Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Wife kids furniture pictures just throw them all away and walk until you find a spot to fish. Retarded. They do that in cambodia ever been to cambodia? I have. Its not a good way to live.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
Who said anything about everyone hunting and fishing to survive? I was just pointing out an alternative in America for people who are bitching and moaning about being paid lower wages than most children in this country. If you are not worth a child's wage why no go fishing or do something else anything else. No you pussies would rather bitch and moan and beg for welfare.
You suggested a hunter gatherer life style to avoid being exploited. Now you realize how silly you sound dont you?
It's not silly... I'm pointing out that you don't need anyone to help you to get somewhere in life. Many people would die for the opportunity to live permanently on vacation from the labors of the city and live in the country doing nothing but hunting and fishing. Yet here you are saying that's silly cause you think it's better to be exploited in the city than to live and do as you please out in the country air.
Yes you were being silly. You dont need to point that out to me. That was never the question. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business?
Blacks vote democrat because the Dems are the party of welfare and food stamps.
Moving from one location to another in America while leaving your crap behind is like living in cambodia? Huh? Are you retarded?
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
Who said anything about everyone hunting and fishing to survive? I was just pointing out an alternative in America for people who are bitching and moaning about being paid lower wages than most children in this country. If you are not worth a child's wage why no go fishing or do something else anything else. No you pussies would rather bitch and moan and beg for welfare.
You suggested a hunter gatherer life style to avoid being exploited. Now you realize how silly you sound dont you?
It's not silly... I'm pointing out that you don't need anyone to help you to get somewhere in life. Many people would die for the opportunity to live permanently on vacation from the labors of the city and live in the country doing nothing but hunting and fishing. Yet here you are saying that's silly cause you think it's better to be exploited in the city than to live and do as you please out in the country air.
Yes you were being silly. You dont need to point that out to me. That was never the question. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business?
Again why do you insist you are being exploited by an employer who is paying you a fair wage for the job you agreed to do at the rate you agreed to do it at?
Blacks vote democrat because the Dems are the party of welfare and food stamps.
and apparently because they think working is the same as being exploited... these democrats have really screwed with their heads..
Expecting everyone to hunt and fish to survivce is like cambodia. Spiders on a stick. Fried grasshopper, cat withrice ar some of their apetizing meals one problem they ran out of cats, ate them into extintion.
Who said anything about everyone hunting and fishing to survive? I was just pointing out an alternative in America for people who are bitching and moaning about being paid lower wages than most children in this country. If you are not worth a child's wage why no go fishing or do something else anything else. No you pussies would rather bitch and moan and beg for welfare.
You suggested a hunter gatherer life style to avoid being exploited. Now you realize how silly you sound dont you?
It's not silly... I'm pointing out that you don't need anyone to help you to get somewhere in life. Many people would die for the opportunity to live permanently on vacation from the labors of the city and live in the country doing nothing but hunting and fishing. Yet here you are saying that's silly cause you think it's better to be exploited in the city than to live and do as you please out in the country air.
Yes you were being silly. You dont need to point that out to me. That was never the question. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business?
Again why do you insist you are being exploited by an employer who is paying you a fair wage for the job you agreed to do at the rate you agreed to do it at?
You avoided my question again. If you cant answer it then thats ok but dont be so obvious about avoiding it.
Who said anything about everyone hunting and fishing to survive? I was just pointing out an alternative in America for people who are bitching and moaning about being paid lower wages than most children in this country. If you are not worth a child's wage why no go fishing or do something else anything else. No you pussies would rather bitch and moan and beg for welfare.
You suggested a hunter gatherer life style to avoid being exploited. Now you realize how silly you sound dont you?
It's not silly... I'm pointing out that you don't need anyone to help you to get somewhere in life. Many people would die for the opportunity to live permanently on vacation from the labors of the city and live in the country doing nothing but hunting and fishing. Yet here you are saying that's silly cause you think it's better to be exploited in the city than to live and do as you please out in the country air.
Yes you were being silly. You dont need to point that out to me. That was never the question. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business?
Again why do you insist you are being exploited by an employer who is paying you a fair wage for the job you agreed to do at the rate you agreed to do it at?
You avoided my question again. If you cant answer it then thats ok but dont be so obvious about avoiding it.
I'm not going to agree with you that you are being exploited. If you want to reform your compound question into a simple question such as how do I start a business then fine. FYI When I started my own business I was working 80+ hours a week 40 at my day job that paid the bills and 40 at my business that would eventually pay my bills and then some at a later point in time.
You suggested a hunter gatherer life style to avoid being exploited. Now you realize how silly you sound dont you?
It's not silly... I'm pointing out that you don't need anyone to help you to get somewhere in life. Many people would die for the opportunity to live permanently on vacation from the labors of the city and live in the country doing nothing but hunting and fishing. Yet here you are saying that's silly cause you think it's better to be exploited in the city than to live and do as you please out in the country air.
Yes you were being silly. You dont need to point that out to me. That was never the question. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business?
Again why do you insist you are being exploited by an employer who is paying you a fair wage for the job you agreed to do at the rate you agreed to do it at?
You avoided my question again. If you cant answer it then thats ok but dont be so obvious about avoiding it.
I'm not going to agree with you that you are being exploited. If you want to reform your compound question into a simple question such as how do I start a business then fine. FYI When I started my own business I was working 80+ hours a week 40 at my day job that paid the bills and 40 at my business that would eventually pay my bills and then some at a later point in time.
Youre deflecting again. Thats not what I asked you. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business? Working for someone else means you are being exploited unless you are receiving a 50/50 split of the profits your work generates.
It's not silly... I'm pointing out that you don't need anyone to help you to get somewhere in life. Many people would die for the opportunity to live permanently on vacation from the labors of the city and live in the country doing nothing but hunting and fishing. Yet here you are saying that's silly cause you think it's better to be exploited in the city than to live and do as you please out in the country air.
Yes you were being silly. You dont need to point that out to me. That was never the question. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business?
Again why do you insist you are being exploited by an employer who is paying you a fair wage for the job you agreed to do at the rate you agreed to do it at?
You avoided my question again. If you cant answer it then thats ok but dont be so obvious about avoiding it.
I'm not going to agree with you that you are being exploited. If you want to reform your compound question into a simple question such as how do I start a business then fine. FYI When I started my own business I was working 80+ hours a week 40 at my day job that paid the bills and 40 at my business that would eventually pay my bills and then some at a later point in time.
Youre deflecting again. Thats not what I asked you. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business?
Again I'm not going to agree with your strawman that you have to be exploited while learning to start a business. If you want be change your meme about being exploited by your boss... to one of avoiding being exploited by customers, vendors, lawyers, government etc. when starting a business... then change your question. Since the thread was discussing bosses exploiting their workers I presume that's what you meant. If you meant something else... say so.
Yes you were being silly. You dont need to point that out to me. That was never the question. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business?
Again why do you insist you are being exploited by an employer who is paying you a fair wage for the job you agreed to do at the rate you agreed to do it at?
You avoided my question again. If you cant answer it then thats ok but dont be so obvious about avoiding it.
I'm not going to agree with you that you are being exploited. If you want to reform your compound question into a simple question such as how do I start a business then fine. FYI When I started my own business I was working 80+ hours a week 40 at my day job that paid the bills and 40 at my business that would eventually pay my bills and then some at a later point in time.
Youre deflecting again. Thats not what I asked you. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business?
Again I'm not going to agree with your strawman that you have to be exploited while learning to start a business. If you want be change your meme about being exploited by your boss... to one of avoiding being exploited by customers and vendors when starting a business... then change your question.
So you agree you cant answer the question? Thanks for admitting that.
Again why do you insist you are being exploited by an employer who is paying you a fair wage for the job you agreed to do at the rate you agreed to do it at?
You avoided my question again. If you cant answer it then thats ok but dont be so obvious about avoiding it.
I'm not going to agree with you that you are being exploited. If you want to reform your compound question into a simple question such as how do I start a business then fine. FYI When I started my own business I was working 80+ hours a week 40 at my day job that paid the bills and 40 at my business that would eventually pay my bills and then some at a later point in time.
Youre deflecting again. Thats not what I asked you. I asked how could you avoid being exploited while learning to start a business?
Again I'm not going to agree with your strawman that you have to be exploited while learning to start a business. If you want be change your meme about being exploited by your boss... to one of avoiding being exploited by customers and vendors when starting a business... then change your question.
So you agree you cant answer the question? Thanks for admitting that.
I answered your question, in the context of the thread. So no I don't agree that I can't answer the question. If you would like to clarify your question go ahead. If you don't know how to clarify your question then ask. You do understand the concept of context right?
Blacks vote democrat because the Dems are the party of welfare and food stamps.

Let us talk about that for a second.
It turns out that 7% of whites and 24% of Blacks are on welfare. This number includes kids, but I will generalize as if they are all adults.

That leaves 93% of whites and 76% of Blacks not on Welfare.
However this is not reflected in elections, over a majority of Blacks tend to vote for Democrats, usually between 70 to 90% of them.

Meaning at least 50% of Blacks are not voting for welfare benefits.
Ok so im supposed to quit my job and go fishing so my family has food. Now who is going to pay the rent now that im not working? I dont make enough working to both pay the rent and buy food because my employeer doesnt pay a living wage. So which should i do food or rent? My sister has hepatitus c and cant work. Maybe 6 months from now shell get disability but what about food now. My mother has cancer and is retired shes not strong enough to fish or work or even walk. Her money pays the electric and water and medical. No one left to go fishing so i guess well just starve.
Sorry to hear about your women folk. That sucks. FYI when my mom had cancer she would fish for fun right up to the end. As for hep-c why can't she work due to hep-c? I had a buddy at work with hep-c once, sucks but he seemed to get by.
Liver psorosios
Ok so im supposed to quit my job and go fishing so my family has food. Now who is going to pay the rent now that im not working? I dont make enough working to both pay the rent and buy food because my employeer doesnt pay a living wage. So which should i do food or rent? My sister has hepatitus c and cant work. Maybe 6 months from now shell get disability but what about food now. My mother has cancer and is retired shes not strong enough to fish or work or even walk. Her money pays the electric and water and medical. No one left to go fishing so i guess well just starve.
Sorry to hear about your women folk. That sucks. FYI when my mom had cancer she would fish for fun right up to the end. As for hep-c why can't she work due to hep-c? I had a buddy at work with hep-c once, sucks but he seemed to get by.
Liver psorosios
oh... Yeah, I support safety nets. Tough times.
Blacks vote democrat because the Dems are the party of welfare and food stamps.

Let us talk about that for a second.
It turns out that 7% of whites and 24% of Blacks are on welfare. This number includes kids, but I will generalize as if they are all adults.

That leaves 93% of whites and 76% of Blacks not on Welfare.
However this is not reflected in elections, over a majority of Blacks tend to vote for Democrats, usually between 70 to 90% of them.

Meaning at least 50% of Blacks are not voting for welfare benefits.

Where did you get the data indicating 24% of blacks are on welfare?

My data indicates only 12.01% are on welfare. That is half of your percentage..

Non Hispanic WhitesNon Hispanic Blacks*Number of People on Welfare % of black@* % of Whites (NH)
196,745,5389{ 63.7}37,685,848 {12.2}11,400,000 39.8% 38.9%
White welfareblack welfareblacks not on welfare% of black pop.on welfare.

Out of a population of 37,685,848 (millions) Blacks only 4,457,200 are on welfare
That means 33,148,648 (millions) are NOT on welfare
Meaning at least 50% of Blacks are not voting for welfare benefits.

Maybe not for themselves but for other blacks in general many of whom receive many other different federal and state programs.
Nope, that is where Whites take over as the undisputed leaders in accessing government programs such as food stamps and housing.

But since the 24% stat armchaos gave is too high, that 50% moves up to at least 60% not voting for welfare benefits.. considering that 88% of blacks are not on welfare rather than 76%

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