Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Maybe I'm wrong but Thomas Paine sure sounds like a liberal to me....

"A plan upon this principle would benefit the revolution by the energy that springs from the consciousness of justice. It would multiply also the national resources; for property, like vegetation, increases by offsets. When a young couple begin the world, the difference is exceedingly great whether they begin with nothing or with fifteen pounds apiece. With this aid they could buy a cow, and implements to cultivate a few acres of land; and instead of becoming burdens upon society, which is always the case where children are produced faster than they can be fed, would be put in the way of becoming useful and profitable citizens."
. 88% of the black population is productive and doing fairly well.

totally stupid liberal lie!!
2 out of 5 black children are living in poverty - Jul. 14, 2015

5 days ago ... Of the 11 million black children living in the country, 38%, or 2 out of every 5black children, live in poverty, a Pew Research analysis of Census ...

Looks to me like the Hispanics have more children living in poverty than Blacks OR Whites. But aren't they White too? Unlike you, people of color add those two demographics together and we get a whopping 9 million Caucasian children living in poverty. Blacks have only about 4 million!


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. 88% of the black population is productive and doing fairly well.

totally stupid liberal lie!!
2 out of 5 black children are living in poverty - Jul. 14, 2015

5 days ago ... Of the 11 million black children living in the country, 38%, or 2 out of every 5black children, live in poverty, a Pew Research analysis of Census ...

Looks to me like the Hispanics have more children living in poverty than Blacks OR Whites. But aren't they White too? Unlike you, people of color add those two demographics together and we get a whopping 9 million Caucasian children living in poverty. Blacks have only about 4 million!

100% stupid and liberal of course. Blacks are only 13% of the population!
Do you understand??
becoming useful and profitable citizens."

100% stupid and liberal of course. parents, friends, neighbors, family, local, state, and federal govt all want kids to become useful and profitable citizens which is exactly why they don't want them on crippling intergenerational welfare programs designed to buy votes and destroy their souls.
becoming useful and profitable citizens."

100% stupid and liberal of course. parents, friends, neighbors, family, local, state, and federal govt all want kids to become useful and profitable citizens which is exactly why they don't want them on crippling intergenerational welfare programs designed to buy votes and destroy their souls.
Who said anything about crippling or inter-generational? You claimed they were conservatives but they were saying the same things liberals say today. This Paine guy is talking about giving welfare and social security.
Or are you saying Thomas Jefferson didnt say stuff like this?

“I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”
— Thomas Jefferson.

dear, as a total illiter
and here Thomas Pain advocating for property taxes....

dear too stupid, Republicans are not anarchists and therefore are for taxes too, just far lower taxes. Do you understand?
As an illiterate you have no idea in what context Hamilton and Paine spoke:

"We still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping at the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised to furnish new pretenses for revenue and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without a tribute."

-- Thomas Paine
Are you saying Paine was a hypocrite or that he didnt really mean that property owners owed money to renters like he actually said as I posted above?

Or are you saying Thomas Jefferson didnt say stuff like this?

“I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”
— Thomas Jefferson.
dear as a 100% and total illiterate liberal you have no idea in what context Jefferson spoke. THen corporations were huge govt monopolies that extorted money from the people.
Today there are 50 million of them all competing to survive by making us the best possible products in the entire world.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
Who said anything about crippling or inter-generational?

dear, welfare today is intergenerational. It is not a safety net that catches you when you fall, as the scumbags pretend, and then you get off. It is a intergenerational bailout to buy votes for liberals that is growing all the time. Obama doubled food stamps for example and now that his economy is so great he won't cut them back. The burned, out drug infested, criminal, hip hop inner cites have been liberal and welfare ridden since the 1960's,i.e., for many generations.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
. 88% of the black population is productive and doing fairly well.

totally stupid liberal lie!!
2 out of 5 black children are living in poverty - Jul. 14, 2015

5 days ago ... Of the 11 million black children living in the country, 38%, or 2 out of every 5black children, live in poverty, a Pew Research analysis of Census ...

Looks to me like the Hispanics have more children living in poverty than Blacks OR Whites. But aren't they White too? Unlike you, people of color add those two demographics together and we get a whopping 9 million Caucasian children living in poverty. Blacks have only about 4 million!

100% stupid and liberal of course. Blacks are only 13% of the population!
Do you understand??
Do you have the IQ to understand that Hispanics are 17% of the population and they have more impoverished children than any demographic. There are so many impoverished Caucasian children the above graph couldn't even measure them. It only goes to 8 million. Do you understand? heh heh heh!
Do you have the IQ to understand that Hispanics are 17% of the population and they have more impoverished children than any demographic.

dear everybody understands and agrees so can you tell us what point you are trying to make?? Do you have any idea??
Do you have the IQ to understand that Hispanics are 17% of the population and they have more impoverished children than any demographic.

dear everybody understands and agrees so can you tell us what point you are trying to make?? Do you have any idea??
Oh, you wouldn't understand, you don't have the IQ!
translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ for a substantive answer. ever see a conservative run from a debate? What does that teach you?

This homeless family of Caucasians is the face of poverty. Caucasians INCLUDE HISPANICS. But these are non Hispanic Caucasians and they want you to stop focusing on Back poverty and address theirs!
Do you have the IQ to understand that Hispanics are 17% of the population and they have more impoverished children than any demographic.

dear everybody understands and agrees so can you tell us what point you are trying to make?? Do you have any idea??
Oh, you wouldn't understand, you don't have the IQ!
translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ for a substantive answer. ever see a conservative run from a debate? What does that teach you?
Do you have the IQ to understand that Hispanics are 17% of the population and they have more impoverished children than any demographic.

dear everybody understands and agrees so can you tell us what point you are trying to make?? Do you have any idea??
Oh, you wouldn't understand, you don't have the IQ!
translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ for a substantive answer. ever see a conservative run from a debate? What does that teach you?
dear everybody understands and agrees about 17% hispanics so can you tell us what point you are trying to make?? Do you have any idea??
OP said:
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

I think it has a lot to do with the low average intelligence of blacks. Since the average African American has an ~85 IQ, a huge proportion of them are morons.

Well, that is at least one standard deviation above yours!
Mine is over 70 points higher than that.

Only dumbasses like you think that 85 is higher than 158.
OP said:
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

I think it has a lot to do with the low average intelligence of blacks. Since the average African American has an ~85 IQ, a huge proportion of them are morons.

Well, that is at least one standard deviation above yours!
Mine is over 70 points higher than that.

Only dumbasses like you think that 85 is higher than 158.
Yeah, biggut, if your IQ is 158 Ted Cruz wears pink lacy underwear!.
Do you have the IQ to understand that Hispanics are 17% of the population and they have more impoverished children than any demographic.

dear everybody understands and agrees so can you tell us what point you are trying to make?? Do you have any idea??
Oh, you wouldn't understand, you don't have the IQ!
translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ for a substantive answer. ever see a conservative run from a debate? What does that teach you?
dear everybody understands and agrees about 17% hispanics so can you tell us what point you are trying to make?? Do you have any idea??
f you don't get my point by now you never will...YAWNNNNNNN!
Do you need tutoring?
OP said:
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

I think it has a lot to do with the low average intelligence of blacks. Since the average African American has an ~85 IQ, a huge proportion of them are morons.

Well, that is at least one standard deviation above yours!
insult because liberal lacks IQ for substance
And most likely a ******.
OP said:
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

I think it has a lot to do with the low average intelligence of blacks. Since the average African American has an ~85 IQ, a huge proportion of them are morons.

Well, that is at least one standard deviation above yours!
Mine is over 70 points higher than that.

Only dumbasses like you think that 85 is higher than 158.
Yeah, biggut, if your IQ is 158 Ted Cruz wears pink lacy underwear!.

Your perverted sexual fantasies about Ted Cruz are unrelated to the topic.
When the pie gets smaller blame is cast about and sides are taken. Obama knows this and is promoting hatred between the races. He is the problem period.

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