why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

When you bring a child into a life of misery, what do you call it?

Look, I'm not going to continue to argue with you people. You base your whole position on a false premise. A fetus is not a child. Abortions are not killing children, they are ending the development before it becomes a child.

And, btw, all over the world, most countries allow abortion. It is only the extreme right wing in Ameria that has such fits about it. You make America look foolish. Sad. You people would believe the Sun circled the Earth and that the Earth was flat if your religious leaders told you so.

The "every one else does it" argument is juvenile and stupid. Life begins at conception, any biologist would tell you that. A fetus is a human life....period.
They care about the fetus. The born? Not so much.
Exactly. This is why the RW's sobbing about the loss of human life rings so hollow--when that unwanted fetus develops into a child and is born, they want nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Prove that what you say about conservatives is true. Provide some evidence. If you can't, then stop making such ridiculous claims.

You must be totally blind. RW's on here do nothing but complain about any social services for children and families in need. They care nothing about children who are born into a situation where the parent hasn't got the resources to take care of a child, either emotional or financially. You people do nothing but complain about the cost of social services, but where on Earth do you think these unwanted children end up? In need of help and assistance. A woman doesn't just get rid of a child because she isn't in the mood. Women don't use abortion as a birth control method. Volumes could be written on what anti-abortionists don't know about why women get abortions. You just don't care: you don't care about the woman, and you don't care about the child. All you care about is an idea, a concept, that a fetus is a human being when it isn't.

I don’t have to provide any evidence of my assertion: it’s all over the board everyday.

You can't provide evidence only same old platitudes. Just what I thought.

Liberals love the poor like a cat loves mice. The cat gets fat off the mice and liberals stay in power off the poor. They give the poor just enough to get by but never enough to get ahead. Conservatives want the poor to escape poverty by teaching them how to fish, liberals want to keep them there by giving them fish.

The idea that conservatives don’t care about the poor is simply a caricature, both shameful and false. It is not difficult to stand on the floor of Congress and call for more—more services included in more healthcare plans offered to more people, or more benefits wrapped up into more welfare programs available to an ever-increasing percentage of our population. It takes greater courage to face the fact that, as they currently stand, government programs both invite abuse and, in certain cases, threaten to harm the very people they are intended to aid. It is not difficult to accuse conservatives of ignoring those worse off than themselves in their rush to cut spending and lower taxes. It takes greater integrity to acknowledge that our coffers are not bottomless, and that the best, and most dignified, safety net for our poor is a reliable source of work. It’s time for Democrats to stop hiding behind the caricature and respond.

The Myth of the Callous Conservative The Princeton Tory

Abortion advocates will say whatever they have to in order to keep abortions thriving. They kill two birds with one abortion....Population control and rake in millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ....So if the need to, slander and lie about others so be it in their book
They care about the fetus. The born? Not so much.
Exactly. This is why the RW's sobbing about the loss of human life rings so hollow--when that unwanted fetus develops into a child and is born, they want nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Prove that what you say about conservatives is true. Provide some evidence. If you can't, then stop making such ridiculous claims.

You must be totally blind. RW's on here do nothing but complain about any social services for children and families in need. They care nothing about children who are born into a situation where the parent hasn't got the resources to take care of a child, either emotionally or financially. You people do nothing but complain about the cost of social services, but where on Earth do you think these unwanted children end up? In need of help and assistance. A woman doesn't just get rid of a child because she isn't in the mood. Women don't use abortion as a birth control method. Volumes could be written on what anti-abortionists don't know about why women get abortions. You just don't care: you don't care about the woman, and you don't care about the child. All you care about is an idea, a concept, that a fetus is a human being when it isn't.

I don’t have to provide any evidence of my assertion: it’s all over the board everyday.

And you are not understanding that the right wants to help them get out of poverty so that they can afford to raise them properly.
If we keep going the way that the Democrats want there will be no money eventually to help them at all.
They care about the fetus. The born? Not so much.
Exactly. This is why the RW's sobbing about the loss of human life rings so hollow--when that unwanted fetus develops into a child and is born, they want nothing whatsoever to do with it.

So if you are walking down the beach and you see a child drowning and you jump and save the child's life does that you mean you are responsible for the welfare of the child for the rest of its life?????

It is the responsibility of the parents that conceive the child to provide for the child's welfare, not the people that prevent the child from being killed.

It is the responsibility of a civilized moral nation to see to it that the parents don't kill the child, especially for the rally weak reason of convenience.

Do you understand the difference?

Probably not because the concept of personal responsibility always eludes Libtards.
When you bring a child into a life of misery, what do you call it?

Look, I'm not going to continue to argue with you people. You base your whole position on a false premise. A fetus is not a child. Abortions are not killing children, they are ending the development before it becomes a child.

And, btw, all over the world, most countries allow abortion. It is only the extreme right wing in Ameria that has such fits about it. You make America look foolish. Sad. You people would believe the Sun circled the Earth and that the Earth was flat if your religious leaders told you so.

Can you provide some evidence to support your conclusion that a fetus is not a human being?

Or do you just cling to that notion because it makes you feel better about killing it?

If you CAN provide some evidence, I'll be more than happy to read it and consider it carefully.
What is really sad is that the whole question of abortion really has nothing to do morality. It is a no brainer to understand that it is immoral to kill a child for convenience. That is not even open for debate.

The issue of abortion has to do with the Left trying to kiss the ass of the Feminazis. They have been doing it for over 40 years now and it is despicable. To be a Liberal you have to support the murder of the children like the handful of filthy shithead feminists want to do. It is even in the Democrat Party platform.

It is like the Left and this global warming scam. They know there is no real evidence for man made global warming but they can't be a card carrying Moon Bat Libtard without embracing that lie, even when the people that told the lie admitted they fabricated the data.
It isn't a notion: it's science. You need to read something other than right wing blogs.

A fetus has human DNA. By the time the woman knows she is pregnant the child has a brain, eyes, fingers, toes and a heart beat and about everything else you have.

Science is not on the side of the abortionists.
Why do you care?
What they want is to live in a world where women value the life they are carrying inside them enough to put it first. They are misguided in this wish, however, as many women can't place the value of their future child's life ahead of their own conveniences and desires. It's sad, but it is the reality of the world we live in. In a perfect world, women wouldn't get pregnant without intending to, and they would desire the product of their union with a man they love and care about. It would require a much more emotionally and intellectually advanced human being than we currently have populating the planet.
Why do you care?
What they want is to live in a world where women value the life they are carrying inside them enough to put it first. They are misguided in this wish, however, as many women can't place the value of their future child's life ahead of their own conveniences and desires. It's sad, but it is the reality of the world we live in. In a perfect world, women wouldn't get pregnant without intending to, and they would desire the product of their union with a man they love and care about. It would require a much more emotionally and intellectually advanced human being than we currently have populating the planet.

So you're of the opinion that expecting a woman to place another life above her own and to not get pregnant when she isn't able to care for a child is asking too much?
It isn't a notion: it's science. You need to read something other than right wing blogs.

OK, show me.
As noted before - I'M a "liberal idiot" to those on the far right here. So trying to paint me as a "conservative blog reader" is pretty darn funny.

Just show me what you got, OK?
some of the justifications that comes form the abortion advocates. Like the child "MIGHT" live in misery.

says to me, they are the ones who doesn't care about children

it's twisted and sick
Why do you care?
What they want is to live in a world where women value the life they are carrying inside them enough to put it first. They are misguided in this wish, however, as many women can't place the value of their future child's life ahead of their own conveniences and desires. It's sad, but it is the reality of the world we live in. In a perfect world, women wouldn't get pregnant without intending to, and they would desire the product of their union with a man they love and care about. It would require a much more emotionally and intellectually advanced human being than we currently have populating the planet.

So you're of the opinion that expecting a woman to place another life above her own and to not get pregnant when she isn't able to care for a child is asking too much?

I know this wasn't directed at me, but I'd like to chime in if I may.

I believe a fetus that demonstrates traits that are uniquely human is a human being with a right to protection under our legal system.

But I would not ask a woman to trade HER life for that life.
If it is a life-or-death decision for the mother, then I believe she and her doctor get to make that call. But if her life is NOT threatened, then I don't believe the taking of another life is justified.

That's just me.
So you're of the opinion that expecting a woman to place another life above her own and to not get pregnant when she isn't able to care for a child is asking too much?
It seems apparent to me that humans haven't shed the primal mother-as-predator dynamic. Maybe in time we will, but that's not today. Abortion is a necessary evil until then.

Should I wait for your scientific evidence about when a human being becomes a human being?

Or do you have no intention (or ability) to produce it. I'm interested in what you have to offer, but if you could give me an indication about when or if I can expect it, I would really appreciate it.
Why do you care?
What they want is to live in a world where women value the life they are carrying inside them enough to put it first. They are misguided in this wish, however, as many women can't place the value of their future child's life ahead of their own conveniences and desires. It's sad, but it is the reality of the world we live in. In a perfect world, women wouldn't get pregnant without intending to, and they would desire the product of their union with a man they love and care about. It would require a much more emotionally and intellectually advanced human being than we currently have populating the planet.

There has to be a pretty high threshold to justify putting a child to death. Convenience does not meet that threshold.

The woman herself (and the father) may not have the moral foundation to make that determination but that doesn't mean society should allow the child to be killed.

We allow a person to kill another in the case of self defense. In some circumstances we allow a person to be put to death for medical reasons. We put people to death because they committed horrendous crimes against their fellow man.

A innocent child should not be put to death because the parents made a mistake and just don't want to be bothered with the inconvenience of having that child around. That is a very poor reason to kill a child and we are an immoral nation for allowing it.
You could get a full 9 right leaning Supremes and they won't touch roe vs. wade because they became Supremes for a reason
They know history
So deal with it
Get over it
Move on

Tell that to Norma McCorvey aka Jane Roe who is trying to get Roe vs Wade overturned.
Woman Behind Roe v. Wade I m Dedicating My Life to Overturning It LifeNews.com
“I think it’s safe to say that the entire abortion industry is based on a lie…. I am dedicated to spending the rest of my life undoing the law that bears my name,” McCorvey says.

When you bring a child into a life of misery, what do you call it?

Look, I'm not going to continue to argue with you people. You base your whole position on a false premise. A fetus is not a child. Abortions are not killing children, they are ending the development before it becomes a child.

And, btw, all over the world, most countries allow abortion. It is only the extreme right wing in Ameria that has such fits about it. You make America look foolish. Sad. You people would believe the Sun circled the Earth and that the Earth was flat if your religious leaders told you so.

Why do you care?
What they want is to live in a world where women value the life they are carrying inside them enough to put it first. They are misguided in this wish, however, as many women can't place the value of their future child's life ahead of their own conveniences and desires. It's sad, but it is the reality of the world we live in. In a perfect world, women wouldn't get pregnant without intending to, and they would desire the product of their union with a man they love and care about. It would require a much more emotionally and intellectually advanced human being than we currently have populating the planet.

So you're of the opinion that expecting a woman to place another life above her own and to not get pregnant when she isn't able to care for a child is asking too much?
What the fuck? am I the only guy posting on here that has been with a pregnant wife or girl friend and her hormones are flying off the charts? God damn it you cant reason with them, but you can over time.....if you are man enough for the full nine months and 18 years latter
Are you serious? It is common knowledge. Only extreme right wing Americans and religious fundamentalists think otherwise. I don't have to provide what is scientific common knowledge: you should be aware of it. If you choose to believe in religious fiction, that's not my problem.
Are you serious? It is common knowledge. Only extreme right wing Americans and religious fundamentalists think otherwise. I don't have to provide what is scientif common knowledge: you should be aware of it. If you choose to believe in religious fiction, that's not my problem.

So if it is "common knowledge" you should have absolutely no problem at all producing the evidence.

Sooooo .....

(btw: your strawman arguments of first trying to call me far right and then trying to claim my argument is a religious one - after I already stated my LEGAL argument - are dishonest.)

Just show me your evidence and I'll be glad to look it over.

I'm pro choice, but it's not terribly difficult for me to recognize that the pro-lifers are against abortion because they perceive it to be the wanton, cynical, heartless, wholesale slaughter of innocent human life.

Is it really that complicated to understand?

everything is complicated for the left! This thread confirms it.

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