Why do Conservative Republicans Support Politicians Who Ignore The Public?

What a great photo! He goes West because his young wife dies, ranches in the frontier times, and returns a few years later to New York, San Juan hill, and American glory. What a great story!

Even though I do not agree with all his political stances, I can ignore partisanship to recognize an American hero. This is a lesson lost on many here on this forum, unfortunately.

Barak will be recognized too as a great "American hero." No way around it, unless he is discovered fiddling the Jonas Brothers (down, Gunny -- I am only talking hypothetically here).

I pray and hope you are 100% right. I hope all this stuff that he has done and stated he wants to do is actually good for american and for me personally.

However I feel as if its not going to be good in the long run and in fact do more damage than if he did nothing at all....

I pray you are right but deep inside I am fairly confident that eagleseven is right.
Have you not been listening to the town hall meetings?

Have you? How can you have a debate or even listen to information when all the people do is scream and yell? The town halls have been a waste of everyone's time for the most part, thanks to those who needed information the most.

Well, let's be honest here. You and I both know that sitting there quietly isn't doing anybody any good. And..FYI...it's NOT a debate. It's designed to allow the people to ASKK questions and get real answers. But that's not happening. The yelling starts when the BS answers start. Or when the questions are ignored. Yes...I've been listening. HELL, I've been present. You ought to find one close by and go to it. You might learn something. I guess it all depends on which side of the line you are on and just how open minded you can be.

I went looking for the best and worse in both sides. I found it...but I have to take the side of those who are showing their concerns because at the meeting I attended, there were organized groups that were doing their best to shout down the general public. It's kind of hard to miss them when they are all wearing the same shirt or color and saying the same thing on opposite sides of the room.

What really makes me scratch my head is how the people are being turned into the big bad wolf on this whole thing. Because they disagree with the policies in this reform and dare to speak out about it, they are accused of all kinds of ridiculous things. Including the downfall of this great nation. I guess the buck doesn't stop at the top anymore huh? Obama can't fail because the people will fail for him. All because they are to "uppity" and loud and outspoken. I guess soon there's going to be marshall law out there to silence the masses so that the dirty work can get done. And when it does, well, you just THINK you've seen angry mobs....but that's when the REAL anger will surface.
Screaming our heads off about the debt while you were rolling over and playing dead for Obama...

So, what have you learned from this experience? Screaming, yelling, pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering, gets you WHAT, exactly?
It gets...

...thousands upon thousands of people discussing healthcare in forums.
...every major news station discussing and arguing about healthcare.
...blue-dog Democrats refusing to vote for the bill.
...left-wing radicals Pelosi and Reid attacking their constituents.
...54% of the electorate against Obama's healthcare plan.
...video of us on every television in America.
...the American people to wake up.

...the job done.

The wrong interp but good try. Twenties of millions are looking on in astonisment at the loonies on the far right. The major networks correcting the loonies on the right. Blue-dog Dems have never said they won't vote for the bill but have demanded a consensus. That 54% is more like a weak 41 or 42% that will peel off in the next week. Video of the loonies running around to the astonishment of twenties of millions of Americans. And Americans reinforce emotionally their right choice last November.
They used the information they had and made a decision....BACKED BY A MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS IN THE HOUSE...and went to war.

There weren't enough good reasons NOT to act on the information that was available and a majority of lawmakers agreed on that very thing.

One good reason is that it was against the Constitution. We have a National Defense, not National OFFENSE. Also it broke about 99 international laws and treaties. Based only on strict constructionist premises there were tons of reasons NOT to act.

Then there are the details and lies and propagandist BS. I cannot believe the majority of the country fell for it. Obama didn't. He spoke out against it.
Screaming our heads off about the debt while you were rolling over and playing dead for Obama...

So, what have you learned from this experience? Screaming, yelling, pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering, gets you WHAT, exactly?

Well, other than punched, pushed, attacked, labeled, listed, flagged, demonized, victimized and spat upon, it achieves a certain amount of acknowledgement.

Here's a great example right here in your reply...
pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering

Why do you have to use these negative terms? Short answer...to demonize those who are not afraid to speak out against this administration.

If no one was out there screaming, yelling, pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering, as you put it, then there would be NO attention being brought to all the things that are wrong with this reform. So that's what it achieves. Acknowledgement and attention to Obama's next disasterous political move.
Gem, the Dems won the elections and took both the House and the Senate. They have large majorities plus the President. Elections have consquences, and the Dems will do as they wish. The Pubs are in the minority.

So be it.

then why haven't you just done it? huh?

And why do the dems blame the reps still when things dont get passed the way they want or in the super fast time frame they want?
What a great photo! He goes West because his young wife dies, ranches in the frontier times, and returns a few years later to New York, San Juan hill, and American glory. What a great story!

Even though I do not agree with all his political stances, I can ignore partisanship to recognize an American hero. This is a lesson lost on many here on this forum, unfortunately.

Barak will be recognized too as a great "American hero." No way around it, unless he is discovered fiddling the Jonas Brothers (down, Gunny -- I am only talking hypothetically here).

Again, only tripe from Jackie
So, what have you learned from this experience? Screaming, yelling, pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering, gets you WHAT, exactly?
It gets...

...thousands upon thousands of people discussing healthcare in forums.
...every major news station discussing and arguing about healthcare.
...blue-dog Democrats refusing to vote for the bill.
...left-wing radicals Pelosi and Reid attacking their constituents.
...54% of the electorate against Obama's healthcare plan.
...video of us on every television in America.
...the American people to wake up.

...the job done.

The wrong interp but good try. Twenties of millions are looking on in astonisment at the loonies on the far right. The major networks correcting the loonies on the right. Blue-dog Dems have never said they won't vote for the bill but have demanded a consensus. That 54% is more like a weak 41 or 42% that will peel off in the next week. Video of the loonies running around to the astonishment of twenties of millions of Americans. And Americans reinforce emotionally their right choice last November.

twenties of millions??? WTF is that? BTW, I love how you firmly position yourself in the mids of that figure by calling the opposition as loonies. Blue dogs are your worst nightmare right now. That might change with reasonable adjustments to the reform. The 54% figure is solid. I'm sure you are able to find some biast BS poll that will show otherwise.
Gem, the Dems won the elections and took both the House and the Senate. They have large majorities plus the President. Elections have consquences, and the Dems will do as they wish. The Pubs are in the minority.

and still the shit stain dems whine piss and moan about the Republicans being obstructionists.. why heavens to betsy amos yous got the wh and both houses,, publicans cain't struct nuttin! :eusa_whistle:
They used the information they had and made a decision....BACKED BY A MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS IN THE HOUSE...and went to war.

There weren't enough good reasons NOT to act on the information that was available and a majority of lawmakers agreed on that very thing.

One good reason is that it was against the Constitution. We have a National Defense, not National OFFENSE. Also it broke about 99 international laws and treaties. Based only on strict constructionist premises there were tons of reasons NOT to act.

Then there are the details and lies and propagandist BS. I cannot believe the majority of the country fell for it. Obama didn't. He spoke out against it.

No war crimes in this country will be held, and I don't think any big fish will be extradited overseas. But just as Rumsfeld had to flee France or Spain before being arrested on an international warrant, the other big fry, with the exception of Bush, will be afraid to travel much. I wonder if Cheney will leave the U.S. ever again.
Gem, the Dems won the elections and took both the House and the Senate. They have large majorities plus the President. Elections have consquences, and the Dems will do as they wish. The Pubs are in the minority.

So be it.

then why haven't you just done it? huh?

. . . because the Dems are trying to pull some of the moderate Pubs over to make it a smashing victory. If they can't, they will go partisan, without a doubt.
Screaming our heads off about the debt while you were rolling over and playing dead for Obama...

So, what have you learned from this experience? Screaming, yelling, pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering, gets you WHAT, exactly?

Well, other than punched, pushed, attacked, labeled, listed, flagged, demonized, victimized and spat upon, it achieves a certain amount of acknowledgement.

Here's a great example right here in your reply...
pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering

Why do you have to use these negative terms? Short answer...to demonize those who are not afraid to speak out against this administration.

If no one was out there screaming, yelling, pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering, as you put it, then there would be NO attention being brought to all the things that are wrong with this reform. So that's what it achieves. Acknowledgement and attention to Obama's next disasterous political move.

Same terms used by the weak-kneed neo-cons in the day who could not stand any criticism. Tuff titties, said the kitties. Get over it.
Gem, the Dems won the elections and took both the House and the Senate. They have large majorities plus the President. Elections have consquences, and the Dems will do as they wish. The Pubs are in the minority.

So be it.

then why haven't you just done it? huh?

And why do the dems blame the reps still when things dont get passed the way they want or in the super fast time frame they want?

Same reasons the Pubs did when the Dems jerked them around on milding the Patriot Act. Politics.
They used the information they had and made a decision....BACKED BY A MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS IN THE HOUSE...and went to war.

There weren't enough good reasons NOT to act on the information that was available and a majority of lawmakers agreed on that very thing.

One good reason is that it was against the Constitution. We have a National Defense, not National OFFENSE. Also it broke about 99 international laws and treaties. Based only on strict constructionist premises there were tons of reasons NOT to act.

Then there are the details and lies and propagandist BS. I cannot believe the majority of the country fell for it. Obama didn't. He spoke out against it.

But still you want to blame one person (ok...maybe 2) for it. Obama didn't count in '01. He was anti everything during his community organizer days. Especially against the Bush administration.
oh,, and don't ever forget,, the obamalama was AGAINST giving medical care to the survivors of botched abortions.. AGAINST it. VOTED AGAINST IT.
So, what have you learned from this experience? Screaming, yelling, pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering, gets you WHAT, exactly?

Well, other than punched, pushed, attacked, labeled, listed, flagged, demonized, victimized and spat upon, it achieves a certain amount of acknowledgement.

Here's a great example right here in your reply...
pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering

Why do you have to use these negative terms? Short answer...to demonize those who are not afraid to speak out against this administration.

If no one was out there screaming, yelling, pissing, whining, moaning and even fear mongering, as you put it, then there would be NO attention being brought to all the things that are wrong with this reform. So that's what it achieves. Acknowledgement and attention to Obama's next disasterous political move.

Same terms used by the weak-kneed neo-cons in the day who could not stand any criticism. Tuff titties, said the kitties. Get over it.

Excellent example of what is wrong with liberals. "Get over it"....that's perfect. Thanks for sharing your wisdom...(COUGH)
then why haven't you just done it? huh?

And why do the dems blame the reps still when things dont get passed the way they want or in the super fast time frame they want?

Same reasons the Pubs did when the Dems jerked them around on milding the Patriot Act. Politics.

What's been done with the Patriot Act since Obama has been in office? I know the answer, and it will surprise you to the results. But, you need to start doing some research for yourself.
then why haven't you just done it? huh?

And why do the dems blame the reps still when things dont get passed the way they want or in the super fast time frame they want?

Same reasons the Pubs did when the Dems jerked them around on milding the Patriot Act. Politics.

Is that your answer for everthing? "PUBS DID IT FIRST!!!" Jesus, you sound like my 8 year old trying to justify slapping her little sister... "SHE HIT ME FIRST!!!"
And why do the dems blame the reps still when things dont get passed the way they want or in the super fast time frame they want?

Same reasons the Pubs did when the Dems jerked them around on milding the Patriot Act. Politics.

Is that your answer for everthing? "PUBS DID IT FIRST!!!" Jesus, you sound like my 8 year old trying to justify slapping her little sister... "SHE HIT ME FIRST!!!"

That's known as a lame attempt of trolling. You see, Jackie doesn't do any research, he just spews the talking points. The guy is lame

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