Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
give you the choice, take it or starve.
strawman... the third choice is start your own business...
What do you eat while you are figuring out how to do that?
How do you buy the food or do you beg on the streets?
What do you eat while you are figuring out how to do that?

stupid liberal question!!
same thing millions and millions of immigrants ate when they came here and later prospered. Each individual learned there is no free lunch and each individual became a productive citizen rather than a liberal leech dragging down the country.
So they got caught in the viscous circle and worked right?
If you don't want to believe a major study done by a very respected non partisan economics think tank with Nobel Economics laureates then that is your choice.

Nobody has ever said that you Moon Bats were capable of ever pulling your heads out of your asses. It is not surprising that you are wrong on this.

Your Democrats are the ones that caused the failure through Liberal policies that simply did not work. Just admit it and move on with life if you have the courage to be morally and intellectually honest.

Liberalism has always failed. That is just one of many examples.

again, guy, it wasn't poor people buying houses that was the problem.

It was rich people selling mortgages as investments, something they weren't allowed to do until Bush came along.
Hold on fella...it was poor people getting mortgages they did not qualify for and had little or nothing for a down payment. Google Barney Frank and his boyfriend.
If you don't want to believe a major study done by a very respected non partisan economics think tank with Nobel Economics laureates then that is your choice.

Nobody has ever said that you Moon Bats were capable of ever pulling your heads out of your asses. It is not surprising that you are wrong on this.

Your Democrats are the ones that caused the failure through Liberal policies that simply did not work. Just admit it and move on with life if you have the courage to be morally and intellectually honest.

Liberalism has always failed. That is just one of many examples.

again, guy, it wasn't poor people buying houses that was the problem.

It was rich people selling mortgages as investments, something they weren't allowed to do until Bush came along.
Chicken/eggs, Joe There would have been no subprime mortgage investments to sell if there were no subprime mortgages.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?
give you the choice, take it or starve.
strawman... the third choice is start your own business...
What do you eat while you are figuring out how to do that?
How do you buy the food or do you beg on the streets?
Food can be had by hunting, gathering, bartering, or spending cash. If you have family they will usually be very willing to share their food. Additionally there are food pantries at the church.
give you the choice, take it or starve.
strawman... the third choice is start your own business...
What do you eat while you are figuring out how to do that?
How do you buy the food or do you beg on the streets?
Food can be had by hunting, gathering, bartering, or spending cash. If you have family they will usually be very willing to share their food. Additionally there are food pantries at the church.
Where can you hunt in a city? Gathering? How do you do that if you dont have a piece of land to grow a garden on? Spending what cash? You dont have a job remember? It seems like all your suggestions would cause a person spending most of the day locating food instead of finding out how to start a business.
strawman... the third choice is start your own business...
What do you eat while you are figuring out how to do that?
How do you buy the food or do you beg on the streets?
Food can be had by hunting, gathering, bartering, or spending cash. If you have family they will usually be very willing to share their food. Additionally there are food pantries at the church.
Where can you hunt in a city? Gathering? How do you do that if you dont have a piece of land to grow a garden on? Spending what cash? You dont have a job remember? It seems like all your suggestions would cause a person spending most of the day locating food instead of finding out how to start a business.
Why would you want to hunt in a city? Yes gathering. There are public lands, and public gardens, do it there. Yes you work for cash and then you spend it. It only takes a few min, hour or two tops to find work and start doing it. Ask any illegal how it's done if you don't have a clue. When I was 13 I started my own business it took me approximately 1min to do so. My children also never needed more than an hour to find a job. I've never known anyone that could not get a job. I have known people that refused to work.
You are the one that suggested hunting. If you live in a city you need cash to get somewhere hunting is allowed and time away from finding out how to start a business. Ahhhh. I see. So you admit you do have to get a job for cash and in doing so you will then get exploited with your agreement like I first stated.
You are the one that suggested hunting. If you live in a city you need cash to get somewhere hunting is allowed and time away from finding out how to start a business. Ahhhh. I see. So you admit you do have to get a job for cash and in doing so you will then get exploited with your agreement like I first stated.
Why would you live in a city where you are far from a place where can hunt if you want to hunt for food? How far are you out from a place where you can legally hunt? If you're not a good hunter it's not for you. As for me I can get all the food my family could possibly eat just hunting in my back yard. Why would you take a job where you are going to be exploited? Why not get a better job?
You are the one that suggested hunting. If you live in a city you need cash to get somewhere hunting is allowed and time away from finding out how to start a business. Ahhhh. I see. So you admit you do have to get a job for cash and in doing so you will then get exploited with your agreement like I first stated.
Why would you live in a city where you are far from a place where can hunt if you want to hunt for food? How far are you out from a place where you can legally hunt? If you're not a good hunter it's not for you. As for me I can get all the food my family could possibly eat just hunting in my back yard. Why would you take a job where you are going to be exploited? Why not get a better job?
Why would you live in a city? Thats where lots of people live. I'm sure you are aware of that. We arent talking about you. We are talking about the average person born in a city and being exploited by getting a job. Getting a better job wont keep you from getting exploited and it takes time. Time that could be better spent finding out how to start a business and time away from your suggestions of hunting and gathering. So you agree that your suggestion to start a business requires you to spend some time being exploited?
You are the one that suggested hunting. If you live in a city you need cash to get somewhere hunting is allowed and time away from finding out how to start a business. Ahhhh. I see. So you admit you do have to get a job for cash and in doing so you will then get exploited with your agreement like I first stated.
Why would you live in a city where you are far from a place where can hunt if you want to hunt for food? How far are you out from a place where you can legally hunt? If you're not a good hunter it's not for you. As for me I can get all the food my family could possibly eat just hunting in my back yard. Why would you take a job where you are going to be exploited? Why not get a better job?
We do have a feral cat colony in my neighborhood, hmm.
You are the one that suggested hunting. If you live in a city you need cash to get somewhere hunting is allowed and time away from finding out how to start a business. Ahhhh. I see. So you admit you do have to get a job for cash and in doing so you will then get exploited with your agreement like I first stated.
Why would you live in a city where you are far from a place where can hunt if you want to hunt for food? How far are you out from a place where you can legally hunt? If you're not a good hunter it's not for you. As for me I can get all the food my family could possibly eat just hunting in my back yard. Why would you take a job where you are going to be exploited? Why not get a better job?
Why would you live in a city? Thats where lots of people live. I'm sure you are aware of that. We arent talking about you. We are talking about the average person born in a city and being exploited by getting a job. Getting a better job wont keep you from getting exploited and it takes time. Time that could be better spent finding out how to start a business and time away from your suggestions of hunting and gathering. So you agree that your suggestion to start a business requires you to spend some time being exploited?
Of course I know people live in the city. Why would you want to live in a city that you can't find work in? My point on hunting / fishing / farming was that it's an option, one that can be used if you have access to hunting a place where you can hunt / fish. Not rocket science.

I'm just an average guy. If you agree to do a job for a certain wage you are not being exploited. It's called working for a wage. If you don't like the wage get a different job. If no one will give you a job you want.. make your own or move to a better place.

Calling your job out as exploiting you ... merely paints a target on your back as a bad employee or at best one that is not a fit for the job he's in. Employers offer wages for work. It's not rocket science.

Making a job for yourself... is also not rocket science. But yes, you might have to work hard to earn good money. If you're looking for easy money for easy work... yeah good luck with that. To get to easy money for easy work you have to be "very very very" good at what you do or lucky as hell.
You are the one that suggested hunting. If you live in a city you need cash to get somewhere hunting is allowed and time away from finding out how to start a business. Ahhhh. I see. So you admit you do have to get a job for cash and in doing so you will then get exploited with your agreement like I first stated.
Why would you live in a city where you are far from a place where can hunt if you want to hunt for food? How far are you out from a place where you can legally hunt? If you're not a good hunter it's not for you. As for me I can get all the food my family could possibly eat just hunting in my back yard. Why would you take a job where you are going to be exploited? Why not get a better job?
Why would you live in a city? Thats where lots of people live. I'm sure you are aware of that. We arent talking about you. We are talking about the average person born in a city and being exploited by getting a job. Getting a better job wont keep you from getting exploited and it takes time. Time that could be better spent finding out how to start a business and time away from your suggestions of hunting and gathering. So you agree that your suggestion to start a business requires you to spend some time being exploited?
Of course I know people live in the city. Why would you want to live in a city that you can't find work in? My point on hunting / fishing / farming was that it's an option, one that can be used if you have access to hunting a place where you can hunt / fish. Not rocket science.

I'm just an average guy. If you agree to do a job for a certain wage you are not being exploited. It's called working for a wage. If you don't like the wage get a different job. If no one will give you a job you want.. make your own or move to a better place.

Calling your job out as exploiting you ... merely paints a target on your back as a bad employee or at best one that is not a fit for the job he's in. Employers offer wages for work. It's not rocket science.

Making a job for yourself... is also not rocket science. But yes, you might have to work hard to earn good money. If you're looking for easy money for easy work... yeah good luck with that. To get to easy money for easy work you have to be "very very very" good at what you do or lucky as hell.
You would live in a city where you cant find work because thats where you were born. If you cant find work to make money how do you move?

Doesnt matter if you agree or not. Agreement is not a component of exploitation. If you look up the definition of "exploit" there is nothing that says "agree" has anything to do with being exploited. If I make $500 profit an hour off your work and only pay you $5 an hour then you are being exploited regardless.

I agree I am an extremely bad employee and thats why I left that lifestyle after finding out how much my company was exploiting me. I decided to cut out the middle man. Employers do offer wages but you miss the point that they are exploiting their workers with or without their knowledge.

Sound like you are going round and round. You still havent offered a solution as to how to avoid exploitation and hunger pains while waiting to become knowledgeable about starting your own business.

Exploit Definition of exploit by Merriam-Webster

verb ex·ploit \ik-ˈsplȯit, ˈek-ˌ\
: to get value or use from (something)

: to use (someone or something) in a way that helps you unfairly
You are the one that suggested hunting. If you live in a city you need cash to get somewhere hunting is allowed and time away from finding out how to start a business. Ahhhh. I see. So you admit you do have to get a job for cash and in doing so you will then get exploited with your agreement like I first stated.
Why would you live in a city where you are far from a place where can hunt if you want to hunt for food? How far are you out from a place where you can legally hunt? If you're not a good hunter it's not for you. As for me I can get all the food my family could possibly eat just hunting in my back yard. Why would you take a job where you are going to be exploited? Why not get a better job?
Why would you live in a city? Thats where lots of people live. I'm sure you are aware of that. We arent talking about you. We are talking about the average person born in a city and being exploited by getting a job. Getting a better job wont keep you from getting exploited and it takes time. Time that could be better spent finding out how to start a business and time away from your suggestions of hunting and gathering. So you agree that your suggestion to start a business requires you to spend some time being exploited?
Of course I know people live in the city. Why would you want to live in a city that you can't find work in? My point on hunting / fishing / farming was that it's an option, one that can be used if you have access to hunting a place where you can hunt / fish. Not rocket science.

I'm just an average guy. If you agree to do a job for a certain wage you are not being exploited. It's called working for a wage. If you don't like the wage get a different job. If no one will give you a job you want.. make your own or move to a better place.

Calling your job out as exploiting you ... merely paints a target on your back as a bad employee or at best one that is not a fit for the job he's in. Employers offer wages for work. It's not rocket science.

Making a job for yourself... is also not rocket science. But yes, you might have to work hard to earn good money. If you're looking for easy money for easy work... yeah good luck with that. To get to easy money for easy work you have to be "very very very" good at what you do or lucky as hell.
You would live in a city where you cant find work because thats where you were born. If you cant find work to make money how do you move?

Doesnt matter if you agree or not. Agreement is not a component of exploitation. If you look up the definition of "exploit" there is nothing that says "agree" has anything to do with being exploited. If I make $500 profit an hour off your work and only pay you $5 an hour then you are being exploited regardless.

I agree I am an extremely bad employee and thats why I left that lifestyle after finding out how much my company was exploiting me. I decided to cut out the middle man. Employers do offer wages but you miss the point that they are exploiting their workers with or without their knowledge.

Sound like you are going round and round. You still havent offered a solution as to how to avoid exploitation and hunger pains while waiting to become knowledgeable about starting your own business.

You've got two feet right?

Why is your example exploitation? Are you saying the fifteen year old boy bagging groceries should make the same amount of money as the guy who owns the grocery store and if they don't make the same that is exploitation? What did the bag boy do to earn the same amount of money as the guy who spent a wad of money and time building and running the store?

Food is cheap and easy to get. When I was a young child I could get all the food my entire family needed to eat with a small amount of effort. So I'm not following your argument that you can't. I grew up in crowded south florida.. as a child I could leave my house with nothing but a cane pole and a knife and come back an couple hours later with two to three days worth of food for my family.
You are the one that suggested hunting. If you live in a city you need cash to get somewhere hunting is allowed and time away from finding out how to start a business. Ahhhh. I see. So you admit you do have to get a job for cash and in doing so you will then get exploited with your agreement like I first stated.
Why would you live in a city where you are far from a place where can hunt if you want to hunt for food? How far are you out from a place where you can legally hunt? If you're not a good hunter it's not for you. As for me I can get all the food my family could possibly eat just hunting in my back yard. Why would you take a job where you are going to be exploited? Why not get a better job?
Why would you live in a city? Thats where lots of people live. I'm sure you are aware of that. We arent talking about you. We are talking about the average person born in a city and being exploited by getting a job. Getting a better job wont keep you from getting exploited and it takes time. Time that could be better spent finding out how to start a business and time away from your suggestions of hunting and gathering. So you agree that your suggestion to start a business requires you to spend some time being exploited?
Of course I know people live in the city. Why would you want to live in a city that you can't find work in? My point on hunting / fishing / farming was that it's an option, one that can be used if you have access to hunting a place where you can hunt / fish. Not rocket science.

I'm just an average guy. If you agree to do a job for a certain wage you are not being exploited. It's called working for a wage. If you don't like the wage get a different job. If no one will give you a job you want.. make your own or move to a better place.

Calling your job out as exploiting you ... merely paints a target on your back as a bad employee or at best one that is not a fit for the job he's in. Employers offer wages for work. It's not rocket science.

Making a job for yourself... is also not rocket science. But yes, you might have to work hard to earn good money. If you're looking for easy money for easy work... yeah good luck with that. To get to easy money for easy work you have to be "very very very" good at what you do or lucky as hell.
You would live in a city where you cant find work because thats where you were born. If you cant find work to make money how do you move?

Doesnt matter if you agree or not. Agreement is not a component of exploitation. If you look up the definition of "exploit" there is nothing that says "agree" has anything to do with being exploited. If I make $500 profit an hour off your work and only pay you $5 an hour then you are being exploited regardless.

I agree I am an extremely bad employee and thats why I left that lifestyle after finding out how much my company was exploiting me. I decided to cut out the middle man. Employers do offer wages but you miss the point that they are exploiting their workers with or without their knowledge.

Sound like you are going round and round. You still havent offered a solution as to how to avoid exploitation and hunger pains while waiting to become knowledgeable about starting your own business.

You've got two feet right?

Why is your example exploitation? Are you saying the fifteen year old boy bagging groceries should make the same amount of money as the guy who owns the grocery store and if they don't make the same that is exploitation? What did the bag boy do to earn the same amount of money as the guy who spent a wad of money and time building and running the store?
My example is exploitation because thats what I was talking about in the first place. I said nothing about a 15 year old. Stop deflecting.
Why would you live in a city where you are far from a place where can hunt if you want to hunt for food? How far are you out from a place where you can legally hunt? If you're not a good hunter it's not for you. As for me I can get all the food my family could possibly eat just hunting in my back yard. Why would you take a job where you are going to be exploited? Why not get a better job?
Why would you live in a city? Thats where lots of people live. I'm sure you are aware of that. We arent talking about you. We are talking about the average person born in a city and being exploited by getting a job. Getting a better job wont keep you from getting exploited and it takes time. Time that could be better spent finding out how to start a business and time away from your suggestions of hunting and gathering. So you agree that your suggestion to start a business requires you to spend some time being exploited?
Of course I know people live in the city. Why would you want to live in a city that you can't find work in? My point on hunting / fishing / farming was that it's an option, one that can be used if you have access to hunting a place where you can hunt / fish. Not rocket science.

I'm just an average guy. If you agree to do a job for a certain wage you are not being exploited. It's called working for a wage. If you don't like the wage get a different job. If no one will give you a job you want.. make your own or move to a better place.

Calling your job out as exploiting you ... merely paints a target on your back as a bad employee or at best one that is not a fit for the job he's in. Employers offer wages for work. It's not rocket science.

Making a job for yourself... is also not rocket science. But yes, you might have to work hard to earn good money. If you're looking for easy money for easy work... yeah good luck with that. To get to easy money for easy work you have to be "very very very" good at what you do or lucky as hell.
You would live in a city where you cant find work because thats where you were born. If you cant find work to make money how do you move?

Doesnt matter if you agree or not. Agreement is not a component of exploitation. If you look up the definition of "exploit" there is nothing that says "agree" has anything to do with being exploited. If I make $500 profit an hour off your work and only pay you $5 an hour then you are being exploited regardless.

I agree I am an extremely bad employee and thats why I left that lifestyle after finding out how much my company was exploiting me. I decided to cut out the middle man. Employers do offer wages but you miss the point that they are exploiting their workers with or without their knowledge.

Sound like you are going round and round. You still havent offered a solution as to how to avoid exploitation and hunger pains while waiting to become knowledgeable about starting your own business.

You've got two feet right?

Why is your example exploitation? Are you saying the fifteen year old boy bagging groceries should make the same amount of money as the guy who owns the grocery store and if they don't make the same that is exploitation? What did the bag boy do to earn the same amount of money as the guy who spent a wad of money and time building and running the store?
My example is exploitation because thats what I was talking about in the first place. I said nothing about a 15 year old. Stop deflecting.
I wasn't deflecting I was trying to be nice by drawing it in a scenario that you might agree with.. But if you insist, I'll redraw the question to your situation.

Why is your example exploitation? Are you saying YOU should make the same amount of money as the guy who owns the store where you worked and if YOU don't make the same YOU are being exploited? What did YOU do to earn the same amount of money as the guy who spent a wad of money and time building and running the store where YOU were hired?
Why would you live in a city? Thats where lots of people live. I'm sure you are aware of that. We arent talking about you. We are talking about the average person born in a city and being exploited by getting a job. Getting a better job wont keep you from getting exploited and it takes time. Time that could be better spent finding out how to start a business and time away from your suggestions of hunting and gathering. So you agree that your suggestion to start a business requires you to spend some time being exploited?
Of course I know people live in the city. Why would you want to live in a city that you can't find work in? My point on hunting / fishing / farming was that it's an option, one that can be used if you have access to hunting a place where you can hunt / fish. Not rocket science.

I'm just an average guy. If you agree to do a job for a certain wage you are not being exploited. It's called working for a wage. If you don't like the wage get a different job. If no one will give you a job you want.. make your own or move to a better place.

Calling your job out as exploiting you ... merely paints a target on your back as a bad employee or at best one that is not a fit for the job he's in. Employers offer wages for work. It's not rocket science.

Making a job for yourself... is also not rocket science. But yes, you might have to work hard to earn good money. If you're looking for easy money for easy work... yeah good luck with that. To get to easy money for easy work you have to be "very very very" good at what you do or lucky as hell.
You would live in a city where you cant find work because thats where you were born. If you cant find work to make money how do you move?

Doesnt matter if you agree or not. Agreement is not a component of exploitation. If you look up the definition of "exploit" there is nothing that says "agree" has anything to do with being exploited. If I make $500 profit an hour off your work and only pay you $5 an hour then you are being exploited regardless.

I agree I am an extremely bad employee and thats why I left that lifestyle after finding out how much my company was exploiting me. I decided to cut out the middle man. Employers do offer wages but you miss the point that they are exploiting their workers with or without their knowledge.

Sound like you are going round and round. You still havent offered a solution as to how to avoid exploitation and hunger pains while waiting to become knowledgeable about starting your own business.

You've got two feet right?

Why is your example exploitation? Are you saying the fifteen year old boy bagging groceries should make the same amount of money as the guy who owns the grocery store and if they don't make the same that is exploitation? What did the bag boy do to earn the same amount of money as the guy who spent a wad of money and time building and running the store?
My example is exploitation because thats what I was talking about in the first place. I said nothing about a 15 year old. Stop deflecting.
I wasn't deflecting I was trying to be nice by drawing it in a scenario that you might agree with.. But if you insist, I'll redraw the question to your situation.

Why is your example exploitation? Are you saying YOU should make the same amount of money as the guy who owns the store where you worked and if YOU don't make the same YOU are being exploited? What did YOU do to earn the same amount of money as the guy who spent a wad of money and time building and running the store where YOU were hired?
My example is exploitation because you were silly and said in order to avoid getting exploited then one should get a job in addition to big game hunting and gathering.....all while starting a business.

Doesnt make a difference what I think about your hypothetical. My point is that most people cant avoid being exploited if they want to eat.
Of course I know people live in the city. Why would you want to live in a city that you can't find work in? My point on hunting / fishing / farming was that it's an option, one that can be used if you have access to hunting a place where you can hunt / fish. Not rocket science.

I'm just an average guy. If you agree to do a job for a certain wage you are not being exploited. It's called working for a wage. If you don't like the wage get a different job. If no one will give you a job you want.. make your own or move to a better place.

Calling your job out as exploiting you ... merely paints a target on your back as a bad employee or at best one that is not a fit for the job he's in. Employers offer wages for work. It's not rocket science.

Making a job for yourself... is also not rocket science. But yes, you might have to work hard to earn good money. If you're looking for easy money for easy work... yeah good luck with that. To get to easy money for easy work you have to be "very very very" good at what you do or lucky as hell.
You would live in a city where you cant find work because thats where you were born. If you cant find work to make money how do you move?

Doesnt matter if you agree or not. Agreement is not a component of exploitation. If you look up the definition of "exploit" there is nothing that says "agree" has anything to do with being exploited. If I make $500 profit an hour off your work and only pay you $5 an hour then you are being exploited regardless.

I agree I am an extremely bad employee and thats why I left that lifestyle after finding out how much my company was exploiting me. I decided to cut out the middle man. Employers do offer wages but you miss the point that they are exploiting their workers with or without their knowledge.

Sound like you are going round and round. You still havent offered a solution as to how to avoid exploitation and hunger pains while waiting to become knowledgeable about starting your own business.

You've got two feet right?

Why is your example exploitation? Are you saying the fifteen year old boy bagging groceries should make the same amount of money as the guy who owns the grocery store and if they don't make the same that is exploitation? What did the bag boy do to earn the same amount of money as the guy who spent a wad of money and time building and running the store?
My example is exploitation because thats what I was talking about in the first place. I said nothing about a 15 year old. Stop deflecting.
I wasn't deflecting I was trying to be nice by drawing it in a scenario that you might agree with.. But if you insist, I'll redraw the question to your situation.

Why is your example exploitation? Are you saying YOU should make the same amount of money as the guy who owns the store where you worked and if YOU don't make the same YOU are being exploited? What did YOU do to earn the same amount of money as the guy who spent a wad of money and time building and running the store where YOU were hired?
My example is exploitation because you were silly and said in order to avoid getting exploited then one should get a job in addition to big game hunting and gathering.....all while starting a business.

Doesnt make a difference what I think about your hypothetical. My point is that most people cant avoid being exploited if they want to eat.
Sounds like you are trying to make excuses for them. Yes or no can they or can they not use a cane pole to catch fish? If you say no... I just have to ask .. why would you expect anyone to pay someone good money to work if that person can't even fish?
You would live in a city where you cant find work because thats where you were born. If you cant find work to make money how do you move?

Doesnt matter if you agree or not. Agreement is not a component of exploitation. If you look up the definition of "exploit" there is nothing that says "agree" has anything to do with being exploited. If I make $500 profit an hour off your work and only pay you $5 an hour then you are being exploited regardless.

I agree I am an extremely bad employee and thats why I left that lifestyle after finding out how much my company was exploiting me. I decided to cut out the middle man. Employers do offer wages but you miss the point that they are exploiting their workers with or without their knowledge.

Sound like you are going round and round. You still havent offered a solution as to how to avoid exploitation and hunger pains while waiting to become knowledgeable about starting your own business.

You've got two feet right?

Why is your example exploitation? Are you saying the fifteen year old boy bagging groceries should make the same amount of money as the guy who owns the grocery store and if they don't make the same that is exploitation? What did the bag boy do to earn the same amount of money as the guy who spent a wad of money and time building and running the store?
My example is exploitation because thats what I was talking about in the first place. I said nothing about a 15 year old. Stop deflecting.
I wasn't deflecting I was trying to be nice by drawing it in a scenario that you might agree with.. But if you insist, I'll redraw the question to your situation.

Why is your example exploitation? Are you saying YOU should make the same amount of money as the guy who owns the store where you worked and if YOU don't make the same YOU are being exploited? What did YOU do to earn the same amount of money as the guy who spent a wad of money and time building and running the store where YOU were hired?
My example is exploitation because you were silly and said in order to avoid getting exploited then one should get a job in addition to big game hunting and gathering.....all while starting a business.

Doesnt make a difference what I think about your hypothetical. My point is that most people cant avoid being exploited if they want to eat.
Sounds like you are trying to make excuses for them. Yes or no can they or can they not use a cane pole to catch fish? If you say no... I just have to ask .. why would you expect anyone to pay someone good money to work if that person can't even fish?
Of course I'm pointing out reasons for them. Why would you fish in a polluted creek or lake and expect to live?

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