why do cons despise government workers, but “support” the military?

they are the same thing.

Really? I'm sure the Navy Seal would totally agree with you he's exactly the same as some guy pushing papers at the EPA. What a completely idiotic premise.

Well that navy seal would be full of himself then . Both work for the gov and get a gov paycheck .

It’s insulting to say one deserves to be paid and the other doesn’t .
Cons support the military more than nonessentials simply because the military is a Constitutional requirement and many government agencies aren't. DUH!

Yeah . I guess other constitutional required are the politicians paychecks , security, health care , etc..
Healthcare isn't a Constitutional requirement.

I think that was his point...as neither are politicians paychecks
People are paid for working.

Then why are our politicians being paid? They cannot even do their most basic job
----------------------------- i don't think that the USA was designed to be run by over paid politicians . USA Government was supposed to be run by Citizens that worked regular jobs and who took time off to help Govern GGator .
Yeah . I guess other constitutional required are the politicians paychecks , security, health care , etc..
Healthcare isn't a Constitutional requirement.

I think that was his point...as neither are politicians paychecks
People are paid for working.

Then why are our politicians being paid? They cannot even do their most basic job
----------------------------- i don't think that the USA was designed to be run by over paid politicians . USA Government was supposed to be run by Citizens that worked regular jobs and who took time off to help Govern GGator .

Yet now they get paid to basically do nothing, and paid very well at that.
----------------------------- i don't think that the USA was designed to be run by over paid politicians . USA Government was supposed to be run by Citizens that worked regular jobs and who took time off to help Govern GGator .

Career politicians of BOTH parties have become like ROYALTY. That is why we need term limits and the end to the career politician.
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?

Tammy equates the military with "government workers". What an ahole!
Yes . In fact , many people in the military have the exact same job as those in regular government.

Healthcare isn't a Constitutional requirement.

I think that was his point...as neither are politicians paychecks
People are paid for working.

Then why are our politicians being paid? They cannot even do their most basic job
----------------------------- i don't think that the USA was designed to be run by over paid politicians . USA Government was supposed to be run by Citizens that worked regular jobs and who took time off to help Govern GGator .

Yet now they get paid to basically do nothing, and paid very well at that.
--------------------------------- ok with me , all i really care about at this time is the WALL and that about it . I think that the USA is about done . TOO much corruption and politicians working to enrich themselves plus USA is too big and overcrowded with different Ideologies GGator .
'trey gowdy' , i call him 'hot air gowdy' , i don't know of anything useful that he has ever accomplished except to take up space at hearings and to speak in a loud voice .

. . . "I have the best porn ever. Nobody has porn like I do, not even that Pelosi, let me tell you, it's the best . . ."
'trey gowdy' , i call him 'hot air gowdy' , i don't know of anything useful that he has ever accomplished except to take up space at hearings and to speak in a loud voice .
He has investigated and prosecuted a full range of criminal cases and prosecuted several death penalty cases. Some unsolved for years.
I carried a weapon
gee...ahhhh----I wonder why the military has weapons???!!
think you can guess why???
yours is a ridiculous point
see my previous point

In other words, no you were never in danger as a barracks guard.

thanks for verifying.
...I can see why you would think that way--you were never a grunt--which is the MAIN job of the USMC--not Barracks duty..in fact, there were 5 guard companies on Oahu --I know they got rid of at least 2, including the one I was in

You were on guard duty in Oahu and are you trying to say your life was in danger! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
IF you were even in the military
like I said, you didn't even know Marines served on ship

Why do you keep telling that lie about me?

Do you have one of these?

View attachment 238751
Wow, that's great. I served with a Marine who was the squad leader during my MOS as a forward observer. A very professional man. Marines work hard.
I worked as a forward observer, 82C, but eventually worked in S2. And it was there that I earned this:


I know these pretend soldiers at the USMB that were never in the military insist it was "safe" and because it was peace time, you did nothing. When you are in the military, you spend all your working time getting prepared and training.
I was on radio duty at Grafenwöhr in Germany during a training exercise when a shell somehow blew up inside a tank killing everyone inside the tank and injuring a guy outside. When dealing with weapons and explosives and dangerous equipment in the snow and the rain, in mud and sand, accidents happen. When you go to train, you train in all kinds of weather, just like in war.
This is why the American military is the best in the world. They are prepared.

And this is also why so many are dismayed when Trump called off training exercises with South Korea. It doesn't take long for that preparedness to be lost. And once gone, it takes time to get it back. Because people are always coming and going.

In fact, while I was stationed in Germany, the General in charge and several officers heading USAREUR died in a terrible helicopter accident. I can't remember their names because it was so long ago, except for one. Command Sergeant Major R. because I drove his jeep during joint training exercises with Germany and the US. He was a very good man. Someone you would want in charge. He was the highest ranking NCO in Europe at the time. It was an honor. I was very sad.
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'trey gowdy' , i call him 'hot air gowdy' , i don't know of anything useful that he has ever accomplished except to take up space at hearings and to speak in a loud voice .
He has investigated and prosecuted a full range of criminal cases and prosecuted several death penalty cases. Some unsolved for years.
----------------------------------------------- well thats criminal as a prosecutor isn't it . I am talking about criminal cases involving Criminality of Government big wigs . He was always on television talking loudly but the goverment big shots continue to walk around freely BGin .
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?

Democrats blocked Military vote in the 2000 Elections. Perhaps you should be asking if the Military is more Democrat or Republican??
I said I served on ship
then I said I was in the USMC
then you said I was a liar---''squid''- Navy ''grunt'' - USMC
you meant that a Marine couldn't serve on ship
it's right there for every one to see

that is not even close to what I meant. I called you a squid before you told me you were a Marine. And you did not even correct me...what self respecting Marine would allow such an insult go unchallenged.
Cons support the military more than nonessentials simply because the military is a Constitutional requirement and many government agencies aren't. DUH!

Yeah . I guess other constitutional required are the politicians paychecks , security, health care , etc..
Healthcare isn't a Constitutional requirement.

I think that was his point...as neither are politicians paychecks
People are paid for working.

Then why are our politicians being paid? They cannot even do their most basic job
'trey gowdy' , i call him 'hot air gowdy' , i don't know of anything useful that he has ever accomplished except to take up space at hearings and to speak in a loud voice .
Yes, very disappointed in Gowdy. Talks tough, but didn't get a damn thing done.
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?

Tammy equates the military with "government workers". What an ahole!

Yes I do . Cause that’s what they are . Why do you consider “government workers” to be a bad thing ?
Why do Libtards love the filthy government so much and hate the military?

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