why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

Always....but those that support abortion do not see a first trimester fetus as a human life.

Do you truly think that those that agree with abortion think it is murder? I know many that are pro choice (many strictly for partisan political reasons, but them aside), and none of them consider it murder. I disagree with them, but I get it.

You were just as much a human during your first trimester as you are now. You were a little less developed then than you are now but you were the same person.

Had you mother decided to abort you in your first trimester you would be just as dead now as if you had died as an infant.

I understand you arguing for abortion from a Libertarian standpoint but that doesn't make it any less wrong.

Using murder for birth control for the sake of convenience cannot meet the threshold of justification to put a child to death.
Another straw man argument, try again this time think real hard :)
No need to.

You just want to be right.

And guess what. You are. Just as those that think differently than you are right. There is no right or wrong in this debate. It is all abouit ones personal sentiments and/or religious beliefs.

The difference?

I can tolerate those that see it differently...and I do not frown on them when they abort.

You have nothing but anger for those that think differently....and you feel the need to call them control freaks and other "talking point" terms.

Gee. I wonder who is a happier person.
Always....but those that support abortion do not see a first trimester fetus as a human life.

Do you truly think that those that agree with abortion think it is murder? I know many that are pro choice (many strictly for partisan political reasons, but them aside), and none of them consider it murder. I disagree with them, but I get it.

You were just as much a human during your first trimester as you are now. You were a little less developed then than you are now but you were the same person.

Had you mother decided to abort you in your first trimester you would be just as dead now as if you had died as an infant.

I understand you arguing for abortion from a Libertarian standpoint but that doesn't make it any less wrong.

Using murder for birth control for the sake of convenience cannot meet the threshold of justification to put a child to death.
I agree with you. I see it as a human being from the day it has the potential to become one (once the egg is fertilized)...

But I understand why others do not see it as a human being.
That's not a straw man, read up on what women did before roe vs wade the pictures are as graphic as the abortion pictures
I am right as well as the right wing supreme leaning court who ruled in favor of abortions
Let it go
That's not a straw man, read up on what women did before roe vs wade the pictures are as graphic as the abortion pictures
I don't need to. I know what people were doing to themselves before abortion was made legal.

If people support abortion because they do not see it as murder, I understand and respect that.

But if their only impetus to make abortion legal is so people wont hurt themselves while doing something illegal, I disagree with that.

Just as I disagreed with the initiative to make needles free to the public for drug use to cut down on infections and the spread of aids.
I am right as well as the right wing supreme leaning court who ruled in favor of abortions
Let it go
Let it go?

Please show ,me where I am saying the law is wrong and should be repealed.

Don't try finding it. You wont.

I simply tried to alleviate your anger for those that think differently than you.

I see I cant.

You hate those that think differently....likely because you deem yourself as superior.....

Good for you.
You could get a full 9 right leaning Supremes and they won't touch roe vs. wade because they became Supremes for a reason
They know history
So deal with it
Get over it
Move on
You could get a full 9 right leaning Supremes and they won't touch roe vs. wade because they became Supremes for a reason
They know history
So deal with it
Get over it
Move on
I think you need to get over it and move on.
You could elect a ultra right wing president and he even wouldn't touch roe vs wade with his own pen, us rinos would have his head on a platter
We would impeach the jack aas

A womans choice out weighs the baby in side, it is what it is
But I understand why others do not see it as a human being.

These Libtards that don't see a fetus as a human being are also confused about a great many other things so it is not surprising they are confused about that.
You could get a full 9 right leaning Supremes and they won't touch roe vs. wade because they became Supremes for a reason
They know history
So deal with it
Get over it
Move on

Tell that to Norma McCorvey aka Jane Roe who is trying to get Roe vs Wade overturned.
Woman Behind Roe v. Wade I m Dedicating My Life to Overturning It LifeNews.com
“I think it’s safe to say that the entire abortion industry is based on a lie…. I am dedicated to spending the rest of my life undoing the law that bears my name,” McCorvey says.
Flash you can not make laws about morals , its impossible

We already do.
It is against the law to murder and that is a moral issue.

You stupid dumb fuck , she will still do it legal or not, and least this way she won't die in some back alley

People still commit arson, rape, burglary, murder, etc. even though they are against the law. According to your logic we may as well just get rid of these laws because people do them anyway.

What's next take away her phone and computer so she couldn't google it you tube on how to perform a safe abortion?
Damn you guys are control freaks
and you claim OTHERS have strawman arguments?

You could get a full 9 right leaning Supremes and they won't touch roe vs. wade because they became Supremes for a reason
They know history
So deal with it
Get over it
Move on
I think you need to get over it and move on.

You just mad steph because I am right

more like YAWN. your foot stomping tirades are starting to look silly
Just trying to help
Still right so quit pouting :) move on cheer up

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