why do cons despise government workers, but “support” the military?

wrong--they are not
my dad worked for the government and he said there were a lot of lazy bums
the military is TOTALLY different
you are godamn out of your mind to think differently
did you serve?

I did. I was in the Marine Corps from 1997-2002. Am I worthy to have an opinion? If not then ignore the next sentence. If I am worthy then I think I was absurdly overpaid. I was making way more money than other 21 year olds throughout the country.
you think you were over paid?
we were under paid in the 80s
what was your yearly salary?

I had no expenses except haircuts and razors. Everything else was provided. I still made $1,600 a month on top of that. That means I had about $1,500 of disposable income a month and boy did we dispose of it. Local businesses around bases like our bloated paycheck but I think the average taxpayer is getting the shaft. I even received over $40,000 worth of education when I got out.

By the way. The military gets too much glory too. A cop's job is way more dangerous than a Marine in uniform. On top of that, he doesn't get 15-20 year breaks in 'peace time'. I think cops should get more pay and more praise than military.

In what REMF role did you serve?
why do cons despise government workers, but “support” the military?

Fear! Not only do they support the military - they support a "socialist" military. Imagine that...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
My Son is a Firefighter over here and they have a strong Union.All the admin and ancillary staff get the same benefits because the Union rightly considers them to be one team. They get paid regardless of who is in government. that is civilised behaviour.
The question is what is the worth of being a firefighter? There will be many who defend it. But taxes are enormous in many communities and where the most work is done is in areas where there are not much in taxes paid. And then there are the medical squads. Like taxis to hospitals in manya reas while the middle class pays through the nose to get the same service.
So you dont want firemen or ambulances ? Wow !
As of right now, at least 42,000 coast guard are working and not getting paid.

It's a disgrace.

I'll tell you one thing that makes we sick with anger are right wingers who go on about illegals coming here and killing border agents and they want to waste money on a wall. That money should be used for better weapons, a fence, body armor, drones, sensors, training and more staff.

Not some fuking and idiotic cement wall you could scale with a ladder. Spend the money where it's needed. Not wasted on nonsense.

If you can defeat it with a ladder, then 20 to 75 billion is nonsense. Waste all your money on nonsense, you put border guards in danger.
Tell Democrats to stop stand g with violent illegals, human traffickers, cop killers, etc and to fund the wall like they voted for in 2007 and to stop running illegal Sanctuary Cities that protected this recent cop killer. All of that is on the Democrats...
I said I served on ship
then I said I was in the USMC
then you said I was a liar---''squid''- Navy ''grunt'' - USMC
you meant that a Marine couldn't serve on ship
it's right there for every one to see

that is not even close to what I meant. I called you a squid before you told me you were a Marine. And you did not even correct me...what self respecting Marine would allow such an insult go unchallenged.
you can't lie now
everyone can see it
....you thought because I served on ship I was in the Navy and called me a liar when I said I was in the USMC
....you either didn't know Marines served on ships and/or you're stupid
which one is it?
wrong--they are not
my dad worked for the government and he said there were a lot of lazy bums
the military is TOTALLY different
you are godamn out of your mind to think differently
did you serve?

I did. I was in the Marine Corps from 1997-2002. Am I worthy to have an opinion? If not then ignore the next sentence. If I am worthy then I think I was absurdly overpaid. I was making way more money than other 21 year olds throughout the country.
you think you were over paid?
we were under paid in the 80s
what was your yearly salary?

I had no expenses except haircuts and razors. Everything else was provided. I still made $1,600 a month on top of that. That means I had about $1,500 of disposable income a month and boy did we dispose of it. Local businesses around bases like our bloated paycheck but I think the average taxpayer is getting the shaft. I even received over $40,000 worth of education when I got out.

By the way. The military gets too much glory too. A cop's job is way more dangerous than a Marine in uniform. On top of that, he doesn't get 15-20 year breaks in 'peace time'. I think cops should get more pay and more praise than military.

In what REMF role did you serve?

So you despise everyone in the military but the front line combat troops?

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The military provides a needed service. Most other services can be provided by the private sector (at half the cost).

Yup. If half the Fed workers disappeared tomorrow no one would notice.

Loads of what they do could be done by the private sector.
you can't lie now
everyone can see it
....you thought because I served on ship I was in the Navy and called me a liar when I said I was in the USMC
....you either didn't know Marines served on ships and/or you're stupid
which one is it?

Well, yes when you talked about nothing but ships I assumed you were in the Navy, and when I called you a squid and you did not object to the title I assumed you were in the Navy. Neither of those mean I did not know the Marine's serve on ships.

I still think you are lying as you have not ever provided even one single bit of evidence to back up your story and you thought that the Fleet Marine Force was limited only to those on ships. Marine's learn what the FMF is in boot camp and know that it is not limited only to Marines on ships
The military provides a needed service. Most other services can be provided by the private sector (at half the cost).

Yup. If half the Fed workers disappeared tomorrow no one would notice.

Loads of what they do could be done by the private sector.

Why do you think nobody would notice when the private sector took over those duties?
Government workers are ususally over-paid, useles shits who do the least amount of work possible and a shitty job if they do work.
you can't lie now
everyone can see it
....you thought because I served on ship I was in the Navy and called me a liar when I said I was in the USMC
....you either didn't know Marines served on ships and/or you're stupid
which one is it?

Well, yes when you talked about nothing but ships I assumed you were in the Navy, and when I called you a squid and you did not object to the title I assumed you were in the Navy. Neither of those mean I did not know the Marine's serve on ships.

I still think you are lying as you have not ever provided even one single bit of evidence to back up your story and you thought that the Fleet Marine Force was limited only to those on ships. Marine's learn what the FMF is in boot camp and know that it is not limited only to Marines on ships

Errrrr motivator. That's a hard core leather neck devil dawg speaking my language.

Good to go?
My Son is a Firefighter over here and they have a strong Union.All the admin and ancillary staff get the same benefits because the Union rightly considers them to be one team. They get paid regardless of who is in government. that is civilised behaviour.
The question is what is the worth of being a firefighter? There will be many who defend it. But taxes are enormous in many communities and where the most work is done is in areas where there are not much in taxes paid. And then there are the medical squads. Like taxis to hospitals in manya reas while the middle class pays through the nose to get the same service.
So you dont want firemen or ambulances ? Wow !
Of course I do. But at a reasonable price. Wow!!! People are always scammed. I know. Firemen run in when others run out. But that is for the most part only busy areas of our nation. Its to expensive now. And since we support a permanent underclass it will only get more expensive. Anyway the system will collapse and firemen becoming millionaires will end. Saul Alinsky lives with you....Servicing second and third world areas of our nation at extreme costs is stupid. A collapse will cut checks by at least a half and up to 85% from what I read on pensions alone. There are many people who were firemen who did very little in their careers. And are living the life of riley. Like the useless cop at the school in the South Florida school shooting.
Why do Libtards love the filthy government so much and hate the military?

Big talk from someone who has confederate flags as his avatar .

So what? I'm proud of my Southern birth.


They were traitors to our country and killed more US troops than any enemy ever . And you pretend to be pro military.

Might as well have a Nazi or Isis flag .
Well that navy seal would be full of himself then . Both work for the gov and get a gov paycheck .

It’s insulting to say one deserves to be paid and the other doesn’t .

You don't really mean that! Do you?

You do know that all government employees will get paid for every day of the government shut down...don't you?

There’s no guarantee of that . And if they are , why have this shut down and leave people without pay for weeks?
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?

There are a few simple reasons.

In the past, it used to be that government jobs had crap pay, but you had a great retirement benefit. So there was a trade off. You got paid less for being a "public servant", and instead you got a great retirement package.

Well now, public servants are paid far more than private workers, and they still get much better benefits.

Additionally they strike all the time for more pay... knowing that it screws over the tax payer.

If that isn't enough, on average, they do less at a higher cost.

Again, private k-12 schools routinely yield a much higher quality of educations, for a fraction of the cost. In some cases, literally half the cost per student.

Similarly the cost of a simple 2 lane road, is drastically cheaper for a private construction firm, than it is for a government contract.

The cost of mailing a letter is ridiculous, and money losing, compared to private alternatives.

So why do we see military as something completely different?

First, because unlike most of the other things government does.... military, police, and enforcing the rule of law, is the fundamental reason the government exists. The only reason we have the constitution we do today, is specifically for national defense reasons. If not for that need, we would never have switched from the articles of confederation.

Second, because unlike being a teacher, or a postal worker, military people are volunteering to put their lives on the line. Whether people on the left realize it or not, the fact is the only thing standing between the anarchy of the world around us, and the US population, is our military member. Just like the only thing standing between the lawful citizens of this country, and the anarchy within, is the members of our police force.
Well now, public servants are paid far more than private workers
not true when i was working the PO, UPS delivery drivers were making 5 bucks more an hour....
Additionally they strike all the time for more pay
they do?....can i get an example?...
The cost of mailing a letter is ridiculous
if you think it is ridiculous wait and see what a private company would charge,and on top of that they would put a fee on forwarding anything...
Second, because unlike being a teacher, or a postal worker, military people are volunteering to put their lives on the line
in my time in the PO many postal workers were killed on the job...
That’s my point . The usps can’t act like a private company .

In what way?

They are not allowed to close offices . Cause the locals freak and complain to their congressmen.

They can’t refuse to deliver mail to way out places that are too expensive .
the office i was in in the Anaheim Hills 92808 was a very profitable office....it was closed...
Yes, with most documents you can. Electronic signatures are legal for most documents. If an original is necessary, the documents are emailed to the recipient and FedEx or UPS is used to return the documents because they are more reliable, efficient and have better-tracking systems.

I see tracking systems six days a week. No, the others frequently mislead customers in to believing their package is available when it is not. They all use bar coding, so explain how one is better than another.

They're private and have to satisfy customers and the USPS doesn't give a rip. They stay in business no matter what. Just look at the massive losses racked up by the USPS.

I have been a Realtor in the panhandle of Florida for over forty years. I go back to when the only way I could get documents to, say Miami and back in two days was, 1. Drive them there and back (1 day, 1,000 miles) or 2. Put the documents in a manila envelope or equal. Take to the local Greyhound bus station. Pay an enormous fee. The Miami bus then takes the envelope to the designated Miami post office. The recipient then went to the bus station, picked up the package and took it somewhere to find a notary, sign, witness and notarize the documents. Back into an envelope, back to the bus station, pay another fee, a bus takes envelope back to the Panhandle bus station. The agent goes to bus station picks up the envelope and takes it to the closing. Instant closing, only three days MAYBE two.

The USPS is much like all other brick and mortar businesses which were either driven out of business or were dragged kicking and screaming to providing additional services.

So far behind was/is the USPS one day service is that they lease space on FedEx and UPS aircraft.
So far behind was/is the USPS one day service is that they lease space on FedEx and UPS aircraft.
thats not why they do that....they made a trade off with Fed-X, since their planes fly while commercial airlines may not be flying,the PO was now able to get first class were it needs to go without delay,in return Fed-X was able to put their collection boxes outside PO's nationwide....

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