Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Money, pure and simple! African Americans assume that much of the government give-a-ways that they rely on come from Democrats in charge, so they vote as Democrats. It is this sense of entitlement that continues to impoverish the African American community and enslaves them to a system where success is punitive and lack of effort is rewarded by continued payments. Remember that no one ever got rich by being on welfare.

Everyone, including Blacks, know Americans tax dollars pay for welfare and other social programs. Why would you assume they don't? The Democrat role in this is to keep those programs funded.

It is not a sense of entitlement! The poor, disabled and so on knows the government does not have to provide these. Again, the Democrats role in government is to keep those programs funded.

No, there is no sense of entitlement. there is a sense of FEAR that is found in republican ideology that these programs will be cut or eliminated for tax cuts. The Democrats are not enslaving the unfortunate. The Republicans are scaring them off.

Do you get it yet? Threats of defunding or tearing down the social safety net scares voters from Republicans. Not just Blacks, but everyone that may need it. If you actually sit down and talk to people, you will understand that.

Thank you for your reply. Which was brilliant by the way. I had never thought the problem in that way before. Perhaps the term entitlement should be changed for the term of dependency. Recently, I broke my ankle and was out of work for several months. Fortunately, we had insurance that helped cover my expenses while I healed. I became dependent on those checks much in the same way as some grow dependent on welfare. The idea that those checks would have stopped would have frightened me in ways that I would not like. So I can now see your point.


Republicans would like to put welfare recipients on the road to self sufficiency, Democrats seem to like the poor in the cycle of generational dependence.

This article/research is worthy of a read...

Bullshit. People are working longer hours than they were 20 years ago, but they're not getting paid for them. They're given a meaningless title and classified as "management" so they receive no overtime.

The wages of working people haven't increased in any meaningful way since Reagan was elected. The wages of the top 5% have increased by over 200% during this time frame.
Exempt employees on salary don't receive overtime and never did. I for one was working longer hours 20years ago. Wages for most people went up like gangbusters during the dot com boom.

What she's saying is that people were reclassified into salaried "managers" as a way of avoiding that overtime, or IOW milking more out of an employee for the same wages. The equivalent of buying a pound of meat from the butcher, and after he gives it to you, grabbing another half pound off his shelf without paying for it.

The other way to do that of course is to reclassify them as "temporary" or "freelance" workers, which has been very widespread. That certainly happened to me, and we had to fight like hell to be fairly compensated for our 14, 16, 18 hour days.

Cry me a river.

Hey, it was your inaccuracy that got corrected, not mine. :dunno:

If you don't see a problem with selling your wares/labor for X amount and then consenting to having your wares/labor pocket picked, well suffice to say you won't be my accountant.
It's called a fixed salary dumb ass.

Your necessity to resort to insults demonstrates that you are insecure about your beliefs.

Seems to be a pattern.
Exempt employees on salary don't receive overtime and never did. I for one was working longer hours 20years ago. Wages for most people went up like gangbusters during the dot com boom.

What she's saying is that people were reclassified into salaried "managers" as a way of avoiding that overtime, or IOW milking more out of an employee for the same wages. The equivalent of buying a pound of meat from the butcher, and after he gives it to you, grabbing another half pound off his shelf without paying for it.

The other way to do that of course is to reclassify them as "temporary" or "freelance" workers, which has been very widespread. That certainly happened to me, and we had to fight like hell to be fairly compensated for our 14, 16, 18 hour days.

Cry me a river.

Hey, it was your inaccuracy that got corrected, not mine. :dunno:

If you don't see a problem with selling your wares/labor for X amount and then consenting to having your wares/labor pocket picked, well suffice to say you won't be my accountant.
It's called a fixed salary dumb ass.

Your necessity to resort to insults demonstrates that you are insecure about your beliefs.

Seems to be a pattern.
What part of fixed salary confuses you?
What she's saying is that people were reclassified into salaried "managers" as a way of avoiding that overtime, or IOW milking more out of an employee for the same wages. The equivalent of buying a pound of meat from the butcher, and after he gives it to you, grabbing another half pound off his shelf without paying for it.

The other way to do that of course is to reclassify them as "temporary" or "freelance" workers, which has been very widespread. That certainly happened to me, and we had to fight like hell to be fairly compensated for our 14, 16, 18 hour days.

Cry me a river.

Hey, it was your inaccuracy that got corrected, not mine. :dunno:

If you don't see a problem with selling your wares/labor for X amount and then consenting to having your wares/labor pocket picked, well suffice to say you won't be my accountant.
It's called a fixed salary dumb ass.

Your necessity to resort to insults demonstrates that you are insecure about your beliefs.

Seems to be a pattern.
What part of fixed salary confuses you?

A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
Cry me a river.

Hey, it was your inaccuracy that got corrected, not mine. :dunno:

If you don't see a problem with selling your wares/labor for X amount and then consenting to having your wares/labor pocket picked, well suffice to say you won't be my accountant.
It's called a fixed salary dumb ass.

Your necessity to resort to insults demonstrates that you are insecure about your beliefs.

Seems to be a pattern.
What part of fixed salary confuses you?

A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
I have no idea. Democrats keep them as an impoverished victim class in order to harvest votes instead of empowering Blacks.
Hey, it was your inaccuracy that got corrected, not mine. :dunno:

If you don't see a problem with selling your wares/labor for X amount and then consenting to having your wares/labor pocket picked, well suffice to say you won't be my accountant.
It's called a fixed salary dumb ass.

Your necessity to resort to insults demonstrates that you are insecure about your beliefs.

Seems to be a pattern.
What part of fixed salary confuses you?

A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

It's called a fixed salary dumb ass.

Your necessity to resort to insults demonstrates that you are insecure about your beliefs.

Seems to be a pattern.
What part of fixed salary confuses you?

A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

Why can my kids get jobs that make decent money in 15min effort as a child and you adults can't? Sorry but I don't get why an adult has to settle for 10bucks an hour plus unpaid overtime. I made more money than that working at a grocery store in 1985 while I was still going to college.
Pogo.. corporations don't owe you better pay.. you have to go out and earn it. If all you are getting is 10bucks an hour then that's all you are worth. No one is forcing you to take that job. Hell even illegals make double that.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303

I've been black all my life and voted once for a democrat (JFK). Never make that mistake again. So, your initial premise that all us "darkies" vote democrat - sorry, but it just ain't so.... :)
We don't need a union... but we could benefit from forming various professional organizations to speak for American STEM workers.
Are yo admitting that American STEM workers are being overwhelmed by the brainpower of more competent foreign workers? You aren't asking for Affirmative Action are you? <A bit of sarcasm there>

Frankly, though, as an American, I want you to succeed. But employers are looking for the best... Can you keep up?

LOL It's not a matter of "keeping up" you dumb shit. It's a matter of being forced by your government to hand your job over to minimum wage foreign workers. Why would I want to "keep up" with anyone for minimum wages? What part of minimum wage is confusing you? Are you a minimum wage worker?

With those incendiary remarks I doubt you are a STEM worker at all.
For one thing, STEM workers thrive in the fields of science technology,electronics and math. No worker with those skills is going to work for minimum wage.
Excuse my ignorance, but how does the government figure in al of this? Are you a contractor? You aren't a government worker because they are unionized even at state and county levels. I am seriously interested.
As per your doubts.. Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.

H1B visa programmers do in fact come here to work for minimum wages. Apparently, our minimum wage is a good wage in some countries. They come here to learn the job from American workers that they are replacing then go back to their home country with what used to be a high paying American job.

No I'm not a contractor, not at the moment. No I'm not a government worker.

The government figures into this by providing H1B visas to foreign STEM workers for taking jobs in America at wages that are substandard. It's not supposed to work that way but the corporations are doing it anyway and our government is looking the other way. How could you not have heard about this. Head under a rock?

I'll ignore your truculence for now because I did learn something in this exchange. I'd heard of work visas but I never tied them to STEM employees or the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

After a cursory research of the data I see that you are right to be deeply concerned. Here is a link for others who might be interested in learning more about H1B programs:

H-1B visa - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I came to America on an H1B visa. Hs do NOT pay minimum wage. That's horseshit. You need to have a degree and the wage paid needs to be at least 90% of the prevailing wage. Anyone here on less is breaking the law.
Are yo admitting that American STEM workers are being overwhelmed by the brainpower of more competent foreign workers? You aren't asking for Affirmative Action are you? <A bit of sarcasm there>

Frankly, though, as an American, I want you to succeed. But employers are looking for the best... Can you keep up?

LOL It's not a matter of "keeping up" you dumb shit. It's a matter of being forced by your government to hand your job over to minimum wage foreign workers. Why would I want to "keep up" with anyone for minimum wages? What part of minimum wage is confusing you? Are you a minimum wage worker?

With those incendiary remarks I doubt you are a STEM worker at all.
For one thing, STEM workers thrive in the fields of science technology,electronics and math. No worker with those skills is going to work for minimum wage.
Excuse my ignorance, but how does the government figure in al of this? Are you a contractor? You aren't a government worker because they are unionized even at state and county levels. I am seriously interested.
As per your doubts.. Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.

H1B visa programmers do in fact come here to work for minimum wages. Apparently, our minimum wage is a good wage in some countries. They come here to learn the job from American workers that they are replacing then go back to their home country with what used to be a high paying American job.

No I'm not a contractor, not at the moment. No I'm not a government worker.

The government figures into this by providing H1B visas to foreign STEM workers for taking jobs in America at wages that are substandard. It's not supposed to work that way but the corporations are doing it anyway and our government is looking the other way. How could you not have heard about this. Head under a rock?

I'll ignore your truculence for now because I did learn something in this exchange. I'd heard of work visas but I never tied them to STEM employees or the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

After a cursory research of the data I see that you are right to be deeply concerned. Here is a link for others who might be interested in learning more about H1B programs:

H-1B visa - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I came to America on an H1B visa. Hs do NOT pay minimum wage. That's horseshit. You need to have a degree and the wage paid needs to be at least 90% of the prevailing wage. Anyone here on less is breaking the law.
Minimum wage for STEM is a bit higher than minimum wage for grocery clerks but in some cases it is actually minimum wage. For example, for service tech jobs. But from what I've seen they pay H1B folks 1/2 - 1/5 of what they were paying for the American that they replaced for Engineering jobs. Oh and welcome to America, I applaud your initiative. I don't blame YOU for taking a job when offered. I blame my government for coming up with a visa specifically developed to reduce income of Americans and to help offshore American jobs.
LOL It's not a matter of "keeping up" you dumb shit. It's a matter of being forced by your government to hand your job over to minimum wage foreign workers. Why would I want to "keep up" with anyone for minimum wages? What part of minimum wage is confusing you? Are you a minimum wage worker?

With those incendiary remarks I doubt you are a STEM worker at all.
For one thing, STEM workers thrive in the fields of science technology,electronics and math. No worker with those skills is going to work for minimum wage.
Excuse my ignorance, but how does the government figure in al of this? Are you a contractor? You aren't a government worker because they are unionized even at state and county levels. I am seriously interested.
As per your doubts.. Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.

H1B visa programmers do in fact come here to work for minimum wages. Apparently, our minimum wage is a good wage in some countries. They come here to learn the job from American workers that they are replacing then go back to their home country with what used to be a high paying American job.

No I'm not a contractor, not at the moment. No I'm not a government worker.

The government figures into this by providing H1B visas to foreign STEM workers for taking jobs in America at wages that are substandard. It's not supposed to work that way but the corporations are doing it anyway and our government is looking the other way. How could you not have heard about this. Head under a rock?

I'll ignore your truculence for now because I did learn something in this exchange. I'd heard of work visas but I never tied them to STEM employees or the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

After a cursory research of the data I see that you are right to be deeply concerned. Here is a link for others who might be interested in learning more about H1B programs:

H-1B visa - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I came to America on an H1B visa. Hs do NOT pay minimum wage. That's horseshit. You need to have a degree and the wage paid needs to be at least 90% of the prevailing wage. Anyone here on less is breaking the law.
Minimum wage for STEM is a bit higher than minimum wage for grocery clerks but in some cases it is actually minimum wage. For example, for service tech jobs. But from what I've seen they pay H1B folks 1/2 - 1/5 of what they were paying for the American that they replaced for Engineering jobs. Oh and welcome to America, I applaud your initiative. I don't blame YOU for taking a job when offered. I blame my government for coming up with a visa specifically developed to reduce income of Americans and to help offshore American jobs.

I work in finance and make more money than most people. I've been through the H process. When I was on my H, I literally made tens of millions of dollars for my employer, money which benefitted nearly a million Americans. I've made a lot more for my employer since.

I don't live in a major city, and it is very difficult to get talent to come here. We've utilized the H visa to get professionals come to a place where it is difficult to attract Americans. It has greatly benefitted us and the people who rely on us.

I am now an American citizen and proud of it.
Pogo.. corporations don't owe you better pay.. you have to go out and earn it. If all you are getting is 10bucks an hour then that's all you are worth. No one is forcing you to take that job. Hell even illegals make double that.

Do you actually work at being this fucking dense? You've had this point essplained at least four times and you're still on here arguing a point that nobody ever made?
With those incendiary remarks I doubt you are a STEM worker at all.
For one thing, STEM workers thrive in the fields of science technology,electronics and math. No worker with those skills is going to work for minimum wage.
Excuse my ignorance, but how does the government figure in al of this? Are you a contractor? You aren't a government worker because they are unionized even at state and county levels. I am seriously interested.
As per your doubts.. Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.

H1B visa programmers do in fact come here to work for minimum wages. Apparently, our minimum wage is a good wage in some countries. They come here to learn the job from American workers that they are replacing then go back to their home country with what used to be a high paying American job.

No I'm not a contractor, not at the moment. No I'm not a government worker.

The government figures into this by providing H1B visas to foreign STEM workers for taking jobs in America at wages that are substandard. It's not supposed to work that way but the corporations are doing it anyway and our government is looking the other way. How could you not have heard about this. Head under a rock?

I'll ignore your truculence for now because I did learn something in this exchange. I'd heard of work visas but I never tied them to STEM employees or the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

After a cursory research of the data I see that you are right to be deeply concerned. Here is a link for others who might be interested in learning more about H1B programs:

H-1B visa - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I came to America on an H1B visa. Hs do NOT pay minimum wage. That's horseshit. You need to have a degree and the wage paid needs to be at least 90% of the prevailing wage. Anyone here on less is breaking the law.
Minimum wage for STEM is a bit higher than minimum wage for grocery clerks but in some cases it is actually minimum wage. For example, for service tech jobs. But from what I've seen they pay H1B folks 1/2 - 1/5 of what they were paying for the American that they replaced for Engineering jobs. Oh and welcome to America, I applaud your initiative. I don't blame YOU for taking a job when offered. I blame my government for coming up with a visa specifically developed to reduce income of Americans and to help offshore American jobs.

I work in finance and make more money than most people. I've been through the H process. When I was on my H, I literally made tens of millions of dollars for my employer, money which benefitted nearly a million Americans. I've made a lot more for my employer since.

I don't live in a major city, and it is very difficult to get talent to come here. We've utilized the H visa to get professionals come to a place where it is difficult to attract Americans. It has greatly benefitted us and the people who rely on us.

I am now an American citizen and proud of it.
Pogo.. corporations don't owe you better pay.. you have to go out and earn it. If all you are getting is 10bucks an hour then that's all you are worth. No one is forcing you to take that job. Hell even illegals make double that.

Do you actually work at being this fucking dense? You've had this point essplained at least four times and you're still on here arguing a point that nobody ever made?
Shut up moron.
Pogo.. corporations don't owe you better pay.. you have to go out and earn it. If all you are getting is 10bucks an hour then that's all you are worth. No one is forcing you to take that job. Hell even illegals make double that.

Do you actually work at being this fucking dense? You've had this point essplained at least four times and you're still on here arguing a point that nobody ever made?
Shut up moron.
Ignore works well.
A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
The y shouldn't be paid more because there are so many people who can do the job that it isn't worth more than it pays. Do you ever complain that you are not paying enough for groceries? Do you advocate raising the price of beef?
Labor is a commodity, like beef or corn. You pay what it's worth.

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