Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
Why do ask? Your question has nothing to do with my post.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
Why do ask? Your question has nothing to do with my post.
What does your post have to do with then?
Pogo.. corporations don't owe you better pay.. you have to go out and earn it. If all you are getting is 10bucks an hour then that's all you are worth. No one is forcing you to take that job. Hell even illegals make double that.

Do you actually work at being this fucking dense? You've had this point essplained at least four times and you're still on here arguing a point that nobody ever made?
Shut up moron.
Ignore works well.

He's already been employing that on the point. Hasn't worked out well at all.
Pogo.. corporations don't owe you better pay.. you have to go out and earn it. If all you are getting is 10bucks an hour then that's all you are worth. No one is forcing you to take that job. Hell even illegals make double that.

yes imagine an economy where you didn't have to be worth more to get more!! A nano technology scientist would earn what a fast food worker earned and the nano technology would learn there was no reward for all that talent education and hard work!!

That is exactly how you get a soviet result!! Liberals have no where near the IQ needed to grasp the concept.
Dragonlady thinks the failure to get an education and develop skills and a strong work ethic should be blamed on businesses already burdened by taxes that support people who have failed to get an education and develop skills and a strong work ethic.
Pogo.. corporations don't owe you better pay.. you have to go out and earn it. If all you are getting is 10bucks an hour then that's all you are worth. No one is forcing you to take that job. Hell even illegals make double that.

yes imagine an economy where you didn't have to be worth more to get more!! A nano technology scientist would earn what a fast food worker earned and the nano technology would learn there was no reward for all that talent education and hard work!!

That is exactly how you get a soviet result!! Liberals have no where near the IQ needed to grasp the concept.

Brownie completely made up that red herring on his own. It had nothing to do with the point discussed, hence the head-banging emoticon. He just ain't listening lately.
A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

actually mouse lady its the best thing in the world if its the best job anyone in the world is offering you.
You have extremely low standards.
what???????? liberal totally confused so talk gibberish
Assclap will gladly pay twice as much for his meth if the dealer is a poor minority.
A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
give you the choice, take it or starve.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
give you the choice, take it or starve.
strawman... the third choice is start your own business...
That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
give you the choice, take it or starve.
strawman... the third choice is start your own business...
What do you eat while you are figuring out how to do that?
That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
give you the choice, take it or starve.
strawman... the third choice is start your own business...
with what money. Yeah I can sell dirt pies to morons.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
give you the choice, take it or starve.
strawman... the third choice is start your own business...
What do you eat while you are figuring out how to do that?
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
give you the choice, take it or starve.
strawman... the third choice is start your own business...
with what money. Yeah I can sell dirt pies to morons.
you don't need money to start a business ... dirt pies... if you can sell em go for it.
What do you eat while you are figuring out how to do that?

stupid liberal question!!
same thing millions and millions of immigrants ate when they came here and later prospered. Each individual learned there is no free lunch and each individual became a productive citizen rather than a liberal leech dragging down the country.

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