spread as well-- a few minutes behind.

This critique of capitalism was called socialism because capitalism was identified with individuals; individuals struggling to make a business, to make a business grow, and gather wealth into their hands. And it created then a gap between individuals who did that, and all the other people who didn't. The employers vs. the employees; Those that gathered the wealth and power into their hands, versus those who didn't.

And as the capitalist system developed, it developed criticism. First, from the victims of the process-- the people who had nothing; the people who had things stolen from them. Second, were the critics who looked at this system and the way it works and said this isn't moral, this isn't ethical, this isn't beautiful, this is something that we as human beings can, and should, do better than.

So these two groups tried to develop an alternative. The alternative they fumbled and bumbled their way too was called socialism.

Why? Because the idea was we shouldn't have a society where the small group of people control the wealth and power, run the industries, and the rest of us depend on them.

Socialist would rather think of society this way: production is a social activity we all participate in. The wealth that is created in a society is based on what we all as human beings do, plus what the earth-- which no human being put their, ables us to have.

It's a social, it's a community activity. And so socialism then meant we should socially organize production, socially decide who gets what, and socially distribute the power amongst ourselves, in a way that we can all seem moral and decent, and fair.

And so the idea was that capitalism is for the few; for the few individuals who inherit the wealth, or steal the wealth, or make the wealth by hard labor-- that too. But who distinguished themselves not by the work they did, or the quality of work they did, but by the wealth they have amassed, the power accumulated-- and that comes at the expense of everyone else.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
self criticism my ass its the lazy ass
good for nothings that come along to mooch on the riches of the hard working people..

You have accepted the mythology of the establishment that tells us that most people are lazy and do not work, and--like you said-- are moochers off the hard working people. This is a horrendous lie.

This lie is told in order to keep the vast majority of the people fighting amongst themselves, instead of those at the top of the pyramid.

What's reality? Hard work--for the vast majority of people-- does not equate to riches. The system ensures this. People are laboring, and working 40+ hours a week, multiple jobs, and barely scraping buy.

And we have been taught to believe that the richest people in society are the hardest working. I've been around these people--quite often the opposite is true. Often, they were born into privilege, are they stole the money on Wall Street by fraud and and credit default swaps, derivatives, and insider trading.

Lastly, over the past 35 years-- since the adoption of neoliberal policies by Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, there has been a dramatic and undeniable, and purposeful transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class, to the top 10% (largest percentage increases in wealth has been as been at top 1%).

The wealthiest and powerful have been waging this class war against 90+% of the population for decades, and they feed us with distractions and diversions to keep us from uniting.

Let's come together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are dismissing the theft that is redistribution of my income for the benefit of the poor and wealth because of your jealousy for the riches that some rich parents shower on their rich children. And you want me to come together with your attack on my income? How about we start by not redistributing my income by force to people that did not earn my income... then we can come together.

And giant corporations are the biggest beneficiaries of your hard earned tax dollars. You guys complain about helping POOR people to live a decent life but gladly give billions of dollars away to other countries and huge multi-billion dollar corporations.
I'm an Engineer. My income comes from hard labor. I get paid well enough to be severely punished for it. Apparently working hard enough to be upper middle class in this country comes with receiving punishing taxes from all sides. I'm in the "sweet" spot which means the bulk of my income is from labor not capital gains. The bulk of my income is taxes 10 different ways from sunday including Alternative Minimum Taxes and reduced/eliminated tax breaks that lower income folks receive. In short I'm one of the folks stuck in the middle of your class war and I have no representatives in DC that give a shit about me. What do I get? A DC that brings in millions of H1B visa engineers to try to lower my salary.
Sounds like you need to become a democrat and join a union. There must be thousands like you who could pool their resources to make a difference in DC. You might even run for office and make even more money by doing very little!
Is that your final answer?
We don't need a union... but we could benefit from forming various professional organizations to speak for American STEM workers.
Are yo admitting that American STEM workers are being overwhelmed by the brainpower of more competent foreign workers? You aren't asking for Affirmative Action are you? <A bit of sarcasm there>

Frankly, though, as an American, I want you to succeed. But employers are looking for the best... Can you keep up?
LOL It's not a matter of "keeping up" you dumb shit. It's a matter of being forced by your government to hand your job over to minimum wage foreign workers. Why would I want to "keep up" with anyone for minimum wages? What part of minimum wage is confusing you? Are you a minimum wage worker?
View attachment 44792

Between the KKK, Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Parties poor black inner city economic slavery zones. Democrats seem to have blacks exactly where they want them, fully dependent and predictable.
Are you jealous or what?

mmm .. I'll go with, "or what".
If you go with "or what" you are running away from the question. Here, I'll fill in the blanks your mind refuses to.

You and other butt hurt souls keep trying to divide and conquer, don't you? You are trying to shame or "cajole" blacks into believing that their almost universal support of democrats is wrong, aren't you? Or is this just grandstanding for your peers to pass a little time!

I'm pointing out that the Democratic Party has failed for several generations in poor black neighborhoods. Tell me about the improvements in employment opportunities, education and business opportunities over the past 6 1/2? If you feel threatened by the realities that's your problem. Yup, I find Democratic Party race baiting and lies in regards to Republicans completely despicable but alas you seem to revel in it, enjoy.
So now you are saying the Democrats have failed for several generations in poor black and white neighborhoods when earlier you were accusing those same Democrats of masterminding a plan to
"keep Black exactly where they want them." That , my friend, is a non-sequitur.
Not exactly, I believe I said Democrats like blacks exactly where they have them. I don't know about some mastermind plan, although, I've read up on such plans starting in the 60's, they're difficult plans to accept without more research and facts.

btw. you should probably look up the meaning of non-sequitur.
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But who distinguished themselves not by the work they did, or the quality of work they did, but by the wealth they have amassed, the power accumulated-- and that comes at the expense of everyone else.

of course that's 100% stupid and liberal. Steve Jobs distinguished himself by the wealth he gave us not by the trivial wealth he earned for himself which was not enough to run the federal govt for even one day!!.

If as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here why are you here?
Are you jealous or what?

mmm .. I'll go with, "or what".
If you go with "or what" you are running away from the question. Here, I'll fill in the blanks your mind refuses to.

You and other butt hurt souls keep trying to divide and conquer, don't you? You are trying to shame or "cajole" blacks into believing that their almost universal support of democrats is wrong, aren't you? Or is this just grandstanding for your peers to pass a little time!

I'm pointing out that the Democratic Party has failed for several generations in poor black neighborhoods. Tell me about the improvements in employment opportunities, education and business opportunities over the past 6 1/2? If you feel threatened by the realities that's your problem. Yup, I find Democratic Party race baiting and lies in regards to Republicans completely despicable but alas you seem to revel in it, enjoy.
So now you are saying the Democrats have failed for several generations in poor black and white neighborhoods when earlier you were accusing those same Democrats of masterminding a plan to
"keep Black exactly where they want them." That , my friend, is a non-sequitur.
Not exactly, I believe I said Democrats like blacks exactly where they have them. I don't know about some mastermind plan, although, I've read up on such plans starting in the 60's, they're difficult plans to accept without more research and facts.

btw. you should probably look up the meaning of non-sequitur.

I never use words or phrases without knowing what they mean. too bad you don't understand the definitions of words that are unfamiliar to you.

In college I learned the noun (non -sequitur) is a premise that does not logically follow a previous conclusion or statement . Your premise that Democrats have failed for several years in black neighborhoods does not logically follow your statement that Democrats are keeping Blacks right where they want them..

Logically, If the latter statement were true, the Democrats were successful in black neighborhoods by orchestrating the outcome they meant to have. Do you get it now!
Why? Because the idea was we shouldn't have a society where the small group of people control the wealth and power, run the industries, and the rest of us depend on them.
small group??? What a total 100% idiot!! And what a perfect idiot liberal. there are 200 million businesses in the world today. Thats a small group? And there are billions of people who don't even want to be in business because they don't care about the kind of wealth and power you get from business.

Also, I hate to rock your violent idiotic little Marxist world but the second Red China switched to Republican capitalism it eliminated 40% of the world's poverty. You don't have to be an idiot liberal the rest of your life. Its a choice you don't have to make.
Sounds like you need to become a democrat and join a union. There must be thousands like you who could pool their resources to make a difference in DC. You might even run for office and make even more money by doing very little!
Is that your final answer?
We don't need a union... but we could benefit from forming various professional organizations to speak for American STEM workers.
Are yo admitting that American STEM workers are being overwhelmed by the brainpower of more competent foreign workers? You aren't asking for Affirmative Action are you? <A bit of sarcasm there>

Frankly, though, as an American, I want you to succeed. But employers are looking for the best... Can you keep up?

LOL It's not a matter of "keeping up" you dumb shit. It's a matter of being forced by your government to hand your job over to minimum wage foreign workers. Why would I want to "keep up" with anyone for minimum wages? What part of minimum wage is confusing you? Are you a minimum wage worker?

With those incendiary remarks I doubt you are a STEM worker at all.
For one thing, STEM workers thrive in the fields of science technology,electronics and math. No worker with those skills is going to work for minimum wage.
Excuse my ignorance, but how does the government figure in al of this? Are you a contractor? You aren't a government worker because they are unionized even at state and county levels. I am seriously interested.
Your premise that Democrats have failed for several years in black neighborhoods does not logically follow your statement that Democrats are keeping Blacks right where they want them..

dear, "Democrats have failed to help blacks" is true; in fact its been a near genocide. "Democrats are keeping blacks right where they want them" is true too. Where they are makes them Democratic voters.

Democrats are slim who, to use another example, invite 20 million illegals in take jobs then claim to represent American labor too. And then they solicit votes and get them from both groups because both groups are liberal and stupid.
Is that your final answer?
We don't need a union... but we could benefit from forming various professional organizations to speak for American STEM workers.
Are yo admitting that American STEM workers are being overwhelmed by the brainpower of more competent foreign workers? You aren't asking for Affirmative Action are you? <A bit of sarcasm there>

Frankly, though, as an American, I want you to succeed. But employers are looking for the best... Can you keep up?

LOL It's not a matter of "keeping up" you dumb shit. It's a matter of being forced by your government to hand your job over to minimum wage foreign workers. Why would I want to "keep up" with anyone for minimum wages? What part of minimum wage is confusing you? Are you a minimum wage worker?

With those incendiary remarks I doubt you are a STEM worker at all.
For one thing, STEM workers thrive in the fields of science technology,electronics and math. No worker with those skills is going to work for minimum wage.
Excuse my ignorance, but how does the government figure in al of this? Are you a contractor? You aren't a government worker because they are unionized even at state and county levels. I am seriously interested.
As per your doubts.. Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.

H1B visa programmers do in fact come here to work for minimum wages. Apparently, our minimum wage is a good wage in some countries. They come here to learn the job from American workers that they are replacing then go back to their home country with what used to be a high paying American job.

No I'm not a contractor, not at the moment. No I'm not a government worker.

The government figures into this by providing H1B visas to foreign STEM workers for taking jobs in America at wages that are substandard. It's not supposed to work that way but the corporations are doing it anyway and our government is looking the other way. How could you not have heard about this. Head under a rock?

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