Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Really? Why is walking ignorant?
Because you cant move your household walking?
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Because your hypothetical involved moving your household to a place with unpolluted water so you could fish?
No. I did not say a single think about moving your household. You said that.
You said move. Why would you move and leave your household behind?
For a better life.
It's called walking. Try it, it's free.
Walking is not free. It requires energy in the form of food to work properly. Otherwise you die.
Walking in nearly any direction from a city in America will result in to getting to a place where you can hunt and/or fish in an un-polluted area that day.
No. Youre wrong.
Bet? Name one city where you can't walk to a place where you can either hunt or fish that day. Just one.
Are you kidding? There are quite literally hundreds of good fishing spots in walking distance in and around Orlando.
Ok so im supposed to quit my job and go fishing so my family has food. Now who is going to pay the rent now that im not working? I dont make enough working to both pay the rent and buy food because my employeer doesnt pay a living wage. So which should i do food or rent? My sister has hepatitus c and cant work. Maybe 6 months from now shell get disability but what about food now. My mother has cancer and is retired shes not strong enough to fish or work or even walk. Her money pays the electric and water and medical. No one left to go fishing so i guess well just starve.
Because you cant move your household walking?
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Because your hypothetical involved moving your household to a place with unpolluted water so you could fish?
No. I did not say a single think about moving your household. You said that.
You said move. Why would you move and leave your household behind?
For a better life.
You cant leave your household for fish and expect to have a better life.
Ok so im supposed to quit my job and go fishing so my family has food. Now who is going to pay the rent now that im not working? I dont make enough working to both pay the rent and buy food because my employeer doesnt pay a living wage. So which should i do food or rent? My sister has hepatitus c and cant work. Maybe 6 months from now shell get disability but what about food now. My mother has cancer and is retired shes not strong enough to fish or w8rk or even walk. Her money pays the electric and water and medical. No one left to go fishing so i gue $ well just starve.
Brown is just being an idiot because he doesnt want to admit he is full of it.
Why do you need money to move? Don't you have two feet?

Now that's just ignorant.
Really? Why is walking ignorant?
Because you cant move your household walking?
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Now that's just ignorant.
Really? Why is walking ignorant?
Because you cant move your household walking?
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Because your hypothetical involved moving your household to a place with unpolluted water so you could fish?
No. I did not say a single think about moving your household. You said that.
You said move. Why would you move and leave your household behind?
For a better life.
You cant leave your household for fish and expect to have a better life.
You lost me there.. you said your life sucks and you are being exploited... now you say you have tons of stuff you don't want to leave behind and your life is a better life than it would be if you went on a vacation fishing. Hmm.. maybe you were just making shit up about you being exploited.
Really? Why is walking ignorant?
Because you cant move your household walking?
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
So basically you want to bitch and moan and cry and complain about the world not giving you everything you want for free.
Because your hypothetical involved moving your household to a place with unpolluted water so you could fish?
No. I did not say a single think about moving your household. You said that.
You said move. Why would you move and leave your household behind?
For a better life.
You cant leave your household for fish and expect to have a better life.
You lost me there.. you said your life sucks and you are being exploited... now you say you have tons of stuff you don't want to leave behind and your life is a better life than it would be if you went on a vacation fishing. Hmm.. maybe you were just making shit up about you being exploited.
You lost yourself. I said none of that but nice try at deflecting. You still havent answered my question. How do you avoid being exploited while learning to run/start a business?
Because you cant move your household walking?
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
So basically you want to bitch and moan and cry and complain about the world not giving you everything you want for free.
Argumentative deflection. Stay on point and stop trying to get away from your solution.
Because you cant move your household walking?
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
So basically you want to bitch and moan and cry and complain about the world not giving you everything you want for free.
No just pointing out how ridiculous your solution is.
A fixed salary of $20K per year for a 60 hour week is an obscenity.

You're the asshole who thinks it's a fair deal. The CEO of White Castle says his employees love working there and don't mind putting in the longer hours for no pay. Of course no one asked his employees how they felt about it.
My young children make twice what you make for half the hours in part time jobs while going to school. Maybe you need to look for a different job.

That's always the answer you assholes have for workers who are being exploited. "Maybe you need to look for a different job." Somebody has to do these low skill jobs, many of which involve long hours and a lot of hard work. Why shouldn't they be paid a decent wage for doing them? Why should all of the profit these companies are making go to the CEO's and the shareholders.

Wages are at an all-time low, profits are at an all-time high. You seem to think those two statements aren't connected.

And for the record A$$hat, I haven't worked a minimum wage job since I was 18.
How can a worker be exploited? This is a free country. They took the job didn't they?
I'm sure you know you can be exploited even if you agree to it. It doesnt require something is done against your will.
How can they force you to take a minimum wage job?

I'm being exploited by my current employer. I'm making half of what I should be paid, and what I would be paid if I was willing to spend two hours commuting to the city every day.

I work for the only law firm on a small village 15 minutes from my house. There's no place else I can work if I want to be close to home.

Just because I agreed to the salary, and accepted the job doesn't mean I'm not being exploited.
Really? Why is walking ignorant?
Because you cant move your household walking?
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
Who said anything about everyone hunting and fishing to survive? I was just pointing out an alternative in America for people who are bitching and moaning about being paid lower wages than most children in this country. If you are not worth a child's wage why no go fishing or do something else anything else. No you pussies would rather bitch and moan and beg for welfare.
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
So basically you want to bitch and moan and cry and complain about the world not giving you everything you want for free.
No just pointing out how ridiculous your solution is.
Not ridiculous for me I could make a very good living at hunting and fishing. But then I'd make a good living at anything I decided to do.
Because you cant move your household walking?
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
Who said anything about everyone hunting and fishing to survive? I was just pointing out an alternative in America for people who are bitching and moaning about being paid lower wages than most children in this country. If you are not worth a child's wage why no go fishing or do something else anything else. No you pussies would rather bitch and moan and beg for welfare.
You suggested a hunter gatherer life style to avoid being exploited. Now you realize how silly you sound dont you?
Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
So basically you want to bitch and moan and cry and complain about the world not giving you everything you want for free.
No just pointing out how ridiculous your solution is.
Not ridiculous for me I could make a very good living at hunting and fishing. But then I'd make a good living at anything I decided to do.
We werent talking about you. Stay on point.
Ok so im supposed to quit my job and go fishing so my family has food. Now who is going to pay the rent now that im not working? I dont make enough working to both pay the rent and buy food because my employeer doesnt pay a living wage. So which should i do food or rent? My sister has hepatitus c and cant work. Maybe 6 months from now shell get disability but what about food now. My mother has cancer and is retired shes not strong enough to fish or work or even walk. Her money pays the electric and water and medical. No one left to go fishing so i guess well just starve.
Sorry to hear about your women folk. That sucks. FYI when my mom had cancer she would fish for fun right up to the end. As for hep-c why can't she work due to hep-c? I had a buddy at work with hep-c once, sucks but he seemed to get by.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
So basically you want to bitch and moan and cry and complain about the world not giving you everything you want for free.
No just pointing out how ridiculous your solution is.
Not ridiculous for me I could make a very good living at hunting and fishing. But then I'd make a good living at anything I decided to do.
We werent talking about you. Stay on point.
What makes me better than others who can't earn a living for themselves and their families? I'm just an average guy. I'm not special at all.
Why would you want to move your household walking?
Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
Who said anything about everyone hunting and fishing to survive? I was just pointing out an alternative in America for people who are bitching and moaning about being paid lower wages than most children in this country. If you are not worth a child's wage why no go fishing or do something else anything else. No you pussies would rather bitch and moan and beg for welfare.
You suggested a hunter gatherer life style to avoid being exploited. Now you realize how silly you sound dont you?
It's not silly... I'm pointing out that you don't need anyone to help you to get somewhere in life. Many people would die for the opportunity to live permanently on vacation from the labors of the city and live in the country doing nothing but hunting and fishing. Yet here you are saying that's silly cause you think it's better to be exploited in the city than to live and do as you please out in the country air.

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